14 research outputs found

    The Study of Influence of the Process of Mechanical Additional Cleaning on the Surface Onion Layer at Combined Process of Cleaning

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    The one of the ways of solving question of high-quality cleaning of vegetables is the use of combined methods of cleaning, their study and creation of equipment. The improvement of process for its realization and equipment support at trade enterprises, restaurant economy and mini-factories is a topical task. The expedience of elaboration and introduction of combined processes and equipment for their realization at institutions of the restaurant economy and vegetable-processing enterprises give a possibility to exclude the additional equipment for calibration, sorting, washing, additional cleaning. It, in its turn, will provide the safety at production, favoring the more rational use of resources.The one of most prospective directions of intensification of process of cleaning of the vegetable raw material is an elaboration of combined methods and new specialized apparatuses, which work principle is based on combination of the processes of cleaning of product.The experimental setting was elaborated with correspondent methodology that allows carry out the study of process of cleaning of onion with possible determination of influence of all its parameters on the percent of the raw material losses and effectiveness of product cleaning. It is provided due to the presence of work drum in experimental setting that rotates around its axis. The rotation frequency can be changed within the necessary diapason. The work drum has on its surface the special orifices for cutting off the inedible part of onion. The experimental setting also includes tensometric module that allows determine the effort of separation of peel from onion.The use of apparatus for cleaning of onion will give a possibility to intensify process, to improve the quality of cleaning, to decrease the percent of raw material losses


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    The one of the ways of solving question of high-quality cleaning of vegetables is the use of combined methods of cleaning, their study and creation of equipment. The improvement of process for its realization and equipment support at trade enterprises, restaurant economy and mini-factories is a topical task. The expedience of elaboration and introduction of combined processes and equipment for their realization at institutions of the restaurant economy and vegetable-processing enterprises give a possibility to exclude the additional equipment for calibration, sorting, washing, additional cleaning. It, in its turn, will provide the safety at production, favoring the more rational use of resources. The one of most prospective directions of intensification of process of cleaning of the vegetable raw material is an elaboration of combined methods and new specialized apparatuses, which work principle is based on combination of the processes of cleaning of product. The experimental setting was elaborated with correspondent methodology that allows carry out the study of process of cleaning of onion with possible determination of influence of all its parameters on the percent of the raw material losses and effectiveness of product cleaning. It is provided due to the presence of work drum in experimental setting that rotates around its axis. The rotation frequency can be changed within the necessary diapason. The work drum has on its surface the special orifices for cutting off the inedible part of onion. The experimental setting also includes tensometric module that allows determine the effort of separation of peel from onion. The use of apparatus for cleaning of onion will give a possibility to intensify process, to improve the quality of cleaning, to decrease the percent of raw material losses.&nbsp

    Моделювання механічної обробки цибулі ріпчастої з метою визначення раціональних параметрів її очищення

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    In order to improve quality of the process of cleaning vegetable raw materials, development of new equipment is necessary, which will allow processing different kinds of raw materials and manufacturing products with stable quality indicators. When designing new equipment, it is necessary to take into account that the new machinery should have compact dimensions, be versatile and multioperational. This will make it possible to successfully compete in the domestic and international markets.We designed an experimental installation with appropriate methodology that allows studying the process of cleaning napiform onion with the capacity to determine the impact of all its parameters on the percentage of loss of raw materials and efficiency of cleaning the product. This is provided for by the presence of a working drum that rotates around its axis in an experimental set-up. The rotation frequency may be changed in the required range. The working drum has at its surface special openings for cutting inedible part of the bulbs.A mathematical model of treating napiform onion during cleaning was obtained. Mathematical model takes the form of a system of inequalities, which links the coefficient of filling the drum and central angle of the segment with product. The model proves that the optimal mode of motion of the product in the drum device for cleaning is the mode under which a layer of bulbs lose equilibrium state and there occur sliding forces relative to the inner surface of the drum, which, together with the force of friction, determine the effort for cutting the neck and stem of a bulb.We received equations to calculate the limiting modes of motion when moving in the drum, which explicitly take into account the friction coefficient, angle of natural bevel of the layer of product and the magnitude of drum load. It was established that the maximum value of degree of cleaning the bulbs is 88…98 %.Mathematical modeling of the process of mechanical treatment of napiform onion allows us to determine rational parameters of the combined process of its cleaning. These parameters include rotation frequency of the working drum, load factor of the working chamber and the shape of openings in the working drum. On the basis of the conducted theoretical and experimental research, we designed a device for the combined cleaning of napiform onion. The device allows thermal pre-treatment of raw materials with the aim of weakening the bond between husk and a bulb. Subsequent mechanical treatment, which is also implemented in the device, provides complete cleaning of the product from husk.Исследован процесс механической обработки лука репчатого во время его очистки комбинированным способом. Определены рациональные параметры проведения комбинированного процесса очистки лука репчатого. Получена величина необходимого коэффициента заполнения рабочей камеры аппарата для очистки лука репчатого. Предложена математическая модель процесса механической обработки лука репчатого во время его очистки. Рассчитана минимальная частота вращения рабочей камеры аппаратаДосліджено процес механічної обробки цибулі ріпчастої під час її очищення комбінованим способом. Визначено раціональні параметри проведення комбінованого процесу очищення цибулі ріпчастої. Отримано величину необхідного коефіцієнта заповнення робочої камери апарата для очищення цибулі ріпчастої. Запропоновано математичну модель процесу механічної обробки цибулі ріпчастої під час її очищення. Розраховано мінімальну частоту обертання робочої камери апарат


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    The aim of the work is to study the process of membrane concentration of cottage cheese whey, using the bubbling method for decreasing polarization layer formation at the UF-membrane surface.  A description of the experimental set and processing method for research results of using the method of fighting against a polarization layer in the process of membrane concentration of protein-carbohydrate milk raw materials are presented. Results of the experimental studies as to using the bubbling method for decreasing polarization layer formation in the process of membrane concentration of cottage cheese whey and its influence on concentration membranes productivity are given.    Mathematical models, based on regression equations of factorial experiment with using the method of bubbling separated liquid above the membrane surface for choosing technological parameters of process of membrane concentration of cottage cheese whey, have been constructed. Graphic dependencies of the productivity of ultrafiltration polymer membranes of PAN type depending on initial pressure and temperature parameters of the process of membrane concentration are presented. Rational parameters of membrane concentration of cottage cheese whey using the method of bubbling initial raw materials by gas bubbles, directly close to the concentration membrane surface have been determined. Such parameters are: pressure – 0.4...0.5 МPа, temperature of skimmed milk – 40...50 ºС, skimmed milk bubbling frequency – 0.10...0.15 min-1, bubbling pressure must be 0.56...0.58 МPа. The expedience of using the new-method of gel-layer elimination has been established according to research result


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    The competitiveness improvement of milk products is directly connected with a problem of decreasing energy consumption of the process of milk emulsion dispersion. At creating promising types of energy effective dispersers, a necessary condition is to elaborate a correct methodology for studying them that takes into account the specificity of the process of fat milk microemulsion dispersion. Based on the critical analysis of research methods for homogenizers of different types, there have been determined main directions of their improvement, taken into account in the elaborated research method for a promising jet-slot type milk homogenizer. The method of theoretical studies, including a choice and analysis of stable and changeable factors of the homogenization process in a jet-slot type homogenizer and optimization criteria, has been elaborated. The interconnection of technological, constructive, hydraulic parameters with a dispersion quality has been demonstrated. The influence of physical-mechanical properties of milk as a research object was taken into account. An optimal milk temperature was chosen for the studies. Factor variation limits have been substantiated. The constructive scheme of a chamber for the experimental homogenizer has been developed. At processing the experimental research methodology, the main stage was to develop an experimental set for studying the influence of changeable factors of the dispersion process on a homogenization quality. Dispersion quality estimation methods have been analyzed and the method of microphotography has been chosen with further computed analysis of obtained data. The elaborated methodology was used at studying the influence of cream fat and ring slot width on a dispersion quality in a jet-slot type homogenizer. The obtained data allow to determine rational parameters of cream fat – 40–50 % and slot width – 0.1 mm. The analysis of dispersed characteristics of the milk emulsion allows to make a conclusion about the high homogenization quality, comparing with processing in a valve homogenize

    Efficiency determination of methods for eliminating the polarization layer in the process of membrane concentration of buttermilk

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    The object of research: the process of membrane concentration of buttermilk using methods of removing the polarizing layer on the membrane surface. Investigated problem: determination of the effectiveness of methods for eliminating the polarization layer on the membrane surface during membrane concentration of buttermilk. Main scientific results: The results of experimental studies on methods of removing the polarization layer to increase the productivity of ultrafiltration equipment in the process of membrane concentration of buttermilk are presented. Mathematical models are proposed based on the regression equation of a factorial experiment using the elimination of the polarization layer on the membrane to determine the rational operating parameters of the membrane concentration of buttermilk. These parameters were determined: pressure – 0.4 … 0.5 MPa, buttermilk temperature – 40 … 50 °С, speed of pulsating flows – 1.5 … 1.7 m/s, frequency of bubbling of raw materials – 0 , 10 … 0.15 min-1, bubbling pressure – 0.56 … 0.58 MPa. A comparative analysis of the application of the method of vibrational mixing and bubbling of separated non-fat dairy raw materials to eliminate the formation of a polarization layer on the surface of membranes in the process of membrane concentration is presented. Based on the obtained quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the ultrafiltration products, it can be seen that vibrational mixing and bubbling of the processed buttermilk equally intensify the process of membrane concentration of buttermilk. The area of practical use of the research results: enterprises of the dairy industry of the food industry, engaged in waste-free processing of dairy raw materials and its by-products. An innovative technological product: devices for reducing the polarization layer, allowing to increase the performance of membranes in the process of membrane concentration of buttermilk. Scope of application of the innovative technological product: waste-free processing of dairy raw materials at dairies and dairy plants and other food industry enterprises

    Визначення якості диспергування молочного жиру в струминно-щілинному гомогенізаторі молока

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    One of the urgent problems in the dairy industry is to reduce power input in the process of dispersing milk fat while ensuring a high degree of homogenization. This problem can be solved through the development and implementation of a virtually unexplored jet-slot milk homogenizer. The principle of its action implies the preliminary separation of cream from whole milk and its feed into the high-velocity flow of skim milk. The homogenization process occurs by creating a sufficient difference in velocities of the disperse and dispersing phases of the milk emulsion, which is mathematically described by Weber's criterion.Experimental studies of the effect of fat content in cream, cream feed rate, and width of the annular slot on dispersion indices during processing in the designed homogenizer have been carried out. The mathematical dependence which relates these parameters was found. It was proved that to obtain a milk emulsion with a dispersion level of 0.8 μm, the width of the annular slot should be 0.1–0.5 mm, fat content in cream 40–50 %, and the feed rate less than 40 m/s. The results of the evaluation of dispersion quality show a 7 % decrease in the average diameter of the fat globules compared to the most common values obtainable in the valve homogenizer. A refined critical value of the Weber criterion for dispersion of the fat phase of milk was determined (29 units) which indicates an increase in the intensity of the homogenization process in comparison with the jet milk homogenizer with a separate cream feed. The derived critical value of the criterion is necessary to create a theory of the process of dispersing milk fat and develop more efficient designs of milk homogenizersОдной из актуальных задач молокоперерабатывающей промышленности является снижение энергетических затрат процесса диспергирования молочного жира при обеспечении высокой степени гомогенизации. Решить эту задачу возможно за счет разработки и внедрения практически не исследованного струйно-щелевого гомогенизатора молока. Принцип его действия заключается в предварительном отделении сливок из цельного молока и подача их в скоростной поток обезжиренного молока. При этом гомогенизация происходит за счет создания достаточной разницы скорости дисперсной и дисперсионной фаз молочной эмульсии, что математически описывается критерием Вебера.Проведены экспериментальные исследования влияния жирности сливок, скорости их подачи и ширины кольцевой щели на показатели дисперсности при гомогенизации в разработанном гомогенизаторе. Найдена математическая зависимость, которая связывает эти параметры. Доказано, что для получения молочной эмульсии с дисперсностью 0,8 мкм ширина кольцевой щели должна составлять 0,1–0,5 мм, жирность сливок 40–50 %, а скорость их подачи – меньше 40 м/с. Результаты оценки показателей качества диспергирования свидетельствуют об уменьшении среднего диаметра жировых шариков на 7 % по сравнению с наиболее распространенным в промышленности клапанным гомогенизатором. Было определено уточненное значение критического числа Вебера для диспергирования жировой фазы молока – 29, что свидетельствует об увеличении интенсивности процесса гомогенизации по сравнению с струйным гомогенизатором молока с раздельной подачей сливок. Найденное критическое значение критерия необходимо для создания теории процесса диспергирования молочного жира и разработки более эффективных конструкций гомогенизаторов молокаОднією з актуальних задач молокопереробної промисловості є зниження енергетичних витрат процесу диспергування молочного жиру при забезпеченні високого ступеня гомогенізації. Вирішити цю задачу можливо за рахунок розробки та впровадження практично не дослідженого струминно-щілинного гомогенізатора молока. Принцип його дії полягає у попередньому відділенні вершків з незбираного молока і подачі їх у швидкісний потік знежиреного молока. При цьому гомогенізація відбувається за рахунок створення достатньої різниці швидкості дисперсної та дисперсійної фаз молочної емульсії, що математично описується критерієм Вебера.Проведені експериментальні дослідження впливу жирності вершків, швидкості їх подачі та ширини кільцевої щілини на показники дисперсності при гомогенізації в розробленому гомогенізаторі. Знайдено математичну залежність, яка пов'язує ці параметри. Доведено, що для отримання молочної емульсії з дисперсністю 0,8 мкм ширина кільцевої щілини має складати 0,1–0,5 мм, жирність вершків 40–50 %, а швидкість їх подачі – менше 40 м/с. Результати оцінки показників якості диспергування свідчать про зменшення середнього діаметра жирових кульок на 7 % у порівнянні з найбільш поширеним у промисловості показниками клапанного гомогенізатора. Було визначено уточнене критичне значення критерію Вебера для диспергування жирової фази молока – 29, що свідчить про збільшення інтенсивності процесу гомогенізації в порівнянні з струминним гомогенізатором молока з роздільною подачею вершків. Знайдене критичне значення критерію необхідне для створення теорії процесу диспергування молочного жиру та розробки більш ефективних конструкцій гомогенізаторів молок


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    The one of the ways of solving question of high-quality cleaning of vegetables is the use of combined methods of cleaning, their study and creation of equipment. The improvement of process for its realization and equipment support at trade enterprises, restaurant economy and mini-factories is a topical task. The expedience of elaboration and introduction of combined processes and equipment for their realization at institutions of the restaurant economy and vegetable-processing enterprises give a possibility to exclude the additional equipment for calibration, sorting, washing, additional cleaning. It, in its turn, will provide the safety at production, favoring the more rational use of resources.The one of most prospective directions of intensification of process of cleaning of the vegetable raw material is an elaboration of combined methods and new specialized apparatuses, which work principle is based on combination of the processes of cleaning of product.The experimental setting was elaborated with correspondent methodology that allows carry out the study of process of cleaning of onion with possible determination of influence of all its parameters on the percent of the raw material losses and effectiveness of product cleaning. It is provided due to the presence of work drum in experimental setting that rotates around its axis. The rotation frequency can be changed within the necessary diapason. The work drum has on its surface the special orifices for cutting off the inedible part of onion. The experimental setting also includes tensometric module that allows determine the effort of separation of peel from onion.The use of apparatus for cleaning of onion will give a possibility to intensify process, to improve the quality of cleaning, to decrease the percent of raw material losses.

    Розробка способу видалення гель-шару у процесі мембранної обробки пектинового екстракту

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    A new technique for removing a gel layer from the membrane surface during the ultrafiltration concentration of pectin extract has been considered. An experimental setup has been designed and a procedure for processing the results of studying the process of the concentration of pectin extracts has been devised, using a technique of removing a gel layer from the membrane surface. The paper reports the results of studying the application of a vibration stirring technique to eliminate the gel layer and its effect on membrane performance. Mathematical models have been built and the modes to perform the process of the ultrafiltration of pectin extract by using vibration stirring have been determined.The graphical dependences of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of pectin concentrate (the concentration of pectin substances and dry substances in the concentrate and permeate) have been given that depend on the input parameters of the temperature and pressure of the ultrafiltration concentration process. An analysis of the given characteristics has made it possible to establish the rational input parameters for the process of concentrating pectin extracts. The rational operating parameters of the process of concentrating pectin extracts when using a new technique for eliminating the gel layer are the filtration pressure of 0.4–0.5 MPa, a temperature of 35...45 °С, a duration of 1.5–2.0 hours, and a vibration stirring speed of 1.5‒1.7 m/s.This study was performed with the aim of intensifying the membrane concentration of pectin extracts, improving the technical level of the concentration process, and implementing the developed technique under industrial conditions. Based on the research results, the expediency of using a new technique for removing the gel layer has been established. Further implementation of these results in the food and processing industry would make it possible to apply them in the production of a wide range of pectin productsРассмотрен вопрос нового способа устранения гель-слоя на поверхности мембран при ультрафильтрационном концентрировании пектинового экстракта. Разработана экспериментальная установка и методика обработки результатов исследования процесса концентрирования пектиновых экстрактов с применением способа удаления гель-слоя на поверхности мембраны. Представлены результаты исследований применения способа вибрационного перемешивания для устранения гель-слоя и его влияния на производительность мембран. Получены математические модели и определены режимы проведения процесса ультрафильтрации пектинового экстракта с применением вибрационного перемешивания.Приведены графические зависимости количественных и качественных характеристик пектиновых концентратов (концентрация пектиновых веществ и сухих веществ в концентрате и пермеате) в зависимости от входных параметров температуры и давления процесса ультрафильтрационного концентрирования. Анализ приведенных характеристик позволил установить рациональные входные параметры процесса концентрирования пектиновых экстрактов. Рациональными рабочими параметрами процесса концентрирования пектиновых экстрактов с применением нового способа устранения гель-слоя является давление фильтрации 0,4–0,5 МПа, температура 35...45 °С, продолжительность – 1,5–2,0 часа и скорость вибрационного перемешивания 1 5–1,7 м/с.Данное исследование проведено с целью интенсификации мембранного концентрирования пектиновых экстрактов, повышение технического уровня процесса концентрирования и реализации разработанного способа в промышленных условиях. По результатам исследований была установлена целесообразность применения нового способа удаления гель-слоя. Дальнейшее внедрение этих результатов в пищевую и перерабатывающую промышленность позволит применить их в производстве пектинопродуктов широкого ассортиментаРозглянуто питання щодо нового способу усунення гель-шару на поверхні мембран за ультрафільтраційного концентрування пектинового екстракту. Розроблено експериментальну установку і методику обробки результатів дослідження процесу концентрування пектинових екстрактів із застосуванням способу видалення гель-шару на поверхні мембрани. Представлені результати досліджень застосування способу вібраційного перемішування для усунення гель-шару і його впливу на продуктивність мембран. Отримано математичні моделі та визначено режими проведення процесу ультрафільтрації пектинового екстракту із застосуванням вібраційного перемішування.Приведені графічні залежності кількісних та якісних характеристик пектинових концентратів (концентрація пектинових речовин та сухих речовин в концентраті) в залежності від вхідних параметрів температури та тиску процесу ультрафільтраційного концентрування. Аналіз приведених характеристик дозволив встановити раціональні вхідні параметри процесу концентрування пектинових екстрактів. Раціональними робочими параметрами процесу концентрування пектинових екстрактів із застосуванням нового способу видалення гель-шару є тиск фільтрації 0,4–0,5 МПа, температура 35…45 °С, тривалість –1,5–2,0 години та швидкість вібраційного перемішування 1,5–1,7 м/с.Дане дослідження проведене з метою інтенсифікації мембранного концентрування пектинових екстрактів, підвищення технічного рівня процесу концентрування та реалізації розробленого способу в промислових умовах. За результатами досліджень було встановлено доцільність застосування нового способу видалення гель-шару. Подальше впровадження цих результатів у харчову та переробну промисловість дасть змогу застосувати їх у виробництві пектинопродуктів широкого асортимент