37 research outputs found

    Effect of Natural Pozzolan on Carbonation and Chloride Penetration in Sustainable Concrete

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    A study on green concrete as well as its durability is essential to promote the sustainable development of the concrete industry. Since the majority of concrete deterioration is connected to corrosion of reinforcement due to carbonation or chloride penetration into concrete, the influence of pozzolan through them must be investigated for concrete durability. This paper mainly focuses on the experimental study of the influence of Popa volcanic natural pozzolan on carbonation and chloride penetration process. The experimental tests are made on replacement of natural pozzolan 10%, 20%, 30% instead of cement and analysis show that optimized pozzolan replacement can promote on the mechanical strength of concrete along with time than reference concrete. According to the results, in the CO2 chamber and the natural condition, it contributes negatively to carbonation because the rate of carbonation increased as the amount of pozzolan increased. However, increasing the pozzolan content led to higher resistance of the concrete in chloride ion penetration

    Documenting the application of the Myanmar Climate-Smart Agriculture Strategy

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    This paper documents the testimonials of those who implemented the Myanmar Climate-Smart Agriculture Strategy (MCSAS) and accounts of those who experienced its application on the ground. Success stories and challenges in implementing MCSAS were documented. Based on the stakeholder interviews conducted, MCSAS is proven to be a valuable document in guiding the implementation of context-specific climate actions in Myanmar. Nineteen government and NGO programs, four policy documents, and an estimate of one billion USD investments were influenced by MCSAS. Following the MCSAS, the National Climate-Smart Agriculture Center of Yezin Agricultural University was established in 2018. Several projects focusing on farmers, particularly the Climate-Smart Village in the Dry Zone and the Farmer Field School in the Delta Zone, were also studied to understand the depth of the influence of MCSAS. In these cases, climate-smart practices adopted have helped farmers coped with climate change and increased their household incomes. Nevertheless, suggestions were made to further improve the Strategy with more specific actions that could be implemented and the funding options that implementers could pursue. The Strategy also needs to be integrated into the current programs of the government and its contents translated in the local language in a format that local people can understand

    An Improved Fuzzy-based Image Filtering for High Density Salt and Pepper Noise

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    The proposed system presents a fuzzy switching filter to remove high density salt and pepper noise in an image. This system combined the ability of modified median filter, the proposed fuzzy median filter and the proposed fuzzy mean filter. At first, target pixel in a (3x3) kernel is checked whether it is noise pixel (0 or 255) or not. If there isn’t noise, the noise checking process shifts to the next kernel. If there is noise pixel (0 or 255), the number of noise within a kernel is counted. If the noise count is less than or equal to four which is less noise density, the modified median filter is used to remove noise. If the noise count is greater than four and less than or equal to six, the proposed fuzzy median filter is applied. If the noise count is larger than six which is high noise density, the proposed fuzzy mean filter is used to remove noise. By switching these three filters depending on the noise count within a kernel, the propose system can remove high density salt and pepper noise without distorting the edge and fine details in an image. At the experimental results, the proposed system can give better performance in removing high noise density. Furthermore, the denoising performance of the proposed filters will also be presented by calculating the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) values

    Development of Double Haploid Lines from F1 Cross of Yar-8 x Thee Htat Yin Genotypes through Anther Culture

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    Anther culture has become a powerful technique for the rapid production of double haploid lines in crop breeding program. The objectives of this experiment were to examine the callusing and green plant regeneration ability of parents (Yar -8 and Thee Htat Yin) and their F1, and to develop the double haploid lines from the cross of Yar-8 and Thee Htat Yin genotypes. Nitsch and Nitsch (N6) medium with 2 mg.L-12, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 0.5 mg.L-1 kinetin was used for callus induction and Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with 1 mg.L-1 Naphthalene acetic acid, 1 mg.L-1 Indole 3-acetic acid, 1 mg.L-1 Indole 3-butric acid, and 2 mg.L-1 kinetin was used for green plant regeneration. Callus induction was successfully observed in both parents and their F1. Plant regeneration from regenerated callus was dependent on the genotypes. Only Yar-8 and F1 progenies produced green plants as well as albino plants. Out of total 14 plants, 10 plants were double haploid (DH) plants. These double haploid lines (DH) could be done further evaluation to develop improved rice lines in Myanmar

    Comparison of Tie Wing Fracture Resistance of Differing Ceramic Brackets

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    Objective:The aim of this study was to compare the tie wing fracture resistance of 4 different manufacturers’ ceramic brackets currently on the market.Methods:The tie wings of ceramic brackets from 4 manufacturers were tested with 10 samples in each group. The brackets were Ormco Symetri, 3M Clarity, American Radiance Plus, and Dentsply Ovation S. The brackets were mounted and fixed in a universal testing machine. A stainless steel ligature wire was looped around a tie wing and the mean tensile strength was both tested and recorded.Results:There was a significant overall difference in tensile strength among the 4 groups (P < .0001) with the 3M Clarity brackets having the highest MPa. When the groups were compared to each other, they also showed a significant difference in mean tensile strength with the exception being the American Radiance Plus and Ormco Symetri brackets.Conclusion:Test results concluded that the 3M Clarity brackets had the highest resistance to tie wing fracture, while the Dentsply Ovation S brackets had the lowest resistance

    A first absolute chronology for Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age Myanmar: new AMS C-14 dates from Nyaung'gan and Oakaie

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    Late prehistoric archaeological research in Myanmar is in a phase of rapid expansion. Recent work by the Mission Archéologique Française au Myanmar aims to establish a reliable Neolithic to Iron Age culture-historical sequence, which can then be compared to surrounding regions of Southeast Asia. Excavations at Nyaung'gan and Oakaie in central Myanmar have provided 52 new AMS dates, which allow the creation of Myanmar's first reliable prehistoric radiometric chronology. They have also identified the Neolithic to Bronze Age transition in central Myanmar, which is of critical importance in understanding long-range interactions at the national, regional and inter-regional level. This research provides the first significant step towards placing late prehistoric Myanmar in its global context

    Audio segmentation method for electrocardiogram (ECG) signal analysis

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    The purpose is to obtain the segment of ECG cycle which is from the onset of P wave to offset of T wave in order to discriminate any cardiac problems. The proposed scheme is evaluated on the ECG signals from MIT- BIH ST Change Database. The results are compared with those obtained manually by the Cardiologist.Master of Science (Signal Processing

    Composition and occurrence of fish fauna in Kaung-hmu-daw Late, Sagaing Township

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    A diverse freshwater fish assemblage in Kaung-hmu-daw In (Lake), Sagaing Township was examined during July 2008 to June 2010. The results showed that a total 41 species of fish belonging to 32 genera, 18 families and eight orders were recorded during the study period. The catch composition showed that 41.46% of order Cypriniformes represented the highest species composition, followed by 24.39% of Perciformes and 17.07% of Siluriforme. Therefore, the most abundant fish species were composed under family Cyprinidae (39.02%) and the least abundant species were observed under families, Cobitidae, Schilbidae, Synbrachidae, Belonidae, Anabantidae, Ambassidae, Cichlidae, Mugilidae, Gobiidae, Belontidae and Tetraodontidae (2.44% each) of the overall catch

    Application of Ica in blind source separation

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    The fundamental area in this project is Application of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) in Blind Source Separation. ICA is a tool for discovering structure and patterns in data by factoring a multidimensional data distribution into a product of onedimensional, statistically independent component distributions. Traditional ICA methods, however, can be limited in the flexibility of their decompositions and in the modeling of component distributions.Master of Science (Signal Processing