232 research outputs found

    Culture and establishment of self-renewing human and mouse adult liver and pancreas 3D organoids and their genetic manipulation.

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    Adult somatic tissues have proven difficult to expand in vitro, largely because of the complexity of recreating appropriate environmental signals in culture. We have overcome this problem recently and developed culture conditions for adult stem cells that allow the long-term expansion of adult primary tissues from small intestine, stomach, liver and pancreas into self-assembling 3D structures that we have termed 'organoids'. We provide a detailed protocol that describes how to grow adult mouse and human liver and pancreas organoids, from cell isolation and long-term expansion to genetic manipulation in vitro. Liver and pancreas cells grow in a gel-based extracellular matrix (ECM) and a defined medium. The cells can self-organize into organoids that self-renew in vitro while retaining their tissue-of-origin commitment, genetic stability and potential to differentiate into functional cells in vitro (hepatocytes) and in vivo (hepatocytes and endocrine cells). Genetic modification of these organoids opens up avenues for the manipulation of adult stem cells in vitro, which could facilitate the study of human biology and allow gene correction for regenerative medicine purposes. The complete protocol takes 1-4 weeks to generate self-renewing 3D organoids and to perform genetic manipulation experiments. Personnel with basic scientific training can conduct this protocol.LB is supported by an EMBO Postdoctoral fellowship (EMBO ALTF 794-2014). CH is supported by a Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Seed Fund award and the Herchel Smith Fund. BK is supported by a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society. MH is a Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellow and is jointly funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society (104151/Z/14/Z).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nprot.2016.097

    Equilibrium Formation of Stable All‐Silicon Versions of 1,3‐Cyclobutanediyl

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    Main group analogues of cyclobutane‐1,3‐diyls are fascinating due to their unique reactivity and electronic properties. So far only heteronuclear examples have been isolated. Here we report the isolation and characterization of all‐silicon 1,3‐cyclobutanediyls as stable closed‐shell singlet species from the reversible reactions of cyclotrisilene c ‐Si3Tip4 (Tip=2,4,6‐triisopropylphenyl) with the N‐heterocyclic silylenes c ‐[(CR2CH2)(Nt Bu)2]Si: (R=H or methyl) with saturated backbones. At elevated temperatures, tetrasilacyclobutenes are obtained from these equilibrium mixtures. The corresponding reaction with the unsaturated N‐heterocyclic silylene c ‐(CH)2(Nt Bu)2Si: proceeds directly to the corresponding tetrasilacyclobutene without detection of the assumed 1,3‐cyclobutanediyl intermediate

    Syntheses, Structures, and Photophysical Properties of Mono- and Dinuclear Sulfur-Rich Gold(I) Complexes

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    Sulfur-rich 1,2 dithiolene and neutral thione ligands were used for the synthesis of gold complexes, some of them exhibiting aurophilic interactions. Surprisingly, the closest Au···Au contact is observed in an unsupported dinuclear complex, which makes part of a supramolecular network. Photophysical studies, combined with DFT calculations, indicate that the participations of the Au···Au interactions have some relevance to the rich luminescence properties of these compounds

    Women in radiology: gender diversity is not a metric—it is a tool for excellence

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    Abstract: Women in Focus: Be Inspired was a unique programme held at the 2019 European Congress of Radiology that was structured to address a range of topics related to gender and healthcare, including leadership, mentoring and the generational progression of women in medicine. In most countries, women constitute substantially fewer than half of radiologists in academia or private practice despite frequently accounting for at least half of medical school enrolees. Furthermore, the proportion of women decreases at higher academic ranks and levels of leadership, a phenomenon which has been referred to as a “leaky pipeline”. Gender diversity in the radiologic workplace, including in academic and leadership positions, is important for the present and future success of the field. It is a tool for excellence that helps to optimize patient care and research; moreover, it is essential to overcome the current shortage of radiologists. This article reviews the current state of gender diversity in academic and leadership positions in radiology internationally and explores a wide range of potential reasons for gender disparities, including the lack of role models and mentorship, unconscious bias and generational changes in attitudes about the desirability of leadership positions. Strategies for both individuals and institutions to proactively increase the representation of women in academic and leadership positions are suggested. Key Points: • Gender-diverse teams perform better. Thus, gender diversity throughout the radiologic workplace, including in leadership positions, is important for the current and future success of the field. • Though women now make up roughly half of medical students, they remain underrepresented among radiology trainees, faculty and leaders. • Factors leading to the gender gap in academia and leadership positions in Radiology include a lack of role models and mentors, unconscious biases, other societal barriers and generational changes

    Bildung Stabiler All‐Silicium Varianten von 1,3‐Cyclobutandiyl im Gleichgewicht

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    Hauptgruppenanaloga von 1,3‐Cyclobutandiylen faszinieren mit ihrer einzigartigen Reaktivität und ihren elektronischen Eigenschaften. Bisher sind allerdings nur heteronukleare Vertreter isoliert worden. Wir berichten hier über die Isolierung und Charakterisierung von All‐Silicium‐1,3‐Cyclobutandiylen als stabile Singulettspezies mit geschlossenschaliger Konfiguration aus den reversiblen Reaktionen von Cyclotrisilen c ‐Si3Tip4 (Tip=2,4,6‐Triisopropylphenyl) mit den N‐heterocyclischen Silylenen c ‐[(CR2CH2)(Nt Bu)2]Si: (R=H oder Methyl) mit gesättigten Grundgerüsten. Bei erhöhten Temperaturen werden aus diesen Gleichgewichtsmischungen Tetrasilacyclobutene erhalten. Die analoge Reaktion mit dem ungesättigten N‐heterocyclischen Silylen c ‐(CH)2(Nt Bu)2Si: verläuft direkt zum entsprechenden Tetrasilacyclobuten ohne Nachweis des angenommenen 1,3‐Cyclobutandiyl‐Zwischenprodukts

    Mouse Model of Alagille Syndrome and Mechanisms of Jagged1 Missense Mutations.

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Alagille syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by cholestasis, ocular abnormalities, characteristic facial features, heart defects, and vertebral malformations. Most cases are associated with mutations in JAGGED1 (JAG1), which encodes a Notch ligand, although it is not clear how these contribute to disease development. We aimed to develop a mouse model of Alagille syndrome to elucidate these mechanisms. METHODS: Mice with a missense mutation (H268Q) in Jag1 (Jag1+/Ndr mice) were outbred to a C3H/C57bl6 background to generate a mouse model for Alagille syndrome (Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice). Liver tissues were collected at different timepoints during development, analyzed by histology, and liver organoids were cultured and analyzed. We performed transcriptome analysis of Jag1Ndr/Ndr livers and livers from patients with Alagille syndrome, cross-referenced to the Human Protein Atlas, to identify commonly dysregulated pathways and biliary markers. We used species-specific transcriptome separation and ligand-receptor interaction assays to measure Notch signaling and the ability of JAG1Ndr to bind or activate Notch receptors. We studied signaling of JAG1 and JAG1Ndr via NOTCH 1, NOTCH2, and NOTCH3 and resulting gene expression patterns in parental and NOTCH1-expressing C2C12 cell lines. RESULTS: Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice had many features of Alagille syndrome, including eye, heart, and liver defects. Bile duct differentiation, morphogenesis, and function were dysregulated in newborn Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice, with aberrations in cholangiocyte polarity, but these defects improved in adult mice. Jag1Ndr/Ndr liver organoids collapsed in culture, indicating structural instability. Whole-transcriptome sequence analyses of liver tissues from mice and patients with Alagille syndrome identified dysregulated genes encoding proteins enriched at the apical side of cholangiocytes, including CFTR and SLC5A1, as well as reduced expression of IGF1. Exposure of Notch-expressing cells to JAG1Ndr, compared with JAG1, led to hypomorphic Notch signaling, based on transcriptome analysis. JAG1-expressing cells, but not JAG1Ndr-expressing cells, bound soluble Notch1 extracellular domain, quantified by flow cytometry. However, JAG1 and JAG1Ndr cells each bound NOTCH2, and signaling from NOTCH2 signaling was reduced but not completely inhibited, in response to JAG1Ndr compared with JAG1. CONCLUSIONS: In mice, expression of a missense mutant of Jag1 (Jag1Ndr) disrupts bile duct development and recapitulates Alagille syndrome phenotypes in heart, eye, and craniofacial dysmorphology. JAG1Ndr does not bind NOTCH1, but binds NOTCH2, and elicits hypomorphic signaling. This mouse model can be used to study other features of Alagille syndrome and organ development

    Test, Reliability and Functional Safety Trends for Automotive System-on-Chip

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    This paper encompasses three contributions by industry professionals and university researchers. The contributions describe different trends in automotive products, including both manufacturing test and run-time reliability strategies. The subjects considered in this session deal with critical factors, from optimizing the final test before shipment to market to in-field reliability during operative life