1,075 research outputs found

    Persepsi Siswa Lembaga Pendidikan Menengah Negeri Terhadap Citra Iain Tulungagung: Studi Multikasus Di Sman I Boyolangu Dan Man Tulungagung 1

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    The image of an organization will affect public confidence in the organization, so it is important for an organization to build or maintain that image. As an institution of higher education, IAIN Tulungagung made several attempts to create a positive image. Perceptions of students of secondary educational institutions, which is one of the many steakholders that will affect the success of a college course needs special attention. IAIN Tulungagung assumption that emphasizes a balance between religious knowledge and general knowledge, often the pressure point students secondary educational institutions in perceiving IAIN Tulungagung. The dissemination of information is needed to influence the perceptions of students secondary educational institutions against IAIN Tulungagung in the public. The experience and the introduction of the IAIN Tulungagung closer to the community will have positive impact on the image of IAIN Tulungagung. This is so that students have a balanced and factual information quiet IAIN Tulungagung. Teachers, principals, senior, and even the alumni are influential parties in imaging IAIN Tulungagung

    Monitoring Sebaran Vegetasi Mangrove yang Direhabilitasi di Kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo Surabaya

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    Kawasan pesisir Wonorejo merupakan kawasan mangrove yang direhabilitasi menjadi kawasan ekowisata. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola pembentukan zonasi vegetasi pada ekosistem mangrove yang telah direhabilitasi. Lokasi pengamatan berada pada 3 stasiun, yaitu Stasiun 1 terletak pada batas atas zona supratidal, Stasiun 2 di pertengahan zona intertidal, dan Stasiun 3 pada zona subtidal. Struktur vegetasi mangrove dianalisis berdasarkan Kerapatan Jenis (K), Dominansi (D), dan Indeks Nilai Penting (INP); sedangkan sebaran vegetasi mangrove berdasarkan karakteristik lingkungan dianalisis dengan menggunakan Analisis Komponen Utama (Principal Component Analysis, PCA). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa jenis yang dominan pada Stasiun 1 adalah Nypa fruticans (84,2%), sedangkan pada Stasiun 2 jenis yang dominan adalah Excoecaria agallocha (40,9%), dan di Stasiun 3 adalah Avicennia alba (83,4%). Tingkat kerusakan vegetasi mangrove di Wonorejo dikategorikan sedang, dengan kerapatan pohon antara ≥ 1000 – < 1500 per hektar. Indeks keanekaragaman pada semua stasiun juga tergolong rendah karena bernilai kurang dari 1,5. Ekosistem ini mulai menunjukkan adanya suksesi ekosistem, terbukti dengan mulai adanya jenis-jenis mangrove lain yang tidak ditanam dengan sengaja. Hasil analisis PCA menunjukkan adanya korelasi positif antara parameter jenis vegetasi dengan tinggi rendaman pasut, salinitas, dan pH, yang berkontribusi membentuk sumbu F2 positif. Artinya ketiga parameter tersebut merupakan faktor utama yang menentukan apakah ekosistem tersebut sesuai untuk pertumbuhan jenis mangrove tertentu

    Good Extractive Governance Sebuah Gagasan Untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Wilayah Pertambangan Di Indonesia

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    Persoalan pertambangan selama ini menjadi ironi tersendiri bagi masyarakat, alih-alih memperoleh kesejahteraan dari dampak ekonomi yang ditimbulkan dari USAha pertambangan tersebut, justru melahirkan berbagai persoalan baru hingga konflik di tengah masyarakat. Tujuan utama kajian ini untuk mengembangkan gagasan good extractive governance untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat di wilayah pertambangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian deskriptif yang menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam dan observasi di lapangan. Adapun hasil temuan dari tulisan ini antara lain, keberadaan sumber daya alam berupa migas selama ini lebih banyak memunculkan musibah seperti konflik, bencana lingkungan hingga kesenjangan ekonomi di masyarakat. Untuk memaksimalkan potensi sumber daya yang ada, perlu adanya komitmen yang kuat dari berbagai pihak untuk membentuk sebuah tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik di wilayah industri ekstraktif (Good Extractive Governance). Hal ini bisa dimulai dengan komitmen pemerintah dalam hal kedaulatan migas dan industri ekstraktif yang lain

    Pengembangan Kompetensi Penyuluh Pertanian dalam Pendidikan Jarak Jauh Universitas Terbuka (UT): Kasus Alumni UT di Wilayah Serang, Karawang, Cirebon dan Tanggamus

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    Agricultural extension agent must have several competencies in order to do their job properly. As educators, theyhave to master several competencies not only related to their personalities but also their professionalism,andragogic and social interaction abilities. This research was intended to formulate strategies for the developmentof agricultural extension agent competencies. Data were collected in July through December 2008. A surveytechnique was implemented among 111 agricultural extension agents who were graduated from UT in four differentlocations, namely Serang, Karawang, Cirebon and Tanggamus. Information from stakeholders were also collected toelaborate the findings. Data was analyzed by using descriptive and regression analysis. The findings indicated thatUT\u27s graduates tend to have a high level in competencies and have several dominant factors affecting theircompetencies

    Improving fertility in crosses of Neurospora crassa lys-5 mutants

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    Improving fertility in crosses of lys-5 mutant

    Strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam Mengelola Konflik Menyikapi Dampak Negatif Penerapan Full Day School

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    This study tried to describe the principal in managing conflict of the application negative impact of the implementation of the Full Day School this research was conducted using qualitative approach with a phenomenological method. These results indicate that the principal can perform a variety of strategies to fix conflict so as not to interfere with the performance of teachers, child's comfort, and confidence of parents.Penelitian ini mencoba mendeskripsikan tentang kepala sekolah dalam melakukan strategi pegelolaan konflik menyikapi dampak negatif dari penerapan Full Day School. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepala sekolah dapat melakukan berbagai strategi guna menyelesaikan konflik sehingga tidak menggangu kinerja guru, Kenyamanan anak, dan kepercayaan orangtua

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Bimbingan Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa Berbasis Website pada Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Fkip Universitas Riau

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    This research is research of application development of final project of student based on website at Prodi PGSD FKIPUniversitas Riau by using waterfall model. The formulation of the problem in this research are: (1) how the design ofdeveloping the final project application of student based on the website of Prodi PGSD FKIP Universitas Riau? and (2)whether the program designed to assist the final project guidance on Prodi PGSD FKIP University of Riau ?. The purpose ofthis research is (1) to design a system that can assist the process of guidance of final assignment of students to Prodi PGSDFKIP Universitas Riau and (2) to know the response about the use of application of final student task based on the website ofProdi PGSD FKIP Universitas Riau. This research is a development research with waterfall model. Development stage isdone in four stages, namely: (1) stage study of literature; (2) needs analysis phase; (3) application design; and (4)application testing phase and conclusion. The result of the research stated that the application of the final assignment of thestudents based on the website of PGSD Study Program of FKIP Universitas Riau is valid with four references, namely: (1)correctness aspect (truth); (2) reliability (reliability) aspect; (3) integrity; and (4) USAbility (USAge). Based on the results ofeffectiveness test on the students obtained data that the application of the final project-based student guidance websiteincluded in the category of very effective average percentage is 84.89% with very effective category. It is marked by theacquisition: 1) the correctness (truth) of 84.93% with very effective category; 2) reliability (reliability) of 86.37% with veryeffective category; 3) integrity (integration) equal to 86,08% with very effective category; and 4) USAbility (USAge) of 82.17%with very effective category. The average percentage is 84.89% with very effective category. So it can be concluded that theapplication development of final student task based on the website Prodi PGSD FKIP University of Riau has been declaredeffective and has been widely used
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