1,064 research outputs found

    A Spin - 3/2 Ising Model on a Square Lattice

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    The spin - 3/2 Ising model on a square lattice is investigated. It is shown that this model is reducible to an eight - vertex model on a surface in the parameter space spanned by coupling constants J, K, L and M. It is shown that this model is equivalent to an exactly solvable free fermion model along two lines in the parameter space.Comment: LaTeX, 7 pages, 1 figure upon request; JETP Letters, in pres

    Lattice model theory of the equation of state covering the gas, liquid, and solid phases

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    The three stable states of matter and the corresponding phase transitions were obtained with a single model. Patterned after Lennard-Jones and Devonshires's theory, a simple cubic lattice model containing two fcc sublattices (alpha and beta) is adopted. The interatomic potential is taken to be the Lennard-Jones (6-12) potential. Employing the cluster variation method, the Weiss and the pair approximations on the lattice gas failed to give the correct phase diagrams. Hybrid approximations were devised to describe the lattice term in the free energy. A lattice vibration term corresponding to a free volume correction is included semi-phenomenologically. The combinations of the lattice part and the free volume part yield the three states and the proper phase diagrams. To determine the coexistence regions, the equalities of the pressure and Gibbs free energy per molecule of the coexisting phases were utilized. The ordered branch of the free energy gives rise to the solid phase while the disordered branch yields the gas and liquid phases. It is observed that the triple point and the critical point quantities, the phase diagrams and the coexistence regions plotted are in good agreement with the experimental values and graphs for argon

    Exact location of the multicritical point for finite-dimensional spin glasses: A conjecture

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    We present a conjecture on the exact location of the multicritical point in the phase diagram of spin glass models in finite dimensions. By generalizing our previous work, we combine duality and gauge symmetry for replicated random systems to derive formulas which make it possible to understand all the relevant available numerical results in a unified way. The method applies to non-self-dual lattices as well as to self dual cases, in the former case of which we derive a relation for a pair of values of multicritical points for mutually dual lattices. The examples include the +-J and Gaussian Ising spin glasses on the square, hexagonal and triangular lattices, the Potts and Z_q models with chiral randomness on these lattices, and the three-dimensional +-J Ising spin glass and the random plaquette gauge model.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure

    Naive mean field approximation for image restoration

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    We attempt image restoration in the framework of the Baysian inference. Recently, it has been shown that under a certain criterion the MAP (Maximum A Posterior) estimate, which corresponds to the minimization of energy, can be outperformed by the MPM (Maximizer of the Posterior Marginals) estimate, which is equivalent to a finite-temperature decoding method. Since a lot of computational time is needed for the MPM estimate to calculate the thermal averages, the mean field method, which is a deterministic algorithm, is often utilized to avoid this difficulty. We present a statistical-mechanical analysis of naive mean field approximation in the framework of image restoration. We compare our theoretical results with those of computer simulation, and investigate the potential of naive mean field approximation.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Extracellular calcification of Braarudosphaera bigelowii deduced from electron microscopic observations of cell surface structure and elemental composition of pentaliths

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    We have performed morphological and crystallographic studies of Braarudosphaera bigelowii using various light and electron microscopy techniques. A study by light microscopy revealed that B. bigelowii has a haptonema, and can use it for adhesion to external substrates. A study of the pentaliths by transmission electron microscopy indicates that the well-known trapezoidal lamina is formed with foliate crystals having perfectly identical crystallographic orientation. A cytological study shows that the pentaliths of B. bigelowii are surrounded by an organic structure consisting of a pentalith-substrate and thin organic layers. The pentalith-substrate underlies the proximal surface of the pentaliths and extends between the sides of the individual pentaliths, it also extends between the five trapezoidal segments forming a pentalith. Thin organic layers, which apparently originate from ridges of pentalith-substrate, cover the distal surface of the trapezoidal segments. The close association between the pentalith-substrate, organic layers, and pentaliths leads us to the hypothesis that calcification of the pentaliths occurs between the pentalith-substrate and organic layers, extracellularly. The relatively high Mg content observed in pentaliths supports our hypothesis of extracellular calcification

    Low-frequency noise assessment of work function engineering cap layers in high-k gate stacks

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    Engineering the effective work function of scaled-down devices is commonly achieved by the implementation of capping layers in the gate stack. Typical cap layers are Al2O3 for pMOSFETs and La-oxide or Mg for nMOSFETs. Besides introducing a dipole layer at the SiO2/high-κ interface, the in-diffusion of the metal ions may lead to either passivation or generation of traps in the SiO2/high-κ layer. This paper uses low frequency noise studies to determine the impact of capping layers on the quality of the SiO2/HfO2 gate stacks. The influence on the trap profiles of different types of cap layers, different locations of the cap layer (below or on top of the HfO2 dielectric) and the impact of different thermal budgets, typically used for the fabrication of Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) logic devices, are investigated. The differences between several metal oxides are outlined and discussed

    Global Bethe lattice consideration of the spin-1 Ising model

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    The spin-1 Ising model with bilinear and biquadratic exchange interactions and single-ion crystal field is solved on the Bethe lattice using exact recursion equations. The general procedure of critical properties investigation is discussed and full set of phase diagrams are constructed for both positive and negative biquadratic couplings. In latter case we observe all remarkable features of the model, uncluding doubly-reentrant behavior and ferrimagnetic phase. A comparison with the results of other approximation schemes is done.Comment: Latex, 11 pages, 13 ps figures available upon reques

    Effects of Error-Based Simulation as a Counterexample for Correcting MIF Misconception

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    MIF (Motion Implies a Force) misconception is commonly observed in elementary mechanics learning where students think some force is applied to moving objects. This paper reports a practical use of Error-based Simulation (EBS) for correcting students’ MIF misconceptions in a junior high school and a technical college. EBS is a method to generate a phenomenon by using stu-dents’ erroneous idea (e.g., if a student thinks forward force applied to a skater traveling straight on ice at a constant velocity, EBS shows the skater acceler-ates). Such a phenomenon is supposed to work as a counterexample to students’ misconception. In the practice, students first worked on pre-test of five prob-lems (called ‘learning task’), in each of which they drew all the forces applied to objects in a mechanical situation. They then worked on the same problems on system where EBSs were shown based on their answer. They last worked on post-test of the previous plus four new problems (called ‘transfer task’). As a result, in both schools, the numbers of MIF-answers (the erroneous answers supposed due to MIF misconception) in learning task decreased significantly between pre-test and post-test. Effect sizes of the decrease of MIF-answers were larger than that of other erroneous answers. Additionally, the percentages of MIF-answers to the whole erroneous answers in transfer task were much lower than those in learning task. These results suggest learning with EBS not only has the effect on the resolution of MIF misconception, but also promoted the correction of errors in conceptual level.'Artificial Intelligence in Education' 18th International Conference, AIED 2017, Wuhan, China, June 28 – July 1, 2017, Proceeding

    Characterization of DC performance and low-frequency noise of an array of nMOS Forksheets from 300 K to 4 K

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    The DC and low-frequency noise performance of an array of 800 parallel Forksheet MOSFETs were investigated by performing measurements over a wide temperature range from 300 K to 4 K. The array structure allowed to measure a representative average performance of the devices and provided a large effective area for 1/f noise analysis. Results showed an improvement in the saturation drain current when going from room temperature to cryogenic temperatures, with the subthreshold swing saturating around 100 K and the threshold voltage shifting by approximately 150 mV, following similar trends observed in Silicon cryogenic electronics. Additionally, the study confirms that the noise at cryogenic temperatures does not follow the commonly assumed linear scaling with temperature. This deviation from the linear scaling has been associated with the presence of tail states at the interface in bulk and silicon-on-insulator (SOI) devices. These results suggest that the excess 1/f noise in this advanced device architecture is not related to the device architecture but rather to the microscopic material properties of semiconductor/dielectric interfaces
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