67 research outputs found

    Cirsium tatakaense (Compositae), a new species from Taiwan

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    A new species of Cirsium, Cirsium tatakaense Y.H.Tseng & C.Y.Chang, from central-southern Taiwan is described and illustrated. This species is similar to C. kawakamii Hayata in leaf shape, achene and chromosome number (2n = 64), but can be readily distinguished from C. kawakamii by the narrower leaf lobes, usually higher number of florets and phyllaries, the purplish-red corolla (vs. white) and larger pollen grains. A key to the species of Cirsium in Taiwan is also presented

    The Symbiosis between Ficus erecta var. beechyana and Blastophaga nipponica at Hue-Sun Forest Station

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    本論文以臺灣中低海拔常見的牛奶榕(F. erecta var. beecheyana)與 牛奶榕授粉蜂(Blastophaga nipponica)為材料探討兩者的共生關係。牛奶 榕為雌雄異株的榕屬植物,產生種子和花粉、蟲癭的榕果分別在不同的植株。雌、雄 榕果在榕果外部形態相似,在榕果內部有明顯差異。雌榕果內小花總數平均約423.4 朵,分別是長花柱雌花約佔68.12%、中性花約佔31.88%,結實率約69.54%; 雄榕果內小花總數平均約1362.0,分別是短花柱雌花約69.58%、雄花約31.42%及極少 數的假兩性花,蟲癭率約37.15%。長、短花柱雌花除了在花柱長短有顯顯的差別外, 在柱頭形態、花柱形態、子房內胚珠形態構造有明顯差異,呈現雌花的 兩型性(dimorphology)。 中性花為雄蕊與雌蕊極為退化的兩性花;而雄花除了有雄蕊外,在雄蕊中央尚有極為 退化的雌蕊痕跡。雌、雄榕果內的長短花柱雌花的發育不同步;且B期榕果若在授粉 蜂未進駐下,可延長約2至3星期才落果。 牛奶榕在開花物候上有明顯的季節性。雄株在3月至6月有一個春季主要花季,在 其餘期間維持少量榕果花季;每年每株有一至四個花季。雌榕果分別在5月中旬至7月 、7月中旬至11月各有一個夏季主要花季及秋季次要花季;每年每株有一至四個花季 。在花季同步性而言,雄株株內較株間同步,而雌株株間較株內同步;雌、雄株在株 間沒有明顯的同步性,雌株較雄株同步;株內則雌株較雄株為同步;這可有助於授粉 蜂的延續及種子的散播。牛奶榕雌、雄株開花物候與氣溫、降水有明顯的相關;而展 、落葉對於氣溫有明顯相關。 本研究調查共發現一種授粉蜂(Blastophaga nipponica)及犬氏長尾小 蜂(sycoscapter inubiae)及S. sp.二種長尾小蜂。授粉 蜂性比為0.166,犬氏長尾小蜂的性比為0.424;授粉蜂在性比上有明顯偏雌現象。犬 氏長尾小蜂的存在對於授粉蜂沒有顯著影響;授粉蜂的數量對於犬氏長尾小蜂沒有顯 著相關,而授粉蜂雄蜂對於犬氏長尾小蜂有顯著相關;而犬氏長尾小蜂的存在對於授 粉蜂的性比有明顯偏低的現象。The study is to investigate the morphology of syconium, and phenology, crop cycle of Ficus erecta var. veecheyana, and the lige cycle of fig wasp(Blastophaga nipponica) for the symbiosis between Ficus and their absolute pollinator. Ficus erecta bvar beecheyana is one of the gynodiecious Ficus species; the female syconium are simular outside syconium, but obviously different inside the syconium. The average number of florets is 43.4 in the female syconium; about 68.12% is long sytle female flower, 31.88% is neutral flower. In the male syconium, the average value of florets in 1362.0; about 69.58% is short style female flower, 31.43% is male flower and few of pseudobisexsual flowers. There are about 200.6 fruits in the female syconium, and 349.9 galls in the male syconium on the aberage. No wasp develope in the female figs, and no seed in the male figs. Besides of the difference in the style length, long-style female flowers and short-style female flowers are apparently different in the morphology and structure of stigma, style, and ovule. The phenomenon demonstrates the dimorpholism of female flowers. The neutral flower''s pistillate and stamen are abortive, and the abortibve pistiollate is in the middle of stamen of male flower. The proportions of neutral flowers and male flowers are not significantly different. Therefore, the female syconium may be evolution from the male syconium. Long and short style female flowers are asynchronism in the female and male syconium eace. The figs gell off if the pollinator don''t enter the syconium after 2 to 3 weeks during the B phaes. There was a main sprig crop and few fig''s crop in the other period on the male trees; and a main summer crop and a second autumn crop on the female trees; and there is a temporal gap of two months between male''s and female''s main crops. There are one to three generations of synconia each year in both female and male plants. The character of intertree and intratree crops between male and female crop will be useful to mantain the pollinators and to disperse the seeds. The occurence of male figs of D phase fit better between with the male figs and female figs of B phase. The fruit phenology of F. erecta var. beecheyana was connected with the renewes-fallen leaves, and temperature, rain fall of their habitat closely. There are one Agonid(Blastophaga nipponica) and two non-pollinators, Sycoscapter inubiae and S. sp. developing in the male figs. The sex ratio are 0.166 for pollinator and 0.424 for S. inubiae. The S. inubiae oviposites during C phase after pollinator, it may compete with pollinators for oviposition place, or feed of the larvae of pollinators. The number of pollinators have inapparent correlation to S. inubiae, but the number of pollinator''s male wasp have. However, the S. inubiae have infuence to add the sex ratio of pollinator

    Taxonomic study of the Genus Ficus in Taiwan

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    本研究檢視臺灣自生榕屬植物之標本,比對原始文獻及鄰近地區之標本,觀察各分類群的形態特徵,包括葉部表面形態構造特徵、榕果形態特徵、小花形態構造、花粉形態、種核表面顯微特徵,並參卓榕果小蜂之分類,以及描述本屬植物在臺灣之分布模式與鄰近地區之關係。 榕屬植物的各部位器官形態呈現多樣性,這些特徵通常在節階層內或亞屬階層內呈現規則變化,但在各節階層間或亞屬階層間相互共享,形成趨同演化的現象。本屬植物的花粉屬微小粒,約8-10μm,橢圓形,2孔粒,種間形態特徵非常接近。種核表面特徵顯示,種核形態、表面顯微雕紋特徵的結果可提供「種」的鑑別,在「亞屬」、「節」的階層大致保有相近的特徵,並可提供種子傳播的參考依據。榕果內雄/雌蕊比例與雌花花柱形態等作於榕果小蜂主動或被動授粉的參考訊息。 本研究之結果將臺灣榕屬植物劃分為7亞屬12節26種33個分類群(含變種、型),並可將7亞屬歸納3個親緣群;第一群包括藥榕(Pharmacosycea)、尾柱榕(Urostigma)亞屬,第二群包括無花果(Ficus)、薜荔榕(Synoecia)及綿毛榕(Eriosycea)亞屬,第三群包括澀葉榕(Sycidium)及埃及無花果(Sycomorus)亞屬。第一群屬雌雄同株,第二、三群屬雌雄異株。綿毛榕亞屬(節)(Subg. (sect.) Eriosycea (Miq.) Tzeng)為本研究新增亞屬(節);毛果榕節(Sect. Trichocarpa (Miq.) Tzeng)由根莖榕節毛果榕系所提升,古榕節(Sect. Palaeomoprhe (King) Tzeng)由澀葉榕節古榕系提升。尖尾長葉榕(F. heteropleura Bl. var. caudatifolia (Warb.) Tzeng)為本研究新組合種。此外白榕及豬母乳的學名分別訂正為F. benjamina L. var. bracteata Corner 及F. benguetensis Merr.。 就臺灣自生有26種共33個分類群而言,其中與中國大陸種類相同的有11個分類群,與菲律賓種類相同的有18個分類群,與琉球相同種類有14分類群,日本有6個分類群。特有分類群為越橘葉蔓榕、濱榕、菱葉濱榕等3個分類群。本屬各分類群的檢索表、各器官形態構造、學名考證、分布及引證標本亦於本研究中提出。The dissertation presents the issues addressed in the design of taxonomic study of the Ficus in Taiwan using check original papers, specimen, and studied with morphology of vein, syconia, floret, pollen, and pyrene. It also discusses in distribution model of Ficus in Taiwan and adjacent areas. The morphology of Ficus species are diversified and convergence between each subgenus and sections. Pollen of fig are belong to perminutae about 8 to 10μm with 2 porus in elliptical shape, which are similar between each taxa. The size, morphology and surface of pyrenes are different obviously between species and the characters of pyrenes are steadily at the level of section, which are important information for system classification of Ficus and seed dispersal. Anther: ovule ratio and stigma structure are associated with pollination behavior in active or passive of fig wasp. Based on the results of morphology and the information of classification of pollinator and pollination behavior, the native species of genus of Ficus are belong to 3 groups 7 subgenus 12 sections 26 species and 33 taxa (include variety, forma). The first group are monoecious including subgenus Pharmacosycea-Urostigma, the second and third groups are dioecious including subgenus Ficus-Synoecia-Eriosycea and Sycidium-Sycomorus, alternatively. Subgenus Eriosycea (Miq.) Tzeng is a new subgenus separated from subgenus Ficus L. in this study. And the sections Trichocarpa (King) Tzeng and Palaeomorphe (King) are two new subsect. separated from sections Sycidium and Rhizocladus, alternatively. F. heteropleura Bl. var. caudatifolia (Warb.) Tzeng is a new combination taxon. F. benjamina L. var. bracteata Corner and F. benguetensis Merr. are checked in this study. By comparing phytogeography of Ficus flora in Taiwan with adjacent areas, there are 14 and 6 fig taxa deriving from Taiwan to Ryukyu and Japan, alternatively. More than half fig taxa (18/33) are similar to Philippine, and there are 11 native taxa are similar to China. F. vaccinioides Hemsl. ex King, F. tannoensis Hay. var. tannoensis and F. tannoensis Hay. var. rhombifolia Hay. are 3 endemic figs of 33 native taxa in Taiwan. The analytic keys, morphology and structure, synonym, distribution and description are present in this dissertation.摘要..........................................................................................................Ⅰ 英文摘要..................................................................................................Ⅱ 目次..........................................................................................................Ⅲ 表目次......................................................................................................Ⅴ 圖目次......................................................................................................Ⅵ 壹、前言......................................................................................................1 貳、前人研究..............................................................................................3 一、榕屬植物研究史略...........................................................................3 二、臺灣榕屬植物的分類階段..............................................................7 三、榕果小蜂...........................................................................8 四、榕果物候...........................................................................10 五、授粉、共生生態...........................................................................11 六、種子及繁殖體的傳播.....................................................................14 七、榕屬植物的利用..........................................................................15 八、榕屬植物在生態上的地位.............................................................16 參、研究材料及方法................................................................................18 一、標本觀察及學名考證.....................................................................18 二、葉部特徵...........................................................................18 三、榕果形態特徵...........................................................................19 四、計數榕果內各類小花數量.............................................................19 肆、結果與討論........................................................................................20 一、榕屬植物名部形態、構造特徵觀察與探討...................................20 二、榕果內部小花數量與分析.............................................................47 三、臺灣榕屬植物分類處理.........................................................57 四、臺灣產榕屬植物地理學之意義..................................................201 伍、結論..................................................................................................211 陸、引用文獻..........................................................................................213 柒、附錄..................................................................................................225 表目次 表1.本文所使用之臺灣產榕屬植物學名及中名對照表......................Ⅷ 表2.臺灣產榕屬植物生活型種類...........................................................22 表3.臺灣產榕屬植物之榕果著生方式...................................................32 表4.榕屬植物雌雄同株與異株之比較...................................................41 表5.榕屬植物榕果小花數量、比例及授粉蜂之相互關係.....................50 表6.榕屬植物系統分類之演進...............................................................60 表7.榕果產榕屬各亞屬之特徵歸納.......................................................61 表8.臺灣產榕屬植物學名之沿革...........................................................70 表9.臺灣自生榕屬植物之分布模式.....................................................201 表10.臺灣自生榕屬植物在臺灣之分布模式.......................................202 表11.臺灣自生榕屬植物與鄰近地區之分布.......................................203 圖目次 圖1.榕果各部份示意圖...........................................................................29 圖2.榕果著生位置可能演化趨勢...........................................................30 圖3.鄰近地區與臺灣產榕屬植物具相同分類群數量.........................20

    Cirsium taiwanense (Compositae, Cirsium sect. Onotrophe, subsect. Australicirsium), a new species from Taiwan

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    A new species of Cirsium, C. taiwanense Y.H.Tseng & Chih Y.Chang from central-northern Taiwan is reported in this article. This species is similar to C. hosokawae Kitam. in having a densely cobwebby abaxial leaf surface, but differs in its yellow (vs. vivid purplish red) corolla and the angle between the midrib and the lateral veins of the leaf, which is acute as opposed to nearly at a right angle in C. hosokawae. Cirsium taiwanense has 2n = 32 chromosomes, which is different from the other species in the Taiwanese subsect. Australicirsium Kitam. (2n = 34). An identification key to the Cirsium taxa of Taiwan is presented

    Data from: Genome-wide sequence data suggest the possibility of pollinator sharing by host shift in dioecious figs (Moraceae, Ficus)

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    The obligate mutualism of figs and fig-pollinating wasps has been one of the classic models used for testing theories of co-evolution and cospeciation due to the high species-specificity of these relationships. To investigate the species-specificity between figs and fig pollinators and to further understand the speciation process in obligate mutualisms, we examined the genetic differentiation and phylogenetic relationships of four closely related fig-pollinating wasp species (Blastophaga nipponica, Blastophaga taiwanensis, Blastophaga tannoensis and Blastophaga yeni) in Japan and Taiwan using genome-wide sequence data, including mitochondrial DNA sequences. In addition, population structure was analysed for the fig wasps and their host species using microsatellite data. The results suggest that the three Taiwanese fig wasp species are a single panmictic population that pollinates three dioecious fig species, which are sympatrically distributed, have large differences in morphology and ecology and are also genetically differentiated. Our results illustrate the first case of pollinator sharing by host shift in the subgenus Ficus. On the other hand, there are strict genetic codivergences between allopatric populations of the two host–pollinator pairs. The possible processes that produce these pollinator-sharing events are discussed based on the level and pattern of genetic differentiation in these figs and fig wasps


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    Alignment of SNPs from ddRAD-seq loci, read length: 100b