53 research outputs found

    タンキ タイニチ ゴガク キギョウ ケンシュウ ガ セッショク バメン ニ オケル ガクシュウシャ ノ インター アクション ノウリョク ニ オヨボシタ エイキョウ ニツイテ

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    本研究は、15名の香港人大学生が9週間の滞日語学/企業研修を通 して習得した、接触場面におけるインターアクション能力について調査した報告である。被験者の研修参加以前の日本語学習時間は460時間で、全員が「日本語能力試験」三級に合格している。本研究の主な資料は、(1)日本語筆記テスト、(2)ロールプレイテスト(「断り」の場面 )、(3)作文の課題で、それぞれ研修の前と後に行なった。また、企業研修受け入れ先担当者およびホストファミリーを対象としたアンケートと、帰国後の被験者インタビュー資料も分析に役立てた。 調査の結果、滞日期間が比較的短かったにもかかわらず、日本での経験が被験者の日本語インターアクション能力に及ぼした影響はかなり大きいことがわかった。言語能力では、聴解能力、発音、イントネーションが著しく向上した。しかし、口頭産出面 での流暢さに反して、語彙、文法・読解テストではそれに匹敵する成績は得られなかった。全員がかなり長い作文を書く自信を得たが、産出量 の増大は正確さという質的な向上とは結びつかなかった。社会言語能力では、断りの表現の種類の細分化、非言語行動、相づちなどの語用能力に進歩がみられた。コミュニケーション上の問題を解決するために、さまざまな方策を積極的に使用できるようになったことがわかった。また、接触場面 の参加者の母語(中国語と日本語)に共通する要素として漢字の知識を役立て、会話における語彙不足を「筆談」によって解決する訂正能力の習得がとくに注目された。社会文化能力で習得されたものはかなり多岐にわたっており、その主なものは、全般 的な日本についての知識、生活習慣、職場や家庭の人間関係、ビジネスの習慣などであった。The fifteen subjects investigated in this study were students at a Hong Kong university. The subjects had received 460 hours of formal instruction in Japanese and passed the Level Three test of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test before participating in a nine-week study / work programme in Japan. The paper reports on an investigation on what types of interactive competence in Japanese most of the subjects succeed or fail to acquire after the programme. The main data consisting of two sets of written tests, two sets of role-playing tests and two sets of composition exercises before and after the programme were collected and analyzed. Supplementary data from interviews with the subjects after the programme and written feedback from supervisors and host families on the subjects during the programme were also collected. Although the period of the study / work programme in Japan was relatively short, its impact upon the development of students\u27 interactive competence in Japanese was considerable. As far as linguistic competence is concerned, the most conspicuous gains were in aural comprehension, pronunciation, and intonation. Fluency improved dramatically, but vocabulary, grammar, and reading tests did not furnish comparable results. The subjects acquired confidence to produce longer written texts, but this confidence was not matched by improvements in accuracy. Sociolinguistic competence also improved, since pragmatic competence increased to include finer expressions of refusal, non-verbal features, and the use of back-channelling. In order to solve communication problems, the subjects actively used various communication strategies. They also acquired competence to correct the deficiencies in their lexicon through the use of written characters (hitsudan). The subjects also advanced to a considerable extent in their acquisition of sociocultural competence: knowledge of Japan, Japanese way of life, human relations in the work place as well as in home settings, and business customs

    Reconciling discrepancies in the source characterization of VOCs between emission inventories and receptor modeling

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    Emission inventory (EI) and receptor model (RM) are two of the three source apportionment (SA) methods recommended by Ministry of Environment of China and used widely to provide independent views on emission source identifications. How to interpret the mixed results they provide, however, were less studied. In this study, a cross-validation study was conducted in one of China's fast-developing and highly populated city cluster- the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region. By utilizing a highly resolved speciated regional EI and a region-wide gridded volatile organic compounds (VOCs) speciation measurement campaign, we elucidated underlying factors for discrepancies between EI and RM and proposed ways for their interpretations with the aim to achieve a scientifically plausible source identification. Results showed that numbers of species, temporal and spatial resolutions used for comparison, photochemical loss of reactive species, potential missing sources in EI and tracers used in RM were important factors contributed to the discrepancies. Ensuring the consensus of species used in EIs and RMs, utilizing a larger spatial coverage and longer time span, addressing the impacts of photochemical losses, and supplementing emissions from missing sources could help reconcile the discrepancies in VOC source characterizations acquired using both approaches. By leveraging the advantages and circumventing the disadvantages in both methods, the EI and RM could play synergistic roles to obtain robust SAs to improve air quality management practices

    A focus group study on subsidising homeownership

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    In May 2010, the Transport and Housing Bureau (THB) of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSARG) initiated a public consultation exercise on Subsidising Home Ownership . As part of the consultatoin exercise, the Public Policy Research Institute (PPRI) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has been commissioned by HKSARG to conduct a series of focus group discussions on the issue

    An analysis of the managed care market in Hong Kong

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    In July 2006, the Bauhinia Foundation Research Centre commissioned the Public Policy Research Institute (PPRI) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (University) to survey and analyze the existing managed care market in Hong Kong.This Executive Summary summarizes the major findings of this Study. For this Study, managed care is defined as any health care financing system in which employers and purchasers of health care services contract the delivery of service with a provider organization (or through a third party) based on capitation or other pricing mechanisms other than simple fee-for-service. Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) are sometimes referred to as Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), contract medicine, panel doctors or medical networks. This Study shows that MCOs are a major form of primary care delivery in Hong Kong. The majority of doctors in the private sector participate in MCOs. Huge variations exist within the managed care industry in terms of the financial strengths of the MCO host, the supply chain configuration (the hierarchy of intermediaries and contracting), the nature of ownership, the size of the MCOs, the range of services offered and the method of compensating providers. Due to their economies of scale in operation, MCOs are able to provide convenient and cheaper health care services to the general community, employers in particular. The existence of MCOs has enhanced market competition in the provision of primary medical services, and their services are, in general, welcomed by consumers. The rapid proliferation of MCOs has also aroused concerns from many doctors and doctors associations. They demand that MCOs should be subject to the same controls as individual doctors. This Study confirms this concern. This Study confirms the existence of a number of controversial practices by some MCOs – utilization reviews, clinical protocols, guidelines on referrals, ordering tests, dispensing expensive drugs, and ordering drugs from specified suppliers. Whether these practices constitute unethical or unprofessional acts require further investigation. This Study further confirms that doctors receive significantly lower fee-for-service payment for seeing network patients compared to regular patients. Consumer satisfaction appears to be correlated to the level of fee payment to doctors. There is consensus amongst doctors that greater government regulation, in the form of either registration with some regulatory authority or having a registered doctor as a director on their board, is desirable. The Consumer Council suggests a code of conduct be drafted and implemented for MCOs. This view is not shared by many MCOs, which are of the opinion that existing legislation is adequate to safeguard public interest. Potential benefits of MCOs – such as shared equipment and facilities among network doctors, more emphasis on prevention and early detection, 24 hours clinics, training and development opportunities – are not fully realized in many MCOs in Hong Kong. This Study, in general, corroborates the findings of the Department of Health Working Group’s study conducted in mid 2006

    Report on the analysis of views for the stage 2 public engagement exercise for the West Kowloon Cultural District

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    The Stage Two Public Engagement Exercise for the Hong Kong West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) ended on 20 November 2010. The present publication is a report on the analysis of the views collected during the exercise prepared by the Public Policy Research Institute of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the WKCD Authority\u27s Analysis and Reporting Consultant. The report was submitted to the WKCD Authority in February 201