21 research outputs found

    Kiteen PÀÀtyeenlahden linnustoselvitys - kesÀ 1992

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    Penedo suomalaista kulttuuria Brasilian matkailussa

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    Luonto- ja kulttuurimatkailu Liminganlahden alueella: Integroitavissa vai ei?

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Gender and the body in Tourism Geography

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                Gender, sexuality and the body have appeared as new and interesting research subjects in geography and the study of tourism, especially since early 1990s. The gender-sensitive approach has, however, remained a complicated one to adopt. The common prejudices against the feminist discourse, correct and incorrect, often mistakenly render the gender-sensitive approach a women’s issue. The following article is going to argue for a wider adoption of gender-awareness in tourism geographies, and to provide a selection of approaches to choose from. Gender, sexuality and the body are important features of both the practice and theory of tourism, and provide important new insights to those who are ready to explore them

    Tutustu maailmaan, norsunluutornista

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    Maailma : aloittelijan opas / Göran Therborn. Tampere : Vastapaino, 2012

    Ylirajaisia suhteita

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    Ylirajaisia suhteita

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    Yli kaikkien rajojen? : Helsingin olympialaiset ja Armi Kuusela kansainvÀlisyyden kynnyksellÀ / Maija Urponen. Helsinki : SKS, 2010