342 research outputs found

    Effect of Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interaction on spin-polarized neutron scattering

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    For magnetic materials containing many lattice imperfections (e.g., nanocrystalline magnets), the relativistic Dzyaloshinski-Moriya (DM) interaction may result in nonuniform spin textures due to the lack of inversion symmetry at interfaces. Within the framework of the continuum theory of micromagnetics, we explore the impact of the DM interaction on the elastic magnetic small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) cross section of bulk ferromagnets. It is shown that the DM interaction gives rise to a polarization-dependent asymmetric term in the spin-flip SANS cross section. Analysis of this feature may provide a means to determine the DM constant.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    The square-kagome quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet at high magnetic fields: The localized-magnon paradigm and beyond

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    We consider the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the two-dimensional square-kagome lattice with almost dispersionless lowest magnon band. For a general exchange coupling geometry we elaborate low-energy effective Hamiltonians which emerge at high magnetic fields. The effective model to describe the low-energy degrees of freedom of the initial frustrated quantum spin model is the (unfrustrated) square-lattice spin-1/2 XXZXXZ model in a zz-aligned magnetic field. For the effective model we perform quantum Monte Carlo simulations to discuss the low-temperature properties of the square-kagome quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet at high magnetic fields. We pay special attention to a magnetic-field driven Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition which occurs at low temperatures.Comment: 6 figure

    A Class of W-Algebras with Infinitely Generated Classical Limit

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    There is a relatively well understood class of deformable W-algebras, resulting from Drinfeld-Sokolov (DS) type reductions of Kac-Moody algebras, which are Poisson bracket algebras based on finitely, freely generated rings of differential polynomials in the classical limit. The purpose of this paper is to point out the existence of a second class of deformable W-algebras, which in the classical limit are Poisson bracket algebras carried by infinitely, nonfreely generated rings of differential polynomials. We present illustrative examples of coset constructions, orbifold projections, as well as first class Hamiltonian reductions of DS type W-algebras leading to reduced algebras with such infinitely generated classical limit. We also show in examples that the reduced quantum algebras are finitely generated due to quantum corrections arising upon normal ordering the relations obeyed by the classical generators. We apply invariant theory to describe the relations and to argue that classical cosets are infinitely, nonfreely generated in general. As a by-product, we also explain the origin of the previously constructed and so far unexplained deformable quantum W(2,4,6) and W(2,3,4,5) algebras.Comment: 39 pages (plain TeX), ITP-SB-93-84, BONN-HE-93-4

    Atomic Fermi gas in the trimerized Kagom\'e lattice at the filling 2/3

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    We study low temperature properties of an atomic spinless interacting Fermi gas in the trimerized Kagom\'e lattice for the case of two fermions per trimer. The system is described by a quantum spin 1/2 model on the triangular lattice with couplings depending on bonds directions. Using exact diagonalizations we show that the system exhibits non-standard properties of a {\it quantum spin-liquid crystal}, combining a planar antiferromagnetic order with an exceptionally large number of low energy excitations.Comment: 4 pages & 4 figures + 2 tables, better version of Fig.

    Magnetization Process of the Classical Heisenberg Model on the Shastry-Sutherland Lattice

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    We investigate classical Heisenberg spins on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice and under an external magnetic field. A detailed study is carried out both analytically and numerically by means of classical Monte-Carlo simulations. Magnetization pseudo-plateaux are observed around 1/3 of the saturation magnetization for a range of values of the magnetic couplings. We show that the existence of the pseudo-plateau is due to an entropic selection of a particular collinear state. A phase diagram that shows the domains of existence of those pseudo-plateaux in the (h,T)(h, T) plane is obtained.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    High-Order Coupled Cluster Method Study of Frustrated and Unfrustrated Quantum Magnets in External Magnetic Fields

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    We apply the coupled cluster method (CCM) in order to study the ground-state properties of the (unfrustrated) square-lattice and (frustrated) triangular-lattice spin-half Heisenberg antiferromagnets in the presence of external magnetic fields. Here we determine and solve the basic CCM equations by using the localised approximation scheme commonly referred to as the `LSUBmm' approximation scheme and we carry out high-order calculations by using intensive computational methods. We calculate the ground-state energy, the uniform susceptibility, the total (lattice) magnetisation and the local (sublattice) magnetisations as a function of the magnetic field strength. Our results for the lattice magnetisation of the square-lattice case compare well to those results of QMC for all values of the applied external magnetic field. We find a value for magnetic susceptibility of χ=0.070\chi=0.070 for the square-lattice antiferromagnet, which is also in agreement with the results of other approximate methods (e.g., χ=0.0669\chi=0.0669 via QMC). Our estimate for the range of the extent of the (M/Ms=M/M_s=)13\frac 13 magnetisation plateau for the triangular-lattice antiferromagnet is 1.37<λ<2.151.37< \lambda < 2.15, which is in good agreement with results of spin-wave theory (1.248<λ<2.1451.248 < \lambda < 2.145) and exact diagonalisations (1.38<λ<2.161.38 < \lambda < 2.16). The CCM value for the in-plane magnetic susceptibility per site is χ=0.065\chi=0.065, which is below the result of the spin-wave theory (evaluated to order 1/S) of χSWT=0.0794\chi_{SWT}=0.0794.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figures, 1 Tabl

    Quantum Monte Carlo simulations in the trimer basis:First-order transitions and thermal critical points in frustrated trilayer magnets

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    The phase diagrams of highly frustrated quantum spin systems can exhibit first-order quantum phase transitions and thermal critical points even in the absence of any long-ranged magnetic order. However, all unbiased numerical techniques for investigating frustrated quantum magnets face significant challenges, and for generic quantum Monte Carlo methods the challenge is the sign problem. Here we report on a general quantum Monte Carlo approach with a loop-update scheme that operates in any basis, and we show that, with an appropriate choice of basis, it allows us to study a frustrated model of coupled spin-1/2 trimers: simulations of the trilayer Heisenberg antiferromagnet in the spin-trimer basis are sign-problem-free when the intertrimer couplings are fully frustrated. This model features a first-order quantum phase transition, from which a line of first-order transitions emerges at finite temperatures and terminates in a thermal critical point. The trimer unit cell hosts an internal degree of freedom that can be controlled to induce an extensive entropy jump at the quantum transition, which alters the shape of the first-order line. We explore the consequences for the thermal properties in the vicinity of the critical point, which include profound changes in the lines of maxima defined by the specific heat. Our findings reveal trimer quantum magnets as fundamental systems capturing in full the complex thermal physics of the strongly frustrated regime.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, Resubmission to SciPos

    Magnetocaloric effect in integrable spin-s chains

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    We study the magnetocaloric effect for the integrable antiferromagnetic high-spin chain. We present an exact computation of the Gr\"uneisen parameter, which is closely related to the magnetocaloric effect, for the quantum spin-s chain on the thermodynamical limit by means of Bethe ansatz techniques and the quantum transfer matrix approach. We have also calculated the entropy S and the isentropes in the (H,T) plane. We have been able to identify the quantum critical points H_c^{(s)}=2/(s+1/2) looking at the isentropes and/or the characteristic behaviour of the Gr\"uneisen parameter.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Ghost Systems: A Vertex Algebra Point of View

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    Fermionic and bosonic ghost systems are defined each in terms of a single vertex algebra which admits a one-parameter family of conformal structures. The observation that these structures are related to each other provides a simple way to obtain character formulae for a general twisted module of a ghost system. The U(1) symmetry and its subgroups that underly the twisted modules also define an infinite set of invariant vertex subalgebras. Their structure is studied in detail from a W-algebra point of view with particular emphasis on Z_N-invariant subalgebras of the fermionic ghost system.Comment: 20 pages, plain Te

    Quantum Fluctuation-Induced Phase Transition in S=1/2 XY-like Heisenberg Antiferromagnets on the Triangular Lattice

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    The selection of the ground state among nearly degenerate states due to quantum fluctuations is studied for the S=1/2 XY-like Heisenberg antiferromagnets on the triangular lattice in the magnetic field applied along the hard axis, which was first pointed out by Nikuni and Shiba. We find that the selected ground state sensitively depends on the degree of the anisotropy and the magnitude of the magnetic field. This dependence is similar to that in the corresponding classical model at finite temperatures where various types of field induced phases appear due to the entropy effect. It is also found that the similarity of the selected states in the classical and quantum models are not the case in a two-leg ladder lattice, although the lattice consists of triangles locally and the ground state of this lattice in the classical case is the same as that of the triangular lattice.Comment: 15 pages, 35 figure