11 research outputs found

    Netrin-3 Signals Through Serine Phosphorylation in Tetrahymena thermophila

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    The netrin family of proteins are structurally related to laminin and, while first discovered in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, are now known to be present in species throughout the animal kingdom, including humans. These proteins also have a wide variety of roles that include inhibition of apoptosis, chemorepulsion, and axonal guidance. Due to the results of previous studies involving netrin-1 in vertebrate systems, the current prevailing assumption is that netrins, when acting as chemorepellents, signal using tyrosine kinases. However, data that we gathered through phosphoserine-targeting ELISA assays and immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrates that the netrin-3 peptides signal Tetrahymena thermophila through serine phosphorylation instead, causing the ciliate protists to avoid netrin-3 peptides in response. Treatment with netrin-3 peptides also seems to cause mitotic inhibition in Tetrahymena, which can be reversed by addition of a serine kinase inhibitor. This new information suggests that netrin-3 may have physiological roles that have previously been unexplored

    The socio-economic impact of fungicide resistance in West Australia's Wheatbelt

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    Farming is a risky business, demanding daily decisions on farm input expenditure and best practices while operating in an uncertain climate. One of these decisions regards agro-chemical inputs for disease control, a decision increasingly challenged by fungicide resistance for many pathogens of agricultural significance. To understand disease management decision-making and the importance of fungicide resistance, we surveyed 137 barley growers from West Australia's Wheatbelt. On average, this group spent AU42/haonfungicideapplication.OursurveyfoundthatgrowerswerewillingtoinvestanadditionalAU42/ha on fungicide application. Our survey found that growers were willing to invest an additional AU18/ha to delay resistance of the pathogen to fungicides. Qualitative data show that barley growers perceive fungicide resistance as a growing issue in the region with a significant economic and emotional impact. Growers also expressed concern that fungicide resistance could become a long-term threat to the sustainability of their agribusiness. This study demonstrates that understanding growers' financial motivations and the economics of plant diseases is vital

    The impact of assistive technology on burden and psychological well-being in informal caregivers of people with dementia (ATTILA Study).

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    INTRODUCTION: Assistive technology and telecare (ATT) may alleviate psychological burden in informal caregivers of people with dementia. This study assessed the impact of ATT on informal caregivers' burden and psychological well-being. METHODS: Individuals with dementia and their informal caregivers were recruited to a randomized-controlled trial assessing effectiveness of ATT. Caregivers were allocated to two groups according to their cared-for person's randomization to a full or basic package of ATT and were assessed on caregiver burden, state anxiety, and depression. Caregivers' data from three assessments over 6 months of the trial were analyzed. RESULTS: No significant between- or within-group differences at any time point on caregivers' burden, anxiety, and depression levels were found. DISCUSSION: Full ATT for people with dementia did not impact caregivers' psychological outcomes compared to basic ATT. The length of follow up was restricted to 6 months

    Assessment of need and practice for assistive technology and telecare for people with dementia-The ATTILA (Assistive Technology and Telecare to maintain Independent Living At home for people with dementia) trial.

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    INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study was to define current assistive technology and telecare (ATT) practice for people with dementia living at home. METHODS: This is a randomized controlled trial (N = 495) of ATT assessment and ATT installation intervention, compared with control (restricted ATT package). ATT assessment and installation data were collected. Qualitative work identified value networks delivering ATT, established an ATT assessment standard. RESULTS: ATT was delivered by public and not-for-profit telecare networks. ATT assessments showed 52% fidelity to the ATT assessment standard. Areas of assessment most frequently leading to identifying ATT need were daily activities (93%), memory (89%), and problem-solving (83%). ATT needs and recommendations were weakly correlated (τ = 0.242; P < .000), with ATT recommendations and installations moderately correlated (τ = -0.470; P < .000). Half (53%) of recommended technology was not installed. Safety concerns motivated 38% of installations. DISCUSSION: Assessment recommendations were routinely disregarded at the point of installation. ATT was commonly recommended for safety and seldom for supporting leisure.Funding for the trial came from the NIHR Health Technology Assessment program (HTA 10/50/02). Neither the funders nor the sponsor have been involved in the preparation or publication of this article. P.B. received financial support from TauRx Therapeutics. J.O.B. received financial support from TauRx, GE Healthcare, Avid/Lilly, and Eisai

    Colonization by B. infantis EVC001 modulates enteric inflammation in exclusively breastfed infants

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    BackgroundInfant gut dysbiosis, often associated with low abundance of bifidobacteria, is linked to impaired immune development and inflammation-a risk factor for increased incidence of several childhood diseases. We investigated the impact of B. infantis EVC001 colonization on enteric inflammation in a subset of exclusively breastfed term infants from a larger clinical study.MethodsStool samples (n = 120) were collected from infants randomly selected to receive either 1.8 × 1010 CFU B. infantis EVC001 daily for 21 days (EVC001) or breast milk alone (controls), starting at day 7 postnatal. The fecal microbiome was analyzed using 16S ribosomal RNA, proinflammatory cytokines using multiplexed immunoassay, and fecal calprotectin using ELISA at three time points: days 6 (Baseline), 40, and 60 postnatal.ResultsFecal calprotectin concentration negatively correlated with Bifidobacterium abundance (P &lt; 0.0001; ρ = -0.72), and proinflammatory cytokines correlated with Clostridiaceae and Enterobacteriaceae, yet negatively correlated with Bifidobacteriaceae abundance. Proinflammatory cytokines were significantly lower in EVC001-fed infants on days 40 and 60 postnatally compared to baseline and compared to control infants.ConclusionOur findings indicate that gut dysbiosis (absence of B. infantis) is associated with increased intestinal inflammation. Early addition of EVC001 to diet represents a novel strategy to prevent enteric inflammation during a critical developmental phase

    Public COAPI Toolkit of Open Access Policy Resources

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    The Coalition of Open Access Policy Institutions (COAPI, https://sparcopen.org/coapi ) is committed to sharing information and resources to assist in the development and implementation of institutional Open Access (OA) policies. The COAPI Toolkit includes a diverse collection of resources that COAPI members have developed in the course of their OA policy initiatives. These resources are openly accessible and published here under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licenses, unless otherwise noted on the resources themselves

    Establishing core outcome domains in pediatric kidney disease: report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology—Children and Adolescents (SONG-KIDS) consensus workshops

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    Trials in children with chronic kidney disease do not consistently report outcomes that are critically important to patients and caregivers. This can diminish the relevance and reliability of evidence for decision making, limiting the implementation of results into practice and policy. As part of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology—Children and Adolescents (SONG-Kids) initiative, we convened 2 consensus workshops in San Diego, California (7 patients, 24 caregivers, 43 health professionals) and Melbourne, Australia (7 patients, 23 caregivers, 49 health professionals). This report summarizes the discussions on the identification and implementation of the SONG-Kids core outcomes set. Four themes were identified; survival and life participation are common high priority goals, capturing the whole child and family, ensuring broad relevance across the patient journey, and requiring feasible and valid measures. Stakeholders supported the inclusion of mortality, infection, life participation, and kidney function as the core outcomes domains for children with chronic kidney disease