339 research outputs found

    Microbiota of Tayohounta, a fermented baobab flavour food of Benin

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    The present work provides data on the microbial composition of Tayohounta, a product of natural fermentation of baobab seed kernels. Samples were collected from 3 different small scale producers from Benin at the end of the fermentation process. Microorganisms were enumerated and identified using phenotypic and molecular approaches. Tayohounta was also investigated using culture independent techniques, direct DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction - denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) and cloning. Isolated microorganisms were tested for their functionality in baobab seed kernels fermentation. Total viable counts were around 9 log cfu/g representing mainly Bacillus spp., whereas lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (8 log cfu/g), yeasts and moulds represent a smaller part of the total flora in all Tayohounta samples. Sequencing of clones of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products of bacterial DNA directly extracted from Tayohounta revealed large differences between the products made by different producers. In all products, Bacillus licheniformis, B. pumilus, B. subtilis, B. thermoamylovorans and Lactobacillus fermentum were present. Other microorganisms (B. thuringiensis, Brevibacterium borstelensis, Enterococcus casseliflavus, E. durans, Lb. agilis, Pediococcus pentosaceus, Streptococcus equinus and Weissella confusa) were present occasionally. In experimental pure culture fermentations, B. subtilis showed little effect on pH, but degraded protein and caused a typical pungent smell typical of Tayohounta

    Small scale production and storage quality of drymilled degermed maize products for tropical countries

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    The present study aims to propose a comprehensive appropriate technological package for small-scale processing of maize flour, which meets consumer demand for quality and achieves extended shelf life.One traditional soft cultivar was processed by the conventional method (direct grinding with disc mill) and was compared with flours obtained under various degerming and grinding intensities; two types of grinder (disc mill and hammer mill, already present on the market) were tested in parallel. Consumer satisfaction scores were registered for the different products after increasing storage duration (0 to 6 months). It was shown that combining degerming and hammer milling produce high quality flour from hard grains, which can be stored up to 6 months without significant deterioration. In parallel, physicochemical and rheological  haracterizations showed that the main reaction occurring during storage is lipid degradation, which slightly increased fat acidity, hence decreasing taste and elasticity acceptability of the paste

    Physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of lafun produced in Beninn

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    Lafun is an African traditional fermented food product prepared from cassava. Whereas Nigerian lafun has been studied, characteristics of Beninese lafun are still unknown. This research was carried out to identify the characteristics of two types of lafun, Chigan lafun and ordinary lafun produced in Benin. The distinctive characteristics of Chigan lafun (the preferred type) were its lower solubility and fibre content and its higher hot paste viscosities compared to ordinary lafun. Whatever the type, lafun was found to be a dried and white product with a highly variable pH (4.5-8.8). Both types were rich in carbohydrates (76.0% of starch and 3.3% of crude fibres), poor in proteins (1.0%) and containing fat (0.4%) and ash (1.2%). The swelling power of the lafun flour (expressed by the quantity of water absorbed by 1 g of flour) was 28.9 g water/g for the both types. Lafun has a variable microbial load which levels ranged from 10 4 to 108 cfu/g and made up of Bacillus spp. (104-108 cfu/g), lactic acid bacteria (103-107 cfu/g), Enterobacteriaceae (103-107 cfu/g) and yeasts (102-107 cfu/g)

    Diagnostic des systèmes techniques de transformation de l'igname en cossettes séchées au Bénin

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    Les pertes après-récolte des tubercules d'igname enregistrées dans les pays producteurs de l'Afrique de l'Ouest sont très importantes (40-50 % après 6 mois de stockage). Ces pertes sont dues à l'absence de moyens et méthodes de conservation appropriés. La transformation des tubercules en produits stables (cossettes, farine) est une solution à la conservation de l'igname frais. Cette technique permet, en outre, de réduire de plus de la moitié le poids de la matière à transporter. La méthode de fabrication des cossettes d'igname, connue depuis longtemps au Bénin et dans les pays voisins (Nigeria, Togo), permet de conserver le surplus des tubercules pour les utiliser pendant les périodes de soudure. Depuis plus d'une décennie, la farine de cossettes d'igname (Elubo) est passée dans les habitudes alimentaires des populations urbaines. L'importance de la demande actuelle nécessite que cette technique soit évaluée, améliorée et valorisée

    Diversity of yeasts involved in the fermentation of tchoukoutou, an opaque sorghum beer from Benin

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    Opaque sorghum beers are traditional alcoholic beverages in several African countries. Known as tchoukoutou in Benin, the beer is often obtained from an uncontrolled fermentation. It is consumed in an actively fermenting state and has a sour taste. The present study characterized and identified the yeasts involved in the fermentation process of this type of beer using the phenotypical approach. Of 12 beers from 4 different locations, the mean values of the pH, titratable acidity, dry matter content and refractive index were respectively 3.67, 0.70 (% as lactic acid) 18.08% and 7.00. Lactic acid bacteria and yeasts were the predominant microorganisms involved in the fermentation of tchoukoutou. Their counts were respectively 9.1 log cfu/ml and 9.1 logcfu/g. Enterobacteriaceae were not detectable in the beer. Based on the phenotypic characters and the assimilation profiles of 40 isolated yeasts, four genera with seven species of yeasts were identified. The yeast species predominant in the Benin opaque sorghum beer tchoukoutou was Saccharomyces cerevisa

    Sensory and physicochemical profiling of traditional and enriched gari in Benin

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    Gari is a roasted fermented granular product made from cassava in many African countries. It is consumed raw, or added with water, or cooked into a paste. Up to now, gari enriched with palm oil and/or soybean is not available on Beninese markets. To our knowledge, no sensory profiling using appropriate methodology has been conducted on gari in Benin. The sensory studies on gari in Benin and other African countries only included general descriptors (appearance, taste, odor). The aim of our study was to establish a detailed sensory and physicochemical profile of nine traditional and three enriched gari made using different processes in Benin. Fifteen sensory descriptors of raw gari, and gari added with water, were generated and scored using quantitative descriptive analysis. The enriched gari differed from traditional gari mainly in color and odor, while their swelling capacity, texture during chewing, and light sour taste were similar. Marked variability in particle size, particle heterogeneity, water absorption, and sour taste was found among traditional gari. The physicochemical characteristics, such as degree of starch gelatinization, L‐lactic acid, and β‐carotene contents, were highly variable among the 12 gari. Multifactor analysis revealed highly significant correlations between some physicochemical and sensory properties. The addition of soybean and/or palm oil did not affect most of the sensory properties of the traditional gari. The acceptability of these enriched gari with higher nutritive value by Beninese consumers should be tested to develop marketing strategies

    Three Traditional Fermented Baobab Foods from Benin, Mutchayan, Dikouanyouri and Tayohounta: Preparation, Properties and Consumption

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    Forest food resources contribute significantly to food supply in areas where they grow. Three fermented baobab foods were studied: Dikouanyouri (from seeds, pH = 6.5); Tayohounta (from seed kernels, pH = 7), and Mutchayan (from baobab pulp and sorghum, pH = 4.2). Bacillus spp. (8.5 and 9.5 Log cfu /g) and lactic acid bacteria (8.9 and 8.4 Log cfu /g,) dominate in Dikouanyouri and Tayohounta, respectively. In Mutchayan, lactic acid bacteria (8.1 Log cfu/g) and yeasts (7.2 Log cfu/g) predominated. The arbitrary index of protein cleavage increases from 2.3% (unfermented products) to 13.7% in Dikouanyouri and 21.3% in Tayohounta, indicating significant protein degradation. Mutchayan is the most frequently consumed produc

    Effets des procédés de transformation sur la valeur nutritionnelle des formulations de bouillies de complément à base de sorgho

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    La présente étude a évalué l’effet des procédés de transformation sur la valeur nutritionnelle de trois types de bouillies à base de sorgho. Il s’agit de: la bouillie de sorgho fermentée; la bouillie à base de sorgho, desoja et de fretin et la bouillie à base de sorgho, de niébé et d’arachide. Du point de vue nutritionnel, la bouillie de sorgho fermentée contient, sur la base sèche, 6,7% de protéines, 2,3% de lipides, et 1,17% de minérauxtotaux. La bouillie à base de sorgho, de soja et de fretin contient 21% de protéines, 5,4% de lipides et 3,14% de minéraux totaux. La bouillie à base de sorgho, de niébé et d’arachide contient 17% de protéines, 0,98% g de lipides et 2,6 % de minéraux totaux. Le trempage des graines de sorgho pendant environ 23 heures, le tamisage après mouture et la fermentation ont entraîné une réduction significative (P<0,05) des teneurs en phénols totaux et en anthocyanes.Mots clés: aliment de complément, sorgho, valeur nutritionnelle, phénols, anthocyanes

    Analysis of pre- and post-harvest practices of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) in Benin

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    Cowpea is an important leguminous crop in Benin. Practices such as farming and storage conditions may influence the production yield and the grain quality. In this study, pre- and post-harvest practices ofcowpea were analysed in relation to the quality of the grains. A survey on cowpea farming activities was conducted in the four agro-ecological zones of Benin. Three localities producing cowpea were selected in eachagro-ecological zone. Information was obtained through individual interview and focus group discussions. Cowpea was mainly cultivated either as a monocrop or intercropped with maize and groundnuts in the fouragro-ecological zones. Cowpea infestation by insects on farm and in storage was a major problem mentioned by farmers. To prevent insects’ infestation in storage, cowpeas were thoroughly sundried at harvest andadequately sorted prior to storage. Such post-harvest practices could limit cowpea grains quality deterioration. Cowpeas were mainly stored in bags for about 3 months. About 23 cowpea based foods were identified. Majorcowpea foods were ata (akara), moin-moin and adowe. Common processing operations included sorting, washing, dehulling of cowpeas, boiling and frying. These processing operations as practiced by processors are generally recognized as a good practice in food preparation