6 research outputs found

    Cortical and subcortical atrophy in alzheimer disease: Parallel atrophy of thalamus and hippocampus

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    Avsikten med studien är att kvalitativt kartlägga konsekvenser av mobbning i skolan. Eftersom studien riktar sig till skolans studie- och yrkesvägledare är fokus lagd på vad som händer med individens självbild och inre trygghet samt självständighet och målsättningar i studie- och yrkesvalsprocessen. Ett av huvudsyftena är även kartläggning av mobbningens långsiktiga konsekvenser för individens arbetsliv. I studien har personer i åldrarna 26-50 år och som är uppvuxna i olika delar av landet intervjuats. De har under sin skoltid blivit utsatta för mobbning och är idag yrkesverksamma eller på väg ut i arbetslivet. Valda teorier kommer från använd kurslitteratur. Resultatet visar på stora likheter i konsekvenser för individernas självbild vad gäller självkänsla och självförtroende. Aspekter som påverkar individens inre trygghet och som påverkar studie- och yrkesvalsprocessen i form av tvekan att välja och svårigheter med självständigheten kommer fram. Senarelagd etablering och otrygghet i det sociala samspelet inom yrkeslivet kommer också fram som konsekvenser av mobbning.

    Distinctive Patterns of Seizure-Related White Matter Alterations in Right and Left Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

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    Background: We hypothesized that right and left temporal lobe epilepsy (RTLE and LTLE, respectively) have distinctive spatial patterns of white matter (WM) changes that can be differentiated and interpreted with the use of multiple diffusion parameters. We compared the global microstructure of fiber bundles with regard to WM alterations in both RTLE and LTLE, addressing some of the methodological issues of previous studies. Methods: Diffusion tensor imaging data from 17 patients with RTLE (age: 40.7 ± 10.4), 15 patients with LTLE (age: 37.3 ± 10.4), and 15 controls (age: 34.8 ± 11.2) were used in the study. WM integrity was quantified by fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), longitudinal diffusivity (LD), and radial diffusivity (RD). The diffusion parameters were compared between the groups in tracts representing the core of the fiber bundles. The volumes of hippocampi and amygdala were subsequently compared across the groups, while the data were adjusted for the effect of hippocampal sclerosis. Results: Significantly reduced FA and increased MD, LD, and RD were found bilaterally over widespread brain regions in RTLE. An increase in MD and RD values was observed in widespread WM fiber bundles ipsilaterally in LTLE, largely overlapping with regions where FA was lower, while no increase in LD was observed. We also found a difference between the LTLE and RTLE groups for the right hippocampal volume (with and without adjustment for HS), whereas no significant volume differences were found between patients and controls. Conclusions: It appears that patients with RTLE exhibit a more widespread pattern of WM alterations that extend far beyond the temporal lobe in both ipsilateral and contralateral hemisphere; furthermore, these changes seem to reflect more severe damage related to chronic degeneration. Conversely, more restrained changes in the LTLE may imply a pattern of less severe axonal damage, more restricted to ipsilateral hemisphere. Comprehensive finding of more prominent hippocampal atrophy in the RTLE raises an interesting issue of seizure-induced implications on gray matter and WM microstructure that may not necessarily mean a straightforward causal relationship. Further correlations of diffusion-derived metrics with neuropsychological and functional imaging measures may provide complementary information on underlying WM abnormalities with regard to functional hemispheric specialization. © Copyright © 2019 Buksakowska, Szabó, Martinkovič, Faragó, Király, Vrána, Kincses, Meluzín, Šulc, Kynčl, Roček, Tichý, Charvát, Hořínek and Marusič