584 research outputs found
Student Recital: Stephan Vance, Horn; January 17, 1971
Recital HallJanuary 17, 19718:15 p.m
Deutschland - ein Welthandelsgewinner
In den vergangenen Jahren haben die Exporte von Unternehmen aus Deutschland kräftig zugenommen. Sie haben deutlich stärker expandiert als die Importe, so dass sich für Deutschland eine zunehmende Wertschöpfung durch den Außenhandel ergibt. Dabei spielen neben den Konjunkturdifferenzen zum Ausland, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Unternehmen und die zunehmende Integration der Weltmärkte eine wichtige Rolle. Insbesondere bei den Exporten Deutschlands in den Euroraum ist die preisliche Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ein entscheidender Faktor. Die These von der "Basarökonomie Deutschland" ist somit nicht haltbar
Quasiparticle Transformation During a Metal-Insulator Transition in Graphene
Here we show, with simultaneous transport and photoemission measurements,
that the graphene terminated SiC(0001) surface undergoes a metal-insulator
transition (MIT) upon dosingwith small amounts of atomic hydrogen. We find the
room temperature resistance increases by about 4 orders of magnitude, a
transition accompanied by anomalies in the momentum-resolved spectral function
including a non-Fermi Liquid behaviour and a breakdown of the quasiparticle
picture. These effects are discussed in terms of a possible transition to a
strongly (Anderson) localized ground state.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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Draft Genome Sequences of Chlamydiales Bacterium STE3 and Neochlamydia sp. Strain AcF84, Endosymbionts of Acanthamoeba spp.
Chlamydiales bacterium STE3 and Neochlamydia sp. strain AcF84 are obligate intracellular symbionts of Acanthamoeba spp. isolated from the biofilm of a littoral cave wall and gills from striped tiger leaf fish, respectively. We report the draft genome sequences of these two environmental chlamydiae affiliated with the family Parachlamydiaceae
Zum existentiellen und sakramentalen Grund der Theologie bei Joseph Ratzinger : Papst Benedikt XVI
Na obra de Joseph Ratzinger as dimensões existencial e sacramental da fé e teologia estão indissoluvelmente ligadas. A teologia dá precedência à fé e, por conseguinte, à conversão: caminhada catecumenal dos seguidores e auto-doação a Jesus Cristo. Ser baptizado significa ser acolhido no sujeito da transmissão da fé, isto é, o Corpo de Cristo, a Igreja. A eucaristia oferece um toque do amor de Deus, que transforma o homem, bem como uma possibilidade de união que pode ganhar uma profundidade mística. Numa vida marcada pela eucaristia, a fé torna-se «evidência interior» e dinâmica missionária, segundo a razão da fé. Aos santos é oferecida uma real experiência de Deus, eles participam na visão de Cristo. Assim, a exegese do evangelho, que eles elaboram com a sua vida, precede a teologia.Summary: In the work of Joseph Ratzinger the existential and sacramental dimensions of belief and theology are inextricably linked. Theology gives precedence to faith and, consequently, to conversion: the catechumenal way of the followers and self-delivery to Christ. To be baptised signifies to be received in the subject of the transmission of faith, that is to say in the Body of Christ, the Church. The Eucharist offers a touch of love from God, who transforms mankind, as well as the possibility of union, which may take on a mystical depth. In a life marked by the Eucharist, faith becomes ‘inner evidence’ and missionary dynamic, according to reason in faith. The saints are given a real experience of God, they participate in the vision of Christ. Thus, the exegesis of the Gospel, which they work out through their lives, precedes theology
Preiswerte Arbeit in Deutschland: Auswertung der aktuellen Eurostat-Arbeitskostenstatistik
Die jüngste Auswertung der Eurostat Arbeitskostenstatistik zeigt, dass Deutschland bei den gesamtwirtschaftlichen Arbeitskosten nach wie vor einen Platz im Mittelfeld einnimmt. Im Verhältnis zu anderen westeuropäischen Ländern haben sich die deutschen Arbeitskosten abermals verbilligt. Auffällig ist die starke Diskrepanz der Arbeitsentgelte zwischen dem Verarbeitenden Gewerbe und den privaten Dienstleistungen. Die vergleichsweise hohen Arbeitskosten im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe werden durch billige Vorleistungen aus dem Dienstleistungssektor teilweise ausglichen. Interessant ist, dass die intersektorale Lohnspreizung vor allem durch die ausgeprägten Unterschiede bei der Bezahlung von Männern und Frauen, das Fehlen eines gesetzlichen Mindestlohns, den niedrigen gewerkschaftlichen Organisationsgrad sowie die eher schwache Binnennachfrage erklärt werden kann
Equivalence of particle-particle random phase approximation correlation energy and ladder-coupled-cluster doubles
We present an analytical proof and numerical demonstrations of the
equivalence of the correlation energy from particle-particle random phase
approximation (pp-RPA) and ladder-couple-cluster-doubles (ladder-CCD). These
two theories reduce to the identical algebraic matrix equation and correlation
energy expressions, under the assumption that the pp-RPA equation is stable.
The numerical examples illustrate that the correlation energy missed by pp-RPA
in comparison with couple-cluster single and double is largely canceled out
when considering reaction energies. This theoretical connection will be
beneficial to future pp-RPA studies based on the well established couple
cluster theory
Brexit lähmt Konjunktur. Prognose-Update: Die konjunkturelle Lage in Deutschland zur Jahresmitte 2016
Die Brexit-Entscheidung im Vereinigten Königreich dürfte 2016 und stärker noch 2017 den ohnehin nur mäßigen Aufschwung in Deutschland und im Euroraum schwächen. Die konjunkturelle Dynamik der übrigen Weltwirtschaft bleibt im Prognosezeitraum verhalten. Die Erholung im Euroraum setzt sich vor dem Hintergrund eines etwas gelockerten fiskalischen Restriktionskurses fort. Sie ist aber nicht durchgreifend und vor allem nicht selbsttragend. Angesichts der erhöhten Unsicherheit und der Verwerfungen durch den bevorstehenden Brexit erhält das Wachstum im Euroraum einen zusätzlichen Dämpfer und dürfte 2016 und 2017 nur 1,6 % bzw. 1,2 % betragen. Auch die moderate konjunkturelle Dynamik in Deutschland wird im Prognosezeitraum etwas schwächer verlaufen als zuvor. Wachstumstreiber bleibt der private Konsum, der von steigenden Löhnen bei zunehmender Beschäftigung und von dem niedrigen Ölpreis profitiert. Die Ausrüstungsinvestitionen, die trotz der günstigen Finanzierungsbedingungen bisher nicht deutlich an Schwung gewannen, verlangsamen sich unter dem Eindruck einer flacheren Exportentwicklung und der spürbar gestiegenen Unsicherheit. Der Anstieg des Bruttoinlandsprodukts wird im Jahresdurchschnitt 2016 1,6 % betragen, 2017 nur noch 1,3 %. Die Arbeitslosenquote liegt bei 6,2 % (2017: 7,0 %) und die Verbraucherpreise steigen nur verhalten um 0,3 % (2017: 1,2 %).Britain's vote for Brexit will put a damper on already less-than-vigorous growth in Germany and in the euro area as a whole. Global economic activity remains muted. The recovery in the euro area continues against the backdrop of somewhat relaxed fiscal consolidation policies. However, the recovery is neither robust nor self-sustaining. The increase in uncertainty and other strains caused by Brexit further weaken euro-area growth with GDP increasing by 1.6% in 2016 and 1.2% in 2017. The moderate upswing in Germany also loses momentum during the forecast period. Private consumption continues to be the main driving force, profiting from higher wages, rising employment and the lower price of oil. Investment in machinery and equipment, on the other hand, has not significantly picked up speed despite very favorable financing conditions and, in the forecast period will slow in face of weaker export growth and heightened uncertainty. Germany's GDP will increase on average by 1.6% in 2016 and by only 1.3% in 2017. The unemployment rate rises from 6.2% in 2016 to 7.0% in 2017 and inflation remains subdued at 0.3% in 2016 and 1.2% in 2017
Copper in Wood Preservatives Delayed Wood Decomposition and Shifted Soil Fungal but Not Bacterial Community Composition
Copper-based fungicides are routinely used for wood and plant protection, which can lead to an enrichment of copper-tolerant microbial communities in soil. To investigate the effect of such wood preservatives on the soil fungal and bacterial community compositions, five different vineyard and fruit-growing soil environments were evaluated using incubation studies over time. Pine sapwood specimens were impregnated with either water or different biocide treatment solutions containing a mixture of copper, triazoles, and quaternary ammonium compounds (CuTriQAC), a mixture of triazoles and quaternary ammonium compounds (TriQAC), or copper alone (Cu). Specimens were incubated in soil from each sample site for 8, 16, 24, and 32 weeks. The effects of preservative treatment on the modulus of elasticity (MOE) of the wood specimens and on the soil fungal as well as bacterial community composition at the soil-wood interface were assessed by quantitative PCR and amplicon sequencing of the fungal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and bacterial 16S rRNA gene. Specimens impregnated with CuTriQAC and Cu showed decreased MOE and reduced fungal and bacterial copy numbers over time compared to those impregnated with water and TriQAC. Fungal but not bacterial community composition was significantly affected by wood preservative treatment. The relative abundance of members of the family Trichocomaceae compared to other genera increased in the presence of the Cu and CuTriQAC treatments at three sites, suggesting these to be Cu-tolerant fungi. In conclusion, the copper-containing treatments resulted in marginally increased MOE, lowered microbial gene copy numbers compared to those in the TriQAC and water treatments, and thus enhanced wood protection against soil microbial wood degradation
Quantification of trace element contents in frozen fluid inclusions by UV-fs-LA-ICP-MS analysis
We have developed a new analytical setup for the determination of trace element concentrations in fluid inclusions by UV-fs-LA-ICP-MS. Laser ablation was performed at a low temperature of -40 degrees C by using a modified heating-freezing stage as the ablation cell. With this method it was possible to successfully analyse 53 of 55 frozen synthetic NaCl-H2O fluid inclusions in quartz, covering a size range between 8 mu m and 25 mu m down to a depth of 50 mu m. The high success rate could be achieved as the 194 nm UV-fs-laser allows excellent control over the opening procedure of frozen fluid inclusions. Trace element analyses were performed with a fast scanning magnetic sector field ICP-MS. The lower limits of detection for fluid inclusion analysis vary from 0.1 mu g g(-1) (for Bi-209) to 10 mu g g(-1) (for K-39). The typical analytical uncertainty, depending on the element and respective concentration level, ranges between 10% and 30% (1RSD), based on the reproducibility of experimentally synthesized fluid inclusions. All elements from a stock solution, which behaved inert during the HP/HT experiments (B, K, Cd, Te, Tl, Pb and Bi), could be recovered in the synthetic inclusions at concentrations that correspond within their specific analytical uncertainties to their original concentration of 53 mu g g(-1). The method represents a highly efficient tool for the determination of accurate trace element data on low concentration levels in small fluid inclusions with a high success rate of >90%. The latter is particularly advantageous considering the commonly time consuming characterization of fluid inclusions.NTH Graduate School GeoFluxe
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