5 research outputs found
On the EU-Japan roadmap for experimental research on corium behavior
A joint research roadmap between Europe and Japan has been developed in severe accident field of light water reactors, focusing particularly on reactor core melt (corium) behavior. The development of this roadmap is one of the main targets of the ongoing EU project SAFEST. This paper presents information about ongoing severe accident studies in the area of corium behavior, rationales and comparison of research priorities identified in different projects and documents, expert ranking of safety issues, and finally the research areas and topics and their priorities suggested for the EU-Japan roadmap and future bilateral collaborations. These results provide useful guidelines for (i) assessment of long-term goals and proposals for experimental support needed for proper understanding, interpretation and learning lessons of the Fukushima accident; (ii) analysis of severe accident phenomena; (iii) development of accident prevention and mitigation strategies, and corresponding technical measures; (iv) study of corium samples in European and Japanese laboratories; and (v) preparation of Fukushima site decommissioning
Mobbing as a threat in the work environment
Celem tej pracy jest zbadanie rzeczywistego stanu zjawiska jakim jest mobbing. Jak wp艂ywa na samopoczucie pracownik贸w, na wykonywan膮 przez nich prac臋. Czy ofiary mobbingu pr贸buj膮 zaradzi膰 swojej sytuacji i jak reaguj膮 艣wiadkowie mobbingu. Praca ta ma przedstawi膰 jak wygl膮da ten problem w przedsi臋biorstwach i instytucjach. Aby ten cel zrealizowa膰 przeprowadzi艂am badania empiryczne w kt贸rych zosta艂a wykorzystana ankieta. Badanie odbywa艂o si臋 na terenie ca艂ej Polski, by艂a skierowana do celowej grupy badawczej, czyli takiej, kt贸ra mia艂a do czynienia z mobbingiem w swoim miejscu pracy. Wzi臋艂o w niej udzia艂 50 os贸b.I i II rozdzia艂 dotyczy teoretycznych zagadnie艅 zwi膮zanych z mobbingiem W III rozdziale znajduje si臋 analiza oraz wnioski z przeprowadzonych bada艅 .Do najwa偶niejszych wniosk贸w mo偶na zaliczy膰:.Najliczniejsz膮 grup膮 ankietowanych by艂y osoby mobbingowane przez swojego pracodawc臋. G艂贸wn膮 przyczyn膮 negatywnych zachowa艅 by艂 konflikt. N臋kanie najcz臋艣ciej przejawia艂o si臋 poprzez krzyk i brak szacunku czy te偶 prac膮 do p贸藕nych godzin co oddzia艂ywa艂o w negatywny spos贸b na pracownik贸w.Purpose of this Bachelor Thesis is to determine the actual state of the mobbing. How does it affect one's self-esteem or performed work, if the victims of mobbing tried to prevent it from happening and how do the witnesses reacted to it. This work shows how mobbing looks like in companies and institutions in Poland. Fundamental of it is based on the survey that was answered by fifty employees directly affected by mobbing. First and second chapter refers to theoretical matters while third chapter contains analysis and conclusions. Most crucial of them include: Highest percentage of employees affected by mobbing were harassed by their direct manager. Most common reason behind it was conflict and was manifested by humiliation, lack of respect and working till late hours that impacted the workers
Analysis of the influence of the management styles on motivation for work among management students
Celem niniejszej pracy jest zbadanie rzeczywistego wp艂ywu stylu kierowania na wyniki pracy student贸w zarz膮dzania. Na to jak wp艂ywa na samopoczucie pracownik贸w i na wykonywan膮 przez nich prac臋.Aby ten cel zrealizowa膰 przeprowadzone zosta艂y badania empiryczne w kt贸rych wykorzystano technik臋 ankietowania. Badanie odby艂o si臋 na terenie wojew贸dztwa ma艂opolskiego, by艂a skierowana do celowej grupy badawczej, czyli takiej, kt贸ra wsp贸艂pracowa艂a z kadr膮 menad偶ersk膮 w swoim miejscu pracy. Wzi臋艂o w niej udzia艂 55 os贸b.I i II rozdzia艂 dotyczy teoretycznych zagadnie艅 zwi膮zanych z rol膮 menad偶era i stylem kierowania. W III i IV rozdziale znajduje si臋 analiza oraz wnioski z przeprowadzonych bada艅. Do najwa偶niejszych wniosk贸w mo偶na zaliczy膰:.Studenci zarz膮dzania najch臋tniej wsp贸艂pracowaliby z osob膮, kt贸ra bardzo dobrze opanowa艂a proces i tematyk臋 kt贸ra dotyczy ich codziennej pracy. Najbardziej po偶膮danym stylem kierowania jest styl mieszany. Zachowanie menad偶era ma wp艂yw na prac臋 i na atmosfer臋 w zespole. To co najbardziej demotywuje do pracy to faworyzowanie innych, brak docenienia pracy ludzi, nieumiej臋tne przydzielanie zada艅 i brak zaanga偶owania.Purpose of this Master Thesis is to determine what it the most proper style of management among student management. How does it affect one's self-esteem or performed work?A whole research is based on the survey which was answered by fifty-five employees directly cooperated with managers. It took place in the ma艂opolska voivodeship.First and second chapter refers to theoretical matters while third and fourth chapter contains analysis and conclusions.Most crucial of them include:Students of management are more likely to cooperate with person who is specialized in their occupation. The most desirable style of management is mixed style. For sure, the leader's behavior has an impact on the atmosphere in the team. Mostly lack of appreciate other`s work, lack of commitment and improperly assigns tasks cause that people feel demotivated to work
Understanding Final Neolithic communities in south-eastern Poland: New insights on diet and mobility from isotopic data.
We present the first comprehensive multi-isotopic data on human and animal remains from the Final Neolithic Corded Ware culture (ca. 2900-2300 cal. BC) in south-eastern Poland. The study focused on communities of two settlement areas located in the Ma艂opolska Upland and in the Subcarpathian region. Carbon and nitrogen isotopes of bone collagen were investigated to obtain insights into human dietary preferences, whereas the strontium isotope composition of human tooth enamel was used to trace the mobility and provenance of individuals. Sr isotope data point to a non-local origin of at least one-quarter of the investigated individuals in the Subcarpathian region, consistent with associated allochthonous grave inventories of eastern or western origins. In contrast, all investigated individuals in the Ma艂opolska Upland were of local origin. Furthermore, our study shows an example that the use of fauna for the assessment of the local 87Sr/86Sr range of an archaeological site can lead to incorrect conclusions and suggests that a detailed Sr isotopic survey of the geological background and its hydrologic elements is necessary to provide conclusive constraints for the identification of local and non-local individuals in prehistoric communities. Carbon and nitrogen isotope composition of bone collagen indicate an omnivorous diet that included C3-based terrestrial plant and animal resources, in which plant food dominated. In both regions, there were no significant sex differences in dietary intakes. Higher 未15Ncoll values of younger infants presumably reflect the effect of weaning