197 research outputs found

    Assimilation of one satellite SAR image for flood simulations. Method and test case (Moser river)

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    International audienceIn view of improving numerical flood prediction, a variational data assimilation method (4D-var) applied to a 2D shallow water model and using distributed water level obtained from one Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image is presented. The RADARSAT-1 image leads to water levels with a ±40cm average vertical uncertainty of a Mosel River flood event (1997, France). Assimilated in the 2D shallow water hydraulic model, these SAR derived spatially distributed water levels prove to be capable of enhancing model calibration. Indeed, the assimilation process can identify some optimal Manning friction coefficients. Moreover, used as a guide for sensitivity analysis, remote sensing water levels allow also in identifying some areas in the floodplain and the channel where Manning friction coefficients are homogeneous. This allows basing the spatial segmentation of roughness coefficient on floodplain hydraulic functioning

    Joint assimilation of satellite soil moisture and streamflow data for the hydrological application of a two-dimensional shallow water model

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract:] Data assimilation (DA) in physically-based hydrodynamic models is conditioned by the difference in temporal and spatial scales of the observed data and the resolution of the model itself. In order to use remote sensing data in small-scale hydrodynamic modelling, it is necessary to explore innovative DA methods that can lead to a more plausible representation of the spatial variability of the parameters and processes involved. In the present study, satellite-derived soil moisture and in situ-observed streamflow data were jointly assimilated into a high-resolution hydrological-hydrodynamic model based on the Iber software, using the Tempered Particle Filter (TPF) for the dual estimation of model state variables and parameters. Twelve storm events occurring in a 199 km2 catchment located in NW Spain were used for testing the proposed approach. A 3-step procedure was followed: (1) sensitivity analysis of the model parameters; (2) joint assimilation of soil moisture and discharge data to estimate correlations between observations and model parameters; (3) joint assimilation of soil moisture and discharge data using an initial set of particles and parameter standard deviations derived from prior information. The numerical model correctly reproduces the observed data, with an average Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) value of 0.74 over the 12 events when the prior information is used. The approach described is shown to be most efficient with storm events that produce isolated peak discharges.The authors acknowledge the support of Augas de Galicia and the Galicia Meteorological Agency (Metogalicia). Gonzalo García-Alén acknowledge the support of the INDITEX-UDC 2021 and 2022 Predoctoral Grants. The research reported herein was funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund through the CASCADE (grant no. C17/SR/11682050) Project. Funding for open access charge: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG.National Research Fund of Luxembourg; C17/SR/1168205

    Towards a 20m global building map from Sentinel-1 SAR Data

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    This study introduces a technique for automatically mapping built-up areas using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) backscattering intensity and interferometric multi-temporal coherence generated from Sentinel-1 data in the framework of the Copernicus program. The underlying hypothesis is that, in SAR images, built-up areas exhibit very high backscattering values that are coherent in time. Several particular characteristics of the Sentinel-1 satellite mission are put to good use, such as its high revisit time, the availability of dual-polarized data, and its small orbital tube. The newly developed algorithm is based on an adaptive parametric thresholding that first identifies pixels with high backscattering values in both VV and VH polarimetric channels. The interferometric SAR coherence is then used to reduce false alarms. These are caused by land cover classes (other than buildings) that are characterized by high backscattering values that are not coherent in time (e.g., certain types of vegetated areas). The algorithm was tested on Sentinel-1 Interferometric Wide Swath data from five different test sites located in semiarid and arid regions in the Mediterranean region and Northern Africa. The resulting building maps were compared with the Global Urban Footprint (GUF) derived from the TerraSAR-X mission data and, on average, a 92% agreement was obtained.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Towards the sequential assimilation of SAR-derived water stages into hydraulic models using the Particle Filter : proof of concept

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    With the onset of new satellite radar constellations (e.g. Sentinel-1) and advances in computational science (e.g. grid computing) enabling the supply and processing of multimission satellite data at a temporal frequency that is compatible with real-time flood forecasting requirements, this study presents a new concept for the sequential assimilation of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)-derived water stages into coupled hydrologic-hydraulic models. The proposed methodology consists of adjusting storages and fluxes simulated by a coupled hydrologic-hydraulic model using a Particle Filterbased data assimilation scheme. Synthetic observations of water levels, representing satellite measurements, are assimilated into the coupled model in order to investigate the performance of the proposed assimilation scheme as a function of both accuracy and frequency of water level observations. The use of the Particle Filter provides flexibility regarding the form of the probability densities of both model simulations and remote sensing observations. We illustrate the potential of the proposed methodology using a twin experiment over a widely studied river reach located in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The study demonstrates that the Particle Filter algorithm leads to significant uncertainty reduction of water level and discharge at the time step of assimilation. However, updating the storages of the model only improves the model forecast over a very short time horizon. A more effective way of updating thus consists in adjusting both states and inputs. The proposed methodology, which consists in updating the biased forcing of the hydraulic model using information on model errors that is inferred from satellite observations, enables persistent model improvement. The present schedule of satellite radar missions is such that it is likely that there will be continuity for SAR-based operational water management services. This research contributes to evolve reactive flood management into systematic or quasi-systematic SAR-based flood monitoring services

    Sentinel-1 InSAR coherence to detect floodwater in urban areas: Houston and hurricane harvey as a test case

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    This paper presents an automatic algorithm for mapping floods. Its main characteristic is that it can detect not only inundated bare soils, but also floodwater in urban areas. The synthetic aperture radar (SAR) observations of the flood that hit the city of Houston (Texas) following the landfall of Hurricane Harvey in 2017 are used to apply and validate the algorithm. The latter consists of a two-step approach that first uses the SAR data to identify buildings and then takes advantage of the Interferometric SAR coherence feature to detect the presence of floodwater in urbanized areas. The preliminary detection of buildings is a pre-requisite for focusing the analysis on the most risk-prone areas. Data provided by the Sentinel-1 mission acquired in both Strip Map and Interferometric Wide Swath modes were used, with a geometric resolution of 5 m and 20 m, respectively. Furthermore, the coherence-based algorithm takes full advantage of the Sentinel-1 mission's six-day repeat cycle, thereby providing an unprecedented possibility to develop an automatic, high-frequency algorithm for detecting floodwater in urban areas. The results for the Houston case study have been qualitatively evaluated through very-high-resolution optical images acquired almost simultaneously with SAR, crowdsourcing points derived by photointerpretation from Digital Globe and Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) inundation model over the area. For the first time the comparison with independent data shows that the proposed approach can map flooded urban areas with high accuracy using SAR data from the Sentinel-1 satellite mission

    Assimilating SAR-derived water level data into a hydraulic model: a case study

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    Satellite-based active microwave sensors not only provide synoptic overviews of flooded areas, but also offer an effective way to estimate spatially distributed river water levels. If rapidly produced and processed, these data can be used for updating hydraulic models in near real-time. The usefulness of such approaches with real event data sets provided by currently existing sensors has yet to be demonstrated. In this case study, a Particle Filter-based assimilation scheme is used to integrate ERS-2 SAR and ENVISAT ASAR-derived water level data into a one-dimensional (1-D) hydraulic model of the Alzette River. Two variants of the Particle Filter assimilation scheme are proposed with a global and local particle weighting procedure. The first option finds the best water stage line across all cross sections, while the second option finds the best solution at individual cross sections. The variant that is to be preferred depends on the level of confidence that is attributed to the observations or to the model. The results show that the Particle Filter-based assimilation of remote sensing-derived water elevation data provides a significant reduction in the uncertainty at the analysis step. Moreover, it is shown that the periodical updating of hydraulic models through the proposed assimilation scheme leads to an improvement of model predictions over several time steps. However, the performance of the assimilation depends on the skill of the hydraulic model and the quality of the observation data

    Calibration of channel depth and friction parameters in the LISFLOOD-FP hydraulic model using medium resolution SAR data and identifiability techniques

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    Single satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data are now regularly used to estimate hydraulic model parameters such as channel roughness, depth and water slope. However, despite channel geometry being critical to the application of hydraulic models and poorly known a priori, it is not frequently the object of calibration. This paper presents a unique method to simultaneously calibrate the bankfull channel depth and channel roughness parameters within a 2-D LISFLOOD-FP hydraulic model using an archive of moderate-resolution (150 m) ENVISAT satellite SAR-derived flood extent maps and a binary performance measure for a 30 × 50 km domain covering the confluence of the rivers Severn and Avon in the UK. The unknown channel parameters are located by a novel technique utilising the information content and dynamic identifiability analysis (DYNIA) (Wagener et al., 2003) of single and combinations of SAR flood extent maps to find the optimum satellite images for model calibration. Highest information content is found in those SAR flood maps acquired near the peak of the flood hydrograph, and improves when more images are combined. We found that model sensitivity to variation in channel depth is greater than for channel roughness and a successful calibration for depth could only be obtained when channel roughness values were confined to a plausible range. The calibrated reach-average channel depth was within 0.9 m (16 % error) of the equivalent value determined from river cross-section survey data, demonstrating that a series of moderate-resolution SAR data can be used to successfully calibrate the depth parameters of a 2-D hydraulic model

    Assimilation of Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) brightness temperature into a large-scale distributed conceptual hydrological model to improve soil moisture predictions : the Murray-Darling basin in Australia as a test case

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    The main objective of this study is to investigate how brightness temperature observations from satellite microwave sensors may help to reduce errors and uncertainties in soil moisture and evapotranspiration simulations with a large-scale conceptual hydro-meteorological model. In addition, this study aims to investigate whether such a conceptual modelling framework, relying on parameter calibration, can reach the performance level of more complex physically based models for soil moisture simulations at a large scale. We use the ERA-Interim publicly available forcing data set and couple the Community Microwave Emission Modelling (CMEM) platform radiative transfer model with a hydro-meteorological model to enable, therefore, soil moisture, evapotranspiration and brightness temperature simulations over the Murray-Darling basin in Australia. The hydrometeorological model is configured using recent developments in the SUPERFLEX framework, which enables tailoring the model structure to the specific needs of the application and to data availability and computational requirements. The hydrological model is first calibrated using only a sample of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) brightness temperature observations (2010-2011). Next, SMOS brightness temperature observations are sequentially assimi-lated into the coupled SUPERFLEX-CMEM model (20102015). For this experiment, a local ensemble transform Kalman filter is used. Our empirical results show that the SUPERFLEX-CMEM modelling chain is capable of predicting soil moisture at a performance level similar to that obtained for the same study area and with a quasi-identical experimental set-up using the Community Land Model (CLM). This shows that a simple model, when calibrated using globally and freely available Earth observation data, can yield performance levels similar to those of a physically based (uncalibrated) model. The correlation between simulated and in situ observed soil moisture ranges from 0.62 to 0.72 for the surface and root zone soil moisture. The assimilation of SMOS brightness temperature observations into the SUPERFLEX-CMEM modelling chain improves the correlation between predicted and in situ observed surface and root zone soil moisture by 0.03 on average, showing improvements similar to those obtained using the CLM land surface model. Moreover, at the same time the assimilation improves the correlation between predicted and in situ observed monthly evapotranspiration by 0.02 on average

    SA 06. Integrated control of Strongylosis of small ruminants in the humid tropics: a component of animal production system that required a pluridiciplinary approach

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    Internal parasitosis, mainly due to nematodes is well known to induce important economic losses in small ruminant production in tropical areas. Strongyloses are the more frequent diseases and became one of the main constraints in small ruminant production in the Caribbean. Research works are generally conducted with a disciplinary approach in Latin America: veterinarians focus on parasitology whereas animal production scientists focus on breeding systems. However, there are now sufficient data that emphasized the need for a global approach to set up efficient plans of integrated control for animal production in sustainable systems. This paper reviews the main research results obtained in the F.W.I. on these parasitizes and describes the pluridiciplinary research that is developed locally in the Animal Production Research Unit (APRU) to improved small ruminant grazing systems taking into account the inevitable gastrointestinal (GI) nematodes, as a component of the production systems