408 research outputs found

    Methods in population forecasts in Denmark

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    Ecological Factors Affecting Hispanic Urban Middle School and High School Adolescents’ College and Career Aspirations

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    This mixed methods study investigates how ecological factors influence the decisions urban Hispanic middle school and high school adolescents make concerning their college and career aspirations. I examine the academic aspirations, career aspirations, the influence of peers, teachers, and parents of seventh-, eighth-, ninth-, and tenth-grade urban Hispanic adolescents, and gender roles in college and career aspirations through the lens of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological subsystems theory. Participants took the Student Career Assessment (SCA) survey consisting of Likert-type multiple choice questions and open-ended questions to assess their college and career aspirations. Quantitatively analyzed data examined the extent urban Hispanic middle school and high school adolescents were influenced by items on scales of encouragement, literacy, and education and whether there were differences by gender and grade level. Student responses as to why they chose a specific career were analyzed qualitatively. Combined results for urban Hispanic middle school and high school adolescents show a) both genders are interested in finishing high school and going to college, b) Hispanic females are encouraged more than males to pursue their college and career aspirations, c) more females than males know their career aspiration, but the majority of students do not know how to prepare for their chosen career, e) females have more confidence in their literacy skills than males. The more confidence Hispanic high school students have in their literacy skills, the more likely they are to graduate from high school. Implications for future research should involve conducting studies in the areas of college and career aspirations of urban Hispanic adolescents using random sampling. More gender studies involving the college and career aspirations of urban Hispanic adolescents would significantly add to the current body of knowledge

    Will the real Tunisian opposition please stand up? Opposition coordination failures under authoritarian constraints

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    This contribution examines the reasons behind the failure of Tunisia's opposition to forge effective coordination and collaborative links during Ben Ali's reign, focusing specifically on the inability and unwillingness of political parties to act in concert in order to challenge his authoritarian rule. Focusing on two attempts at opposition coordination in the 2000s (Rencontre Démocratique and 18 October Collectif), it demonstrates that a number of interconnected explanations are at the heart of this failure, ranging from ideological differences and strategic divergence to personal rivalries among opposition leaders. The key contention of this study is that divisions within the political opposition were as important as regime repression in sustaining the Ben Ali regime for over 20 years. In addition, the present study contends that these intra-opposition divisions and past coordination failures explain the absence of political parties at the helm of the 2011 uprising

    Estimation of gasdispersion in porous media - Method and application

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    There is some confusion about, what gestalt therapy really is. This is due to the development gestalt therapy has gone through since its arrival in Denmark around 1971. This led to formation of three kinds of gestalt therapies, »techniqe-gestalt therapy«, »support-gestalt therapy« and gestalt therapy. The first two forms of gestalt therapy cannot be considered psychotherapies, as they have lost connection to some af the basic ideas in gestalt therapy. In this article the development of gestalt therapy in Denmark is described, and it is pointed out how the american »import« of gestalt therapy has led to danish misunderstandings. Next the basic ideas in the modern danish gestalt therapy are described and culturel aspects in these ideas are pointed out, as these are important to pay attention to when gestalt therapy is practiced in a (european) society, which in crucial ways differentiates from its »native« country USA.Der hersker nogen forvirring om, hvad gestaltterapi egentlig er. Det skyldes den udvikling, som gestaltterapien har gennemløbet siden sin ankomst til Danmark omkring 1971, som betyder, at der groft sagt findes 3 slags gestaltterapi, »teknikgestaltterapi «, »støtte-gestaltterapi« og gestaltterapi. De første to former kan ikke betragtes som egentlig psykoterapi, idet de har mistet forbindelsen til nogle af gestaltterapiens væsentlige grundideer. I denne artikel beskrives udviklingen af gestaltterapien i Danmark op til i dag, og der gøres opmærksom på, hvordan den amerikanske »import« af gestaltterapien har ført til danske misforståelser. Herefter beskrives de grundideer den moderne danske gestaltterapi hviler på, og der peges på kulturelle aspekter i disse grundideer, som er vigtige at have for øje, når gestaltterapien skal praktiseres i et (europæisk) samfund, der på afgørende punkter adskiller sig fra gestaltterapiens fædreland, USA

    Tunesiens udfordringer

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    Rikke Hostrup Haugbølle & Julie Pruzan-Jørgensen om Tunesiens vej mod demokrati efter en væltet regering.&nbsp

    Tunesiens unge: Arbejdsløshed og uforløste håb

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    Et Brev fra Oberst W. H. F. Abrahamson i 1776 opm Samtidens sceniske Kunstnere.

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