9 research outputs found

    Abdominal adiposity increases lordosis and doubles the risk of low back pain

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    Vertebral disorders have significant health and economic impacts, and due to aging and current lifestyle habits, there is a trend toward their increase. Obesity and the alignment of vertebral curvatures can be associated with back pain. Objective: This study aims to analyze whether general and abdominal obesity are associated with cervical, dorsal, and lumbar vertebral pain as well as increased or decreased values of cervical, dorsal, and lumbar vertebral curvatures. Methodology: Body composition, degree of vertebral curvature, and the perception of cervical, dorsal, and lumbar pain were evaluated in a study population of 301 people (>18 years old). Linear and logistic regression analyses were performed to evaluate the influence of several variables of body composition on vertebral angles and cervical, dorsal, and lumbar pain. Results: Lumbar pain was the most prevalent (66.1%), mainly affecting women (70.9%). They were also shown to have greater lumbar angles (p < 0.001). The degrees of lumbar curvature increased, as did the BMI, waist circumference, and waist-to-height ratio. Cervical and dorsal curvatures were increased by all the variables of adiposity and abdominal adiposity. It was found that people with abdominal obesity carried twice the risk of lower back pain than those without abdominal obesity (OR = 2.172, p < 0.05). In addition, an increased lumbar angle was related to an increased risk of low back pain (OR = 1.031, p < 0.05). Cervical pain, on the other hand, was associated with the waist-height index (OR = 0.948, p <0.01). Conclusions: This study shows that increased lumbar curvature and abdominal obesity may be risk factors for lower back pain. In addition, it shows an association between the amount of body and abdominal fat in relation to the degree of curvature of the spine in the sagittal plane. Investigating the effect of obesity on vertebral morphology and musculoskeletal disorders makes it possible to prescribe interventions and therapeutic strategie

    Influence of interactions between the anthropometric parameters and smoking on blood pressure in 24-hour blood pressure monitoring

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    Wstęp Obecność nadwagi i otyłości istotnie zwiększa ryzyko wystąpienia incydentów sercowo-naczyniowych. Celem badania było określenie wpływu interakcji wskaźników antropometrycznych (wskaźnik masy ciała — BMI i stosunek obwodu talii do obwodu bioder — WHR) na wartość ciśnienia tętniczego oraz ocena zależności pomiędzy dystrybucją tkanki tłuszczowej, paleniem tytoniu a wysokością ciśnienia tętniczego. Materiał i metody Pracę zrealizowano w ramach projektu EPOGH (European Project on Genes in Hypertension). Badaniem objęto 206 osób między 18 a 60 rż. z rejonu Niepołomic, k. Krakowa. Każdy z uczestników badania wypełnił standardowy kwestionariusz EPOGH. U wszystkich dokonano pomiarów antropometrycznych, biochemicznych (stężenie cholesterolu całkowitego i cholesterolu frakcji TG, LDL, HDL) oraz przeprowadzono ambulatoryjną, całodobową rejestrację ciśnienia tętniczego (ABPM). Kryterium klasyfikacji badanych do czterech grup stanowiły: poziom BMI (< 25,0 i ≥ 25,0 kg/m2) oraz wartość wskaźnika WHR (< Me i ≥ Me; Me = 0,84). Analizy statystycznej dokonano przy użyciu pakietu Statistica 6.0 PL. Wyniki Badani charakteryzujący się wyższym wskaźnikiem WHR byli starsi, reprezentowali płeć męską, w wywiadzie częściej podawali palenie tytoniu. Standaryzowana analiza wykazała wpływ BMI i WHR na wysokość skurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego, zarówno w ciągu dnia jak i nocy. Badani charakteryzujący się BMI ≥ 25,0 kg/m2 i WHR ≥ Me wykazywali istotnie wyższe wartości ciśnienia tętniczego niż osoby o prawidłowej masie ciała (BMI < 25,0 kg/m2 i WHR < Me) — w odniesieniu zarówno do skurczowego i rozkurczowego ciśnienia w ciągu dnia i nocy. Analiza interakcji wykazała znamienny statystycznie, kumulacyjny efekt oddziaływania BMI i WHR na wysokość ciśnienia skurczowego w nocy. W trójczynnikowej analizie interakcji — BMI, WHR, palenie tytoniu a wysokość ciśnienia tętniczego — nie odnotowano znamienności statystycznej. Stwierdzono jednak wyższe wartości ciśnienia w nocy u osób palących, z nadwagą, wykazujących androidalny rozkład tkanki tłuszczowej. Wnioski Badanie potwierdziło istotny, niezależny efekt oddziaływania interakcji wskaźników antropometrycznych: BMI i WHR na wysokość nocnego ciśnienia skurczowego. Palenie tytoniu nasilało niekorzystny wpływ otyłości brzusznej na wysokość ciśnienia tętniczego.Background Overweight and obesity markedly increase the risk of cardiovascular events. The purpose of the study was to identify the effect of interactions between the anthropometric parameters (body mass index — BMI and waist/hip ratio — WHR) on blood pressure values and to assess the relationship between adipose tissue distribution, smoking and blood pressure values. Material and methods The study was conducted as part of the EPOGH Project (European Project on Genes in Hypertension). The study population consisted of 206 subjects ranging in age from 18 to 60 years inhabiting the area of Niepolomice close to Krakow. Each study participant completed a standard EPOGH questionnaire. From all subjects we obtained anthropometric (BMI and WHR) and biochemical measurements (total cholesterol, TG, LDL and HDL cholesterol), and 24hr ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Entry criteria to four study groups were BMI (< 25,0 and ≥ 25,0 kg/m2) and WHR (< Me and ≥ Me; Me = 0,84). Statistical analysis was done using the Statistica 6.0 PL. Results Subjects with higher WHR were older, male and more frequently reported smoking. Standardized analysis showed that BMI and WHR affected systolic blood pressure both day and night. Subjects with BMI ≥ 25,0 kg/m2 and WHR 3 Me had significantly higher blood pressure values as compared with subjects with normal body mass (BMI < < 25,0 kg/m2 and WHR < Me) both with respect to systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the daytime and nighttime. Analysis of interaction showed a significant cumulative effect of BMI and WHR on systolic blood pressure at night. Triple-factorial analysis of interactions — BMI, WHR, smoking versus blood pressure value — did not show statistical significance. However, smokers with abdominal overweight had higher blood pressure values at night. Conclusions The present study confirmed the significant independent effect of interactions between the anthropometric parameters: BMI and WHR on systolic blood pressure at night. Smoking potentiated the unfavorable effect of overweight and abdominal adipose tissue distribution on blood pressure value

    Influence of Interactions between the Anthropometric Parameters and Smoking on Blood Pressure in 24-hour Blood Pressure Monitoring

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    Wstęp Obecność nadwagi i otyłości istotnie zwiększa ryzyko wystąpienia incydentów sercowo-naczyniowych. Celem badania było określenie wpływu interakcji wskaźników antropometrycznych (wskaźnik masy ciała - BMI i stosunek obwodu talii do obwodu bioder - WHR) na wartość ciśnienia tętniczego oraz ocena zależności pomiędzy dystrybucją tkanki tłuszczowej, paleniem tytoniu a wysokością ciśnienia tętniczego. Materiał i metody Pracę zrealizowano w ramach projektu EPOGH (European Project on Genes in Hypertension). Badaniem objęto 206 osób między 18 a 60 rż. z rejonu Niepołomic, k. Krakowa. Każdy z uczestników badania wypełnił standardowy kwestionariusz EPOGH. U wszystkich dokonano pomiarów antropometrycznych, biochemicznych (stężenie cholesterolu całkowitego i cholesterolu frakcji TG, LDL, HDL) oraz przeprowadzono ambulatoryjną, całodobową rejestrację ciśnienia tętniczego (ABPM). Kryterium klasyfikacji badanych do czterech grup stanowiły: poziom BMI (< 25,0 i Ł 25,0 kg/m2) oraz wartość wskaźnika WHR (< Me i Ł Me; Me = 0,84). Analizy statystycznej dokonano przy użyciu pakietu Statistica 6.0 PL. Wyniki Badani charakteryzujący się wyższym wskaźnikiem WHR byli starsi, reprezentowali płeć męską, w wywiadzie częściej podawali palenie tytoniu. Standaryzowana analiza wykazała wpływ BMI i WHR na wysokość skurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego, zarówno w ciągu dnia jak i nocy. Badani charakteryzujący się BMI Ł 25,0 kg/m2 i WHR Ł Me wykazywali istotnie wyższe wartości ciśnienia tętniczego niż osoby o prawidłowej masie ciała (BMI < 25,0 kg/m2 i WHR < Me) - w odniesieniu zarówno do skurczowego i rozkurczowego ciśnienia w ciągu dnia i nocy. Analiza interakcji wykazała znamienny statystycznie, kumulacyjny efekt oddziaływania BMI i WHR na wysokość ciśnienia skurczowego w nocy. W trójczynnikowej analizie interakcji - BMI, WHR, palenie tytoniu a wysokość ciśnienia tętniczego - nie odnotowano znamienności statystycznej. Stwierdzono jednak wyższe wartości ciśnienia w nocy u osób palących, z nadwagą, wykazujących androidalny rozkład tkanki tłuszczowej. Wnioski Badanie potwierdziło istotny, niezależny efekt oddziaływania interakcji wskaźników antropometrycznych: BMI i WHR na wysokość nocnego ciśnienia skurczowego. Palenie tytoniu nasilało niekorzystny wpływ otyłości brzusznej na wysokość ciśnienia tętniczego.Background Overweight and obesity markedly increase the risk of cardiovascular events. The purpose of the study was to identify the effect of interactions between the anthropometric parameters (body mass index - BMI and waist/hip ratio - WHR) on blood pressure values and to assess the relationship between adipose tissue distribution, smoking and blood pressure values. Material and methods The study was conducted as part of the EPOGH Project (European Project on Genes in Hypertension). The study population consisted of 206 subjects ranging in age from 18 to 60 years inhabiting the area of Niepolomice close to Krakow. Each study participant completed a standard EPOGH questionnaire. From all subjects we obtained anthropometric (BMI and WHR) and biochemical measurements (total cholesterol, TG, LDL and HDL cholesterol), and 24hr ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Entry criteria to four study groups were BMI (< 25,0 and ł 25,0 kg/m2) and WHR (< Me and ł Me; Me = 0,84). Statistical analysis was done using the Statistica 6.0 PL. Results Subjects with higher WHR were older, male and more frequently reported smoking. Standardized analysis showed that BMI and WHR affected systolic blood pressure both day and night. Subjects with BMI ł 25,0 kg/m2 and WHR ł Me had significantly higher blood pressure values as compared with subjects with normal body mass (BMI < 25,0 kg/m2 and WHR < Me) both with respect to systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the daytime and nighttime. Analysis of interaction showed a significant cumulative effect of BMI and WHR on systolic blood pressure at night. Triple-factorial analysis of interactions - BMI, WHR, smoking versus blood pressure value - did not show statistical significance. However, smokers with abdominal overweight had higher blood pressure values at night. Conclusions The present study confirmed the significant independent effect of interactions between the anthropometric parameters: BMI and WHR on systolic blood pressure at night. Smoking potentiated the unfavorable effect of overweight and abdominal adipose tissue distribution on blood pressure value

    Overweight and obesity in seven-year children and adipose tissue distribution

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    This diploma thesis is based on the fourth round of the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative. From 1718 children aged 6.5 - 7.99 were collected anthropometric data and characteristics of family and school environment. Prevalence of overweight and obesity, risk distributions of adipose tissue and evaluation of factors affecting abdominal obesity was evaluated. Increase of overweight and obesity was found for boys, increase of overweight and loose of obesity was found for girls. Elevated waist circumference and WHtR were evaluated in both sexes. Year-on-year changes are not statistically significant, overall the stagnating trend of child overweight and obesity has been evaluated. High WHtR was also shown by individuals in normal weight category. Of the rated family characteristics, family anamnesis of obesity, weight of parents, time spent with TV / computers, and mother's education is primarily involved in the risky distribution of fatty tissue. Keywords overweight, obesity, prevalence, nutrition, physical activity, WHtR, waist circumferenceTato diplomová práce vychází ze čtvrtého kola Evropské iniciativy monitorování růstu u dětí. Od 1718 dětí ve věku 6,5 - 7,99 roku byly nasbírány antropometrické údaje a charakteristiky rodinného i školního prostředí. Byla vyhodnocena prevalence nadváhy a obezity, rizikové distribuce tukové tkáně a zhodnocení faktorů ovlivňujících abdominální obezitu. U chlapců byl zjištěn mírný nárůst nadváhy i obezity, u dívek vzrostla nadváha a poklesla obezita. Zvýšené hodnoty obvodu pasu a WHtR byly vyhodnoceny u obou pohlaví. Meziroční změny nejsou statisticky významné, celkově byl vyhodnocen stagnujicí trend dětské nadváhy a obezity. Vysoké WHtR vykazovali i jedinci v normální hmotnostní kategorii. Z hodnocených rodinných charakteristik se na rizikové distribuci tukové tkáně podílí především rodinná anamnéza obezity, hmotnost rodičů, čas strávený u televize / počítače a vzdělání matky. Klíčová slova nadváha, obezita, prevalence, výživa, fyzická aktivita, WHtR, obvod pasuKatedra antropologie a genetiky člověkaDepartment of Anthropology and Human GeneticsFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Anthropometry, Body Composition and Resting Energy Expenditure in Human

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    Data on nutritional status of human populations are periodically needed, as well as their relationships with anthropometry, body composition, body image and energy expenditure, and also with health lifestyle outcomes. All these parameters contribute jointly to give a complete knowledge on dietary and lifestyle habits, and hence how to proceed to improve it in order to enjoy an optimal healthy status. So, you are kindly invited to submit proposals for manuscripts that fit the objectives and the topics of this Nutrients Special issue.The aim of this proposed Nutrients Special Issue on ""Anthropometry, Body Composition and Resting Energy Expenditure in Humans"" is to publish selected papers detailing specific aspects of anthropometric, body composition and energy expenditure data in human populations and their relationships with nutritional status, as well as nutritional surveys and trials that examine measured differences or changes in these parameters are also cordially invited

    Physical activity, exercise and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) represents a spectrum of liver conditions ranging from hepatic steatosis through steatohepatitis to cirrhosis. Its prevalence has been estimated at between one-in-five and one-in-three of the adult population depending on country and diagnostic criteria used. Prevalence increases with degree of obesity, and is very common in those with Type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Rising prevalence of obesity and T2DM, particularly in younger people, will ensure that NAFLD remains a growing clinical concern for the future. Lifestyle modification, which encompasses diet, weight loss, physical activity, and/or exercise related behaviours, is the primary recommended therapy for NAFLD, especially in the absence of approved pharmaceutical agents. Despite lifestyle modifications being central to the management of NAFLD, the evidence base upon which these guidelines are based is lacking, and this is particularly true for physical activity and exercise. The focus of this thesis is on defining, exploring and developing the evidence for physical activity and exercise in NAFLD with a view to improving clinical care. The work contained within this thesis demonstrates that low levels of physical activity are prominent in people with NAFLD and that targeting this with resistance exercise therapy confers benefits to both liver lipid and the factors promoting its accumulation. It also highlights alterations in cardiac structure and function in people with NAFLD in the absence of overt cardiac disease, which may provide a therapeutic avenue in which to decrease cardiac disease risk in people with fatty liver. Over the duration of the work described in this thesis, the number of studies reporting on exercise and liver fat in people with NAFLD has increased markedly. The new information contained within this thesis contributes to this body of knowledge and, over time, will improve the management of a condition that is an increasing burden to the people of the Western world.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    A Cross-Sectional Study on the Relationship between Leisure or Recreational Physical Activity and Coronary Risk Factors

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