36 research outputs found

    An endemic and endangered new species of the lizard liolaemus montanus group from southwestern peru (Iguania: Liolaemidae), with a key for the species of the l. reichei clade

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    The southwestern Andes of Peru harbor a hidden taxonomic diversity of reptiles. We describe a new species of Liolaemus Wiegmann (Iguania: Liolaemidae) from xerophytic environments of the southwestern slopes of the Andes of Peru, 2,400– 2,900 m asl. The new species, previously considered to be a population of L. insolitus Cei, exhibits unique diagnostic characters of morphology, scalation and color pattern, and molecular evidence that suggest that it belongs in the Liolaemus montanus species group and the L. reichei clade. Moreover, the species is endemic to the eastern slopes of La Caldera batholith in the Department of Arequipa, southern Peru. We also provide information on the conservation status of the species and suggest it be included in the IUCN red list of the threatened species as endangered (EN). A key for the species of the L. reichei clade is provided.Fil: Quiroz, Aarón J.. Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa; PerúFil: Huamaní Valderrama, Ling. Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa; PerúFil: Gutiérrez, Roberto C.. Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa, Museo de Historia Natural; PerúFil: Aguilar Kirigin, Alvaro Juan. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: López Tejeda, Evaristo Luciano. Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa; PerúFil: Lazo Rivera, Ana. Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa; PerúFil: Huanca Mamani, Wilson. Universidad de Tarapacá; ChileFil: Valladares Faúndez, Pablo. Universidad de Tarapacá; ChileFil: Morrone, Juan José. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Cerdeña, José. No especifíca;Fil: Chaparro, Juan C.. No especifíca;Fil: Abdala, Cristian Simón. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentin

    Thermoelectric properties of topological chains coupled to a quantum dot

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    Topological one-dimensional superconductors can sustain zero energy modes protected by diferent kinds of symmetries in their extremities. Observing these excitations in the form of Majorana fermions is one of the most intensive quests in condensed matter physics. We are interested in another class of one-dimensional topological systems in this work, namely topological insulators. Which present symmetry-protected end modes with robust properties and do not require the low temperatures necessary for topological superconductivity. We consider a device in the form of a single electron transistor coupled to the simplest kind of topological insulators, namely chains of atoms with hybridized sp orbitals. We study the thermoelectric properties of the device in the trivial, non-trivial topological phases and at the quantum topological transition of the chains. We show that the device’s electrical conductance and the Wiedemann–Franz ratio at the topological transition have universal values at very low temperatures. The conductance and thermopower of the device with diatomic sp-chains, at their topological transition, give direct evidence of fractional charges in the system. The former has an anomalous low-temperature behavior, attaining a universal value that is a consequence of the double degeneracy of the system due to the presence of zero energy modes. On the other hand, the system can be tuned to exhibit high values of the thermoelectric fgure of merit and the power factor at high temperatures.Campus San Juan de Luriganch

    Una nueva especie de lagartija del género <i>Liolaemus</i> (Iguania: Liolaemidae) endémica de la Puna del sur de Perú

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    Los Andes del sur de Perú, contienen una biodiversidad con un alto grado de endemismo debido a su peculiar geografía y bioclima. En este trabajo se describe una nueva especie del género Liolaemus la cual se encontraría restringida a una altitud entre 3870–4100 m s.n.m., endémica a la Cuenca del río Salado en el distrito y provincia de Espinar, departamento de Cusco. Esta especie se caracteriza por la combinación única de caracteres morfológicos y un patrón de coloración que lo distinguen del resto de especies del género Liolaemus, principalmente dentro del clado de L. ortizi del grupo L. montanus, donde se encuentra ubicada la nueva especie según nuestra hipótesis filogenética en base a evidencia morfológica presentada en este estudio.The Andes of southern Peru contain a biodiversity with high degree of endemism due to its peculiar geography and bioclimate. In this work a new endemic species of the genus Liolaemusis described which would be restricted to an altitude between 3870–4100 m s.n.m., in the Salado river basin of the district and province of Espinar, department of Cusco. This species is characterized by the unique combination of morphological characters and the color pattern that distinguish it from the rest of the species of the genus Liolaemus, mainly within of L. ortiziclade of the L.montanus group, where the new species is located according to our phylogenetic hypothesis based on morphological evidence presented in this study.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    Sociodemographic Factors Associated with the Satisfaction Level of Peruvian Dental Students with Virtual Classes During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Prospective Bicentric Study

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    Ericka Albornoz-Palacios,1 Marysela Ladera-Castañeda,2 Gissela Briceño-Vergel,1 Nancy Córdova-Limaylla,1 Rosa Aroste-Andía,3 Emily Hernández-Huamaní,3 Percy Gavilán-Chávez,3 Miriam Castro-Rojas,2 Luis Cervantes-Ganoza,4 César Cayo-Rojas1 1School of Stomatology, Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista, Lima, Peru; 2Faculty of Dentistry and Postgraduate School, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Peru; 3School of Stomatology, Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista, Ica, Peru; 4Faculty of Stomatology, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Lima, PeruCorrespondence: César Cayo-Rojas, Av. Jose Antonio Lavalle Avenue 302-304, (Ex Hacienda Villa), Chorrillos, Lima, Peru, Email [email protected]: The pandemic caused by Covid-19 impacted all areas of social, economic and educational activity. When there is a high risk of spreading highly infectious diseases, education is usually the first service to be suspended. The objective was to evaluate the sociodemographic factors associated with the satisfaction level of Peruvian dental students with virtual classes during the Covid-19 pandemic.Methods: This observational, cross-sectional, analytical study evaluated 237 dental students from the capital city and one Peruvian province using a validated 13-item questionnaire to measure the level of satisfaction with virtual classes. Pearson’s chi-square test and a logit model were used to evaluate the associated factors such as age group, sex, marital status, monthly family income, area of residence, place of origin, occupation and computer use, considering a significance level of p< 0.05.Results: Of all students, 50.6%, 40.1% and 9.3% presented a good, average and poor level of satisfaction, respectively, with the virtual classes received. In addition, those with a monthly family income of less than 500 US dollars were 3.15 times more likely to have poor satisfaction compared to those with a monthly family income of more than 1000 US dollars (AOR = 3.15; 95% CI: 1.23– 8.05). The rest of the variables evaluated were not considered influential factors in the levels of satisfaction with the virtual classes received.Conclusión: Of all students, 50.6% and 9.3% reported good and poor satisfaction with virtual classes during the COVID-19 pandemic, respectively. Monthly family income of less than 500 US dollars was an influential factor. In addition, the variables age group, sex, marital status, area of residence, place of origin, occupation and computer use were not found to be influential factors.Keywords: e-learning, online learning, sociodemographic factors, satisfaction level, virtual classrooms, dentistry, Covid − 1


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    HUAMANÍ, Charles, ROMANÍ, Franco, GONZÁLEZ-ALCAIDE, Gregorio [et al.]. South American collaboration in scientific publications on leishmaniasis: bibliometric analysis in scopus (2000-2011). Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo [en línea]. 2014, vol. 56, no. 5, p. 381-390. ISSN 0036-4665.Objectives: Evaluate the production and the research collaborative network on Leishmaniasis in South America. Methods: A bibliometric research was carried out using SCOPUS database. The analysis unit was original research articles published from 2000 to 2011, that dealt with leishmaniasis and that included at least one South American author. The following items were obtained for each article: journal name, language, year of publication, number of authors, institutions, countries, and others variables. Results: 3,174 articles were published, 2,272 of them were original articles. 1,160 different institutional signatures, 58 different countries and 398 scientific journals were identified. Brazil was the country with more articles (60.7%) and Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) had 18% of Brazilian production, which is the South American nucleus of the major scientific network in Leishmaniasis. Conclusions: South American scientific production on Leishmaniasis published in journals indexed in SCOPUS is focused on Brazilian research activity. It is necessary to strengthen the collaboration networks. The first step is to identify the institutions with higher production, in order to perform collaborative research according to the priorities of each country

    Actividad de colinesterasa plasmática y sintomatología presente en fumigadores del valle de Mala, expuestos a plaguicidas anticolinesterásicos

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    As previous studies have reported that long-term exposure tu pesticides anticholinesterases (organophosphates and carbamates) at repeated dose produces neurotoxicity, it has determinated the plasma cholinesterase activity and the symptomatology in 83 pesticides applicators from valley of Mala-Perú with the purpose to knowing the exposure levels and to have an indication oí the health effects in the applieators. The control group consisted of 28 subjects who were matched with the sociodemographics characteristics of the applicators but whose economical activíty was difierent to agriculture. It was found that the studied applicators did not fulfill the protection rules during the manage of pesticides. The mean of plasma cholinesterase activity in 4 from 5 formed groups by the proccedence place of applícators were significatively lower than the mean of the control group. The 5 symptoms more found were headache (62%), blurred vision (52%), dizziness (37%), salivation (32%) y sweating (31%). With the found results in the studied applicators, we conclude that their exposure levels to pesticides anticholinesterases vary widely and their symptoms were re1ated te their occupation.Debido a que investigaciones previas han reportado que la exposición a plaguicidas anticolinesterásicos (órganofosforados y carbamatos) a dosis repetidas por largos periodos de tiempo producen neurotoxicidad, se determinó la actividad de Colinesterasa plasmática y la sintomatología presente en 83 fumigadores del valle de Mala-Perú, con la finalidad' de conocer los niveles de exposición y tener un indicio del efecto en la salud de los fumigadores. Se utilizó como grupo control a 28 sujetos emparejados con las características sociodemográficas de los fumigadores, pero cuya actividad fue distinta a la agricultura. Se encontró que los fumigadores estudiados no cumplieron con las medidas de protección durante la manipulación de plaguicidas. La media de la actividad de colinesterasa plasmática en 4 de 5 grupos formados según el lugar de procedencia de los fumigadores fue significativamente menor que la media del grupo control. Los 5 síntomas que más se presentaron en los fumigadores fueron cefalea(62%), visión borrosa (52%), vértigo (37%), salivación (32%) y sudoración (3l %). Con los resultados encontrados en los fumigadores, se concluye que sus niveles de exposición a plaguicidas anticolinesterásicos varían ampliamente y que sus síntomas estuvieron relacionados con su ocupación


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    We present a new process for the extraction of carminic acid (ACAR) from cochineal using mass- separating agent R300 (MSA R300) and an organic solvent with affinity only with the ACAR.En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo procedimiento para la extracción de ácido carmínico (ACAR) a partir de la cochinilla utilizando un agente de separación másico R300 (MSA R300) y un solvente orgánico con afinidad sólo con el ACAR