383 research outputs found

    Multigluon tree amplitudes with a pair of massive fermions

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    We consider the calculation of n-point multigluon tree amplitudes with a pair of massive fermions in QCD. We give the explicit transformation rules of this kind of massive fermion-pair amplitudes with respect to different reference momenta and check the correctness of them by SUSY Ward identities. Using these rules and onshell BCFW recursion relation, we calculate the analytic results of several n-point multigluon amplitudes.Comment: 15page

    An epitaxial model for heterogeneous nucleation on potent substrates

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    © The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2012In this article, we present an epitaxial model for heterogeneous nucleation on potent substrates. It is proposed that heterogeneous nucleation of the solid phase (S) on a potent substrate (N) occurs by epitaxial growth of a pseudomorphic solid (PS) layer on the substrate surface under a critical undercooling (ΔT ). The PS layer with a coherent PS/N interface mimics the atomic arrangement of the substrate, giving rise to a linear increase of misfit strain energy with layer thickness. At a critical thickness (h ), elastic strain energy reaches a critical level, at which point, misfit dislocations are created to release the elastic strain energy in the PS layer. This converts the strained PS layer to a strainless solid (S), and changes the initial coherent PS/N interface into a semicoherent S/N interface. Beyond this critical thickness, further growth will be strainless, and solidification enters the growth stage. It is shown analytically that the lattice misfit (f) between the solid and the substrate has a strong influence on both h and ΔT ; h decreases; and ΔT increases with increasing lattice misfit. This epitaxial nucleation model will be used to explain qualitatively the generally accepted experimental findings on grain refinement in the literature and to analyze the general approaches to effective grain refinement.EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Liquid Metal Engineerin

    Double Scaling Limits and Twisted Non-Critical Superstrings

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    We consider double-scaling limits of multicut solutions of certain one matrix models that are related to Calabi-Yau singularities of type A and the respective topological B model via the Dijkgraaf-Vafa correspondence. These double-scaling limits naturally lead to a bosonic string with c \leq 1. We argue that this non-critical string is given by the topologically twisted non-critical superstring background which provides the dual description of the double-scaled little string theory at the Calabi-Yau singularity. The algorithms developed recently to solve a generic multicut matrix model by means of the loop equations allow to show that the scaling of the higher genus terms in the matrix model free energy matches the expected behaviour in the topological B-model. This result applies to a generic matrix model singularity and the relative double-scaling limit. We use these techniques to explicitly evaluate the free energy at genus one and genus two.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figure

    Extended Holomorphic Anomaly in Gauge Theory

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    The partition function of an N=2 gauge theory in the Omega-background satisfies, for generic value of the parameter beta=-eps_1/eps_2, the, in general extended, but otherwise beta-independent, holomorphic anomaly equation of special geometry. Modularity together with the (beta-dependent) gap structure at the various singular loci in the moduli space completely fixes the holomorphic ambiguity, also when the extension is non-trivial. In some cases, the theory at the orbifold radius, corresponding to beta=2, can be identified with an "orientifold" of the theory at beta=1. The various connections give hints for embedding the structure into the topological string.Comment: 25 page

    Cubic Interactions in PP-Wave Light Cone String Field Theory

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    We use the supergravity modes to clarify the role of the prefactor in the light-cone superstring field theory on PP-wave background. We verify some of the proposals of the recent paper hep-th/0205089 and give further evidence for the correspondence between N=4 SYM gauge theory and string theory on PP-wave. We also consider energy-preserving processes and find that they give vanishing cubic interaction Hamiltonian matrix.Comment: 16+1 pages, no figures, LaTeX (v3: references, minor changes and a clarification about Neumann matrices added; to appear in Physical Review D

    Entropy-Corrected New Agegraphic Dark Energy Model in Horava-Lifshitz Gravity

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    In this work, we have considered the entropy-corrected new agegraphic dark energy (ECNADE) model in Horava-Lifshitz gravity in FRW universe. We have discussed the correspondence between ECNADE and other dark energy models such as DBI-essence,Yang-Mills dark energy, Chameleon field, Non-linear electrodynamics field and hessence dark energy in the context of Horava-Lifshitz gravity and reconstructed the potentials and the dynamics of the scalar field theory which describe the ECNADE.Comment: 12 page

    Topological open strings on orbifolds

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    We use the remodeling approach to the B-model topological string in terms of recursion relations to study open string amplitudes at orbifold points. To this end, we clarify modular properties of the open amplitudes and rewrite them in a form that makes their transformation properties under the modular group manifest. We exemplify this procedure for the C^3/Z_3 orbifold point of local P^2, where we present results for topological string amplitudes for genus zero and up to three holes, and for the one-holed torus. These amplitudes can be understood as generating functions for either open orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants of C^3/Z_3, or correlation functions in the orbifold CFT involving insertions of both bulk and boundary operators.Comment: 38 page

    Centrality Dependence of the High p_T Charged Hadron Suppression in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 130 GeV

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    PHENIX has measured the centrality dependence of charged hadron p_T spectra from central Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=130 GeV. The truncated mean p_T decreases with centrality for p_T > 2 GeV/c, indicating an apparent reduction of the contribution from hard scattering to high p_T hadron production. For central collisions the yield at high p_T is shown to be suppressed compared to binary nucleon-nucleon collision scaling of p+p data. This suppression is monotonically increasing with centrality, but most of the change occurs below 30% centrality, i.e. for collisions with less than about 140 participating nucleons. The observed p_T and centrality dependence is consistent with the particle production predicted by models including hard scattering and subsequent energy loss of the scattered partons in the dense matter created in the collisions.Comment: 7 pages text, LaTeX, 6 figures, 2 tables, 307 authors, resubmitted to Phys. Lett. B. Revised to address referee concerns. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/phenix/WWW/run/phenix/papers.htm

    Exact results for topological strings on resolved Y(p,q) singularities

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    We obtain exact results in \alpha' for open and closed A-model topological string amplitudes on a large class of toric Calabi-Yau threefolds by using their correspondence with five dimensional gauge theories. The toric Calabi-Yau's that we analyze are obtained as minimal resolution of cones over Y(p,q) manifolds and give rise via M-theory compactification to SU(p) gauge theories on R^4 x S^1. As an application we present a detailed study of the local F_2 case and compute open and closed genus zero Gromov-Witten invariants of the C^3/Z_4 orbifold. We also display the modular structure of the topological wave function and give predictions for higher genus amplitudes.The mirror curve in this case is the spectral curve of the relativistic A_1 Toda chain. Our results also indicate the existence of a wider class of relativistic integrable systems associated to generic Y(p,q) geometries.Comment: 54 pages, 10 figures; typos corrected, new section added. Version accepted for publication on Communications in Mathematical Physic