21 research outputs found

    Accessibility of websites of the European national tourism boards

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    Purpose: The aim is to find out the current state of accessibility of the websites of European national tourism boards. Furthermore, the identification of the most common errors in terms of accessibility as well as recommendations leading to their correction is aimed for. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on methods of testing the availability of web systems. The testing included automated tools, namely AChecker and Accessibility Evaluation Tool, as well as the WCAG 2.1 checklist developed by WebAIM initiative. Findings: The research has shown a relatively high accessibility of those websites. Nevertheless, some accessibility violations have been identified that can significantly complicate the accessibility of those websites for users using various assistive devices or other alternative hardware or software means. The most commonly identified errors include: failure to use alternative text for content-relevant images, the absence of text or audio transcripts for videos shared via Youtube, missing descriptions for text form elements and missing label for search form. Practical implications: The results of the research can be used in the evaluation of web presentations at the level of tourism boards and destination management. Originality/Value: The main output of this article is the application of web testing methodology on a comprehensive set of national tourist boards.peer-reviewe

    The Slovak society from the point of view of the Czech regional press in the beginning of the 20th century.

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    katedra: KHI; přílohy: CD; rozsah: 101 s. (23 685 znakov)My thesis examines the issue of Czech and Slovak relations based on regional press excerpt from newspapers in Mlada Boleslava and Turnov in years 1900 to 1914. These are namely Mladá Boleslav?s newspapers Jizeran, ?Mladoboleslavské listy and Turnov s newspapers Hlasy pojizerské and Listy pojizerské. The articles are sorted according to the message character into the following groups: Political Events, Religion, Czech and Slovak relations, Persecution of Slovaks, Education, Literature and Journalism, Czech-Hungarian Business Relations, Trip through Slovakia and Report about it and Helping Slovaks through Financial Donations.V tejto diplomovej práci som skúmala problematiku česko- slovesnkých vzťahov na základe excerpcie regionálnej tlače v Mladej Boleslave a Turnove v období 1900- 1914. Konkrétne sa jednalo o mladoboleslavské noviny Jizeran, Mladoboleslavské listy a trunovské noviny Hlasy pojizerské a Listy pojizerské. Pri excerpcií novín som jednotlivé články triedila podľa charakteru správ do jednotlivých oblastí: Politické udalosti, Náboženstvo, Česko- slovenské vzťahy, Perzekúcia Slovákov, Školstvo, Literatúra a publicistika, Česko- uhorské obchodné styky, Cesty po Slovensku a správy o nich a Pomoc Slovákom prostredníctvom finančných zbierok

    Social and Economic Aspects of the EU ’s Education Policy

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    Introduction. The issue of education policy is very topical throughout the entire spectrum of society and undoubtedly throughout the European space. At the same time, this policy must be taken into account in any period of a civilized human history. By investing in education, we invest in the human population and participate in the formation of future generations. This article aims to study and analyse the current state of implementation of innovative approaches to the development of education and EU education policy, to identify the key aspects of the EU Education Policy at the present time. We focus mainly on the analysis of the range of the process of implementation of the Strategy Europe 2020 in this field with the particular impact on incorporation of new approaches into the current education policy system as such in the modern 21st century education system based on determining the tools necessary to implement the key strateg ies. Materials and Methods. The authors address individual approaches of the EU Member States in the field of the education and education policy, which can be beneficial for later incorporation of improving innovations into national education systems using the traditional methods of empirical analysis as description and classification, induction and deduction, content analysis, comparison and syntheses. The empirical basis of this study includes the results of a secondary analysis of the research da ta covering the problems of education policies. Results. There is a pragmatic focus on the issue of education in society, which also results, in terms of the macroeconomic indicators, in raising the standard of living of the population. Based on our conclusions, where we identified the real need of in-depth analysis of the situation in the education sector and a strategy to achieve effective change in mainstream educational thinking, policy and practice. We should not only determine where the sector is at present, but also engage as many institutions as possible in the review process, making sure that it is driven by their needs and to set key determinants of the education policies of the individual Member States in order to achieve the EU ’s objectives in terms of education, competitiveness and social cohesion. The results of the study have practical significance: the mechanisms can be reproduced in the field of defining the instruments of the harmonization in the EU education policy with the competences of the Member States. Discussion and Conclusions. The attention is drawn to the socio-economic context that affects the education policy, and despite the pursuit for a kind of harmonization in the EU , the education policy remains substantially within the competence of the Member States. Our results suggest that the use of integrative mechanisms allows to improve the efficiency of EU education policy and at the same time the Member States education policies. The main directions for further research in this field and questions for discussion and another positive move remain: what are the challenges facing education policies EU and Member States in the context of globalisation, the expansion of the European Union and the imperative of sustainable development

    The importance of public health in radiology and radiation protection

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    The ionizing radiation belongs to the basic physical factors that can be measured. We forget often about its risks and the possible damage to our health. The imaging methods which use the ionizing radiation increase the diagnostics quality and they have become a certainty for many medical workers. Therefore, they are being used without rational thinking many times. With this is related to increasing the cumulative dose of patients. Next problem can be radiation safety knowledge of medical workers. The enormous increase in the use of sources ionizing radiation in medicine and rapid development, there may be a disproportionate acquisition of radiation safety knowledge of healthcare workers. At the same time, constant attention must be paid to the biological effects of radiation and realize epidemiology studies. In all the areas mentioned the public health has space. However, it is sad that presently, the radiation safety is not considered important enough in Public Health.  Based on many sources, it is safe to say that this is a major problem, because the public health itself can play an important role in radiation safety. It is important to point out, that safety and effectivity of using the source of ionizing radiation is one of the main components of Good Medical Practice

    Analysis of diverse eukaryotes suggests the existence of an ancestral mitochondrial apparatus derived from the bacterial type II secretion system

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    The type 2 secretion system (T2SS) is present in some Gram-negative eubacteria and used to secrete proteins across the outer membrane. Here we report that certain representative heteroloboseans, jakobids, malawimonads and hemimastigotes unexpectedly possess homologues of core T2SS components. We show that at least some of them are present in mitochondria, and their behaviour in biochemical assays is consistent with the presence of a mitochondrial T2SS-derived system (miT2SS). We additionally identified 23 protein families co-occurring with miT2SS in eukaryotes. Seven of these proteins could be directly linked to the core miT2SS by functional data and/or sequence features, whereas others may represent different parts of a broader functional pathway, possibly also involving the peroxisome. Its distribution in eukaryotes and phylogenetic evidence together indicate that the miT2SS-centred pathway is an ancestral eukaryotic trait. Our findings thus have direct implications for the functional properties of the early mitochondrion

    Development of financial literacy of the pupils on 2nd degree of basic school

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    This bachelor work is focused on a problem of financial literacy in Czech republic. The work coming out from the financial literacy standard for an elementary and a high education. This work is framed like to a learning text, which is determined for the teachers and the pupils in the elementary and the secondary schools. The form of the bachelor work is offer her using for the wider public. The first part inform of riders, on elementary base, with questions of a family budget, wages, currency and currency exchange. The second part of work explain how are the money estimationed or depreciationed. Next the work highlighting on risk of a current accounts and risk of different types of credits. The theoretical part is supplemented by the examples which help our to understand all these problems. For the calculations in this bachelor work were used the computer programs (Microsoft Office Excel, Open Office Calc) which are available for the schools and public