28 research outputs found

    Studi Komparatif Kewenangan Pengadilan TIPIKOR dan Wilayah Mazalim

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    The paper aims to determine and compare the authority of the TIPIKOR court and Wilayah Mazalim Courts in the Islamic judicial system. The results of the study showed the similarity and differences in both judicial systems. The similarity is that they were established specifically to handle and resolve corruption cases. It is their authority, the TIPIKOR Court and Wilayah Mazalim, to settle and solve corruption cases. The differences are that the TIPIKOR Court has a lower level of institutional position than Wilayah Mazalim. It is because of Wilayah Mazalim is equated with the Supreme Court of today.  Also, the TIPIKOR Court has a narrower scope of authority than Wilayah Mazalim. The TIPIKOR Court only wields power on corruption cases, whereas Wilayah Mazalim court, apart from handling and settling corruption cases, is also authorized to resolve other cases such as criminal acts

    Unsur Aqidah Islam Dalam Adat Turun Mandi Bayi ( DiDesa Muaro Kiawai Kecamatan Gunung Tuleh)

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    Tradisi turun mandi dalam masyarakat minangkabau di Desa Muaro Kiawai merupakan tradisi yang turun temurun , dan merupakan tradisi untuk mengucapkan syukur kepada Allah SWT atas bayi yang baru lahir, sebelum pelaksanaan tradisi Turun mandi keluarga ibu bayi dan bako bayi mempersiapkan segala sesuatu untuk pelaksaan turun mandi, diantaranya mempersiapkan berbagai menu makanan, mempersiapkan tapian mandi sirih dan pinang. Prosses pelaksanaanya dengan melibatkan bako dan keluarga bayi. Nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam tradisi turun mandi di desa Muaro Kiawai ini adalah : memperkenalkan anak dengan lingkungan sekitar, setelah anak besar nanti diharapkan dapat menjadi penerang bagi masyarakat,agama dan bangsanya, pemberani dalam menegakkan kebenaran dapat menjadi orang sukses. Penelitian skripsi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan melakukan penelitian secara riset kelapangan (Field Research) yang bersumber dari masyarakat Desa Muaro Kiawai Kecamatan Gunung Tuleh Kabupaten Pasaman Barat dan didukung dengan studi kepustakaaan . Dengan alat pengumpulan data berupa wawancara kepada Tokoh Adat, Tokoh Masyarakat dan salah seorang perangkat desa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menegetahui unsur Aqidah Islam yang terdapat didalam Adat Turun Mandi bayi dan bagaimana tata cara pelaksanaannya

    Distinct activity-gated pathways mediate attraction and aversion to COâ‚‚ in Drosophila

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    Carbon dioxide is produced by many organic processes and is a convenient volatile cue for insects that are searching for blood hosts, flowers, communal nests, fruit and wildfires. Although Drosophila melanogaster feed on yeast that produce COâ‚‚ and ethanol during fermentation, laboratory experiments suggest that walking flies avoid COâ‚‚. Here we resolve this paradox by showing that both flying and walking Drosophila find COâ‚‚ attractive, but only when they are in an active state associated with foraging. Their aversion to COâ‚‚ at low-activity levels may be an adaptation to avoid parasites that seek COâ‚‚, or to avoid succumbing to respiratory acidosis in the presence of high concentrations of CO_2 that exist in nature. In contrast to COâ‚‚, flies are attracted to ethanol in all behavioural states, and invest twice the time searching near ethanol compared to COâ‚‚. These behavioural differences reflect the fact that ethanol is a unique signature of yeast fermentation, whereas COâ‚‚ is generated by many natural processes. Using genetic tools, we determined that the evolutionarily conserved ionotropic co-receptor IR25a is required for COâ‚‚ attraction, and that the receptors necessary for COâ‚‚ avoidance are not involved in this attraction. Our study lays the foundation for future research to determine the neural circuits that underlie both state- and odorant-dependent decision-making in Drosophila


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    Biodiesel production from calophyllum inophyllum be obtained via esterification and transesterification,  using two continuous reactors with catalyst NaOH at a concentration (0.4 ;0.6,0.8; 1) wt%,  calophyllum inophyllum seed oil and reaction temperature (40, 50,60)oC. This research was to determine the effect of catalyst amount and reaction temperature on transesterification of calophyllum inophyllum seed toward yield Fatty Acid Methyl Ester . The last step is analysis  yield of  Fatty Acid Methyl Ester with Gas Chromatography (GC). The highest yield is obtained on the amount of 1% NaOH catalyst and at a temperature of 60oC with   yield of  87.036%


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    Biodiesel production from calophyllum inophyllum be obtained via esterification and transesterification,  using two continuous reactors with catalyst NaOH at a concentration (0.4 ;0.6,0.8; 1) wt%,  calophyllum inophyllum seed oil and reaction temperature (40, 50,60)oC. This research was to determine the effect of catalyst amount and reaction temperature on transesterification of calophyllum inophyllum seed toward yield Fatty Acid Methyl Ester . The last step is analysis  yield of  Fatty Acid Methyl Ester with Gas Chromatography (GC). The highest yield is obtained on the amount of 1% NaOH catalyst and at a temperature of 60oC with   yield of  87.036%

    High Intracranial Pressure In Abdominal Compartment Syndrome

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    Patient with head injury often found with abdominal injury. Intra abdominal pressure could influence intracranial pressure. Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) are controversial; however, organ dysfunction caused by intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) is considered to be abdominal compartment syndrome. we report one case, a male with severe head trauma who came to the hospital with abdominal compartment syndrome and elevation of the intracranial pressure. Explanation about the patient data, pathophysiology and treatment will be described in the paper


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendiskripsikan peningkatkan hasil belajarsiswa, sikap belajar siswa, dan motivasi belajar siswa dalam materi menulisteks negosiasi dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran GroupInvestigation. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahPenelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1)keterampilan menulis teks negosiasi siswa kelas X IIS 3 SMA N 2 Rembangsetelah mengikuti pembelajaran menulis teks negosiasi dengan modelpembelajaran Group Investigation mengalami peningkatan. Peningkatan initerlihat dari perubahan nilai rata-rata dari siklus I, siklus II dan siklus III.Pada siklus I diperoleh hasil rata-rata sebesar 64,83. Pada siklus II diperolehhasil rata-rata sebesar 76,54. Pada siklus III diperoleh hasil rata-rata 87,97.Peningkatan terjadi pada setiap siklusnya hingga mencapai hasil yangmaksimal pada siklus III yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik dansudah melampaui KKM yaitu 70,0. 2) Sikap belajar siswa mengalamipeningkatan di setiap siklus. Pada sikap siklus I sebesar 57,97% pada siklusII meningkat menjadi 66,09% dan pada siklus III meningkat menjadi69,31%. 3) motivasi belajar siswa juga mengalami peningkatan di setiapsiklus. Pada siklus I sebesar 60,38%, pada siklus II meningkat menjadi75,93%, dan pada siklus III meningkat menjadi 77,5%

    Distinct activity-gated pathways mediate attraction and aversion to COâ‚‚ in Drosophila

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    Carbon dioxide is produced by many organic processes and is a convenient volatile cue for insects that are searching for blood hosts, flowers, communal nests, fruit and wildfires. Although Drosophila melanogaster feed on yeast that produce COâ‚‚ and ethanol during fermentation, laboratory experiments suggest that walking flies avoid COâ‚‚. Here we resolve this paradox by showing that both flying and walking Drosophila find COâ‚‚ attractive, but only when they are in an active state associated with foraging. Their aversion to COâ‚‚ at low-activity levels may be an adaptation to avoid parasites that seek COâ‚‚, or to avoid succumbing to respiratory acidosis in the presence of high concentrations of CO_2 that exist in nature. In contrast to COâ‚‚, flies are attracted to ethanol in all behavioural states, and invest twice the time searching near ethanol compared to COâ‚‚. These behavioural differences reflect the fact that ethanol is a unique signature of yeast fermentation, whereas COâ‚‚ is generated by many natural processes. Using genetic tools, we determined that the evolutionarily conserved ionotropic co-receptor IR25a is required for COâ‚‚ attraction, and that the receptors necessary for COâ‚‚ avoidance are not involved in this attraction. Our study lays the foundation for future research to determine the neural circuits that underlie both state- and odorant-dependent decision-making in Drosophila

    Flies Regulate Wing Motion via Active Control of a Dual-Function Gyroscope

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    Flies execute their remarkable aerial maneuvers using a set of wing steering muscles, which are activated at specific phases of the stroke cycle [1, 2, 3]. The activation phase of these muscles—which determines their biomechanical output [4, 5, 6]—arises via feedback from mechanoreceptors at the base of the wings and structures unique to flies called halteres [7, 8, 9]. Evolved from the hindwings, the tiny halteres oscillate at the same frequency as the wings, although they serve no aerodynamic function [10] and are thought to act as gyroscopes [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. Like the wings, halteres possess minute control muscles whose activity is modified by descending visual input [16], raising the possibility that flies control wing motion by adjusting the motor output of their halteres, although this hypothesis has never been directly tested. Here, using genetic techniques possible in Drosophila melanogaster, we tested the hypothesis that visual input during flight modulates haltere muscle activity and that this, in turn, alters the mechanosensory feedback that regulates the wing steering muscles. Our results suggest that rather than acting solely as a gyroscope to detect body rotation, halteres also function as an adjustable clock to set the spike timing of wing motor neurons, a specialized capability that evolved from the generic flight circuitry of their four-winged ancestors. In addition to demonstrating how the efferent control loop of a sensory structure regulates wing motion, our results provide insight into the selective scenario that gave rise to the evolution of halteres

    An Array of Descending Visual Interneurons Encoding Self-Motion in Drosophila

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    The means by which brains transform sensory information into coherent motor actions is poorly understood. In flies, a relatively small set of descending interneurons are responsible for conveying sensory information and higher-order commands from the brain to motor circuits in the ventral nerve cord. Here, we describe three pairs of genetically identified descending interneurons that integrate information from wide-field visual interneurons and project directly to motor centers controlling flight behavior. We measured the physiological responses of these three cells during flight and found that they respond maximally to visual movement corresponding to rotation around three distinct body axes. After characterizing the tuning properties of an array of nine putative upstream visual interneurons, we show that simple linear combinations of their outputs can predict the responses of the three descending cells. Last, we developed a machine vision-tracking system that allows us to monitor multiple motor systems simultaneously and found that each visual descending interneuron class is correlated with a discrete set of motor programs