28 research outputs found
Bioactivity and chemical characterization in hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds of Chenopodium ambrosioides L
The bioactive properties (antioxidant and antitumour activities, and hepatotoxicity) of the infusion and methanolic extracts of Chenopodium ambrosioides L., a plant commonly used in Portuguese folk medicine, were compared. The chemical composition in hydrophilic (sugars, organic acids and phenolic compounds) and lipophilic (fatty acids and tocopherols) fractions were determined. In general, the infusion revealed higher antioxidant activity, while the methanolic extract was the only one showing antitumour effects against colon, cervical and hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines. No toxicity in non-tumour cells was observed either for the infusion or the extract. The studied plant proved to be a good source of natural antioxidants and other bioactive compounds, which may have industrial use. As far as we know, this is the first detailed chemical characterization and bioactivity evaluation of C. ambrosioides methanolic extract and infusion.The authors are grateful to Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) for financial support to CIMO (strategic project PEst-OE/AGR/UI0690/2011). R.C. Calhelha and L. Barros also thank to FCT, POPH-QREN and FSE for their grants (SFRH/BPD/BPD/68344/2010 and SFRH/BPD/4609/2008, respectively). The GIP-USAL is financially supported by the Spanish Government through the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme (FUN-C-FOOD, CSD2007-00063). M. Duenas thanks to the Programa Ramon y Cajal for a contract
Infusion and decoction of wild German chamomile: bioactivity and characterization of organic acids and phenolic compounds
Natural products represent a rich source of biologically active compounds and are an example of molecular diversity, with recognised potential in drug discovery. Herein, the methanol extract of Matricaria recutita L. (German chamomile) and its decoction and infusion (the most consumed preparations of this herb) were submitted to an analysis of phytochemicals and bioactivity evaluation. The antioxidant activity was determined by free radicals scavenging activity, reducing power and inhibition of lipid peroxidation; the antitumour potential was tested in human tumour cell lines (breast, lung, colon, cervical and hepatocellular carcinomas), and the hepatotoxicity was evaluated using a porcine liver primary cell culture (non-tumour cells). All the samples revealed antioxidant properties. The decoction exhibited no antitumour activity (GI(50)>400 μg/mL) which could indicate that this bioactivity might be related to compounds (including phenolic compounds) that were not extracted or that were affected by the decoction procedure. Both plant methanol extract and infusion showed inhibitory activity to the growth of HCT-15 (GI(50) 250.24 and 298.23 μg/mL, respectively) and HeLa (GI(50) 259.36 and 277.67 μg/mL, respectively) cell lines, without hepatotoxicity (GI(50)>400 μg/mL). Infusion and decoction gave higher contents of organic acids (24.42 and 23.35 g/100g dw). Otherwise, the plant methanol extract contained the highest amounts of both phenolic acids (3.99 g/100g dw) and flavonoids (2.59 g/100g dw). The major compound found in all the preparations was luteolin O-acylhexoside. Overall, German chamomile contains important phytochemicals with bioactive properties (mainly antitumour potential selective to colon and cervical carcinoma cell lines) to be explored in the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries.The authors are grateful to strategic project PEst-OE/AGR/UI0690/2011 for financial support to CIMO. R. Guimaraes, L. Barros and R. Calhelha thank FCT, POPH-QREN and FSE for their Grants (SFRH/BD/78307/2011, SFRH/BPD/4609/2008 and SFRH/BPD/68344/2010). The GIP-USAL is financially supported by the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme (FUN-C-FOOD, CSD2007-00063). M. Duenas thanks the Spanish "Ramon y Cajal" Programme for a contract
Diplomsko delo obravnava možnosti malih in srednje velikih podjetij, ki s pomočjo spletne prodaje, z minimalnim vlaganjem dosežejo nacionalni ali globalni trg. Odlično alternativo plačljivim lastniškim rešitvam predstavljajo odprtokodne rešitve, ki so praviloma na voljo brezplačno. Ponudba brezplačnih odprtokodnih rešitev za spletne trgovine je velika, tako da se za vsako podjetje lahko najde takšna, ki mu ustreza.
Na spletu je v letu 2010 nakupovalo skoraj petsto tisoč Slovencev. Trend nakupovanja na spletu se z leti viša kar kaže, da je priložnost za uspeh na spletu velika. Prednosti pa niso samo za lastnike spletnih trgovin, temveč tudi za kupce. Na spletu so cene nižje, nakupovanje je hitro in enostavno. Na eni strani je mogoče najti vse potrebne informacije, ni impulzivnega nakupovanja, možnosti vračila izdelkov pa so enostavne. To je le nekaj izmed razlogov, kar dela spletno trgovino zanimivo.
Podjetje Zoo Market Rex se je pred dvema letoma odločilo, da svojo ponudbo predstavi tudi na spletu. V letu dni je prodaja preko spleta presegla prodajo ene izmed poslovalnic, prodaja pa še vedno raste. Na tem primeru lahko ugotovimo, da se vlaganje v spletno trgovino splača.This paper is about the potential of small and medium-sized companies to reach national or global market, through online sales with minimal investments. Excellent alternative to payable proprietary solutions represent open source solutions, which are usually available free of charge. There are a lot of free open source e-commerce solutions on the market, so there is a solution for every company.
In year 2010 online shopped almost five hundred thousand Slovenians. The trend of online shopping increases every year, so there is a great opportunity for success on the internet. Benefits are not just for online stores owners, but also for customers. Prices are lower, shopping is quick and easy, it is possible to find all the information in one place, no more impulse buying, the ability to return products and many more are the reasons of what makes online shopping interesting.
Company Zoo market Rex two years ago decided to present its offer on the Internet. In one year, online sales surpassed sales of one of the branches and sales are still growing. This is a good practice of what can a company achieve if it invests in online store
Extraction of products from milk thistle (sylibum marianum
Pegasti badelj spada med eno najbolj cenjenih zdravilnih rastlin, ki se je razširila že skoraj po vsem svetu. V semenih pegastega badlja se skriva mešanica flavonolignanov, ki jih s skupnim imenom imenujemo silimarin.
Ekstrakcija silimarina iz pegastega badlja poteka v dveh stopnjah, saj semena vsebujejo tudi veliko maščob in jih je treba predhodno razmastiti. Razmaščevanje običajno poteka s pomočjo heksana. V tem magistrskem delu smo za razmaščevanje uporabili še druga topila in metodo hladnega stiskanja. V ekstrahiranih oljih smo določevali tudi vsebnost tokoferolov in topil. Kot pričakovano smo dokazali, da je metoda hladnega stiskanja najbolj ugodna, saj ohrani sestavo in kvaliteto olja ter je za zdravje in okolje najmanj škodljiva.
V nadaljevanju smo želeli optimirati ekstrakcijo silimarina iz razmaščenih semen. Najprej smo določili najboljše topilo, za katero se je izkazal aceton. Nato smo z računalniškim programom Design Expert določili optimalno temperaturo, čas ekstrakcije in razmerje topilo : material. Ugotovili smo, da se vsebnost silimarina s temperaturo niža, viša z višanjem razmerja topilo : material in da vsebnost začne padati po 11 urah ekstrakcije.
V ekstraktih smo določili tudi vsebnost ogljikovih hidratov, vsebnost totalnih fenolov in antioksidativno aktivnost. Predhodno smo predvideli, da bo ekstrakt pridobljen iz materiala, ki je bil predhodno razmaščen z metodo hladnega stiskanja, imel najboljše lastnosti in imel najvišjo antioksidativno aktivnost. To trditev smo v magistrskem delu tudi potrdili.Milk thistle belongs to one of the most valued medicinal plants and has already spread almost all over the world. The seeds of the milk thistle contain a mixture of flavonolignans, generally known as silymarin.
Generally the extraction of silymarin from milk thistle takes place in two stages, as the seeds also contains a lot of fats and must be previously defatted. Extraction of fats is usually done with hexane, while in this master\u27s thesis, other solvents and the cold pressing method for degreasing were examined. In the extracted oil the content of tocopherols and solvents were determined. We proved that as expected the cold pressing method gives the best results, as it preserves the composition and quality of the oil and is the least harmful to human health and environment.
Furthermore, the aim was to optimize the extraction of silymarin from defatted seeds. First, we determined the best solvent, which proved to be acetone. Then the Design Expert 13 software was used to determine the optimal temperature, extraction time and solvent : material ratio. We found that the content of silymarin decreases with increasing temperature, increases with increasing solvent : material ratio and that the content starts to decrease after 11 hours of extraction.
The final extracts were analysed for carbohydrate content, total phenol content and antioxidant activity. It was expected, that the extract obtained from material, defatted by cold pressing would have the biggest content of silymarin and phenolic compounds and would possess the highest antioxidant activity. This claim was confirmed
Staranje prebivalstva je tako v Sloveniji kot tudi drugje po svetu proces, ki se mu ni mogoče izogniti. Ker se življenjska doba daljša, število rojstev pa pada, se starostna sestava prebivalstva zelo spreminja. S staranjem prebivalstva pa se veča število kroničnih bolezni, kot so rakave, srčno-žilne bolezni, bolezni dihal, gibal, osteoporoza in številne druge. Prav zaradi vsega naštetega se je tudi pri nas pojavila potreba po ustanavljanju negovalnih bolnišnic in oddelkov. Negovalni oddelki oziroma bolnišnice naj bi zapolnili vrzel med sekundarno in primarno zdravstveno obravnavo in omogočili celostno ter bolj kakovostno obravnavo bolnikov. Zaradi večje dostopnosti naj bi imela vsaka regija oziroma bolnišnica svoj negovalni oddelek.
V raziskovalnem delu smo za študijo primera uporabili tehniko intervjuja pri pacientki po operaciji zlomljenega kolka. Pri tem smo ugotovili aktualne in potencialne negovalne probleme ter izpostavili prioritetne aktivnosti zdravstvene nege. Izpostavili smo pet negovalnih problemov, ki so prioritetni: bolečina operirane okončinemobilnost, nepopolna telesna mobilnost III. stopnjenepopolna sposobnost hoje III. stopnjesamonega, zmanjšana zmožnost za samostojno osebno higieno III. stopnje in nevarnost padcev. Ugotovili smo, da 11 funkcionalnih vzorcev po Marjory Gordon zagotavlja celovito obravnavo bolnika po operaciji zlomljenega kolka na negovalnem oddelku.
S kakovostno zdravstveno nego in rehabilitacijo želimo doseči, da bi bolnik po odpustu lahko opravljal vsakodnevna opravila oziroma bil sposoben samooskrbe.Die Alterung der Bevölkerung ist sowohl in Slowenien als auch anderswo in der Welt ein Prozess, den man nicht vermeiden kann. Weil die Lebenserwartung steigt und die Zahl der Geburten sinkt, ändert sich die Altersstruktur der Bevölkerung sehr schnell. Mit der Alterung der Bevölkerung steigt auch die Zahl der chronischen Krankheiten, wie Krebs, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Atemwegserkrankungen, Krankheiten des Bewegungsapparates, Osteoporose und vielen anderen. Aufgrund dessen ist auch in Slowenien das Bedürfnis nach der Errichtung der Pflegekrankenhäuser und -abteilungen aufgetreten. Die Pflegeabteilungen bzw. -krankenhäuser sollten die Lücke zwischen sekundärer und primärer medizinischer Behandlung füllen und eine umfassende und qualitätsvolle Behandlung von Patienten ermöglichen. Wegen größerer Zugänglichkeit sollte jede Region bzw. jedes Krankenhaus eine eigene Pflegeabteilung haben.
In den Forschungsteil, haben wir für Rahmen einer Fallstudie die Interviewtechnik bei einer Patientin nach der Operation der gebrochenen Hüfte angewandt wurde. Dabei wurden aktuelle und potentielle Pflegeprobleme festgestellt und die vorrangigen Tätigkeiten der Krankenpflege hervorgehoben. Die folgenden fünf vorrangigen Pflegeprobleme wurden besonders hervorgehoben: Schmerzen am operierten Gliedmaßeeingeschränkte Mobilität (Mobilitätsgrad 3)eingeschränkte Lauffähigkeit (Grad 3)Selbstpflege bzw. Selbstpflegedefizit (Grad 3) und die Fallgefahr. Wir haben festgestellt, dass die elf funktionellen Gesundheitsverhaltensmuster von Marjory Gordon eine vollständige Behandlung von Patienten nach einer Operation einer gebrochenen Hüfte in einer Pflegeabteilung gewährleisten.
Mit einer qualitätsvollen Gesundheitsversorgung und Rehabilitation soll erreicht werden, dass Patienten nach der Entlassung die alltäglichen Arbeiten erledigen können bzw. im Stande sind, sich selbst zu versorgen
Optimization of extraction and validation of analytical method of aescin in horse-chestnut extract
Okoli 19. stoletja je navadni divji kostanj (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) postal cenjena zdravilna rastlina. Gre za drevo, ki ga zaradi njegovega uspešnega prilagajanja na različne tipe podnebij, najdemo skoraj povsod po svetu. Skozi leta so spoznavali njegove zdravilne učinke in ugotovili, da ima glavne farmakološke lastnosti aescin, mešanica triterpenskih saponinov, ki je prisoten v semenih navadnega divjega kostanja.
Naš namen je bil preučiti pogoje pri katerih izoliramo največ aescina iz semen. Izolacijo smo izvedli z ekstrakcijo oz. natančneje maceracijo. Kot topilo smo uporabili 50 in 60 vol% etanol. Ekstrakcijo smo izvedli pri 40 in 60 °C, čas ekstrakcije pa je bil 2 ali 4 h. Ugotovili smo, da pri višji temperaturi in večjem deležu etanola v topilu, dobimo višjo vsebnost aescina v ekstraktu. Delež aescina v ekstraktu pa se je zmanjševal s časom ekstrakcije.
Vsebnost učinkovine, aescina, v izoliranih ekstraktih smo analizirali z metodo iz francoske farmakopeje, ki temelji na spektrofotometrometriji. Metode v podjetju Vitiva d.d., kjer smo izvajali eksperimentalni del diplomske naloge, do sedaj še niso validirali. Zato smo izvedli tudi validacijo, kjer smo dokazovali selektivnost, linearnost in ponovljivost, kamor uvrščamo še ponovljivost metode, ponovljivost sistema ter vmesno natačnost in obnovljivost. Metodo smo v sklopu diplomske naloge uspešno validirali.Around the 19th century, the common horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) became a valued medicinal plant. It is a tree that is found almost everywhere in the world due to its successful adaptation to different types of climates. Over the years its healing effects were discovered and found that the main pharmacological effects are generated by aescin, a mixture of triterpene saponins hidden in the seeds of the common horse chestnut.
The aim of this work was to study conditions by which the most aescin is isolated from seeds. Isolatio was performed with extraction or more precisely maceration. As a solvent 50 and 60 vol% ethanol was used. Extraction was performed at 40 and 60 ° C while the extraction time was 2 or 4 h. It was found that the higher the temperature and the higher the ethanol content in the solvent is, the higher is the aescin content in the extract. The proportion of aescin in the extract, however, decreased with the extraction time.
The content of the active substance-aescin in the isolated extracts was analyzed by a method from the French Pharmacopoeia that is based on spectrophotometrometry. The analytical method in the company Vitiva d.d., where we performed the experimental part of the diploma thesis, have not yet been validated. Therefore, we also performed validation, where we proved: selectivity, linearity and repeatability, which also includes repeatability of the method, repeatability of the system and intermediate accuracy and reproducibility. The method was successfully validated in the frame of the diploma thesis
Introduction of new employees in nursing care in the hospitals of the podravska region
Izhodišča: Strokovno izobraženi in usposobljeni kadri so temeljni dejavnik razvoja, kakovosti in uspešnosti vsake organizacije. Zavedati se je treba, da je kader, ki ga zaposlimo, ogledalo našega dela in vrednot podjetja. Namen raziskave je bil raziskati proces uvajanja novo zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi ter njihovo zadovoljstvo in način uvajanja v bolnišnicah v podravski regiji.
Raziskovalna metodologija: V raziskavi je bila uporabljena kvantitativna metodologija raziskovanja. Sodelovalo je enaindevetdeset zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi, ki so se zaposlili v bolnišnicah v zadnjih petih letih. Anketiranje smo izvedli na devetih oddelkih v dveh bolnišnicah v podravski regiji. Rezultate smo analizirali in statistično obdelali s pomočjo računalniškega programa IBM SPSS 22.0.
Rezultati: Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je za uspešno uvajanje novo zaposlenih najpomembneje, da so jim podana jasna navodila glede njihove vloge, ciljev in odgovornosti (4,74 ± 0,51). Mentor, ki uvaja zaposlene, mora biti izkušena, potrpežljiva, spoštljiva, odgovorna in empatična oseba (4,71 ± 0,70). Novo zaposleni z mentorjem preživijo premalo časa (3,42 ± 1,284) ter večino svojega znanja in izkušenj pridobijo od sodelavcev (4,50 ± 0,691).
Diskusija in zaključek: V zdravstveni negi v bolnišnicah v podravski regiji imamo dobre temelje za uspešno uvajanje novo zaposlenih, zato moramo skrbeti za to, da jim bomo pomagali, da se bodo počutili sprejete in dobrodošle, še preden bodo začeli z opravljanjem dela na svoj prvi delovni dan.Introduction: Professionally educated and trained staff is the key factor in development, quality and success of every organisation. We need to be aware that the staff we hire is a mirror of our work and values of the company. The purpose of the research is to investigate the process of introducing a new employee in nursing care into the workplace, to find out employee satisfaction and to explore the ways of introducing new employees in nursing care in the hospitals of the podravska region.
Research methodology: A quantitative method is used in the research. With a survey technique we interviewed 91 employees, who have been employed in the hospital for the past five years. We conducted a survey in nine departments of two hospitals in the podravska region. We analysed and systematically processed the results with IBM SPSS 22.0.
Results: The survey concluded that the most important part of successful introduction of new employees is giving them clear instructions on the clarity of the role, goals and responsibilities (4,74 ± 0,51). Mentor, who must be an experienced, patient, respectful, responsible and empathetic person, plays a crucial role in the process of a successful introduction of new employees (4,71 ± 0,70). The survey concluded that unfortunately new employees did not spend enough time with their mentor (3,42 ± 1,284) and obtained most of the knowledge and experience from co-workers (4,50 ± 0,691).
Discussion and conclusion: In nursing care in hospitals in the podravska region, we have good foundations for the successful introduction of new employees, so we have to take care of helping them to feel accepted and welcome them even before they start their first working day
Teoretična izhodišča: V diplomskem delu je predstavljena zdravstvena nega in aktivnosti medicinske sestre pri bolniku po operaciji želodčnega obvoda. Opisana je debelost, ki postaja vedno večji javnozdravstveni problem. Ugotovljeno je, da je debelost možno zdraviti s pomočjo bariatrične kirurgije, ki postaja vedno bolj uveljavljen in dolgoročno uspešen način zdravljenja debelosti. Po operaciji je zelo pomembno zdravstveno vzgojno delo medicinske sestre in drugih strokovnjakov, ki sodelujejo pri operaciji želodčnega obvoda.
Metodologija raziskovanja: Raziskava je temeljila na kvalitativni metodologiji, izvedena je bila študija primera bolnice po operaciji želodčnega obvoda pri kateri je bila uporabljena tehnika intervjuja, ki je vseboval vprašanja odprtega tipa.
Rezultati: S pomočjo študije primera bolnice po operaciji želodčnega obvoda je ugotovljeno, da ima operacija želodčnega obvoda pozitivne učinke na socialno življenje in samopodobo bolnice kot tudi na ostale življenjske aktivnosti.
Sklep: Število debelih ljudi se povečuje in s tem tudi število zbolelih zaradi kronično nenalezljivih bolezni. Debelost lahko preprečujemo s spremembo prehranjevalnih navad, zadostnim gibanjem in opozarjanjem ter vzgajanjem ljudi. Zdravstveno vzgojno delo je aktivnost zdravstvene nege, ki jo izvaja medicinska sestra. Pomembno vlogo ima medicinska sestra pri bolnici po operaciji želodčnega obvoda.Theoretical basis: In diploma thesis there is presentation of patient’s nursing care after stomach bypass. The description of obesity, which is becoming a growing public health problem, is also given. It has been ascertained that obesity can be treated with the help of the bariatric surgery. The latter is becoming increasingly established and long term successful method of obesity treatment. After the surgery of the stomach bypass it is crucial that nurses and other health care workers gain suitable education about how to treat the patient.
Research methodology: The research was based on qualitative methodology, the case study of the patient after the stomach bypass was performed on the basis of interview, which included open type questions.
Results: Following the case study it has been ascertained that stomach bypass has positive effects on patient’s social life, self-image and other life activities.
Conclusion: The number of obese people is increasingtherefore the rise of non-contagious, chronic diseases occurs. Obesity can be prevented with the change of eating habits, exercise, alerting and educating people. The health education work is the activity of the health care performed by the nurse. The latter is also essential after the stomach bypass surgery
Isolation and concentration of natural antioxidants with high-pressure extraction
In present work, the purification of crude rosemary extract with supercritical fluids is presented. Carbon dioxide was used as a solvent. The crude extract was prepared from rosemary with conventional extraction process. The supercritical CO2 extraction of crude extracts was performed at pressures 10 and 20 MPa and temperatures 35 and 60 °C. The best results were obtained at pressure 10 MPa and temperature 35 °C. The content of carnosic acid in the samples before and after high pressure extraction was identified by high performance liquid chromatography. The content of carnosic acid in purified extract is higher compared to crude extract. The antioxidative efficiency of extracts was determined by measuring peroxide value. Activity ofpurified rosemary extracts is higher compared to crude extracts