2,065 research outputs found

    Electroweak Constraints on Warped Geometry in Five Dimensions and Beyond

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    Here we consider the tree level corrections to electroweak (EW) observables from standard model (SM) particles propagating in generic warped extra dimensions. The scale of these corrections is found to be dominated by three parameters, the Kaluza-Klein (KK) mass scale, the relative coupling of the KK gauge fields to the Higgs and the relative coupling of the KK gauge fields to fermion zero modes. It is found that 5D spaces that resolve the hierarchy problem through warping typically have large gauge-Higgs coupling. It is also found in D>5D>5 where the additional dimensions are warped the relative gauge-Higgs coupling scales as a function of the warp factor. If the warp factor of the additional spaces is contracting towards the IR brane, both the relative gauge-Higgs coupling and resulting EW corrections will be large. Conversely EW constraints could be reduced by finding a space where the additional dimension's warp factor is increasing towards the IR brane. We demonstrate that the Klebanov Strassler solution belongs to the former of these possibilities.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures (references added) version to appear in JHE

    Reducing Constraints in a Higher Dimensional Extension of the Randall and Sundrum Model

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    In order to investigate the phenomenological implications of warped spaces in more than five dimensions, we consider a 4+1+δ4+1+\delta dimensional extension to the Randall and Sundrum model in which the space is warped with respect to a single direction by the presence of an anisotropic bulk cosmological constant. The Einstein equations are solved, giving rise to a range of possible spaces in which the δ\delta additional spaces are warped. Here we consider models in which the gauge fields are free to propagate into such spaces. After carrying out the Kaluza Klein (KK) decomposition of such fields it is found that the KK mass spectrum changes significantly depending on how the δ\delta additional dimensions are warped. We proceed to compute the lower bound on the KK mass scale from electroweak observables for models with a bulk SU(2)×U(1)SU(2)\times U(1) gauge symmetry and models with a bulk SU(2)R×SU(2)L×U(1)SU(2)_R\times SU(2)_L\times U(1) gauge symmetry. It is found that in both cases the most favourable bounds are approximately MKK≳2M_{KK}\gtrsim 2 TeV, corresponding to a mass of the first gauge boson excitation of about 4-6 TeV. Hence additional warped dimensions offer a new way of reducing the constraints on the KK scale.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, v3: Additional comments in sections 1, 2 and 4. New appendix added. Five additional figures. References adde

    An A4 flavor model for quarks and leptons in warped geometry

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    We propose a spontaneous A4 flavor symmetry breaking scheme implemented in a warped extra dimensional setup to explain the observed pattern of quark and lepton masses and mixings. The main advantages of this choice are the explanation of fermion mass hierarchies by wave function overlaps, the emergence of tribimaximal neutrino mixing and zero quark mixing at the leading order and the absence of tree-level gauge mediated flavor violations. Quark mixing is induced by the presence of bulk flavons, which allow for cross-brane interactions and a cross-talk between the quark and neutrino sectors, realizing the spontaneous symmetry breaking pattern A4 --> nothing first proposed in [X.G.\,He, Y.Y.\,Keum, R.R.\,Volkas, JHEP{0604}, 039 (2006)]. We show that the observed quark mixing pattern can be explained in a rather economical way, including the CP violating phase, with leading order cross-interactions, while the observed difference between the smallest CKM entries V_{ub} and V_{td} must arise from higher order corrections. We briefly discuss bounds on the Kaluza-Klein scale implied by flavor changing neutral current processes in our model and show that the residual little CP problem is milder than in flavor anarchic models.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures; version published in JHE

    Fluctuating field model for conduction electron spin resonance in graphite

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    We outline a theory for conduction electron-spin resonance (CESR) in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite. The fundamental approximation is to treat the spin-orbit interaction as an effective field. In this approach, the shift in the g factor, which is associated with the mean value of the field, is related to the orbital susceptibility of the electrons. The linewidth comes from fluctuations in the effective field caused by the scattering of the electrons. The theory is used to interpret our CESR measurements.701

    Form factors of chiral primary operators at two loops in ABJ(M)

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    archiveprefix: arXiv primaryclass: hep-th reportnumber: NORDITA-2013-34 slaccitation: %%CITATION = ARXIV:1305.2422;%%archiveprefix: arXiv primaryclass: hep-th reportnumber: NORDITA-2013-34 slaccitation: %%CITATION = ARXIV:1305.2422;%%archiveprefix: arXiv primaryclass: hep-th reportnumber: NORDITA-2013-34 slaccitation: %%CITATION = ARXIV:1305.2422;%

    CP violation Beyond the MSSM: Baryogenesis and Electric Dipole Moments

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    We study electroweak baryogenesis and electric dipole moments in the presence of the two leading-order, non-renormalizable operators in the Higgs sector of the MSSM. Significant qualitative and quantitative differences from MSSM baryogenesis arise due to the presence of new CP-violating phases and to the relaxation of constraints on the supersymmetric spectrum (in particular, both stops can be light). We find: (1) spontaneous baryogenesis, driven by a change in the phase of the Higgs vevs across the bubble wall, becomes possible; (2) the top and stop CP-violating sources can become effective; (3) baryogenesis is viable in larger parts of parameter space, alleviating the well-known fine-tuning associated with MSSM baryogenesis. Nevertheless, electric dipole moments should be measured if experimental sensitivities are improved by about one order of magnitude.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figure

    The Effective Lagrangian for Bulk Fermions in Models with Extra Dimensions

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    We compute the dimension 6 effective Lagrangian arising from the tree level integration of an arbitrary number of bulk fermions in models with warped extra dimensions. The coefficients of the effective operators are written in terms of simple integrals of the metric and are valid for arbitrary warp factors, with or without an infrared brane, and for a general Higgs profile. All relevant tree level fermion effects in electroweak and flavor observables can be computed using this effective Lagrangian.Comment: 22 pages. V2: typos corrected, matches published versio

    Ultrafast terahertz saturable absorbers using tailored intersubband polaritons

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    Semiconductor heterostructures have enabled a great variety of applications ranging from GHz electronics to photonic quantum devices. While nonlinearities play a central role for cutting-edge functionality, they require strong field amplitudes owing to the weak light-matter coupling of electronic resonances of naturally occurring materials. Here, we ultrastrongly couple intersubband transitions of semiconductor quantum wells to the photonic mode of a metallic cavity in order to custom-tailor the population and polarization dynamics of intersubband cavity polaritons in the saturation regime. Two-dimensional THz spectroscopy reveals strong subcycle nonlinearities including six-wave mixing and a collapse of light-matter coupling within 900 fs. This collapse bleaches the absorption, at a peak intensity one order of magnitude lower than previous all-integrated approaches and well achievable by state-of-the-art QCLs, as demonstrated by a saturation of the structure under cw-excitation. We complement our data by a quantitative theory. Our results highlight a path towards passively mode-locked QCLs based on polaritonic saturable absorbers in a monolithic single-chip design

    An improved observable for the forward-backward asymmetry in B -> K* l+ l- and Bs -> phi l+ l-

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    We study the decay B -> K* l+ l- in the QCD factorization approach and propose a new integrated observable whose dependence on the form factors is almost negligible, consequently the non--perturbative error is significantly reduced and indeed its overall theoretical error is dominated by perturbative scale uncertainties. The new observable we propose is the ratio between the integrated forward--backward asymmetry in the [4,6] GeV^2 and [1,4] GeV^2 dilepton invariant mass bins. This new observable is particularly interesting because, when compared to the location of the zero of the FBA spectrum, it is experimentally easier to measure and its theoretical uncertainties are almost as small; moreover it displays a very strong dependence on the phase of the Wilson coefficient C_10 that is otherwise only accessible through complicated CP violating asymmetries. We illustrate the new physics sensitivity of this observable within the context of few extensions of the Standard Model, namely the SM with four generations, an MSSM with non--vanishing source of flavor changing neutral currents in the down squark sector and a Z' model with tree level flavor changing couplings.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    The Custodial Randall-Sundrum Model: From Precision Tests to Higgs Physics

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    We reexamine the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model with enlarged gauge symmetry SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R x U(1)_X x P_LR in the presence of a brane-localized Higgs sector. In contrast to the existing literature, we perform the Kaluza-Klein (KK) decomposition within the mass basis, which avoids the truncation of the KK towers. Expanding the low-energy spectrum as well as the gauge couplings in powers of the Higgs vacuum expectation value, we obtain analytic formulas which allow for a deep understanding of the model-specific protection mechanisms of the T parameter and the left-handed Z-boson couplings. In particular, in the latter case we explain which contributions escape protection and identify them with the irreducible sources of P_LR symmetry breaking. We furthermore show explicitly that no protection mechanism is present in the charged-current sector confirming existing model-independent findings. The main focus of the phenomenological part of our work is a detailed discussion of Higgs-boson couplings and their impact on physics at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. For the first time, a complete one-loop calculation of all relevant Higgs-boson production and decay channels is presented, incorporating the effects stemming from the extended electroweak gauge-boson and fermion sectors.Comment: 74 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables. v2: Matches version published in JHE
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