268 research outputs found

    Attitude Determination and Control System With Variable-Speed Single-Gimbal Control Moment Gyroscopes for Nanosatellites

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    This paper presents a novel Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS) utilizing Variable-Speed Control Moment Gyroscopes (VSCMG) tailored explicitly for nanosatellites. The VSCMG was realized by spherical motor technology, in which a patented magnetic field design controls the inner rotor and gimbal. Because of the characteristics of the control moment gyroscope, the proposed ADCS offers improved attitude maneuverability and reduced power consumption, addressing the limitations of traditional ADCS solutions for nanosatellites. Furthermore, the adoption of spherical motor technology shrinks the VSCMG into a smaller form factor, which allows the VSCMG to be fitted into a nanosatellite. This research paper introduces the specifications of the integrated ADCS family based on VSCMG, as well as the components used in the system

    Attitude Control Calibration and Experiment Testbed to Characterize Attitude Determination and Control System Performance

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    This paper describes the design, development, and construction of an attitude control testbed to investigate the performance of ADCS. The Testbed consists of three instruments, an air-bearing platform, a Helmholtz cage, and an AM0 spectrum solar simulator. The Testbed in this research features the capability to measure the mass properties of the tested satellite. One of the motivations of this paper is to share the experience while building this highly automated Testbed. Finally, the procedure of the mass properties measurement will be well described in this paper

    Rapid Regulatory T-Cell Response Prevents Cytokine Storm in CD28 Superagonist Treated Mice

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    Superagonistic CD28-specific monoclonal antibodies (CD28SA) are highly effective activators of regulatory T-cells (Treg cells) in rats, but a first-in-man trial of the human CD28SA TGN1412 resulted in an unexpected cytokine release syndrome. Using a novel mouse anti-mouse CD28SA, we re-investigate the relationship between Treg activation and systemic cytokine release. Treg activation by CD28SA was highly efficient but depended on paracrine IL-2 from CD28SA-stimulated conventional T-cells. Systemic cytokine levels were innocuous, but depletion of Treg cells prior to CD28SA stimulation led to systemic release of proinflammatory cytokines, indicating that in rodents, Treg cells effectively suppress the inflammatory response. Since the human volunteers of the TGN1412 study were not protected by this mechanism, we also tested whether corticosteroid prophylaxis would be compatible with CD28SA induced Treg activation. We show that neither the expansion nor the functional activation of Treg cells is affected by high-dose dexamethasone sufficient to control systemic cytokine release. Our findings warn that preclinical testing of activating biologicals in rodents may miss cytokine release syndromes due to the rapid and efficacious response of the rodent Treg compartment, and suggest that polyclonal Treg activation is feasible in the presence of antiphlogistic corticosteroid prophylaxis

    Temporal and tissue-specific variability of SMN protein levels in mouse models of spinal muscular atrophy

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    textabstractSpinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a progressive motor neuron disease caused by deleterious variants in SMN1 that lead to a marked decrease in survival motor neuron (SMN) protein expression. Humans have a second SMN gene (SMN2) that is almost identical to SMN1. However, due to alternative splicing the majority of SMN2 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) is translated into a truncated, unstable protein that is quickly degraded. Because the presence of SMN2 provides a unique opportunity for therapy development in SMA patients, the mechanisms that regulate SMN2 splicing and mRNA expression have been elucidated in great detail. In contrast, how much SMN protein is produced at different developmental time points and in different tissues remains under-characterized. In this study, we addressed this issue by determining SMN protein expression levels at three developmental time points across six different mouse tissues and in two distinct mouse models of SMA ('severe' Taiwanese and 'intermediate' Smn2B/mice). We found that, in healthy control mice, SMN protein expression was significantly influenced by both age and tissue type.When comparing mouse models of SMA, we found that, despite being transcribed from genetically different alleles, control SMN levels were relatively similar. In contrast, the degree of SMN depletion between tissues in SMA varied substantially over time and between the two models. These findings offer an explanation for the differential vulnerability of tissues and organs observed in SMA and further our understanding of the systemic and temporal requirements for SMN with direct relevance for developing effective therapies for SMA

    Host Gene Expression Profiling of Dengue Virus Infection in Cell Lines and Patients

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    Dengue is the most prevalent mosquito-born viral disease affecting humans, yet there is, at present, no drug treatment for the disease nor are there any validated host targets for therapeutic intervention. Using microarray technology to monitor the response of virtually every human gene, we aimed to identify the ways in which humans interact with dengue virus during infection in order to discover new therapeutic targets that could be exploited to control viral replication. From the activated genes, we identified three pathways common to in vitro and in vivo infection; the NF-κB initiated immune pathway, the type I interferon pathway, and the ubiquitin proteasome pathway. We next found that inhibiting the ubiquitin proteasome pathway, or activating the type I interferon pathway, resulted in significant inhibition of viral replication. However, inhibiting the NF-κB initiated immune pathway had no effect on viral replication. We suggest that drugs that target the ubiquitin proteasome pathway may prove effective at killing the dengue virus, and, if used therapeutically, improve clinical outcome in dengue disease

    Central CD4+ T cell tolerance: deletion versus regulatory T cell differentiation

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    The diversion of MHC class II-restricted thymocytes into the regulatory T (Treg) cell lineage, similarly to clonal deletion, is driven by intrathymic encounter of agonist self-antigens. Somewhat paradoxically, it thus seems that the expression of an autoreactive T cell receptor is a shared characteristic of T cells that are subject to clonal deletion and those that are diverted into the Treg cell lineage. Here, we discuss how thymocyte-intrinsic and -extrinsic determinants may specify the choice between these two fundamentally different T cell fates

    Clinimetric evaluation of active range of motion measures in patients with non-specific neck pain: a systematic review

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    The study is to provide a critical analysis of the research literature on clinimetric properties of instruments that can be used in daily practice to measure active cervical range of motion (ACROM) in patients with non-specific neck pain. A computerized literature search was performed in Medline, Cinahl and Embase from 1982 to January 2007. Two reviewers independently assessed the clinimetric properties of identified instruments using a criteria list. The search identified a total of 33 studies, investigating three different types of measurement instruments to determine ACROM. These instruments were: (1) different types of goniometers/inclinometers, (2) visual estimation, and (3) tape measurements. Intra- and inter-observer reliability was demonstrated for the cervical range of motion instrument (CROM), Cybex electronic digital instrument (EDI-320) and a single inclinometer. The presence of agreement was assessed for the EDI-320 and a single inclinometer. The CROM received a positive rating for construct validity. When clinical acceptability is taken into account both the CROM and the single inclinometer can be considered appropriate instruments for measuring the active range of motion in patients with non-specific neck pain in daily practice. Reliability is the aspect most frequently evaluated. Agreement, validity and responsiveness are documented less frequently

    CD28null CD4 T-cell expansions in autoimmune disease suggest a link with cytomegalovirus infection

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    Immunosenescence is thought to contribute to the increase of autoimmune diseases in older people. Immunosenescence is often associated with the presence of an expanded population of CD4 T cells lacking expression of CD28 (CD28null). These highly cytotoxic CD4 T cells were isolated from disease-affected tissues in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, or other chronic inflammatory diseases and their numbers appeared to be linked to disease severity. However, we recently demonstrated that the common herpes virus, cytomegalovirus (CMV), not ageing, is the major driver of this subset of cytotoxic T cells. In this review, we discuss how CMV might potentiate and exacerbate autoimmune disease through the expansion of CD28null CD4 T cells