271 research outputs found

    Questions and responses in ╪Ākhoe Hai||om

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    This paper examines ╪Ākhoe Hai||om, a Khoe language of the Khoisan family spoken in Northern Namibia. I document the way questions are posed in natural conversation, the actions the questions are used for and the manner in which they are responded to. I show that in this language speakers rely most heavily on content questions. I also find that speakers of ╪Ākhoe Hai||om address fewer questions to a specific individual than would be expected from prior research on Indo European languages. Finally, I discuss some possible explanations for these findings

    The influence of ǂAkhoe Haiǀǀom culture on questioning strategies

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    This talk will be concerned with the questioning strategies shown by speaker of ƢĀkhoe HaiƠƠom, a Khoisan language spoken by a hunter-gatherer community in northern Namibia. My data consists of question answer sequences collected from video recordings of natural conversations. I will discuss the way questions are posed in natural conversation, the interactional functions the questions are used for and the manner in which the questions are responded to. The main finding concerns ƢĀkhoe question distribution which is markedly different to that of other languages that participated in the Max-Planck-Institute’s Questions Project. Where ƢĀkhoe speakers rely most heavily on content questions, speakers of the other nine languages that participated (American English, Danish, Dutch, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lao, Tzeltal and Yélî Dnye) all show a higher use of polar questions. I will argue that the explanation for this difference lies in the interplay of the grammatical form of a question and its interactional function. Speakers of ƢĀkhoe perform different social actions than the speakers of the other languages. I also find that speakers of ƢĀkhoe HaiƠƠom address fewer questions to a specific individual than would be expected from prior research on Indo European languages. Finally I will discuss some possible explanations for both these findings which I propose can be found in the culture of the speakers

    Применение частотного метода для расчета переходных процессов в однородных цепях с распределенными параметрами

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    Рассмотрено применение частотного метода для расчета переходных процессов в однородных цепях с распределенными параметрами на примере одной фазы линии электропередачи при подключении и отключении источника и нагрузки. К линии подключены источник и нагрузка, содержащие синусоидальную ЭДС и пассивные элементы с постоянными параметрами. Используется приведение расчетных схем к нулевым начальным условиям. Определяемые напряжения и токи зависят от двух переменных: расстояния, отсчитываемого от начала линии, и времени. Методика учитывает многократное прохождение волнами напряжения и тока линии и отражение этих волн от нагрузки и источника

    Из истории становления социологического научного направления кафедры гуманитарного образования ЮТИ ТПУ

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    Представлена история организации и осуществления хоздоговорной научной деятельности кафедры гуманитарного образования Юргинского технологического института (филиала) Томского политехнического университета в области прикладных социологических исследований, социально-экономической сферы г. Юрги и установления коммуникативных связей ЮТИ ТПУ с хозяйствующими субъектами различных организационно-правовых форм и властными структурами города

    Палеогеографические условия формирования верхнеюрских отложений Усть-Тымской впадины (Томская область)

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    На основе детального изучения керна, текстурного, ихнологического и литолого-фациального анализов проведены палеогеографические реконструкции на время накопления продуктивных пластов горизонта Ю-I. Построена серия литолого-фациальных карт, отражающих седиментологические особенности выделенных подразделений. По результатам комплексных исследований керна выделены и описаны 24 литогенетических типа, отнесенных к 18 фациальным обстановкам. Сделан вывод о прибрежноморском генезисе описываемых отложений

    32P-Postlabeling of a DNA adduct derived from 4,4′-methylenedianiline, in the olfactory epithelium of rats exposed by inhalation to 4,4′-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate

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    Tissues obtained from female Wistar rats exposed to a 0.9 μm aerosol of 4,4′-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) for 17 h per day, 5 days per week, for one year, at levels of 0, 0.3, 0.7 and 2.0 mg/m3, were analyzed for DNA adducts. A 32P-postlabeling method was used to detect (i). adducts formed by the reaction of the isocyanate group(s) of MDI with DNA; and a 32P-postlabeling method was adapted to detect (ii), a DNA adduct formed by 4,4′-methylenedianiline (MDA), a hydrolysis/decarboxylation product of MDI. In the lung, neither isocyanate adducts nor the arylamine adduct were detectable. The same negative result was seen in the liver, the bladder, the kidney, the respiratory epithelium and in peripheral lymphocytes. In the olfactory epithelium, on the other hand, the aryl-amine-derived DNA adduct was detected, at the very low levels of 5, 9 and 10 adduct-nucleotides per 1010 nucleotides, for the three dose groups, respectively. The adduct co-chromatographed with the one formed in the liver of rats after oral gavage of MDA. The results are discussed in terms of the importance of genotoxic versus nongenotoxic aspects of carcinogenesi

    Auf dem Weg zu einer an den Klimawandel angepassten Siedlungsentwicklung?

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    Während sich die Siedlungs- und Verkehrsfläche in Deutschland weiterhin ausdehnt, ergeben sich neue Anforderungen an den Raum, die in gesteigerten Flächenkonkurrenzen und in der Verschärfung bestehender Umweltrisiken resultieren. Neben einer stärkeren Berücksichtigung von Klimaschutz und Energiewende bei der Entwicklung der Siedlungsstruktur wird ihre Anpassung an den Klimawandel gefordert, um negative Auswirkungen auf Bevölkerung, Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur abzuwenden. Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes CC-LandStraD („Climate Change – Land Use Strategies“) werden Wechselwirkungen zwischen der Landnutzung und dem Klimawandel für alle relevanten Landnutzungssektoren untersucht. Hierfür werden Landnutzungsänderungen in Deutschland bis zum Jahr 2030 simuliert und dabei ausgehend von einem Referenzszenario unterschiedliche Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz und zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel implementiert. Die Wirksamkeit der Maßnahmen kann mithilfe von Indikatoren abgeschätzt werden. Es zeigt sich, dass sich die Flächenkonkurrenzen in einigen Regionen aufgrund der stärkeren Berücksichtigung von Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung in der Siedlungsflächenentwicklung verschärfen werden. Betroffen sind vor allem die Regionen, die bereits heute entweder eine hohe Siedlungsdynamik aufweisen oder unter einem gewissen Anpassungsdruck (z. B. hinsichtlich Maßnahmen zum Hochwasserschutz) stehen

    Матеріали до генеалогії священого роду Кудрицьких

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    In this study a direct comparison was made between non-invasive and non-ventilated unrestrained whole body plethysmography (Penh) (conscious animals) and the invasive ventilated lung resistance (RL) method (anaesthetized animals) in both mild and severe allergic airway inflammation models. Mild inflammation was induced by intraperitoneal sensitization and aerosols of ovalbumin. Severe inflammation was induced by intraperitoneal sensitization using trinitrophenyl-ovalbumin, followed by intranasal challenges with IgE-allergen complexes. A significant increase in airway responsiveness to methacholine was observed in the mild inflammation group when RL was measured. Significant changes in both RL and Penh were observed in the severe inflammation groups. There was a significant increase in the number of inflammatory cells in the Broncho-Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) in both the mild and severe inflammation animals. The enforced ventilation of the animals during the RL measurement further increased the number of cells in the BALF. IL-2 and RANTES levels in the BALF were higher in the severe inflammation groups compared to the mild inflammation groups. Penh gave only reliable measurements during severe airway inflammation. Measuring RL gave consistent results in both mild and severe allergic airway inflammation models however, ventilation induced an additional cell influx into the airways


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    Flächenmanagement bedeutet eine aktive bedarfsorientierte Steuerung der Flächenentwicklung im Siedlungsraum mit dem Ziel einer ressourcenschonenden und qualitätsvollen Beodennutzung. Durch die Kombination von hoheitlichen und konsensuealen Instrumenten unter Einbeziehung unterschiedlicher Aktuere können Flächenbereitstellungen optimiert und konkurrierende Nutzungsansprüche ausgeglichen werden