11 research outputs found

    Flower and fruit development of Parkia pendula (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae)

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    Parkia pendula occurs in Brazil in Amazonia and in the northeastern Atlantic Forest. In the latter, its buds, nectar, and seedpod gum are discussed to be keystone resources for the mammalian fauna. To enhance the knowledge about these important nourishment sources, the aim of this study was to detect and describe distinct phases in the flower and pod development. The study was conducted in a 306 ha forest fragment in Igarassu, Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil. Six morphometrical variables were measured weekly at five inflorescences of two individuals from September 2003 to January 2004. Eleven distinct developmental phases were identified in the 21 weeks lasting development from the very first inflorescences to mature pods and are described in detail. These phases are good predictors for the flowering and fruiting phenology of P. pendula, since they are easily distinguishable from the forest floor. Furthermore, highly synchronized abortions of inflorescences, buds, and pods were observed which support the previously assumed predator satiation defense strategy in Parkia.Parkia pendula ocorre no Brasil, tanto na Amazônia como na Mata Atlântica nordestina. Seus botões, néctar e goma da vagem são recursos chave para a mastofauna da Mata Atlântica nordestina. Para aumentar o conhecimento sobre estes importantes recursos alimentares, este estudo teve como objetivo detectar e descrever as diferentes fases de desenvolvimento de flores e frutos. Este trabalho foi realizado em um fragmento de Mata Atlântica de 306 ha em Igarassu, Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil. Entre setembro de 2003 e janeiro de 2004, seis variáveis morfométricas foram medidas semanalmente em cinco inflorescências de dois indivíduos. Onze fases distintas de desenvolvimento puderam ser identificadas e descritas em detalhe nas 21 semanas desde o desenvolvimento das primeiras inflorescências até as vagens maduras. Essas fases são boas preditoras da fenologia de floração e frutificação de P. pendula porque são distinguíveis facilmente do solo da floresta. Além disto, a observação de abortos sincronizados de inflorescências, botões e vagens corrobora a estratégia de defesa previamente sugerida para Parkia, de saciedade de predadores

    Overcoming seed dormancy in visgueiro-of-the-igapó (Parkia discolor)

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of pregerminative mechanical scarification treatments, as well as heat pre-treatments on the germination of visgueiro-of-the-igapó (Parkia discolor Spruce ex Benth.) seeds. The first experiment, with a completely randomized design and four repetitions, evaluated these pre-treatments: control (without pre-treatment); clipping at the distal portion; clipping at the proximal portion (hilum); clipping at the proximal and distal portions; scraping at the distal portion; scraping at the proximal portion; scraping at the proximal and distal portions; perforation of the husk with a soldering-iron; and perforation by pyrography. In the second experiment, with a completely randomized design and factorial 2 (heat: dry and wet) x 4 (temperature: 40ºC, 50ºC, 60ºC and 70ºC) x 5 (period of conditioning: 6, 16, 24, 30 and 48 hours), with three repetitions. The clipping or scraping of the seeds in the proximal portion and proximal and distal portions allowed faster imbibition of the seeds (143-163% in three days and half), and consequently, better germination (98-100% in four days), germination speed rate (1,351-1,460) and average time of germination (3 days). The pre-treatment with heat (wet and dry), under different temperatures and different conditioning periods did not overcome the dormancy of P. discolor seeds.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de tratamentos pré-germinativos de escarificação mecânica, bem como pré-tratamentos com calor, sobre a germinação de sementes de visgueiro-do-igapó (Parkia discolor Spruce ex Benth.). No primeiro experimento, sob delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro repetições, foram avaliados os pré-tratamentostestemunha (sem pré-tratamento); desponte no lado distal; desponte no lado proximal; desponte nos lados distal e proximal; lixamento no lado distal; lixamento no lado proximal; lixamento nos lados distal e proximal; perfuração do tegumento com ferro-de-solda; e perfuração com pirógrafo. No segundo experimento, foi adotado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 (calorseco e úmido) x 4 (temperatura40ºC, 50ºC, 60ºC e 70ºC) x 5 (período de condicionamento6, 16, 24, 30 e 48 horas), com três repetições. O desponte ou lixamento das sementes na porção proximal e porções proximal e distal possibilitaram uma embebição mais rápida (143-163%, aos três dias e meio) e, conseqüentemente, melhores resultados de germinação (98-100%, aos quatro dias), do índice de velocidade de germinação (1,351-1,460) e do tempo médio de germinação (3 dias). Os pré-tratamentos com calor (úmido e seco), sob diferentes temperaturas, e por vários períodos de condicionamento não superaram a dormência de sementes de P. discolor

    Phylogenomics and the rise of the angiosperms

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    Angiosperms are the cornerstone of most terrestrial ecosystems and human livelihoods1,2. A robust understanding of angiosperm evolution is required to explain their rise to ecological dominance. So far, the angiosperm tree of life has been determined primarily by means of analyses of the plastid genome3,4. Many studies have drawn on this foundational work, such as classification and first insights into angiosperm diversification since their Mesozoic origins5,6,7. However, the limited and biased sampling of both taxa and genomes undermines confidence in the tree and its implications. Here, we build the tree of life for almost 8,000 (about 60%) angiosperm genera using a standardized set of 353 nuclear genes8. This 15-fold increase in genus-level sampling relative to comparable nuclear studies9 provides a critical test of earlier results and brings notable change to key groups, especially in rosids, while substantiating many previously predicted relationships. Scaling this tree to time using 200 fossils, we discovered that early angiosperm evolution was characterized by high gene tree conflict and explosive diversification, giving rise to more than 80% of extant angiosperm orders. Steady diversification ensued through the remaining Mesozoic Era until rates resurged in the Cenozoic Era, concurrent with decreasing global temperatures and tightly linked with gene tree conflict. Taken together, our extensive sampling combined with advanced phylogenomic methods shows the deep history and full complexity in the evolution of a megadiverse clade

    Further new endemic taxa of Cunoniaceae from New Caledonia

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    A description, illustration, distribution map and conservation assessment are given for each of three new species of Cunoniaceae from New Caledonia and plants endemic to the same localities from other genera are mentioned. Cunonia bopopensis Pillon & H. C. Hopkins is known from forest on ultramafic soils at high elevation on Mt Tchingou. This massif offers ecological conditions markedly different from those of its surroundings, which may explain the occurrence of several micro-endemics on this mountain. Some specimens of C. bopopensis were previously identified as C. bernieri Guillaumin but the type of the latter is probably a hybrid and this name is now considered doubtful. Geissois belema Pillon & H. C. Hopkins is endemic to Ile Art in the Belep archipelago, where it occurs in forest on ultramafic soils; it is the only species of Geissois known from Ile Art. Pancheria xaragurensis H. C. Hopkins & Pillon is found largely on the little-explored Forgotten Coast (“Côte Oubliée”) of south-eastern Grande Terre, generally in maquis along streams and in river beds at low elevation on ultramafic substrate. Morphological and ecological variation in the widespread taxa Geissois pruinosa Brongn. & Gris and Weinmannia dichotoma Brongn. & Gris are discussed and the combinations G. pruinosa var. intermedia (Vieill. ex Pamp.) H. C. Hopkins & Pillon and W. dichotoma var. monticola (Däniker) H. C. Hopkins & Pillon are published to accommodate some of this variability

    Kermadecia brinoniae (Proteaceae: Macadamieae), a new species from New Caledonia previously confused with K. elliptica

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    Kermadecia brinoniae H.C. Hopkins & Pillon (Proteaceae), which occurs in southern New Caledonia, principally on ultramafic substrates, is described and illustrated. Material of this species was previously included in Kermadecia elliptica Brongn. & Gris. An amended description is given for the latter and a lectotype designated. These two species differ in the prominence of the venation on the lower leaf surface and in their ecology. Kermadecia brinoniae, like other species of Proteaceae growing on ultramafic substrates of New Caledonia, has a relatively high content of manganese in its leaves. A revised key to the species of Kermadecia Brongn. & Gris is provided as well as notes on the morphology of the pollen presenter

    Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie : 26. Cunoniaceae

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    La flore de Nouvelle-Calédonie est mondialement connue pour son exceptionnelle richesse avec quelque 3 371 espèces indigènes de plantes vasculaires dont les 3/4 sont endémiques du territoire. L'originalité de cette flore est remarquable, tant aux niveaux taxonomiques supérieurs (une centaine de genres et trois familles endémiques) que par la concentration de lignées primitives ou inhabituelles tel un conifère parasite, ou de plantes accumulatrices de métaux lourds. Des espèces restent encore à décrire et des programmes de recherche sont nécessaires pour mieux comprendre l'origine de cette diversité et contribuer à sa préservation. Ce nouvel ouvrage de la Flore de Nouvelle-Calédonie, publié conjointement par le Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle et l'Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, est une monographie sans précédent des Cunoniaceae de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Cette famille de près de 350 espèces, de répartition essentiellement australe, est particulièrement bien représentée sur le Territoire, où ont été recensées 91 espèces, toutes endémiques, réparties en sept genres : Codia, Cunonia, Geissois, Hooglandia, Pancheria, Spiraeanthemum, Weinmannia. Après une présentation générale de la famille, la description de chaque genre et des espèces qu'il comporte est accompagnée de clés d’identification nombreuses et illustrées, de cartes de répartition, de dessins au trait. L'ensemble est enrichi par de nombreuses photographies. Aussi détaillée qu'attractive, cette flore restera la référence internationale sur les Cunoniaceae de Nouvelle-Calédonie pendant de nombreuses années