196 research outputs found

    “Kick the XX out of your life”: An analysis of the manosphere’s discursive constructions of gender on Twitter

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    The online community of the manosphere uses social media channels such as Twitter to promote a misogynist agenda. Feminist research has identified two key elements to their activism online: the harassment of women and the development of a discourse that presents feminism as threatening to men. Our research examined Twitter content produced in pursuit of both objectives to understand how the manosphere constructs masculinity and femininity. Analysis of the content identified three discursive strategies that we term: co-opting discourses of oppression, naming power, and disavowal by disaggregation. They serve to cast men as victims, construct women as a monstrous other, and reinstate gendered power hierarchies through a constant invocation of the female body within discourses of rape. Though powerful, these strategies are riven with tensions and bind manosphere masculine identities to the very women they wish to eradicate. Manosphere activism has escaped the virtual and leaked into the material world. We conclude by considering the implications of this breach for those women targeted by the manosphere as well as for the broader witnessing community and suggest avenues for future research

    The Provision of Urban Ecosystem Services Throughout the Private-Social-Public Domain: A Conceptual Framework

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    As cities are largely private systems, recent investigations have assessed the provision of ecosystem services from the private realm. However, these assessments are largely based on the concept of ownership and fail to capture the complexity of service provision mediated by interactions between people and ecological structures. In fact, people interact with ecological structures in their role of land tenants and stewards, further modulating the provision of ecosystem services. We devise a theoretical framework based on the concepts of ownership, tenancy, and stewardship, in which people, as mediators of ecosystem services, regulate the provision of services throughout the private-social-public domain. We survey relevant literature describing these dimensions and propose a comprehensive framework focused on the private-social-public domain. Our framework can advance ecosystem service research and enhance the provision of ecosystems services. The inclusion of people’s individual, social and public roles in the mediation of ecosystem services could improve how benefits are planned for, prioritized, and optimized across cities

    Using a quantitative quadruple immunofluorescent assay to diagnose isolated mitochondrial Complex I deficiency

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    Isolated Complex I (CI) deficiency is the most commonly observed mitochondrial respiratory chain biochemical defect, affecting the largest OXPHOS component. CI is genetically heterogeneous; pathogenic variants affect one of 38 nuclear-encoded subunits, 7 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-encoded subunits or 14 known CI assembly factors. The laboratory diagnosis relies on the spectrophotometric assay of enzyme activity in mitochondrially-enriched tissue homogenates, requiring at least 50 mg skeletal muscle, as there is no reliable histochemical method for assessing CI activity directly in tissue cryosections. We have assessed a validated quadruple immunofluorescent OXPHOS (IHC) assay to detect CI deficiency in the diagnostic setting, using 10 µm transverse muscle sections from 25 patients with genetically-proven pathogenic CI variants. We observed loss of NDUFB8 immunoreactivity in all patients with mutations affecting nuclear-encoding structural subunits and assembly factors, whilst only 3 of the 10 patients with mutations affecting mtDNA-encoded structural subunits showed loss of NDUFB8, confirmed by BN-PAGE analysis of CI assembly and IHC using an alternative, commercially-available CI (NDUFS3) antibody. The IHC assay has clear diagnostic potential to identify patients with a CI defect of Mendelian origins, whilst highlighting the necessity of complete mitochondrial genome sequencing in the diagnostic work-up of patients with suspected mitochondrial disease

    A novel MT-CO2 variant causing cerebellar ataxia and neuropathy: The role of muscle biopsy in diagnosis and defining pathogenicity

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    Pathogenic variants in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are associated with significant clinical heterogeneity with neuromuscular involvement commonly reported. Non-syndromic presentations of mtDNA disease continue to pose a diagnostic challenge and with genomic testing still necessitating a muscle biopsy in many cases. Here we describe an adult patient who presented with progressive ataxia, neuropathy and exercise intolerance in whom the application of numerous Mendelian gene panels had failed to make a genetic diagnosis. Muscle biopsy revealed characteristic mitochondrial pathology (cytochrome c oxidase deficient, ragged-red fibers) prompting a thorough investigation of the mitochondrial genome. Two heteroplasmic MT-CO2 gene variants (NC_012920.1: m.7887G>A and m.8250G>A) were identified, necessitating single fiber segregation and familial studies – including the biopsy of the patient's clinically-unaffected mother - to demonstrate pathogenicity of the novel m.7887G>A p.(Gly101Asp) variant and establishing this as the cause of the mitochondrial biochemical defects and clinical presentation. In the era of high throughput whole exome and genome sequencing, muscle biopsy remains a key investigation in the diagnosis of patients with non-syndromic presentations of adult-onset mitochondrial disease and fully defining the pathogenicity of novel mtDNA variants

    A Novel Pathogenic Variant in MT-CO2 Causes an Isolated Mitochondrial Complex IV Deficiency and Late-Onset Cerebellar Ataxia

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    Both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA defects can cause isolated cytochrome c oxidase (COX; complex IV) deficiency, leading to the development of the mitochondrial disease. We report a 52-year-old female patient who presented with a late-onset, progressive cerebellar ataxia, tremor and axonal neuropathy. No family history of neurological disorder was reported. Although her muscle biopsy demonstrated a significant COX deficiency, there was no clinical and electromyographical evidence of myopathy. Electrophysiological studies identified low frequency sinusoidal postural tremor at 3 Hz, corroborating the clinical finding of cerebellar dysfunction. Complete sequencing of the mitochondrial DNA genome in muscle identified a novel MT-CO2 variant, m.8163A>G predicting p.(Tyr193Cys). We present several lines of evidence, in proving the pathogenicity of this heteroplasmic mitochondrial DNA variant, as the cause of her clinical presentation. Our findings serve as an important reminder that full mitochondrial DNA analysis should be included in the diagnostic pipeline for investigating individuals with spinocerebellar ataxi

    Biological invasions, ecological resilience and adaptive governance

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    In a world of increasing interconnections in global trade as well as rapid change in climate and land cover, the accelerating introduction and spread of invasive species is a critical concern due to associated negative social and ecological impacts, both real and perceived. Much of the societal response to invasive species to date has been associated with negative economic consequences of invasions. This response has shaped a war-like approach to addressing invasions, one with an agenda of eradications and intense ecological restoration efforts towards prior or more desirable ecological regimes. This trajectory often ignores the concept of ecological resilience and associated approaches of resilience-based governance. We argue that the relationship between ecological resilience and invasive species has been understudied to the detriment of attempts to govern invasions, and that most management actions fail, primarily because they do not incorporate adaptive, learning-based approaches. Invasive species can decrease resilience by reducing the biodiversity that underpins ecological functions and processes, making ecosystems more prone to regime shifts. However, invasions do not always result in a shift to an alternative regime; invasions can also increase resilience by introducing novelty, replacing lost ecological functions or adding redundancy that strengthens already existing structures and processes in an ecosystem. This paper examines the potential impacts of species invasions on the resilience of ecosystems and suggests that resilience-based approaches can inform policy by linking the governance of biological invasions to the negotiation of tradeoffs between ecosystem services

    Research findings from the Memories of Nursing oral history project.

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    Capturing the stories of nurses who practised in the past offers the opportunity to reflect on the changes in practice over time to determine lessons for the future. This article shares some of the memories of a group of 16 nurses who were interviewed in Bournemouth, UK, between 2009 and 2016. Thematic analysis of the interview transcripts identified a number of themes, three of which are presented: defining moments, hygiene and hierarchy. The similarities and differences between their experiences and contemporary nursing practice are discussed to highlight how it may be timely to think back in order to take practice forward positively in the future

    Applying the ROBINS-I tool to natural experiments: an example from public health

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    Background: A new tool to assess Risk of Bias In Non-randomised Studies of Interventions (ROBINS-I) was published in Autumn 2016. ROBINS-I uses the Cochrane-approved risk of bias (RoB) approach and focusses on internal validity. As such, ROBINS-I represents an important development for those conducting systematic reviews which include non-randomised studies (NRS), including public health researchers. We aimed to establish the applicability of ROBINS-I using a group of NRS which have evaluated non-clinical public health natural experiments. Methods: Five researchers, all experienced in critical appraisal of non-randomised studies, used ROBINS-I to independently assess risk of bias in five studies which had assessed the health impacts of a domestic energy efficiency intervention. ROBINS-I assessments for each study were entered into a database and checked for consensus across the group. Group discussions were used to identify reasons underpinning lack of consensus for specific questions and bias domains. Results: ROBINS-I helped to systematically articulate sources of bias in NRS. However, the lack of consensus in assessments for all seven bias domains raised questions about ROBINS-I’s reliability and applicability for natural experiment studies. The two RoB domains with least consensus were selection (Domain 2) and performance (Domain 4). Underlying the lack of consensus were difficulties in applying an intention to treat or per protocol effect of interest to the studies. This was linked to difficulties in determining whether the intervention status was classified retrospectively at follow-up, i.e. post hoc. The overall risk of bias ranged from moderate to critical; this was most closely linked to the assessment of confounders. Conclusion: The ROBINS-I tool is a conceptually rigorous tool which focusses on risk of bias due to the counterfactual. Difficulties in applying ROBINS-I may be due to poor design and reporting of evaluations of natural experiments. While the quality of reporting may improve in the future, improved guidance on applying ROBINS-I is needed to enable existing evidence from natural experiments to be assessed appropriately and consistently. We hope future refinements to ROBINS-I will address some of the issues raised here to allow wider use of the tool

    Metabolic effects of bezafibrate in mitochondrial disease

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    Mitochondrial disorders affect 1/5,000 and have no cure. Inducing mitochondrial biogenesis with bezafibrate improves mitochondrial function in animal models, but there are no comparable human studies. We performed an open-label observational experimental medicine study of six patients with mitochondrial myopathy caused by the m.3243A>G MTTL1 mutation. Our primary aim was to determine the effects of bezafibrate on mitochondrial metabolism, whilst providing preliminary evidence of safety and efficacy using biomarkers. The participants received 600-1,200 mg bezafibrate daily for 12 weeks. There were no clinically significant adverse events, and liver function was not affected. We detected a reduction in the number of complex IV-immunodeficient muscle fibres and improved cardiac function. However, this was accompanied by an increase in serum biomarkers of mitochondrial disease, including fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF-21), growth and differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15), plus dysregulation of fatty acid and amino acid metabolism. Thus, although potentially beneficial in short term, inducing mitochondrial biogenesis with bezafibrate altered the metabolomic signature of mitochondrial disease, raising concerns about long-term sequelae
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