36 research outputs found

    Kajian Kondisi Drainase Jl. Parit Derabak Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kabupaten Kuburaya

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    Meningkatnya kebutuhan sarana dan prasarana pemukiman akibat jumlah penduduk yang meningkat dapat berakibat berkurangnya lahan yang dimanfaatkan tempat meresapnya air kedalam tanah sehingga berpengaruh terhadap efektifitas drainase. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisa debit rencana (Qrenc) saluran drainase Parit Derabak, Mengevaluasi dimensi saluran, dan menganalisa tingkat efektifitas & efisiensi saluran. Dari data yang dikumpulkan dilakukan analisa hidrologi untuk mendapatkan besarnya Intensitas Hujan (i) dan dilakukan analisa Debit Rencana (Qrenc) menggunakan Metode Rasional di saluran primer, dari hasil analisa di dapat Qrenc untuk periode ulang 2 tahun sebesar 1,053 m3/det, 5 tahun sebesar 1,363 m3/det, dan 10 tahun sebesar 1,579 m3/det jauh lebih besar dari debit eksisting (Qlapangan) = 1,101 m3/det, Sehingga diperlukan perencanaan ulang dimensi saluran menggunakan perbandingan Debit Rencana (Qrenc) periode ulang 5 tahun dan di dapat Debit Desain (Qdesain) sebesar 1,424 m3/det > 1,363 m3/det (periode ulang 5 tahun). Untuk tingkat efektifitas (EF) dimensi saluran, hanya saluran cabang kiri 5 (SCKr5) yang memiliki tingkat efektifitas yang efektif yaitu EFSCKr5 = 1,00 (100%) sedangkan saluran cabang kiri 6 (SCKr6) memiliki tingkat efektifitas paling rendah (kritis) EFSCKr6 = 0,03 (3%). Dari perhitungan efisiensi saluran rata-rata (Efirata-rata) = 0,47 (47%) sehingga dimensi saluran eksisting dapat dikatakan kurang efisien. Kata kunci : debit saluran, dimensi saluran, drainase, intensitas hujan, metode rasional

    Motivasi kerja pegawai pada kantor pencarian dan pertolongan kelas A Kupang (BASARNAS)

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    The Study of Staff Work Motivation in The Office of Research and Rescue Class A Kupang (BASARNAS). The aim of the research was to know how the staff work motivation in the office of Research and Rescue Class A Kupang (BASARNAS). The research method used data analysis technique, that was descriptive qualitative method by using the descriptive statistic that is the mean value or the average of median on the stage of question items. The population in this research were all the staff in the office of Research and Rescue Class A Kupang (BASARNAS ) , that amounted 68 people and all the 68 staff became the samples. The obtained result in this research showed that the work motivation was catagorized in very good, that was the total amount of score 2.766 was divided by ideal score 3.400 then multiplied by 100% = 81,35%, it stated that the staff work motivation in the office of Research and Rescue Class A Kupang (BASARNAS ) was very good Keywords : Staff Work Motivatio

    On Some Similarties between the Variation of the Terrestrial Magnetism and the Atmospheric Eiectricity

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    Employment of people with disabilities-barriers and activities

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    Cilj rada je prikazati proces zapošljavanja osoba s invaliditetom, aktivnosti i prepreke koje utječu na zapošljavanje osoba s invaliditetom te naglasiti važnost zapošljavanja i rada osobama s invaliditetom za pojedinca i društvo. Osobe s invaliditetom teže pronalaze zaposlenje i teže se zapošljavaju. Zapošljavanje i rad donosi brojne vrijednosti u životu pojedinca poput socijalne uključenosti i ekonomske sigurnosti, a osim toga doprinosi društvu. No, proces zapošljavanja osoba s invaliditetom nešto je drugačiji od osoba koje nemaju invaliditet, budući da osoba ima ograničenja zbog kojih nije u mogućnosti raditi sve poslove te njezino zapošljavanje obvezno zahtijeva postupke profesionalne rehabilitacije. Zapošljavanje osoba s invaliditetom regulira se zakonskim okvirima, politikama i međunarodnim standardima. Potiču se i zakonski određuju aktivnosti kojima se potiče poslodavce da zapošljavaju osobe s invaliditetom te donose i predlažu mjere kojima se osobi s invaliditetom prilagođava pristup radnom mjestu i ustanovama za zapošljavanje. Zapošljavanje osoba s invaliditetom trebalo bi se ozbiljnije promatrati kao sustavni problem koji ako nije riješen, osobu s invaliditetom vodi do daljnjih problema, poput nedovoljnih prihoda za osiguravanje životne egzistencije, socijalne uključenosti, kvaliteti života, osobnom samopoštovanju i doživljaju da su vrijedni članovi društvene zajednice.The aim of this paper is to show the process of employment people with disabilities, activities and barriers that affect the employment of people with disabilities, and emphasize the importance of employment and work for people with disabilities and society. People with disabilites have it harder to find jobs and to get employed. Employment and work bring many values in the life of individual, like social inclusion and economic security, and besides that, it contributes to society. But, the process of employing people with disabilites is somewhat diffrent than the employment of people who don’t have disabilities, since the person has limitations due to which he is not able to do all the jobs and his employment obligatory requires professional rehabilitation procedures. Employment of people with disabilites is regulated with many legal frameworks, policies and inpeternational standards. Activities are encouraged and legally determined to encourage employers to employ people with disabilities, and measures are adopted and proposed which help persons with disabilities to adapt access to the workplace and employment institutions. Employment of people with disabilities should be taken more seriously as a systemic problem, which if it's not solved, leads a person with disabilities to more problems, like insufficient income for secure life existence, social inclusion, quality of life, personal self-esteem and experience that they are valuable members of a social community

    Assessment of regional integration progress in the East African community

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    Thesis (M.M. (Public Policy))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, Graduate School of Public and Development Management, 2013.There have been integration efforts in Africa for the last four decades, similar to other continental efforts across the globe. Learning from the past failures of regional integration efforts in Africa, in the late 1960s and 1970s, the East African Community partner states came up with a new approach towards integrating the region, that is, people centered and private sector driven integration. The regional integration projects and programmes remain the top priority among the EAC partner states as the means to achieve sustainable development in the region. Nevertheless there are indications that EAC partner states are over ambitious in advancing regional integration. The major challenges of the EAC integration span issues such as policy coordination and harmonization, infrastructure development and intra-regional trade expansion, protocols and policy implementation, labour mobility. The purpose of the study was to appraise the progress of regional integration protocols and policies implementation at the national level of the EAC partner states. The study assessed the extent of regional cooperation and integration success since the EAC was revived in 1999, up to 2010, in three broad areas: (i) customs union, (ii) community external relations, and (iii) common market. The research used exploratory case study approach. The main findings of the research were that: (i) the customs union is a difficult stage for partner states to implement; (ii) Tanzania has argued that land matters are not part in the common market discussion; and (iii) the EAC partner states are skeptical of the EU’s motives in economic partnership agreement negotiations. The study also found that the EU’s motives are to obtain preferential trade arrangements both in the EAC and other emerging economies. The study recommends initiatives to create an enabling environment for the greater mutual understanding and substantial degree of trust on the scope of cooperation agreed upon, among the partner states as building for further integration in the region

    Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Mencari Lahan Pabrik di Kabupaten Probolinggo

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    Tugas Akhir ini berkaitan dengan pembuatan aplikasi Sistem lnformasi Geografis {SIG). SIG merupakan salah satu sistem informasi yang berbasis komputer dan menekankan pada unsur informasi geografis. Perangkat lunak SIG digunakan untuk pemasukan. penyimpanan, manipulasi, menampilkan, dan keluaran informasi geografis berikut atribut-atributnya. SIG dapat membantu dalam berbagai bidang dengan informasi dan analisis data yang lengkap. Salah satu permasalahan yang dapat ditangani dengan SIG adalah masalah penentukan lokasi lahan pabrik di suatu wilayah. Dalam menentukan lokasi laban pabrik dibutuhkan informasi dan analisis yang lengkap dan akurat agar lokasi yang diperoleh benar-benar sesuai dengan kriteria dan kebutuhan pabrik. Biasanya sebelum memilih lahan pabrik developer mencari informasi dan survey langsung ke daerah- daerah yang berpotensi untuk mendirikan pabrik. Developer juga harus mempertimbangkan banyak faktor yang berkaitan dengan kebutuhan pabrik yang akan didirikan. Hal tersebut menghabiskan biaya yang besar dan memakan waktu yang cukup lama. Dari permasalahan tersebut diatas, dikembangkanlah aplikasi SIG untuk membantu developer dalam menentukan lokasi pendirian pabrik di suatu daerah secara tepat. Aplikasi SIG ini menyediakan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh developer berupa data faktor-faktor yang dapat digunakan untuk analisis penentuan lahan pabrik. Untuk proses analisis, developer dapat menyusun kriteria yang diprioritaskan sesuai dengan karakteristik pabrik. Dengan dibuatnya aplikasi SIG ini, maka waktu dan biaya survey dapat lebih diminimalkan, karena daerah pencarian lahan pabrik dapat dipersempit menjadi beberapa lokasi sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Selain itu, developer juga dapat memperoleh gambaran yang real mengenai lokasi pabrik yang diinginkan sebelum melakukan survey Iangsung ke lapanga

    Employment of people with disabilities-barriers and activities

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    Cilj rada je prikazati proces zapošljavanja osoba s invaliditetom, aktivnosti i prepreke koje utječu na zapošljavanje osoba s invaliditetom te naglasiti važnost zapošljavanja i rada osobama s invaliditetom za pojedinca i društvo. Osobe s invaliditetom teže pronalaze zaposlenje i teže se zapošljavaju. Zapošljavanje i rad donosi brojne vrijednosti u životu pojedinca poput socijalne uključenosti i ekonomske sigurnosti, a osim toga doprinosi društvu. No, proces zapošljavanja osoba s invaliditetom nešto je drugačiji od osoba koje nemaju invaliditet, budući da osoba ima ograničenja zbog kojih nije u mogućnosti raditi sve poslove te njezino zapošljavanje obvezno zahtijeva postupke profesionalne rehabilitacije. Zapošljavanje osoba s invaliditetom regulira se zakonskim okvirima, politikama i međunarodnim standardima. Potiču se i zakonski određuju aktivnosti kojima se potiče poslodavce da zapošljavaju osobe s invaliditetom te donose i predlažu mjere kojima se osobi s invaliditetom prilagođava pristup radnom mjestu i ustanovama za zapošljavanje. Zapošljavanje osoba s invaliditetom trebalo bi se ozbiljnije promatrati kao sustavni problem koji ako nije riješen, osobu s invaliditetom vodi do daljnjih problema, poput nedovoljnih prihoda za osiguravanje životne egzistencije, socijalne uključenosti, kvaliteti života, osobnom samopoštovanju i doživljaju da su vrijedni članovi društvene zajednice.The aim of this paper is to show the process of employment people with disabilities, activities and barriers that affect the employment of people with disabilities, and emphasize the importance of employment and work for people with disabilities and society. People with disabilites have it harder to find jobs and to get employed. Employment and work bring many values in the life of individual, like social inclusion and economic security, and besides that, it contributes to society. But, the process of employing people with disabilites is somewhat diffrent than the employment of people who don’t have disabilities, since the person has limitations due to which he is not able to do all the jobs and his employment obligatory requires professional rehabilitation procedures. Employment of people with disabilites is regulated with many legal frameworks, policies and inpeternational standards. Activities are encouraged and legally determined to encourage employers to employ people with disabilities, and measures are adopted and proposed which help persons with disabilities to adapt access to the workplace and employment institutions. Employment of people with disabilities should be taken more seriously as a systemic problem, which if it's not solved, leads a person with disabilities to more problems, like insufficient income for secure life existence, social inclusion, quality of life, personal self-esteem and experience that they are valuable members of a social community

    The relation of involvement in cyber violence with self-esteem, depression, anxiety and stress

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    Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi odnos uključenosti u nasilje preko interneta sa samopoštovanjem, depresivnošću, anksioznošću, stresom kod adolescenata na području Osijeka. Istraživanje je bilo longitudinalno, u tri točke mjerenja i to na uzorku od N= 129 sudionika koji su sudjelovali u sve tri točke mjerenja. Sudionici su bili u razdoblju od 15 do 19 godina različitog srednjoškolskog obrazovanja. Kako bi se ispitali istraživački problemi korišteni su sljedeći upitnici: Socidemografski upitnik, Skala činjenja i doživljavanja nasilja preko interneta, Generalizirana skala problematične uporabe interneta, Upitnik pretjeranog igranja igrica, Skala depresivnosti, anksioznosti, stresa i Rosenbergova skala samopoštovanja. Drugi dio mjerenja je bio nakon dva mjeseca, a treće mjerenje nakon godinu dana. U svim točkama mjerenja dobivena je visoka pouzdanost. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako postoje spolne razlike u činjenju nasilja preko internetu između muških i ženskih sudionika, odnosno da su mladići više počinitelji nasilja na internetu. Spolne razlike nisu utvrđene kod doživljavanja nasilja preko interneta, depresivnosti, anksioznosti, stresa i samopoštovanja. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako postoji pozitivna povezanost uključenosti nasilja preko interneta, depresivnosti, anksioznosti, stresa i negativna povezanost sa samopoštovanjem, dok je činjenje nasilja preko interneta bilo pozitivno povezano s depresivnošću, anksioznošću i stresom.The aim of this paper is to determine the relationship of involvement in cyber-violence with self-esteem, depression, anxiety, stress in adolescents in Osijek. The study was longitudinal with three measurement points, on a sample of N = 129 participants who participated in all three measurement points. Participants ranged in age from 15 to 19 years, and had different high school education. The following questionnaires were used to examine the research problems: Socidemographic Questionnaire, Committing and Experiencing Cyber-Violence Scale, The Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale, The Problematic Online Gaming Questionnaire, Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale, and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. The second part of the measurement was after two months, and the third measurement after a year. High reliability was obtained at all measurement points. The research showed that there are gender differences in committing cyber-violence, that young men commit more cyber-violence. Gender differences were not found in experiencing cyber-violence, depression, anxiety, stress, and self-esteem. Research has shown that there is a positive association between experiencing cyber-violence and committing cyber-violence, depression, anxiety, stress and a negative association with self-esteem