140 research outputs found

    Analisis Manajemen Operasional dan Implementasi Akad Pada Produk Tabungan Bank Syariah Muhlibat (BSM) di SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Babat

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    Pada saat ini, dunia perbankkan syariah sedang berkembang sangat pesat, terutama dalam hal produk dan pelayanan, serta implementasi akad yang bervariatif pada setiap produknya. Dengan tuntutan peningkatan yang pesat tersebut, dibutuhkan pula peningkatan tenaga yang ahli di bidang perbankan syariah. Maka dari itu, SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Babat membuka Mini Bank Syariah yang bernama Bank Syariah Muhlibat (BSM). Hal tersebut dilakukan guna mendidik generasi ekonomi islam agar berkembang lebih baik kedepannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana operasional BSM dan keselarasan antara fatwa DSN-MUI dengan produk tabungan di BSM, serta untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kendala yang dihadapi para siswa dalam mengimplementasikan akad pada produk tabungan di BSM. Dari hasil penelitian ini, dapat diketahui bahwa operasional BSM hampir sama dengan operasional bank pada umumnya, akan tetapi dalam pembiayaan BSM hanya menerapkan simulasi pada kegiatannya, kemudian akad yang digunakan pada produk tabungan di BSM juga sesuai dengan fatwa DSN-MUI dan kaedah Islam yang berlaku. Dan tidak ada kendala yang signifikan bagi siswa dalam mengimplementasikan akad pada produk tabungan di BSM. Tetapi, pada siswa tahun pertama akan mengalami kesulitan dalam hal penyusunan berkas yang dibutuhkan dalam pembukaan sebuah rekening tabungan


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    Huda. Ahmad Nur 2020.”Memaknai Nilai Religius Dalam Kesenian Gajah-gajahan Sebagai Upaya Penguatan Karakter di Masyarakat (studi di Desa Jabung Kecamatan Mlarak Kabupaten Ponorogo)”. Skripsi, Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. Pembimbing I: Ardhana Januar Mahardhani, S.AP,M.KP. Pembimbing II: Hadi Cahyono, M.Pd. Kata Kunci: Nilai Religius, Pendidikan Karakter, Kesenian Gajah-Gajahan Pendidikan karakter ialah perilaku budaya kedalam diri seseorang dan masyarakat menjadi tujuan utama agar membentuk sifat dan perilaku yang beradab. Pendidikan merupakan sarana transfer untuk mendapatkan sebuah pengetahuan saja, selain itu dalam pendidikan karakter terdapat nilai-nilai keagamaan, salah satunya religius, karakter religius sebuah bentuk nyata dari keagamaan sebagaimana dari hasil ketaatan kepada sang pencipta, religius sering dipakai dalam pedoman kesenian, salah satunya Kesenian Gajah-gajahan. Pada hakikatnya Kesenian Gajah-gajahan tidak lepas dari nilai religius, bentuk nyata setiap pertunjukan diawal pembukaan pasti melantukan lagu sholawatan sebagai pengingat akan kekuasaan sang kuasa illahi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui makna nilai religius dalam Kesenian Gajah-gajahan sebagai upaya penguatan karakter masyarakat di Desa Jabung Kecamatan Mlarak Kabupaten Ponorogo. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi adapun sumber data primer dan sekunder, data primer didapat dari wawancara langsung dengan masyarakat. Sedang data sekunder yaitu data pendukung yang diperoleh surat-surat, buku induk serta cacatan biografi Desa Jabung, Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat perubahan perilaku masyarakat di Desa Jabung setelah adanya kesenian gajah-gajahan, perubahan perilaku tersebut kearah yang positif, perubahan terlihat jelas dan nyata, yang sebelumnya sering nongkrong diwarung kopi dan bermain handphone sekarang berkurang karena lebih mementingkan ikut serta dalam latian, serta nilai religius tersebut sudah menyatu dalam kebiasaan keseharian masyarakat di Desa Jabung Kecamatn Mlarak Kabupaten Ponorogo


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    Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum L.) is a plant with great potential as a fuel source that can be developed in Indonesia. The oil content of nyamplung seeds is 60-75%. This study aims to optimize the process of extracting oil from nyamplung seeds using hexane solvent at various operating conditions and obtain optimum extraction operating conditions. In the process stage, extraction will be carried out using hexane solvent with several operating variations, namely extraction temperature (35-45oC); extraction time (4-6 hours); stirring speed (200-600 rpm), the process of optimizing oil extraction from nyamplung seeds was carried out using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The oil obtained was then characterized through several analyzes, namely yield, acid number, density and viscosity. Based on the research results, optimization of the nyamplung seed oil extraction process resulted in an oil yield of 52.43% which was obtained at 40oC, 5 hours of extraction time and 500 rpm of stirrer speed. Optimization with the aim of maximizing the oil yield response was obtained 55.33% yield at 45oC, 6 hours extraction time and 600 rpm stirrer speed. Optimization of each oil quality does not produce a significant model response. The quality of the oil resulting from the optimization of the yield is an acid number of 10.51 mgKOH/g, a density of 0.94 g/ml, and a viscosity of 4.47 cP.Keywords: calophyllum, oil, optimization, response surface methodology

    Penerimaan masyarakat terhadap aktiviti Rukun Tetangga mengikut jantina

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    Rukun Tetangga (RT) telah diperkenalkan pada tahun 1975. Objektif kajian secara umumnya untuk mengkaji tahap penerimaan masyarakat terhadap Rukun Tetangga. Kajian ini lebih menekankan kepada penglibatan individu dalam Rukun Tetangga, kepimpinan dalam Rukun Tetangga dan interaksi antara sesama ahli RT. Kajian ini juga adalah untuk mengenal pasti adakah Rukun Tetangga dapat diterima oleh masyarakat terutama melalui penerimaan dari segi jantina dan juga pemahaman penduduk terhadap RT seterusnya penglibatan mereka di dalamnya. Seramai 1866 orang responden telah dipilih berpandukan senarai Rukun Tetangga yang berdaftar yang didapati dari Jabatan Perpaduan Negara. Kajian ini meliputi kawasan negeri-negeri Utara di Malaysia iaitu Kedah. Responden telah menjwab soal selidik yang diberikan kepada mereka melalui kiriman pos. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk kajian tinjuan . Instrumen yang digunakan ialah IBM SPSS 20.0 untuk menganalisis hasil penyelidikan. Dapatan kajian mengatakan responden lelaki melebihi dari responden perempuan iaitu sebanyak 57.4% dan 42.6%. Selain itu, kajian mendapati purata mean rank untuk lelaki melebih perempuan iaitu 955.84 dan 903.34 dalam ‘ Bebanan kerja bukanlah menghalang saya daripada melakukan aktviti RT. Bagi ‘Hubungan RT di kalangan saya dengan persatuan penduduk yang lain adalah sangat erat’ lebih sipersetujui oleh lelaki iaitu purata mean ialah 968.66 dan wanita pula 886.02. Oleh itu, kajian ini diharap dapat memberikan manfaat kepada semua pihak yang berkenaan dan semangat bekerjasama antara ini juga dapat membuktikan bahawa masyarakat masih mengekalkan budaya tradisional masyarakat Melayu


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    The objectives of this study were to describe (1) the use of jigsaw could improve learning activeness and (2) the use of jigsaw could improve learning achievement of steer system. This study was an action research. Data collection techniques used test and observation. Data analysis techniques used descriptive and quantitative analysis. This study shows that (1) the use of jigsaw could improve learning activeness. The learning activeness of cycle I was in low category, cycle II was in high category, and cycle III was in very high category. (2) The use of jigsaw could improve learning achievement of steer system. The improvement could be seen from the average score of pre cycle was 66.5, cycle I was 71.5, cycle II was 74.5, and cycle III was 89.5

    The awareness of generation ‘Y’ on green building development in Malaysia / Syarifah Nur Nazihah Syed Jamalulil, Haryati Mohd Isa and Nurul Huda Ahmad

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    Malaysian construction industry has undergone over 50 years of rapid industrialization and became an economic engine for the country. The industry contributes 5% to Gross Development Product and employs almost 9.3% of overall workforce. However, most of the development has been reported as unsustainableand requires specific sustainable approach to the construction industry. This situation urges the government and professional bodies in Malaysia to take proactive actions in promoting sustainability concept for better environmental and social protection. Nevertheless, creating new sustainable construction concept highly depends on the knowledge and involvement of participants within this industry especially generation ‘Y’. This research aims to investigate the awareness of generation ‘Y’ on green building development in the Malaysian construction industry. In addition, this research also recommends means to improve the level of awareness on green building development among generation ‘Y’ in Malaysia. Data will be collected through questionnaire survey. The paper posits that it is essential to raise the awareness and educate generation ‘Y’ on green building development for continual improvement in the future


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    Power quality has become a great concern to all electricity consumers. Poor quality can cause equipment failure, data and economical. An automated monitoring system is needed to ensure signal quality, reduces diagnostic time and rectifies failures. This paper presents the detection and classification of power quality signals using linear timefrequency distributions (TFD). The power quality signals focus on swell, sag, interruption, transient, harmonic, interharmonic and normal voltage based on IEEE Std. 1159-2009. The time-frequency analysis techniques selected are spectrogram and Gabor transform to represent the signals in time-frequency representation (TFR). From the time frequency representation (TFR) obtained, the signal parameters are estimated to identify the signal characteristics. The signal characteristics are the average of root means square voltage (Vave,rms), total waveform distortion (TWD), total harmonic distortion (THD) and total non harmonic distortion (TnHD) and duration of swell, sag, interruption and transient signals will be used as input for signals classification. The results show that spectrogram with the half window shift (HWS) provides better performance in term of accuracy, memory size, and computation complexit

    Power Quality Signals Detection Using S-Transform

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    Power quality has become very important issue over the last decade. Poor quality can cause equipment failure, data and economical. An automated monitoring system is needed to ensure signal quality, reduces diagnostic time and rectifies failures. In this paper, S-transform is used to analyze the power quality signals such as swell, sag, interruption, harmonic, interharmonic and transient based on IEEE Std. 1159-2009 to detect, localize and classify the disturbance. The S-transform is used to represent the signals in time-frequency representation (TFR). ).To get an accurate TFR, the parameters are estimated to identify the signal characteristics. The signal characteristics are the root means square voltage (Vrms), total harmonic distortion (THD), total non harmonic distortion (TnHD) and total waveform distortion (TWD). To verify the performance of Stransform several sets of data with different time duration are analyzed to determine the accuracy of S-transform. The lowest value of mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) gives the highest accuracy to provide the best performance of TFD

    Real-Time Power Quality Disturbances Detection and Classification System

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    Power quality disturbances present noteworthy ramifications on electricity consumers, which can affect manufacturing process, causing malfunction of equipment and inducing economic losses. Thus, an automated system is required to identify and classify the signals for diagnosis purposes. The development of power quality disturbances detection and classification system using linear time-frequency distribution (TFD) technique which is spectrogram is presented in this paper. The TFD is used to represent the signals in time-frequency representation (TFR), hence it is handy for analyzing power quality disturbances. The signal parameters such as instantaneous of RMS voltage, RMS fundamental voltage, total waveform distortion (TWD), total harmonic distortion (THD) and total non-harmonic distortion (TnHD) are estimated from the TFR to identify the characteristic of the signals. The signal characteristics are then served as the input for signal classifier to classify power quality disturbances. Referring to IEEE Std. 1159-2009, the power quality disturbances such as swell, sag, interruption, harmonic and interharmonic are discussed. Standard power line measurements, like voltage and current in RMS, active power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor and frequency are also calculated. To verify the performance of the system, power quality disturbances with various characteristics will be generated and tested. The system has been classified with 100 data at SNR from 0dB to 40dB and the outcomes imply that the system gives 100 percent accuracy of power quality disturbances classification at 34dB of SNR. Since the low absolute percentage error present, the system achieves highly accurate system and suitable for power quality detection and classification purpose