123 research outputs found

    Erratum to “Progesterone-primed ovarian stimulation in polycystic ovarian syndrome: An RCT” [Int J Reprod BioMed 2019; 17: 671-676]

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    This article is an Erratum to “Progesterone-primed ovarian stimulation in polycystic ovarian syndrome: An RCT” [Int J Reprod BioMed 2019; 17: 671–676]. Please download the PDF or view the article HTML

    Progesterone-primed ovarian stimulation in polycystic ovarian syndrome: An RCT

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    Background: In vitro fertilization is an important therapy for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The use of new ways of improving clinical results is yet required. Objective: This study was aimed to investigate the efficacy of progesterone primed ovarian stimulation (PPOS) and compare with conventional antagonist protocol in PCOS. Materials and Methods: A total of 120 PCOS women who were candidates for assisted reproductive technology treatment from August to January 2019 were enrolled in this RCT and were placed into two groups, randomly (n = 60/each). The PPOS group received 20 mg/day Dydrogesterone orally since the second day of the cycle and the control group received antagonist protocol. The pregnancy outcomes including the chemical and clinical pregnancy, the miscarriage rate, and the percent of gestational sacs/transferred embryos was compared in two groups. Results: Number of MII oocyte, maturity rate, Number of 2 pronuclei (2PN) and serum estradiol levels on trigger day were statistically lower in PPOS group (p = 0.019, p = 0.035, p = 0.032, p = 0.030), respectively. Serum LH level on trigger day in PPOS group was higher than antagonist group (p = 0.005). Although there wasn’t sever ovarian hyper simulation syndrome in any participants, mild and moderate ovarian hyper simulation syndrome was less in PPOS group (p = 0.001). Also, the chemical and clinical pregnancy rate were higher in the antagonist group, althoughit was not statistically significant (p = 0.136, p = 0.093 respectively). Conclusion: Our study demonstrate that PPOS does not improve chemical and clinical pregnancy rate of the infertile women with PCOS. Key words: Progesterone, Polycystic ovarian syndrome, Controlled ovarian stimulation, Frozen-thawed embryo transfer, Pregnancy rate

    The effect of catheter rotation during its withdrawal on frozen thawed embryo-transfer cycles outcomes: A Case-control study

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    Background: Embryo transfer (ET) is the last and the most clinical process in assisted reproductive technology cycle. It has been suggested that cervical mucus interacts with an adequate embryo transfer in different ways. A few studies showed that catheter rotation could discharge mucus entrapped in the embryo to neutralize embryo displacement. Objective: The aim of this present study was to compare the outcome of frozen embryo transfer (FET) based on catheter rotation during withdrawal. Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, the clinical documents of 240 women who experienced frozen embryo transfer cycles were reviewed. The subjects were divided into two groups (n = 120/each), including A) the rotation treatment group (360°) that underwent ET using catheter rotation and B) the control group including the subjects who experienced ET with no catheter rotation. Clinical and chemical pregnancies and implantation rates were compared between two groups. Results: Results showed that there is no significant difference between the basic clinical and demographic features of both groups (p > 0.05). A significant difference was observed in terms of the rate of chemical pregnancy between groups (21.7% vs 43.3%, p = 0.001 respectively). In addition, the rate of clinical pregnancy was significantly higher in study group than the control (33.35% vs 14.2%, p = 0.002, respectively). Conclusion: Our results demonstrated that catheter rotation during withdrawal increased the implantation rate and clinical pregnancy

    Effect of touch therapy by mothers on weight gaining of preterm newborns

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    Introduction: The effect of touch on growth of newborns has been achieved by educated staff, but touch therapy by mothers as the most important care provider for their infants, had not been focused in previous studies. The aim of this work was to study effect of touch therapy by mothers on weight gaining of preterm newborns. Materials and Methods: In a randomized controlled trail and double blind study, 60 preterm newborns who discharged from neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) to home, randomly allocated to control and touch therapy group (30 newborns in each group). Touch therapy was educated to mother in a direct education, also with offering guide booklet to the mothers. Touch was provided for three 20 minute period per day, until term corrected age. Neonate weight in two groups was measured at the time of discharge and then at the term corrected age by the electronic weighing scale with an accuracy of ± 10 gr. Results: In two groups, mean of age, kind of delivery, level of education, employment and socioeconomic status in mothers, also weight, sex and other neonate characteristics had no statistical differences. At the term corrected age, interventional group showed a weight gain of 10 g/day (30) more than control, which was statistically significant (31 g/day vs 21 g/day) (P=0.04). Conclusion: An important aspect of this study is that all stimulations were provided by mothers which had positive impact for preterm newborns, So, education of touch therapy to mothers can be recommended before discharge of pre-term newborns

    Evaluation of N-Nitrosamine Formation in Routine Potato Cooking

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    Background: Nitrosamine is amongst carcinogen chemical compounds, which can enter the human body through consumption of food. Potatoes are a root vegetable consumed by many people around the world, however their potential for nitrosamine formation during cooking processes needs to be considered for public health matters. Objectives: In this study we evaluated the effect of conventional potato cooking method on N-nitrosamine compound formation. Materials and Methods: The amounts of four nitrosamines, namely N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), N-nitrosopiperidine (NPIP) and N-nitrosopyrrolidine (NPYR) were determined in four different potato-baking methods. Sixty potato samples were randomly collected from Hamadan city. Fried potato samples were roasted at 180°C and boiled potato samples were scalded at 120°C. Nitrosamine levels were measured using gas chromatography coupled with electronic ionization detector (GC-EID), and spectrophotometry was used for measuring nitrite. Results: Fried samples that were measured by the gas chromatography method had the highest average levels of nitrosamine compounds; NDMA, 5.09 ng kg-1, and NDEA, 8.66 ng kg-1. Low levels of nitrosamine compounds were associated with raw potatoes, in which no nitrosamine compound was detected. Based on the analysis of the potato samples by spectrophotometry, the highest levels of nitrite was found in raw potatoes with a mean of 2.43 mg kg-1 and the lowest levels of nitrite were detected in boiled potatoes with an average of 1.172 mg kg-1. Conclusions: Nitrosamine was formed with conventional potato baking methods with the most nitrosamine formation found on the surface fried samples. Nitrites amount in baked potatoes decreased. Generally, the amount of nitrosamine in baked potato samples was lower than acceptable limits. Keywords: Nitrosamines; Nitrites; Gas Chromatograph

    Bone metabolism disorder in epileptic children

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    Background and Objective: There are frequent anti-epileptic drugs which are used in management of epilepsy. Anti-epileptic drugs may have some complications on bone and vitamin-D metabolism. In this study we aimed to Comparison of Bone metabolism disorder in epileptic children with health child in zahedanMethods: This case-control study was performed on bone metabolism disorder in epileptic children. Forty epileptic children was enetered to the study based on accessability scheme and 40 participants randomly selected for control group from those who were referred to the centers for rutine check up. Blood samples were collected from all participants to assess serum calcium, phosphorus, PTH, magnesium, vitamin D, calcium urine, serum albumin, creatinine random urine. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software.Results: Of 40 epileptic children 23 (57.5%) and 17 (42.5%) were male and female respectively. The prevalence of low vitamin D was 37.5% for patients compared to 12.5% for controls (chi-square = 6.667 and p= 0.010).  Of 80 participants, 15 individuals had abnormal PTH level which is distributed of 2 and 13 for patients and control groups respectively (chi-square = 9.928 and p= 0.002).   In the cases of Ca and Mg their levels were similar in both patients and controls.  The status of the parameters in the classification of normal and abnormal assessed based on number of medications intake resulted that number of medications intake  had not effect on the parameters status.Conclusion: our study, like previous studies showed that in epileptic children, frequency of hyperparathyroidy and vitamin D deficiency increased

    Impact of Constraints and Behavioral Motivations on Loyalty of Horse Racing Spectators

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    The present study aims to investigate the effect of constraints and behavioral motivations of spectators on their loyalty in horse racing competitions in Golestan province. The research method is descriptive and analytical. The statistical population includes spectators of the horse racing in three cities of Aqqala, Bandar Torkaman and Gonbad-e Kavus, which includes a sample size of 388 people. The data gathering tool is the standard questionnaire for sport spectators’ behavior (Yu, 2010) including 80 items measuring 5 general factors of internal motivators, internal constraints, external motivators, external constraints, and loyalty. SPSS 21 and Amos 18 software are used to analyze the data. The result of the test shows that the internal motivators and constraints of spectators and the external motivators and constraints of their behavior affect their loyalty with a path coefficient of .78, -.38, .75, and -.42, respectively. Given that the support of the special horse and rider is the internal motive of the spectators, more spectators can be encouraged to participate in horse race competition by inviting the country's top horseback riders and even the best riders in Asia and their horses to the horse riding competitions of Golestan province

    The effects of Nigella sativa L. seed oil on BMI, WC and FBS in overweight men: A randomized controlled clinical trial

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    Background and aims: In recent years, the wide usage of herbal drugs has encouraged the medical scientists to evaluate its effects on health. Nigella sativa L. seed (N. sativa) as an herbal drug has prescribed in some diseases such as hyperlipidemia and metabolic syndrome. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of N. sativa on weight, BMI (Body Mass Index) and FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar) in overweight men. Methods: In this randomized controlled trial, we enrolled seventy eight subjects in two groups to receive 2.5 mL N. sativa oil (n=37) or 2.5 mL paraffin oil as placebo (n=30) two times a day orally for 2 months. FBS, weight, height, and WC (Waist Circumference) of subjects were measured before and after intervention in both groups. Results: After intervention, in N. sativa group, weight, BMI, FBS, and WC were significantly reduced (P<0.01) compared with baseline and also compared with placebo group. Conclusion: Our results showed that daily intake of 5ml N. sativa oil for two months could significantly reduce weight, WC and FBS in over weight men

    Measurement of Collimator Scatter Factor for Photon Fields Using Gafchromic EBT2 Film and Ion Chamber

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    Background and Objective: In radiotherapy, measurement of the output factor in the air is one of the input parameters for Implementation of treatment planning systems and beam modeling. The aim of this study is to design a mini-phantom and select the appropriate detector for measuring the output factor. Subjects and Methods: In-air output factor was measured for Siemens linear accelerator 6 MV energy and field sizes of 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 2 cm irradiated by 200MU. Measurements were performed using a Gafchromic film EBT2 and 0.6 cc Farmer ion chamber and then the results were compared with Report of AAPM Therapy Physics Committee Task Group 74. For lateral electron equilibrium and electron contamination removal, two top of the water and Cerrobend were designed for film dosimetry and plexiglass buildup cap for Farmer chamber was applied. Results: The output factor increases with field size, and this increase in Cerrobend top is less than water top and Farmer dosimeter. In comparison between the results reported by TG74 and this study shows that film dosimetry with water top and Farmer chamber have 0.35 and 0.68 mean percentage differences with TG74 respectively and meanwhile the film dosimetry with Cerrobend top presents 1.48 mean percentage differences. Conclusion: EBT2 film with mini phantom made of water as a good alternative to ion chamber dosimeters known as a standard dosimeter especially the film can be used for a wider range of field size

    The Relation between Organizational Entrepreneurship and Transformational Leadership with Social Responsibility in the Medical Society

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    Background: Today, organizations are confronted with the issue of what determines the growth and prosperity of their social responsibility. The current study aimed to investigate the relation between organizational entrepreneurship and transformational leadership with social responsibility of the medical society. Methods: The present study was a descriptive-analytic study with a cross-sectional survey design. The statistical population was the managers and staff of the Universities of Medical Sciences in Kerman province in 2018. 384 samples were selected using convenience sampling. Data was collected through the Persian version of the Allen et al.’s organizational entrepreneurship questionnaire, Mirmohammadi & Rajai's transformational leadership questionnaire, and Taheri’s social responsibility questionnaire. Data was analyzed using structural equations modeling in AMOS ver. 24.0. Results: The findings of this study showed that organizational entrepreneurship (P=0.002) and its dimensions including business environment (P=0.023), entrepreneurial culture (P=0.001), entrepreneurial orientation (P=0.031) and entrepreneurial action (P=0.001) had a positive and significant association with social responsibility. Also, transformational leadership (P=0.001) and its dimensions including perspective (P=0.004), institutionalization of change (P=0.001) and purposeful activities (P=0.001) had a positive and significant association with social responsibility. Conclusion: According to the results of the study, it is suggested that using organizational entrepreneurship and transformational leadership strategies, can promote social responsibility in the medical community and provide appropriate services that match the needs of society. Keywords: Organizational Entrepreneurship, Transformational Leadership, Social Responsibilit