145 research outputs found

    Life Cycle Assessment of Pavements: A Critical Review of Existing Literature and Research

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    This report provides a critical review of existing literature and modeling tools related to life-cycle assessment (LCA) applied to pavements. The review finds that pavement LCA is an expanding but still limited research topic in the literature, and that the existing body of work exhibits methodological deficiencies and incompatibilities that serve as barriers to the widespread utilization of LCA by pavement engineers and policy makers. This review identifies five key issues in the current body of work: inconsistent functional units, improper system boundaries, imbalanced data for asphalt and cement, use of limited inventory and impact assessment categories, and poor overall utility. This review also identifies common data and modeling gaps in pavement LCAs that should be addressed in future work. These gaps include: the use phase (rolling resistance, albedo, carbonation, lighting, leachate, and tire wear and emissions), asphalt fumes, feedstock energy of bitumen, traffic delay, the maintenance phase, and the end-of-life phase. This review concludes with a comprehensive list of recommendations for future research, which shed light on where improvements in knowledge can be made that will benefit the accuracy and comprehensiveness of pavement LCAs moving forward

    Evaluation of Environmental Life Cycle Approaches for Policy and Decision Making Support in Micro and Macro Level Applications

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    The European Commission (EC) has strengthened environmental and sustainability oriented policies and strategies by introducing Life Cycle Thinking. Amongst others, this is a key consideration in the Integrated Product Policy Communication, the two Thematic Strategies on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and on the Prevention and Recycling of Waste, as well as in the Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP)/Sustainable Industry Policy (SIP) Action Plan. Reliable and scientifically robust life cycle methods are required to support the implementation, monitoring and assessment needs of these strategies and associated policies. This project analyses different life-cycle methods and provides an evaluation of their current suitability for assessing environmental impacts in micro level and macro level situations.JRC.DDG.H.8-Sustainability Assessmen

    Myoblast Migration and Directional Persistence Affected by Syndecan-4-Mediated Tiam-1 Expression and Distribution

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    Skeletal muscle is constantly renewed in response to injury, exercise, or muscle diseases. Muscle stem cells, also known as satellite cells, are stimulated by local damage to proliferate extensively and form myoblasts that then migrate, differentiate, and fuse to form muscle fibers. The transmembrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan syndecan-4 plays multiple roles in signal transduction processes, such as regulating the activity of the small GTPase Rac1 (Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1) by binding and inhibiting the activity of Tiam1 (T-lymphoma invasion and metastasis-1), a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rac1. The Rac1-mediated actin remodeling is required for cell migration. Syndecan-4 knockout mice cannot regenerate injured muscle; however, the detailed underlying mechanism is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that shRNA-mediated knockdown of syndecan-4 decreases the random migration of mouse myoblasts during live-cell microscopy. Treatment with the Rac1 inhibitor NSC23766 did not restore the migration capacity of syndecan-4 silenced cells; in fact, it was further reduced. Syndecan-4 knockdown decreased the directional persistence of migration, abrogated the polarized, asymmetric distribution of Tiam1, and reduced the total Tiam1 level of the cells. Syndecan-4 affects myoblast migration via its role in expression and localization of Tiam1; this finding may facilitate greater understanding of the essential role of syndecan-4 in the development and regeneration of skeletal muscle

    Vitrifikacija mleča grgeča (perca fluviatilis)

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    Vitrifikacija je proces dovođenja vode ili rastvora u čvrsto stanje, odnosno u amorfno ili staklasto stanje koje može da se dostigne veoma brzom hlađenjem (106-1010 °C/s). Nedavno je objavljeno nekoliko istraživanja o vitrifikaciji mleča različitih vrsta riba, međutim nema dostupnih informacija o vitrifikaciji mleča grgeča (Perca fluviatilis). Mužjaci grgeča su uzorkovani 6 dana posle hormonske injekcije (250 IU kg-1 hCG). Evaluirana je pokretljivost spermatozoida pomoću sistema kompjuterske analize sperme CASA. Za process vitrifikacije mleč je razblažen modifikovanim Tanaka ekstenderom na finalni odnos 1:5 (sa krioprotektantima). Posle preliminarnih testova sa kombinacijom metanola i propilen glikola (PG) u različitim koncentracijama, odlučeno je da se koristi 15% metanola i 15 % PG (ukupno 30% krioprotektanata). Suspenzija mleča je ubačena direktno u tečni azot bez prethodnog hlađenja u njegovoj pari. Za sve eksperimente vitrifikacije za hlađenje su korišćene cevčice Cryotop (Kitazato-Dibimed, za 2 µl rastvora). Za fertilizacioni test su prikupljena jaja ženki grgeča. Vitrifikovane Cryotop cevčice otopljene su direktno u 10 µl rastvora za aktivaciju (50 mm NaCl) u petri šoljama koje su sadržale jaja. Svež mleč služio je za kontrolu. Oplođena jaja su inkubirana u plivajućem sistemu. Izvedena su 3 ogleda da bi se utvrdio odgovarajući broj cevčica Cryotop za svaku seriju jaja: 1, 6 i 18 cevčica Cryotop je isprobano za svaku seriju jajnih ćelija. U 2 µl rastvora mleča jedne Cryotop cevčice bilo je oko 0,33 µl mleča. Na osnovu stepena oplođenja u tri ogleda može se zaključiti da povećanje broja Cryotop cevčica pojačava stepen oplođenja. Dalja sitraživanja su neophodna da bi se razvio metod vitrifikacije sa većim preživljavanjem larvi posle oplođenja vitrifikovanim mlečom. Takođe je potrebno ispitati stepen izvaljenih embriona iz ogleda sa vitrifikovanim mlečom, kao i potencijalni uticaj vitrifikacije na larve, pre svega na deformitete i morfološke promene

    Environmental analysis of milling machine tool use in various manufacturing environments

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    A life-cycle energy consumption analysis of a Bridgeport manual mill and a Mori Seiki DuraVertical 5060 has been conducted. The use phase incorporated three manufacturing environments: a community shop, a job shop, and a commercial facility. The CO2-equivalent emissions were presented per machined part. While the use phase comprised the majority of the overall emissions, the manufacturing phase emissions were significant especially for the job shop, which is not as efficient as the other facilities due to its inherent need for flexibility. Since the Mori Seiki is heavier, the manufacturing phase of this machine tool had a greater impact on emissions than the Bridgeport. Transportation was small relative to the use phase, which was dominated by cutting, HVAC, and lighting. These results highlight areas for energy reductions in machine tool design as well as the importance of facility type to the manufacture of any product

    The Combination of Single-Cell and Next-Generation Sequencing Can Reveal Mosaicism for BRCA2 Mutations and the Fine Molecular Details of Tumorigenesis

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    Simple Summary Germline and somatic BRCA1/2 mutations may define therapeutic targets and refine cancer treatment options. However, routine BRCA diagnostic approaches cannot reveal the exact time and origin of BRCA1/2 mutation formation, and thus, the fine details of their contribution to tumor progression remain less clear. We established a diagnostic pipeline using high-resolution microscopy and laser microcapture microscopy to test for BRCA1/2 mutations in tumors at the single-cell level, followed by deep next-generation sequencing of various tissues from the patient. To demonstrate the power of our approach, here we present a detailed analysis of an ovarian cancer patient, in which we describe constitutional somatic mosaicism of a BRCA2 mutation. Characterization of the mosaic mutation at the single-cell level contributes to a better understanding of BRCA mutation formation and supports the concept that the combination of single-cell and next-generation sequencing methods is advantageous over traditional mutational analysis methods. Germline mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are responsible for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome. Germline and somatic BRCA1/2 mutations may define therapeutic targets and refine cancer treatment options. However, routine BRCA diagnostic approaches cannot reveal the exact time and origin of BRCA1/2 mutation formation, and thus, the fine details of their contribution to tumor progression remain less clear. Here, we establish a diagnostic pipeline using high-resolution microscopy and laser microcapture microscopy to test for BRCA1/2 mutations in the tumor at the single-cell level, followed by deep next-generation sequencing of various tissues from the patient. To demonstrate the power of our approach, here, we describe a detailed single-cell-level analysis of an ovarian cancer patient we found to exhibit constitutional somatic mosaicism of a pathogenic BRCA2 mutation. Employing next-generation sequencing, BRCA2 c.7795G>T, p.(Glu2599Ter) was detected in 78% of reads in DNA extracted from ovarian cancer tissue and 25% of reads in DNA derived from peripheral blood, which differs significantly from the expected 50% of a hereditary mutation. The BRCA2 mutation was subsequently observed at 17-20% levels in the normal ovarian and buccal tissue of the patient. Together, our findings suggest that this mutation occurred early in embryonic development. Characterization of the mosaic mutation at the single-cell level contributes to a better understanding of BRCA mutation formation and supports the concept that the combination of single-cell and next-generation sequencing methods is advantageous over traditional mutational analysis methods. This study is the first to characterize constitutional mosaicism down to the single-cell level, and it demonstrates that BRCA2 mosaicism occurring early during embryogenesis can drive tumorigenesis in ovarian cancer.Peer reviewe

    Procena kvaliteta i metode krioprezervacije sperme grgeča (perca fluviatilis) uzorkovane van sezone

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    Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) is a promising species among those that were recently introduced into European aquaculture. Out-of-season spawning is a remarkable factor in artificial propagation of every species. The production of Eurasian perch is mainly (Northern and Western Europe) maintained in recirculating systems where all year long production is a key factor in the satisfaction of current market demands (Migaud et al. 2002). Cryopreservation of sperm could be an efficient tool to reduce the costs of broodstock management and provide good quality gametes all year round (Cabrita et al. 2010). A broodstock of wild caught Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) males was established from October to November 2014. The 13 males (bodyweight: 39-137 g) were kept at the same water temperature in the range of 6-16°C (according to the hatchery temperature). Spermiation was hormonally stimulated using 500 IU-1 kg hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Sperm was stripped 1 day and 6 days after injection according to the experimental design. Motility parameters of fresh and thawed sperm without injection (Wo), 1 day (1da) and 6 days (6da) after injection were measured using a CASA system. The total volume was estimated in all treated freshly stripped groups. Perch sperm was cryopreserved without injection, 1 day after and 6 days after injection according to our previously developed cryopreservation protocol. A controlled rate freezer with a cooling program (from 7.5 ºC to -160 ºC, cooling rate: 56 ºC/min) was used (Bernáth et al. 2015). The largest volume of sperm was stripped 6 days after injection (1611 ± 1428µl). Average sperm volume was significantly lower in Wo (58 ± 82µl) compared to 6da. Total volume of sperm at 1da did not differ significantly from the other groups (64 ± 49µl). Progressive motility of freshly stripped perch sperm was similar after hormonal stimulation (Wo: 79 ± 10%, 1da: 54 ± 26%, 6da: 75 ± 11%). The same tendency was observed in the case of curvilinear velocity (VCL) of spermatozoa (Wo: 149 ± 24 μm/s, 1da: 137 ± 23 μm/s, 6da: 145 ± 40 μm/s) and straightness (STR) of sperm movement (Wo: 76 ± 7%, 1da: 80 ± 1%, 6da: 80 ± 8%) in freshly stripped sperm.A similar progressive motility, VCL and STR was measured after thawing among cryopreserved groups. However, progressive motility was significantly reduced after cryopreservation in the group 6da (11 ± 7%) compare to fresh Wo and 6da (see above). Post-thaw motility did not decrease significantly in Wo (18 ± 8%) and 1da (14 ± 5%). A significant reduction was observed after thawing in VCL 6da (70 ± 11 μm/s) compared to all fresh groups. A significantly decreased VCL was recorded in Wo (88 ± 25 μm/s) after cryopreservation compared to fresh Wo and 6da. Post-thaw VCL in 1da (101 ± 15 μm/s) did not change in comparison to freshly stripped groups. STR was quite high after thawing in all cryopreserved groups (Wo: 90 ± 5%, 1da: 92 ± 2%, 6da: 88 ± 4%). A significant difference was observed between thawed 1da and fresh Wo. Hormonal stimulation was succesfully used in the out-of-season induction of spermiation in male Eurasian perch. Eurasian perch sperm can be cryopreserved out-of-season, as well. The work was supported by the projects EUREKA_HU_12-1-2012-0056, 8526-5/2014/TUDPOL of the Ministry of Human Resources of Hungary awarded to Szent István University and the GOP-1.1.1- 11.2012-0306.Od svih vrsta koje su introdukovane u evropsku akvakulturu, grgeč (Perca fluviatilis) najviše obećava. Mogučnost mrešćenja van sezone je jedan od najbitnijih faktora u veštačkom mrestu bilo koje vrste. Gajenje grgeča (u severnoj i zapadnoj Evropi) se uglavnom obavlja u recirkulacionim sistemima, gde je mogućnost proizvodnje u toku cele godine ključni faktor da bi se zadovoljile potrebe tržišta (Migaud et al. 2002). Krioprezervacija sperme je efikasan način smanjenja troškova koji nastaju držanjem matica i pruža dobar kvalitet gameta tokom cele kalendarske godine. (Cabrita et al. 2010). Matice grgeča (Perca fluviatilis) su izlovljavane u periodu od oktobra do novembra 2014. 13 mužjaka (težina: 39-137 g) su čuvani u vodi čija je temperatura iznosila 6-16°C. Ispuštanje sperme je indukovano hormonima, korišćenjem 500 IU-1 kg hCG (humanog horionskog gonadotropina). Sperma je sakupljena 1. i 6. dana nakon ubrizgavanja hormona. Parametri pokretljivosti spermatozoida sveže i odmrznute sperme bez ubrizgavanja hormona (Wo), nakon 1. (1da) i nakon 6. (6da) dana ubrizgavanja hormona su kvantifikovani CASA sistemom. Ukupna zapremina sperme nakon istiskanja je izmerena u svim tretmanima. Sperma grgeča bez i sa injektiranog hormona nakon 1. i 6. dana je prezervirana u skladu sa prethodno definisanim protokolima. Za prezervaciju je korišćen zamrzivač sa automatskim programom hlađenja (od 7.5 ºC do -160 ºC, stopa hlađenja: 56 ºC/min) (Bernáth et al. 2015). Sperma sa najvećom prosečnom zapreminom je istisnuta u 6da grupi riba (1611 ± 1428µl). Prosečna zapremina sperme je bila značajno niža u grupi Wo (58 ± 82µl) u odnosu na grupu 6da. Prosečna zapremina sperme u grupi 1da (64 ± 49µl) se nije statistički razlikovala od druge dve grupe. Progresivna pokretljivost spermatozoida u sveže istisnutoj spermi je bila slična pokretljivosti nakon hormonalne stimulacije (Wo: 79 ± 10%, 1da: 54 ± 26%, 6da: 75 ± 11%). Ista tendencija je zabeležena u slučaju brzine nepravilnog kretanja (VCL) spermatozoida (Wo: 149 ± 24 μm/s, 1da: 137 ± 23 μm/s, 6da: 145 ± 40 μm/s), kao i pravolinijskog kretanja (STR) spermatozoida (Wo: 76 ± 7%, 1da: 80 ± 1%, 6da: 80 ± 8%) u sveže istisnutoj spermi. Slične vrednosti progresivne pokretljivosti, VCL-a i STR-a su izmerene u krioprezerviranim uzorcima nakon odleđivanja sperme. Ipak, progresivna pokretljivost je značajno redukovana u grupi 6da nakon krioprezervacije (11 ± 7%) u poređenju sa sveže istisnutom spermom u grupama Wo i 6da. Pokretljivost u odleđenoj spermi nije značajno opala u grupama Wo (18 ± 8%) i 1da (14 ± 5%), dok je značajno smanjenje primećeno za parametar VCL u grupi 6da, nakon odleđivanja (70 ± 11 μm/s) u odnosu na sve grupe gde je sperma sveže isceđena. Značajno smanjenje u parametru VCL je primećeno u grupi Wo (88 ± 25 μm/s) nakon krioprezervacije u poređenju sa grupama Wo i 6da kada je sperma sveže istisnuta. Parametar VCL u grupi 1da nakon odleđivanja (101 ± 15 μm/s) se nije promenio u odnosu na sveže isceđene grupe. Vrednosti STR-a su bile jako visoke nakon odleđivanja u svim krioprezerviranim grupama (Wo: 90 ± 5%, 1da: 92 ± 2%, 6da: 88 ± 4%). Značajna razlika je primećena između grupe 1da, posle odleđivanja i sveže istisnute sperme grupe Wo. Ovi rezultati su pokazali da je hormonalna stimulacija uspešno sprovedena kod mužjaka grgeča u cilju indukovanja proizvodnje sperme van sezone parenja