1,230 research outputs found

    Sampling Assumptions Affect Use of Indirect Negative Evidence in Language Learning.

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    A classic debate in cognitive science revolves around understanding how children learn complex linguistic patterns, such as restrictions on verb alternations and contractions, without negative evidence. Recently, probabilistic models of language learning have been applied to this problem, framing it as a statistical inference from a random sample of sentences. These probabilistic models predict that learners should be sensitive to the way in which sentences are sampled. There are two main types of sampling assumptions that can operate in language learning: strong and weak sampling. Strong sampling, as assumed by probabilistic models, assumes the learning input is drawn from a distribution of grammatical samples from the underlying language and aims to learn this distribution. Thus, under strong sampling, the absence of a sentence construction from the input provides evidence that it has low or zero probability of grammaticality. Weak sampling does not make assumptions about the distribution from which the input is drawn, and thus the absence of a construction from the input as not used as evidence of its ungrammaticality. We demonstrate in a series of artificial language learning experiments that adults can produce behavior consistent with both sets of sampling assumptions, depending on how the learning problem is presented. These results suggest that people use information about the way in which linguistic input is sampled to guide their learning

    Analysis of the IDDM Candidate Gene Prss16 in NOD and NON Mice

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    The thymus-specific serine protease Prss16 is highly expressed by the epithelial cells in the thymic cortex. It has been suggested to play an important role in the positive selection of T cells through the antigen presention pathway of the cortical antigen presenting cells. Recently, the gene ecoding Prss16 has been linked to insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) susceptibility independent of HLA-DR3 suggesting the Prss16 may be involved in the development of autoimmune disease. Due to the similarities of the gene structure and expression pattern between the human and mouse genes, we compared Prss16 between non-obese diabetic (NOD) and non-obese non-diabetic (NON) mice. Analysis of the Prss16 coding region failed to identify any differences in sequence. Northern analysis and semi-quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction showed that the mRNA was equal in size and abundance in the two strains. In situ hybridization showed similar patterns of staining. Therefore, our data suggests that there is no significant different in the gene structure, transcription level, and expression pattern of Prss16 gene between NOD and NON mice

    Manipulation of prenatal thyroid hormones does not affect growth or physiology in nestling Pied flycatchers

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    Hormones transferred from mothers to their offspring are thought to be a tool for mothers to prepare their progeny for expected environmental conditions, thus increasing fitness. Thyroid hormones (THs) are crucial across vertebrates for embryonic and postnatal development and metabolism. Yet yolk THs have mostly been ignored in the context of hormone-mediated maternal effects. In addition, the few studies on maternal THs have yielded contrasting results that could be attributed to either species or environmental differences. In this study, we experimentally elevated yolk THs (within the natural range) in a wild population of a migratory passerine, the European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), and assessed the effects on hatching success, nestling survival, growth, and oxidative status (lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzyme activity, and oxidative balance). We also sought to compare our results with those of a closely related species, the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicolis), that has strong ecological and life-history similarities with our species. We found no effects of yolk THs on any of the responses measured. We could detect only a weak trend on growth: elevated yolk THs tended to increase growth during the second week after hatching. Our results contradict the findings of previous studies, including those of the collared flycatcher. However, differences in fledging success and nestling growth between both species in the same year suggest a context-dependent influence of the treatment. This study should stimulate more research on maternal effects mediated by THs and their potential context-dependent effects

    Testing different forms of regulation of yolk thyroid hormone transfer in pied flycatchers

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    Hormones transferred from mothers to their offspring are considered a maternal tool to prepare progeny for expected environmental conditions, increasing maternal and offspring fitness. To flexibly influence offspring, mothers should be able to transmit the hormonal signals independent of their own hormonal status. However, the ability to regulate hormone transfer to the next generation is under debate. We studied the transfer of thyroid hormones (THs) to eggs in a bird model. We elevated thyroxine (T4, the prohormone for the biologically active triiodothyronine, T3) during egg laying using T4 implants in females of a wild population of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca), and measured the resulting plasma and yolk T4 and T3 levels. We found an increase in plasma and yolk T4 and no change in plasma or yolk T3 concentration, leading to a decrease in yolk T3/T4 ratio in response to the T4 treatment. The yolk T3/T4 ratio was similar to the plasma ratio in females during the yolking phase. This suggests that mothers are not able to regulate TH transfer to yolk but may regulate the T4 to T3 conversion to avoid potential costs of elevated exposure to the active hormone to herself and to her progeny. The absence of regulation in hormone transfer to eggs is in contrast to our predictions. Future studies on deiodinase activity that converts T4 to T3 in maternal and embryonic tissues may help our understanding of how mothers regulate circulating THs during breeding, as well as the embryos' role in converting maternal T4 to its biologically active T3 form during development

    The UCSC Proteome Browser

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    The University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Proteome Browser provides a wealth of protein information presented in graphical images and with links to other protein-related Internet sites. The Proteome Browser is tightly integrated with the UCSC Genome Browser. For the first time, Genome Browser users have both the genome and proteome worlds at their fingertips simultaneously. The Proteome Browser displays tracks of protein and genomic sequences, exon structure, polarity, hydrophobicity, locations of cysteine and glycosylation potential, Superfamily domains and amino acids that deviate from normal abundance. Histograms show genome-wide distribution of protein properties, including isoelectric point, molecular weight, number of exons, InterPro domains and cysteine locations, together with specific property values of the selected protein. The Proteome Browser also provides links to gene annotations in the Genome Browser, the Known Genes details page and the Gene Sorter; domain information from Superfamily, InterPro and Pfam; three-dimensional structures at the Protein Data Bank and ModBase; and pathway data at KEGG, BioCarta/CGAP and BioCyc. As of August 2004, the Proteome Browser is available for human, mouse and rat proteomes. The browser may be accessed from any Known Genes details page of the Genome Browser at http://genome.ucsc.edu. A user's guide is also available on this website

    Care Staff and the Creative Arts: Exploring the Context of Involving Care Personnel in Arts Interventions

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    Background: Arts-based interventions play an important role in the care of people with dementia. Yet, creative arts are seldom implemented as a tool to enhance the care and wellbeing of people with dementia. Methods: We examined the involvement of care staff in creative arts activities in residential care. Aspects of involvement that appear to influence outcomes in people with dementia were identified and analyzed. A broad systematic literature search of MedLine, EMBASE, PsychInfo, CINAHL, ASSIA, SCOPUS, and Web of Science led to the identification of 14 papers. The studies identified through the search process were examined in terms of intervention, context, mechanism and outcome, and the relationships between these aspects. Results: Training sessions were identified as an opportunity to educate care personnel on useful techniques that are relevant to daily care practice. Evidence from the literature suggests that creative arts programs play a significant role in the way staff and residents interact and as a result influence the care practice of staff. Under certain conditions creative arts programs, that involve and engage staff, facilitate enhanced interactions and improve care strategies, which leads to the recognition and validation of personhood in residents with dementia. Conclusions: These findings provide a basis for illustrating which elements of care staff involvement in creative arts programs could be implemented in residential care contexts in order to have the upmost benefit. Copyright © International Psychogeriatric Association 2017

    Is maternal thyroid hormone deposition subject to a trade-off between self and egg because of iodine? An experimental study in rock pigeon

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    Maternal hormones constitute a key signalling pathway for mothers to shape offspring phenotype and fitness. Thyroid hormones (THs; triiodothyronine, T-3; and thyroxine, T-4) are metabolic hormones known to play crucial roles in embryonic development and survival in all vertebrates. During early developmental stages, embryos exclusively rely on exposure to maternal THs, and maternal hypothyroidism can cause severe embryonic maldevelopment. The TH molecule includes iodine, an element that cannot be synthesised by the organism. Therefore, TH production may become costly when environmental iodine availability is low. This may yield a trade-off for breeding females between allocating the hormones to self or to their eggs, potentially to the extent that it even influences the number of laid eggs. In this study, we investigated whether low dietary iodine may limit TH production and transfer to the eggs in a captive population of rock pigeons (Columba livia). We provided breeding females with an iodine-restricted (I-) diet or iodine-supplemented (1+) diet and measured the resulting circulating and yolk iodine and TH concentrations and the number of eggs laid. Our iodine-restricted diet successfully decreased both circulating and yolk iodine concentrations compared with the supplemented diet, but not circulating or yolk THs. This indicates that mothers may not be able to independently regulate hormone exposure for self and their embryos. However, egg production was clearly reduced in the I- group, with fewer females laying eggs. This result shows that restricted availability of iodine does induce a cost in terms of egg production. Whether females reduced egg production to preserve THs for themselves or to prevent embryos from exposure to low iodine and/or THs is as yet unclear

    Improving behavioral support for smoking cessation in pregnancy: what are the barriers to stopping and which behavior change techniques can influence these? Application of Theoretical Domains Framework.

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    Behavioral support interventions are used to help pregnant smokers stop; however, of those tested, few are proven effective. Systematic research developing effective pregnancy-specific behavior change techniques (BCTs) is ongoing. This paper reports contributory work identifying potentially-effective BCTs relative to known important barriers and facilitators (B&Fs) to smoking cessation in pregnancy; to detect priority areas for BCTs development. A Nominal Group Technique with cessation experts (n = 12) elicited an expert consensus on B&Fs most influencing women’s smoking cessation and those most modifiable through behavioral support. Effective cessation interventions in randomized trials from a recent Cochrane review were coded into component BCTs using existing taxonomies. B&Fs were categorized using Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) domains. Matrices, mapping BCT taxonomies against TDF domains, were consulted to investigate the extent to which BCTs in existing interventions target key B&Fs. Experts ranked “smoking a social norm” and “quitting not a priority” as most important barriers and “desire to protect baby” an important facilitator to quitting. From 14 trials, 23 potentially-effective BCTs were identified (e.g., information about consequences). Most B&Fs fell into “Social Influences”, “Knowledge”, “Emotions” and “Intentions” TDF domains; few potentially-effective BCTs mapped onto every TDF domain. B&Fs identified by experts as important to cessation, are not sufficiently targeted by BCT’s currently within interventions for smoking cessation in pregnancy

    Testing different forms of regulation of yolk thyroid hormone transfer in pied flycatchers

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    Hormones transferred from mothers to their offspring are considered a maternal tool to prepare progeny for expected environmental conditions, increasing maternal and offspring fitness. To flexibly influence offspring, mothers should be able to transmit the hormonal signals independent of their own hormonal status. However, the ability to regulate hormone transfer to the next generation is under debate. We studied the transfer of thyroid hormones (THs) to eggs in a bird model. We elevated thyroxine (T-4, the prohormone for the biologically active triiodothyronine, T-3) during egg laying using T-4 implants in females of a wild population of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca), and measured the resulting plasma and yolk T-4 and T-3 levels. We found an increase in plasma and yolk T-4 and no change in plasma or yolk T-3 concentration, leading to a decrease in yolk T-3/T-4 ratio in response to the T-4 treatment. The yolk T-3/T-4 ratio was similar to the plasma ratio in females during the yolking phase. This suggests that mothers are not able to regulate TH transfer to yolk but may regulate the T-4 to T-3 conversion to avoid potential costs of elevated exposure to the active hormone to herself and to her progeny. The absence of regulation in hormone transfer to eggs is in contrast to our predictions. Future studies on deiodinase activity that converts T-4 to T-3 in maternal and embryonic tissues may help our understanding of how mothers regulate circulating THs during breeding, as well as the embryos' role in converting maternal T-4 to its biologically active T-3 form during development
