2,096 research outputs found

    Die subjektive Belastung pflegender Ehepartner von Demenzkranken: Hinweise zur Validität der deutschen Version des Zarit Burden Interviews

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    Zusammenfassung: Trotz der Vielzahl europäischer Studien über pflegende Angehörige von Demenzkranken gibt es bis heute keine veröffentlichte validierte deutsche Version des am häufigsten angewandten Instruments zur Erfassung der Belastung familiärer Pflegepersonen (Zarit Burden Interview, ZBI). Primäres Ziel dieser Studie war die Analyse der teststatistischen Gütekriterien der deutschen Version des ZBI (G-ZBI). Die Stichprobe bestand aus 37älteren Paaren (n=74), bei denen der Ehemann von einer Demenzerkrankung betroffen war und die Ehefrau den Großteil der Pflege des kranken Partners übernommen hatte. Das G-ZBI weist eine hohe psychometrische Qualität (Cronbachsα=0,91) sowie überzeugende korrelative Zusammenhänge als Validitätshinweise auf (z.B. Wohlbefinden der Pflegeperson, Pflegebedürftigkeit und neuropsychiatrische Symptome des Demenzkranken). Eine Faktorenanalyse als Maß der Konstruktvalidität zeigt uneindeutige Befunde, unterstützt aber die in der Literatur häufig angenommene Eindimensionalität des Instruments. Die psychometrischen Gütekriterien legen nahe, dass das G-ZBI die Qualität eines reliablen und validen Instruments zur Erfassung der subjektiven Belastung pflegender Ehepartner von Demenzkranken besitzt. Die Anwendung des G-ZBI hat praktische und klinische Relevanz bei der Identifikation besonders belasteter und gefährdeter familiärer Pflegepersone

    Repatriation Adjustment, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intentions as a Function of Core Self-Evaluations and Role Clarity

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    A growing corpus of employee relocation literature proposes the construct of repatriation work adjustment as not only a desired outcome on behalf of returning employees and their organizations, but also a persistent challenge. Contemporary research consistently traces repatriation work adjustment to a wide range of individual, occupational, and cultural antecedents, while also hypothesizing it as a contributor to desired outcomes. However, there exists a dearth of literature examining the intermediary role of job factors in the relationship between individual differences and repatriation work adjustment. By examining the main and indirect effects of core self-evaluations and role clarity, the present study proposes several hypotheses to determine whether core self-evaluations affect repatriation work adjustment through role clarity, and whether repatriation work adjustment affects job satisfaction and intentions to turnover. To test these mediated models, this study used an online, survey-based design to obtain self-report data from a sample of repatriated employees

    The influence of lipids on the fate of nitrogen during hydrothermal liquefaction of protein-containing biomass

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    Nitrogen (N) in the bio-crude obtained from hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of protein-containing biomass not only reduces the heating value of fuels, but also increases cost for upgrading to meet the existing fuel standards. Considerable work so far had been focused on N-containing heterocycles formed via Maillard reactions. However, limited information is available on the influence of lipids, as the amides formation could compete with the Maillard reactions, further affecting the fate of N. The objective of this work is therefore to identify the influence of lipids on the nitrogen distribution in the different product phases, with a particular focus on the reaction of N-containing compounds, trying to achieve deeper understanding about reaction mechanism of HTL. In this study, we tested a set of model compounds (lactose as model carbohydrate, lysine as model protein, palmitic acid as model component of a lipid) to conduct HTL. The model compounds were treated individually and in mixtures at 250 - 350 °C for batch reaction times of 20 min. We investigated the N-distribution in the different HTL-products, mainly focusing on the bio-crude. At 300 °C, only 4.9 wt.% of N distribution (defined as the amount of N in the product relative to that in the feedstocks) is found from HTL of single lysine, while 43.6 wt.% of that is obtained from HTL of the ternary mixture. This is most likely because the higher yield (54.1wt.%) of bio-crude produced from mixture. Specific N-containing compounds in the bio-crude were quantified. With addition of lipids, less yields of typical Maillard reaction products like pyrazines and caprolactam, generated from HTL of carbohydrates and proteins, were obtained, while amides are revealed with significant yield of 2.1 wt.%, indicating that in the presence of lipids, amide formation competes with the generation of Maillard reaction products. These results provide valuable insights for the transformation of nitrogen as well as the reaction pathways of complex systems such as sewage sludge, micro algae, food waste and on the like

    Echnatons „Monotheismus“ – Rezeptionen Amarnas in den Wissenschaften

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    Positions on Akhenaton in the history of humanities are the topic of this contribution that analyses patterns of constructing Akhenaton mainly as prehistory of Christian monotheism. Egyptologists like H. Brugsch, A. Erman, S. Morenz, J. Assmann, phenomenologists of religion as G. van der Leeuw, F. Heiler and finally Sigmund Freud are part of this adaptation history. It can be seen also as part of the concept of a “European history of religion” (Burkhard Gladigow) that includes also science as productive force of normativity, world views and ideology

    Influence of RANEY nickel on the formation of intermediates in the degradation of lignin

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    Lignin forms an important part of lignocellulosic biomass and is an abundantly available residue. It is a potential renewable source of phenol. Liquefaction of enzymatic hydrolysis lignin as well as catalytical hydrodeoxygenation of the main intermediates in the degradation of lignin, that is, catechol and guaiacol, was studied. The cleavage of the ether bonds, which are abundant in the molecular structure of lignin, can be realised in near-critical water (573 to 673 K, 20 to 30MPa). Hydrothermal treatment in this context provides high selectivity in respect to hydroxybenzenes, especially catechol. RANEY Nickel was found to be an adequate catalyst for hydrodeoxygenation. Although it does not influence the cleavage of ether bonds, RANEY Nickel favours the production of phenol from both lignin and catechol. The main product from hydrodeoxygenation of guaiacol with RANEY Nickel was cyclohexanol. Reaction mechanism and kinetics of the degradation of guaiacol were explored

    Hydrothermal liquefaction of sewage sludge: use of HCOOH and KOH to improve the slurry pumpability in a continuously operated plant

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    We studied the hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of digested sewage sludge (DSS) as model of waste biomass in batch and continuous reactors. HCOOH and KOH were used to improve the slurry pumpability. HTL experiments were conducted at the same kinetic severity factor in a batch reactor of 25 mL of volume and in a continuously operated tubular reactor with 350 mL of volume. The observed outcomes suggested that it was not possible to achieve the pumpability of native DSS when a high concentrated stream of suspended solid particles has been fed to the HTL continuous plant. Using acidic or basic homogeneous additives, as potassium hydroxide or formic acid, it was possible to enhance the pumpability of a concentrated slurry of DSS in the continuous plant achieving yields of heavy oil (fraction of biocrude) similar to those obtained in the batch reactor and with higher H/C ratios. Hence, we found that HCOOH and KOH are promising additives for the practical implementation of a continuous HTL process

    Homogenization of Variational Inequalities for the p-Laplace Operator in Perforated Media Along Manifolds

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    We address homogenization problems of variational inequalities for the p-Laplace operator in a domain of Rn (n ? 3, p ? [2, n)) periodically perforated by balls of radius O(??) where ? > 1 and ? is the size of the period. The perforations are distributed along a (n ? 1)-dimensional manifold ? , and we impose constraints for solutions and their fluxes (associated with the p-Laplacian) on the boundary of the perforations. These constraints imply that the solution is positive and that the flux is bounded from above by a negative, nonlinear monotonic function of the solution multiplied by a parameter ? ?? , ? ? R and ? is a small parameter that we shall make to go to zero. We analyze different relations between the parameters p, n, ?, ? and ?, and obtain homogenized problems which are completely new in the literature even for the case p = 2.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish grant MINECO:MTM2013-44883-P
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