3,443 research outputs found

    Periodic elements of the free idempotent generated semigroup on a biordered set

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    We show that every periodic element of the free idempotent generated semigroup on an arbitrary biordered set belongs to a subgroup of the semigroup

    Contextualizing South Africa’s participation in the SITES 2006 module

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    The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) initiated the Second International Technology in Education Study (SITES 2006) — a large-scale comparative survey on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in schools. The goal was to understand the pedagogical use of ICTs in schools in 22 education systems. We aim to contextualize South Africa’s participation in SITES 2006 on four levels: (i) the nature and structure of the South African education system, (ii) a review of South Africa’s participation in SITES 2006, (iii) ICT infrastructure, facilities and equipment, and (iv) teachers’ use of ICTs for teaching and learning. SITES 2006 administered three questionnaires to school principals, technology coordinators, and mathematics and science teachers. The final sample consisted of 666 mathematics and 622 science teachers. Although most education systems collected data via the internet, South Africa was the only country that used only a paper-and-pencil data collection strategy with an average return rate of 90%. South Africa scored low on most variables, e.g. ICT infrastructure, facilities, and equipment. A large percentage of South African teachers reported their ICT incompetence. South Africa’s inability to cross the boundaries of traditional learning towards the development of 21st century teaching and learning skills inhibits social and economic growth for the development of human capital.Keywords: developing context; e-Education; ICT in education; large-scale study; mathematics education; science education; SITES 2006; South Africa

    Long-term morbidity from severe pneumonia in early childhood in The Gambia, West Africa: a follow-up study

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess long-term outcomes in severe early childhood pneumonia in The Gambia. DESIGN: Observational cohort study of children hospitalised with severe pneumonia between 1992 and 1 04 compared to age, sex, and neigh bourhood-marched controls on measures of current general and pulmonary health. RESULTS: Of 83 children successfully traced, 68 of the 69 alive at follow-up agreed to participate. Thirteen per Cent of cases and 4% of controls had lung disease clinically or on spirometry. Another 16 (13%) participants had abnormal spirometry but did not meet the American Thoracic Society technical criteria (formally 'inconclusive'). Odds ratios of lung disease among childhood pneumonia cases were 2.93 (95 %CI 0.69-12.48, P = 0.1468) with incon-clusives omitted; 2.53 (95 %CI 0.61-10.59, P = 0.2033) with inconclusives included as normal; and 2.83 (95%CI 1.09-7.36, P = 0.0334) with inconclusives included as lung disease. Among deceased cases, most deaths were reported within weeks of discharge, suggesting a possible connection between admission and subsequent death. CONCLUSION: These African data, while not conclusive, add to previous data suggesting a link between severe early, childhood pneumonia and later chronic lung disease. While larger-scale research is needed, increased awareness of possible long-term morbidity in children with severe pneumonia is warranted to limit its impact and optimise long-term health

    The structure of one-relator relative presentations and their centres

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    Suppose that G is a nontrivial torsion-free group and w is a word in the alphabet G\cup\{x_1^{\pm1},...,x_n^{\pm1}\} such that the word w' obtained from w by erasing all letters belonging to G is not a proper power in the free group F(x_1,...,x_n). We show how to reduce the study of the relative presentation \^G= to the case n=1. It turns out that an "n-variable" group \^G can be constructed from similar "one-variable" groups using an explicit construction similar to wreath product. As an illustration, we prove that, for n>1, the centre of \^G is always trivial. For n=1, the centre of \^G is also almost always trivial; there are several exceptions, and all of them are known.Comment: 15 pages. A Russian version of this paper is at http://mech.math.msu.su/department/algebra/staff/klyachko/papers.htm . V4: the intoduction is rewritten; Section 1 is extended; a short introduction to Secton 5 is added; some misprints are corrected and some cosmetic improvements are mad

    Patient enablement requires physician empathy: a cross-sectional study of general practice consultations in areas of high and low socioeconomic deprivation in Scotland

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    <b>Background</b> Patient 'enablement' is a term closely aligned with 'empowerment' and its measurement in a general practice consultation has been operationalised in the widely used patient enablement instrument (PEI), a patient-rated measure of consultation outcome. However, there is limited knowledge regarding the factors that influence enablement, particularly the effect of socio-economic deprivation. The aim of the study is to assess the factors influencing patient enablement in GP consultations in areas of high and low deprivation.<p></p> <b>Methods</b> A questionnaire study was carried out on 3,044 patients attending 26 GPs (16 in areas of high socio-economic deprivation and 10 in low deprivation areas, in the west of Scotland). Patient expectation (confidence that the doctor would be able to help) was recorded prior to the consultation. PEI, GP empathy (measured by the CARE Measure), and a range of other measures and variables were recorded after the consultation. Data analysis employed multi-level modelling and multivariate analyses with the PEI as the dependant variable.<p></p> <b>Results</b> Although numerous variables showed a univariate association with patient enablement, only four factors were independently predictive after multilevel multivariate analysis; patients with multimorbidity of 3 or more long-term conditions (reflecting poor chronic general health), and those consulting about a long-standing problem had reduced enablement scores in both affluent and deprived areas. In deprived areas, emotional distress (GHQ-caseness) had an additional negative effect on enablement. Perceived GP empathy had a positive effect on enablement in both affluent and deprived areas. Maximal patient enablement was never found with low empathy.<p></p> <b>Conclusions</b> Although other factors influence patient enablement, the patients' perceptions of the doctors' empathy is of key importance in patient enablement in general practice consultations in both high and low deprivation settings

    Induction of tolerance to a murine fibrosarcoma in two zones of dosage--the involvement of suppressor cells.

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    Small size inocula (10(1)-10(3) cells) of cells from a syngeneic methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma (FSA) induced tolerance when injected s.c. into C3Hf mice. Mice were unable to respond to subsequent challenge with moderate, immunogenic doses of FSA. Tolerance was demonstrated in an in vivo transfer (Winn) assay and an in vitro tumour-specific TH cell assay. Low zone tolerance was associated with the presence of tumour-specific TS cells in the spleen. Moderate size inocula (10(4)-10(6) FSA cells) were immunogenic but larger cell doses (greater than 10(6)) were again tolerogenic. In the high zone, tolerance was associated with both tumour-specific TS cells and non T suppressor cells that were not tumour-specific. These results support the view that immunogenic tumours, as they grow from small cell numbers, might be able to escape host surveillance by specifically tolerizing the immune system. They also suggest that large tumour burdens can interfere with the host's immune response by inducing suppressor cells

    Largeness and SQ-universality of cyclically presented groups

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    Largeness, SQ-universality, and the existence of free subgroups of rank 2 are measures of the complexity of a finitely presented group. We obtain conditions under which a cyclically presented group possesses one or more of these properties. We apply our results to a class of groups introduced by Prishchepov which contains, amongst others, the various generalizations of Fibonacci groups introduced by Campbell and Robertson

    Dynamical Diffraction Theory for Wave Packet Propagation in Deformed Crystals

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    We develop a theory for the trajectory of an x ray in the presence of a crystal deformation. A set of equations of motion for an x-ray wave packet including the dynamical diffraction is derived, taking into account the Berry phase as a correction to geometrical optics. The trajectory of the wave packet has a shift of the center position due to a crystal deformation. Remarkably, in the vicinity of the Bragg condition, the shift is enhanced by a factor ω/Δω\omega /\Delta \omega (ω\omega: frequency of an x ray, Δω\Delta\omega: gap frequency induced by the Bragg reflection). Comparison with the conventional dynamical diffraction theory is also made.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Title change

    Infinite partition monoids

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    Let PX\mathcal P_X and SX\mathcal S_X be the partition monoid and symmetric group on an infinite set XX. We show that PX\mathcal P_X may be generated by SX\mathcal S_X together with two (but no fewer) additional partitions, and we classify the pairs α,β∈PX\alpha,\beta\in\mathcal P_X for which PX\mathcal P_X is generated by SX∪{α,β}\mathcal S_X\cup\{\alpha,\beta\}. We also show that PX\mathcal P_X may be generated by the set EX\mathcal E_X of all idempotent partitions together with two (but no fewer) additional partitions. In fact, PX\mathcal P_X is generated by EX∪{α,β}\mathcal E_X\cup\{\alpha,\beta\} if and only if it is generated by EX∪SX∪{α,β}\mathcal E_X\cup\mathcal S_X\cup\{\alpha,\beta\}. We also classify the pairs α,β∈PX\alpha,\beta\in\mathcal P_X for which PX\mathcal P_X is generated by EX∪{α,β}\mathcal E_X\cup\{\alpha,\beta\}. Among other results, we show that any countable subset of PX\mathcal P_X is contained in a 44-generated subsemigroup of PX\mathcal P_X, and that the length function on PX\mathcal P_X is bounded with respect to any generating set
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