21 research outputs found

    Veszélyes anyagok és technológiák

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    A mezőgazdasági földek öröklése

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    Richtungen für die Fortentwicklungen: Beerbung des Grundstückes = Továbbfejlesztési irányok: földöröklés

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    Examination of the phases of behaviour change among participants of the lifestyle change programme

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    Developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an important and up-to-date topic for the Hungarian Defence Forces, too. A health-conscious lifestyle, which helps achieve the mental and physical well-being of the soldiers of the Hungarian Defence Forces and increases their deployability, may be adopted with the help of intervention programmes focusing on lifestyle change. The Hungarian Defence Forces Body Composition Programme (hereinafter referred to as HDF BCP) was introduced in 2015 in accordance with the above. According to Article 12 of Decree No. 10/2015 (VII.30.) of the Hungarian Ministry of Defence on medical, mental and physical fitness for military service and on the review procedure, a soldier who has different parameters than the physical recommendation must be offered a participation in the HDF BCP. Based on the starting body weight and body fat percentage of the soldier, a weight loss schedule is determined which is to be met every three months during a 12-month period. Within the framework of the Programme, this study examined the distribution of participants of the Programme according to the stages of the behavioural change process, on which the transtheoretical model (TTM) was based. According to the results of the literature, the effectiveness of the lifestyle change programs and the possible number of dropouts are greatly influenced by the stage of change in which participants are

    Egészségpszichológiai tevékenységek relevanciája a Honvéd Testalkati Programban

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    Az epidemiológiai kutatások egyre nagyobb szerepet tulajdonítanak az életmódnak és a viselkedésnek a krónikus nem fertőző betegségek, a túlsúly és az elhízás kialakulásában. A Magyar Honvédségben is jelentős problémaként van jelen a túlsúly és a fizikai képességek csökkenése, s e probléma megoldása érdekében indult el 2015-ben a Honvéd Testalkati Program (HTP). Tanulmányunkban a HTP részeként jelenleg is alkalmazott, illetve a jövőben bevezetni tervezett egészségpszichológiai tevékenységek bemutatásával és azok szerepével foglalkozunk az életmódváltás szemszögéből. Maj Beatrix Hornyák – 2nd Lt Zsófia Rázsó: The relevance of health psychological activities in the HDF Body Composition Program Epidemiological research has attached increasing relevance to lifestyle and behavioural factors in the development of chronic non-communicable diseases, overweight, and obesity. The Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF) personnel also have a significant problem of overweight and decreasing physical abilities, and in order to resolve this issue the HDF Body Composition Program (BCP) was launched in 2015. This study presents the health psychological activities – applied currently and planned for future introduction – and their roles as part of the BCP and their role in lifestyle change