27,025 research outputs found

    September 11: Symbolism And Responses To 9/11

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    Professors Hopkins and Hopkins review the impact of 9/11 as a symbol in American politics. Following the terrorist attacks, 9/11 became a simple reference condensing wide-ranging events and emotions. Various interpretations emerged about what caused 9/11 and enabled the attacks. The authors claim that 9/11 allowed US leaders to pursue certain policy prescriptions that otherwise would have been blocked. Among four possible prescriptions for responding to the attacks, the Bush administration chose a praetorian policy of preventive war, with Iraq as its first example. In the authors’ view, by pursuing an expansive but highly militarized response, the US has overlooked the need to alleviate the conditions that made 9/11 possible. The authors recommend that the US, as part of a multilateral effort, allocate major resources to expanding global public goods, including measures that strengthen barriers to proliferation, enhance fighting of global crime, and reduce incentives for terrorism, especially ones arising in failing states where distorted education and weak protection of human rights encourage organized terrorism

    Apparatus and method for stabilized phase detection for binary signal tracking loops

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    Apparatus and method is presented for phase detection in binary signal tracking loops wherein two bandpass detectors are alternately interchanged between electrical connection with two local code reference tracking signals in order to cancel any adverse effect of gain imbalance in the bandpass detectors and direct current offset or drift. The detectors are time shared in multiplex fashion between the two local reference signals

    The Dawes Review 8: Measuring the Stellar Initial Mass Function

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    The birth of stars and the formation of galaxies are cornerstones of modern astrophysics. While much is known about how galaxies globally and their stars individually form and evolve, one fundamental property that affects both remains elusive. This is problematic because this key property, the birth mass distribution of stars, referred to as the stellar initial mass function (IMF), is a key tracer of the physics of star formation that underpins almost all of the unknowns in galaxy and stellar evolution. It is perhaps the greatest source of systematic uncertainty in star and galaxy evolution. The past decade has seen a growing number and variety of methods for measuring or inferring the shape of the IMF, along with progressively more detailed simulations, paralleled by refinements in the way the concept of the IMF is applied or conceptualised on different physical scales. This range of approaches and evolving definitions of the quantity being measured has in turn led to conflicting conclusions regarding whether or not the IMF is universal. Here I review and compare the growing wealth of approaches to our understanding of this fundamental property that defines so much of astrophysics. I summarise the observational measurements from stellar analyses, extragalactic studies and cosmic constraints, and highlight the importance of considering potential IMF variations, reinforcing the need for measurements to quantify their scope and uncertainties carefully, in order for this field to progress. I present a new framework to aid the discussion of the IMF and promote clarity in the further development of this fundamental field.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASA. 52 pages, 10 figures. A bug in pasa-mnras.bst causes references beginning with lower-case letters (e.g., "de", "van") to be placed at the end of the reference list, rather than alphabetically. Kindly and skilled people are encouraged to correct this and share with the PASA editor

    CFTP: a caching FTP server

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    By analyzing the log files generated by the UK National Web Cache and by a number of origin FTP sites we provide evidence that an FTP proxy cache with knowledge of local (national) mirror sites could significantly reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred across already overused networks. We then describe the design and implementation of CFTP, a caching FTP server, and report on its usage over the first 10 months of its deployment. Finally we discuss a number of ways in which the software could be further enhanced to improve both its efficiency and its usability

    Differential phase shift keyed signal resolver

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    A differential phase shift keyed signal resolver resolves the differential phase shift in the incoming signal to determine the data content thereof overcoming phase uncertainty without requiring a transmitted reference signal

    Four-phase differential phase shift resolver

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    Two systems have been developed to resolve phase uncertainty without transmitting reference signals. In both methods signal is impressed on carrier as differential, rather than absolute, phase shift. At the receiver four-phase demodulation and logic process unambiguously resolves differential phase shift of input carrier

    Differential phase shift keyed communication system

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    A communication system using differential phase-shift-keying (DPSK) transmits and receives binary data without requiring timing or phase reference signals. The system encodes and modulates the data at the transmitter, and decodes and demodulates the data at the receiver, without ambiguity as to the data content

    User's guide for Skylab dynamics program, SKYDYN

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    This user's manual describes the capabilities, required input data, and resulting output of SKYDYN, version of the 6 degree-of-freedom digital program REENTR which was extensively modified for the Honeywell CP-V system and was tailored to the specfic requirements for SKYLAB
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