817 research outputs found

    Application CAD/CAM software PowerMILL for 3D machining

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    Rozbor technologii a strategii 3D frézování modelu formy v softwaru PowerMILL PRO 8.0. Kvantifikování rozdílů strojních časů při aplikování různých strategií obrábění. Naprogramování kompletního obrábění navržené součásti a kvantifikace dosahovaných rozdílů různých 3D strategií frézováníAnalysis of technologies and strategies of 3D milling model mould in software PowerMILL PRO 8.0. The quantification of differences among machining time applicated in various strategies of cutting. Pre-set of completed machining of designed component and quantification of reached differences of various 3D strategies of milling

    Jacques Ferron ou la présence réelle : remarques sur la foi d'un mécréant/"mécréant"

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    L'un des prestiges de l'écriture ferronienne réside dans la reconstitution de la présence, là où le mythe théocratique du Canadien français avait isolé l'individu de son entourage aussi bien physique que métaphysique. Loin de rejeter la tradition messianique des Canadiens français, Ferron entreprend de la transformer : à la démarche métaphorique de l'Église canadienne-française (imposer un Dieu absent), il substitue une démarche métonymique (réconcilier l'homme avec les éléments de son vécu). Toutefois, le Dieu de Ferron partageant le réel des humains, son apothéose risque de ne pas s'avérer dans les faits; le salut du pays reste incertain. La substitution ferronienne du paradigme (métaphore) par le syntagme (métonymie) revêt ainsi le caractère d'un pacte avec le Diable, qui n'oubliera pas sa créance... le pays perdu, le Prince de ce monde triomphera.One of the magic qualities of Ferron's writing consists in the reconstitution of the presence, where the French Canadian's theocratic myth had isolated the individual from his physical as well as metaphysical surroundings. Far from repudiating the messianic tradition of French Canada, Ferron undertakes to transform it: for the metaphoric role of imposing an absent God played by the French-Canadian Church, Ferron substitutes the metonymic one of reconciling man with the elements of his experience. Although Ferron's God shares the reality of human beings, His apotheosis risks not be made manifest: the country's salvation remains uncertain. Ferron's substitution of syntagm (metonymy) for paradigm (metaphor) thus assumes the character of a pact with the Devil, who will not forget to claim his due... Once the country is lost, the Prince of this world will triumph

    Improving Preschoolers’ Number Sense Using Computer Math Games

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    The purpose of this action research study was to determine whether a preschool child’s number sense skills could be improved by using the iPad application ABCya! Games. The research study was conducted in a preschool classroom of 19 students at an elementary school in central Iowa. A mixed methods approach was used to collect data as students were assessed prior to and after the intervention, and were observed playing the technology-based math games during the intervention period. Given the limitations of the study, the findings of this study determined that the technology did not significantly improve student learning outcomes in the area of number sense

    Investigating drug resistance markers, evolution and co-infections of pathogens of public health concern using portable molecular detection and sequencing tools

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    Genome sequencing has become an important tool for characterization and surveillance of infectious diseases to guide public health measures. To complement pathogen sequencing, biological samples can be screened for the presence of distinct pathogens, specific genes or mutations by using rapid quantitative PCR (qPCR) based technologies. The overall aim of this thesis was to develop and apply molecular detection and sequencing approaches as well as novel bioinformatic analysis tools for molecular surveillance of infectious diseases in Central Africa and the Middle East with high throughput and information depth. The evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in Equatorial Guinea was monitored using a combination of reverse transcription qPCR (RT-qPCR) assays to detect mutations of interest and amplicon-based whole genome sequencing. Molecular analysis of nucleic acids retained on malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) collected during a malaria indicator survey on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea found a high proportion of false-positive RDTs. In addition, the extracted RDTs were screened for the presence of blood dwelling filarial nematodes Loa loa and Mansonella perstans. A simplified protocol was developed to detect malaria parasite nucleic acids stored on dried blood spots using a portable and rapid qPCR platform. A novel bioinformatic pipeline was developed for compositional profiling of antimalarial drug resistance markers in multiclonal Plasmodium falciparum infections collected from clinical malaria cases in Central Africa. Whole genome sequencing of Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella enterica was applied for the surveillance of foodborne bacteria in the poultry production chain in West Bank, Palestine using a One Health approach. In summary, we successfully developed and applied tools for molecular surveillance of infectious diseases of high public health relevance caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites

    It’s Not About Statues and a Crucifix

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    Educator Self-Reflection: Parent Communication Methods in Special Education

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    Communication between educators and parents/guardians increases positive relationships as well as provides opportunities for collaboration. Purposeful and intentional planning for the communication allows for positive moments, thoughts, ideas, and concerns regarding a students’ educational progress (academics, services, social/emotional) to be shared. West and Pirtle (2014) found that parents feel the essential qualities for special education teachers to possess include understanding, training, and effective communication. They felt it was important that their child’s special education teacher was able to effectively communicate with the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team; this included seeing the educator/parent or guardian relationship as a ‘partnership.’ When students have multiple needs and receive multiple special education services, it is vital that relationships are built and communication is ongoing between parents/guardians and the student’s case manager. This is often completed via the use of communication notebooks, behavior charts or emails. However, even with daily communication and tools, parents may feel as though they are missing important information or even feel uncomfortable. In one study, conducted with 281 parents of students with disabilities, only 56% felt comfortable sharing their thoughts, feelings and concerns during IEP meetings and 32% of parents experienced negative reactions from others at meetings and (Ingalls et al., 2016). This project was created to reflect on all types of communication, various formats, and benefits of communication between parents/guardians and students\u27 special education teacher. Through this reflection and analysis, patterns in the types of communication that were most successful, communication that resulted in changes to teaching or learning practices, and what was most beneficial to students themselves were discovered. Communication opportunities and occurrences took place most often with students who were non-verbal and had more significant needs. Also, sharing daily behavior charts with parents/guardians often resulted in only one-way communication. Through these findings, new systems of communication were reviewed and considered to ensure comfort and positive relationship building with students’ parents/guardians. References: Ingalls, L., Hammond, H., Paez, C., & Rodriguez, I. (2016). Follow-up study to family members’ reactions to the initial special education meeting. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals, 43–63. West, E. A., & Pirtle, J. M. (2014). Mothers’ and fathers’ perspectives on quality special educators and the attributes that influence effective inclusive practices. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 49(2), 290–300. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2388061

    Dean\u27 Report 1938

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    For the past two years the faculty of the School of Law of The University of Georgia has been studying the curriculum of this School as well as the curricula of the other leading law schools in the country for the purpose of effecting such revision as seemed desirable to better serve the needs of the students. The bulletin of the Law School, which has been issued recently, gives the details of the new curriculum which has been prepared by the law faculty and approved by the President of the University. The members of the faculty believe that the changes which have been made will better fit the law graduates to meet present day conditions at the bar and to discharge their social responsibilities. The equipment of the Law School is on the whole satisfactory, but a new mimeograph is absolutely necessary in order to effectively carry on the work of the School. A few more tables are needed in the third year classroom and a new typewriter for the use of N.Y.A. workers. The registration during 1937-1938 was as follows: Class of 1938 35 Class of 1939 34 Class of 1940 49 Irregular 1 Special 1 Total 12

    Dean\u27 Report 1961

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    I have the honor to submit the following Report for the School of Law for the year 1960-1961. Aristotle once said: All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of Empires depends upon the education of youth. So it seems to me that the fate of the bar of this country depends upon the education of the young men and women who are admitted to the bar. For over a century now the University of Georgia Law School has been engaged in this high endeavor. We are indeed proud of our alumni who have gone out in the State and throughout the country and contributed much to the legal and social order of their times. The faculty and students have also measured up well

    Spanish Wood

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    Closing dark. A seeking man. A wooden guitar Vibrating softly with what it knows— What man himself never quite grasps

    Letter to the Law Alumni of The University of Georgia

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    As the last letter written to our alumni was before the war, this letter is prompted by the desire to give you a picture of your School in these post-war days. To all but the most recent graduates the present School of Law is in some respects quite a different place from the School of Law you knew. Throughout the country law schools have become filled with wave after wave of returning veterans, oftentimes putting an almost overwhelming burden on the faculty as well as classroom, library, and housing facilities. The situation here at The University of Georgia has paralleled these nationwide conditions. This fall there are 338 students enrolled in the School of Law. Seventy per cent of these are veterans. There are 141 first year students, 113 second year students, 79 third year students, and 5 special students, and it seems that the peak in enrollment has not yet been reached