4 research outputs found

    The C Terminus of the Ribosomal-Associated Protein LrtA Is an Intrinsically Disordered Oligomer

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    The 191-residue-long LrtA protein of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is involved in post-stress survival and in stabilizing 70S ribosomal particles. It belongs to the hibernating promoting factor (HPF) family, intervening in protein synthesis. The protein consists of two domains: The N-terminal region (N-LrtA, residues 1-101), which is common to all the members of the HPF, and seems to be well-folded; and the C-terminal region (C-LrtA, residues 102-191), which is hypothesized to be disordered. In this work, we studied the conformational preferences of isolated C-LrtA in solution. The protein was disordered, as shown by computational modelling, 1D-H-1 NMR, steady-state far-UV circular dichroism (CD) and chemical and thermal denaturations followed by fluorescence and far-UV CD. Moreover, at physiological conditions, as indicated by several biochemical and hydrodynamic techniques, isolated C-LrtA intervened in a self-association equilibrium, involving several oligomerization reactions. Thus, C-LrtA was an oligomeric disordered protein.This research was funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [CTQ2015-64445-R (to J.L.N.) and MAT2015-63704-P (to A.A.), with Fondo Social Europeo (ESF)], and by the Basque Government [IT-654-13 (to A.A.)

    The C Terminus of the Ribosomal-Associated Protein LrtA Is an Intrinsically Disordered Oligomer

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    The 191-residue-long LrtA protein of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is involved in post-stress survival and in stabilizing 70S ribosomal particles. It belongs to the hibernating promoting factor (HPF) family, intervening in protein synthesis. The protein consists of two domains: The N-terminal region (N-LrtA, residues 1-101), which is common to all the members of the HPF, and seems to be well-folded; and the C-terminal region (C-LrtA, residues 102-191), which is hypothesized to be disordered. In this work, we studied the conformational preferences of isolated C-LrtA in solution. The protein was disordered, as shown by computational modelling, 1D-H-1 NMR, steady-state far-UV circular dichroism (CD) and chemical and thermal denaturations followed by fluorescence and far-UV CD. Moreover, at physiological conditions, as indicated by several biochemical and hydrodynamic techniques, isolated C-LrtA intervened in a self-association equilibrium, involving several oligomerization reactions. Thus, C-LrtA was an oligomeric disordered protein.This research was funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [CTQ2015-64445-R (to J.L.N.) and MAT2015-63704-P (to A.A.), with Fondo Social Europeo (ESF)], and by the Basque Government [IT-654-13 (to A.A.)

    Application of Copper-Based NPs for Cancer Therapy in 3D Microfluidic-Based Cell Culture Model

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    En este trabajo se ha utilizado un modelo de cultivo celular 3D basado en microfluídica para crecer esferoides tumorales de glioblastoma y realizar un estudio del efecto de NPs basadas en cobre como posible terapia antitumoral. Se han obtenido resultados satisfactorios sobre el crecimiento, la viabilidad y la capacidad metastásica

    Diseño y optimización de nanopartículas con aplicaciones biotecnológicas: captura de contaminantes, transporte y almacenamiento de biomoléculas

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    La adsorción de proteínas y otras biomoléculas a superficies sólidas es un proceso que afecta virtualmente a cualquier superficie utilizada para la manipulación o almacenamiento de estas moléculas. Estos procesos de adsorción suelen inducir una disminución en la estabilidad conformacional de la proteína adsorbida con potenciales efectos negativos sobre su posterior identidad biológica debido a procesos de desnaturalización, agregación o fibrilación. La presente Tesis Doctoral centra su atención en la interacción entre polímeros formados por monómeros cargados (polielectrolitos) capaces de inhibir la adsorción de proteínas a superficies de sílice, un material de uso común en muchas aplicaciones biotecnológicas o en el trabajo habitual de laboratorio. En efecto, las superficies de sílice pueden ser recubiertas con polielectrolitos de alta densidad de carga que impiden la adsorción de proteína. Los polímeros catiónicos de alta densidad de carga muestran una elevada afinidad por la superficie de sílice (cargada negativamente a valores de pH superiores a 3) debido al efecto sinérgico de las interacciones electrostáticas atractivas que se establecen entre cada uno de sus monómeros y la partícula sólida. Dado que la afinidad de la proteína por esa misma superficie es menor, ésta no podrá competir satisfactoriamente por la superficie se sílice cuando se encuentra recubierta por polielectrolito. Las superficies recubiertas de polielectrolitos pueden servir, además, como adsorbentes de ligandos de carga opuesta. Esta Tesis Doctoral presenta algunos avances en la optimización de estos procesos de adsorción de ligandos a nanopartículas cuya superficie se recubre de polielectrolitos para conferirle las propiedades demandadas para capturar, transportar o almacenar ligandos específicos. En particular, el recubrimiento de la superficie de partículas de sílice con el polielectrolito catiónico PDADMACl (cloruro de polidialildimetilamonio), permite adsorber de forma eficaz ligandos de carga opuesta. La capacidad de las partículas así recubiertas puede ser modulada ajustando, de forma racional y predecible, la diferencia de pH entre el cual se utiliza para obtener el recubrimiento y el que corresponde a sus condiciones de uso. Se ha demostrado experimentalmente, que cuanto mayor sea la diferencia entre el pH al que se lleva a cabo el recubrimiento de la partícula de sílice y el pH al cual van a ser utilizadas, mayor es el aumento en la cantidad de ligando de carga opuesta que puede ser adsorbida (comparada con la cantidad que partículas similares adsorberían si su recubrimiento se hubiera realizado a este segundo pH). Utilizando polielectrolitos de distinta naturaleza se han obtenido nanopartículas de magnetita con elevada estabilidad coloidal y capaces de adsorber tanto ligandos catiónicos como aniónicos. La capacidad de los polielectrolitos de reducir de forma drástica el tamaño de las partículas de magnetita desnuda, junto con los factores que optimizan su estabilidad coloidal y capacidad de capturar diversos ligandos, han sido discutidos.Se han diseñado y obtenido nanopartículas de magnetita recubiertas por un derivado carboxilado de la polietilenimina, PEI, capaz de unir cationes de metales pesados con alta afinidad. Se ha optimizado su capacidad de capturar metales en disolución acuosa, así como las condiciones para la recuperación del metal capturado y la reutilización de las nanopartículas en ciclos sucesivos. Además, se ha demostrado la capacidad de estas nanopartículas para capturar fraccionadamente metales presentes en mezclas, atendiendo al orden de las constantes de formación del complejo metal-nanopartícula. Finalmente, se ha desarrollado un método que permite el crecimiento de la cantidad de moléculas de polímero cargado presente en el recubrimiento de las nanopartículas. Para ello, se han utilizado polianiones que establecen interacciones electrostáticas entre las moléculas de polielectrolito que forman parte del recubrimiento inicial y otras que se encontraban en disolución. El resultado final es la incorporación de estas al recubrimiento ampliado. La capacidad de carga de estas nanopartículas con recubrimiento ampliado (que depende exclusivamente de la cantidad de polielectrolito en exceso utilizado en su preparación) aumenta linealmente con la cantidad de polímero cargado incorporado al recubrimiento primitivo. Esto abre la puerta a un diseño verdaderamente racional de nanopartículas cuyo objetivo sea la captura, el transporte o el almacenamiento de ciertos ligandos.The adsorption of proteins and other biomolecules to solid surfaces is a process that affects virtually any surface used for the storage manipulation of these molecules. These adsorption processes usually induce a decrease in the conformational stability of the adsorbed protein with potential negative effects on its subsequent biological identity due to denaturation, aggregation or fibrillation processes. This Doctoral Thesis focuses on the interaction between polymers formed by charged monomers (polyelectrolytes) capable of inhibiting the adsorption of proteins to silica surfaces, a material ubiquitous almost all biotechnological applications or in the everyday laboratory work. Indeed, the coating of silica surfaces with high charge density polyelectrolytes prevents protein adsorption. High charge density cationic polymers show a high affinity for the silica surface (negatively charged above pH 3) due to the synergistic effect of the attractive electrostatic interactions established between each of its monomers and the solid particle. Since the affinity of the protein for that same surface is lower, it cannot compete satisfactorily for the silica surface once coated with the polyelectrolyte. Polyelectrolyte coated surfaces can also serve as adsorbents of ligands of opposite charge. This Doctoral Thesis presents some advances in the optimization of these adsorption processes of ligands to nanoparticles whose surface is covered with polyelectrolytes to confer them the properties demanded for the capture, transport or storage of specific ligands. In particular, the coating of the surface of silica particles with the cationic polyelectrolyte, PDADMACl (poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride), allows adsorbing of ligands with opposite charge quite efficiently. The capacity of the particles thus coated can be modulated by adjusting, rationally and predictably, the difference in pH between which it is used to obtain the coating and that corresponding to its conditions of use. It has been experimentally demonstrated that the greater the difference between the pH at which the silica particle coating is carried out and the pH at which they are to be used, the greater the increase in the amount of ligand that will be adsorbed (compared to the amount that similar particles would absorb if their coating had been made at this second pH). Using polyelectrolytes of different nature, magnetite nanoparticles with high colloidal stability and capable of adsorbing both cationic and anionic ligands have been obtained. The ability of polyelectrolytes to reduce dramatically the size of naked magnetite particles along with factors that optimize their colloidal stability and ability to capture various ligands have been thoroughly discussed. Magnetite nanoparticles coated by a carboxylated derivative of polyethyleneimine, PEI, capable of binding heavy metal cations with high affinity have been designed and obtained. Their ability to capture metals in aqueous solution has been optimized, as well as the conditions for the recovery of the captured metal and the reuse of nanoparticles in successive cycles. In addition, the ability of these nanoparticles to fractionally capture metals present in mixtures according to the order of the formation constants of the metal-nanoparticle complex has been demonstrated. Finally, a method has been developed that allows the growth of the amount of charged polymer molecules present in the coating of the nanoparticles have been developed. Some polyanions can establish electrostatic interactions between the polyelectrolyte molecules that are part of the initial coating and others that were in solution. The end result is the incorporation of these into the expanded coating. The loading capacity of these expanded coated nanoparticles (which depends exclusively on the amount of excess polyelectrolyte used in its preparation) increases linearly with the amount of charged polymer incorporated into the primitive coating. This opens the door to a truly rational design of nanoparticles whose objective is the capture, transport or storage of certain ligands