53 research outputs found

    Impact of the day of the week on the discontinuation of broad-spectrum antibiotic prescriptions; a multi-centered observational study

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    To encourage and guide antimicrobial stewardship team (AST) activity and promote appropriate antibiotic use, we studied the impact of day of the week on the initiation and discontinuation of antibiotic administration. This was a multicenter observational study conducted at 8 Japanese hospitals from April 1 to September 30, 2019, targeting patients who underwent treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics, such as anti-methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus agents and anti-pseudomonal agents. We compared the weekly numbers of initiations and discontinuations of antibiotic prescription on each day of the week or on the days after a holiday. There was no statistical difference in the number of antibiotic initiations on both weekdays and the day after a holiday. However, antibiotic discontinuation was significantly higher from Tuesday onward than Monday and from the second day than the first day after a holiday. Similar trends were observed regardless of the categories of antibiotics, hospital and admission ward, and AST activity. This study suggests that broad-spectrum antibiotics tend to be continued during weekends and holidays and are most likely to be discontinued on Tuesday or the second day after a holiday. This was probably due to behavioral factors beyond medical indications, requiring further antimicrobial stewardship efforts in the future

    Heparin cofactor II reduces albuminuria

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    Aims/Introduction: Thrombin exerts various pathophysiological functions by activating protease-activated receptors (PARs). Recent data have shown that PARs influence the development of glomerular diseases including diabetic kidney disease (DKD) by regulating inflammation. Heparin cofactor II (HCII) specifically inactivates thrombin; thus, we hypothesized that low plasma HCII activity correlates with DKD development, as represented by albuminuria. Materials and Methods: Plasma HCII activity and spot urine biomarkers, including albumin and liver-type fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP), were determined as the urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (uACR) and the urine L-FABP-to-creatinine ratio (uL-FABPCR) in 310 Japanese patients with diabetes mellitus (176 males and 134 females). The relationships between plasma HCII activities and those DKD urine biomarkers were statistically evaluated. In addition, the relationship between plasma HCII activities and annual uACR changes was statistically evaluated for 201/310 patients (115 males and 86 females). Results: The mean plasma HCII activity of all participants was 93.8 ± 17.7%. Multivariate-regression analysis including confounding factors showed that plasma HCII activity independently contributed to the suppression of the uACR and log-transformed uACR values (P = 0.036 and P = 0.006, respectively) but not uL-FABPCR (P = 0.541). In addition, plasma HCII activity significantly and inversely correlated with annual uACR and log-transformed uACR increments after adjusting for confounding factors (P = 0.001 and P = 0.014, respectively). Conclusions: The plasma HCII activity was inversely and specifically associated with glomerular injury in patients with diabetes. The results suggest that HCII can serve as a novel predictive factor for early-stage DKD development, as represented by albuminuria

    Heparin Cofactor II and NAFLD in T2DM

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    Aims: Thrombin exerts various pathophysiological functions by activating protease-activated receptors (PARs), and thrombin-induced activation of PARs promotes the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Since heparin cofactor II (HCII) specifically inactivates thrombin action, we hypothesized that plasma HCII activity correlates with the severity of NAFLD. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. Plasma HCII activity and noninvasive clinical markers of hepatic fibrosis including fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) index, NAFLD fibrosis score (NFS) and aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index (APRI) were determined in 305 Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The relationships between plasma HCII activity and the clinical markers were statistically evaluated. Results: Multiple regression analysis including confounding factors showed that plasma HCII activity independently contributed to decreases in FIB-4 index (p<0.001), NFS (p<0.001) and APRI (p=0.004). In addition, logistic regression analysis for the prevalence of advanced hepatic fibrosis defined by the cutoff points of the clinical scores showed that plasma HCII activity was the sole and common negative factor for prevalence of advanced hepatic fibrosis (FIB-4 index: p=0.002, NFS: p=0.026 and APRI: p=0.012). Conclusions: Plasma HCII activity was inversely associated with clinical hepatic fibrosis indices including FIB-4 index, NFS and APRI and with the prevalence of advanced hepatic fibrosis in patients with T2DM. The results suggest that HCII can serve as a novel biomarker for assessment of hepatic fibrosis of NAFLD in patients with T2DM

    A市1歳6か月児健康診査時における フォロー要・非と乳幼児医療費助成制度の利用状況

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    A 市乳幼児医療費助成制度のレセプトデータについて,1歳6か月児健康診査時のフォロー要・非と乳幼児医療費助成制度の利用状況との関係を明らかにし,親子支援の一助とすることを目的とした。対象は1歳7か月から就学前までの者とした。利用率は99.5%であり,A 圏域で完結している受診は66.8%であった。圏域外での受診は隣接するC 市(27.0%)が多かった。1歳6か月児健康診査の支援判定により,親・家庭の要因で継続支援が必要と判断された者を要フォロー群,そうでない者を非フォロー群とし,利用状況を確認した。年間総医療費の中央値は,要フォロー群は95,770(四分位範囲:47,225-177,310)円,非フォロー群92,270(四分位範囲:54,050-142,390)円であり,要フォロー群の方が非フォロー群より高額であったが,有意差は認めなかった(p=0.256)。要フォロー群は非フォロー群に比べ年間総医療費の四分位範囲が少額と高額に広がっていた。疾病の重症度や受診頻度が影響すると考えられるが,今回は医療費総額で検討しており,今後は受診頻度についても検討する必要がある。親子支援として,特に親・家庭の要因で支援が必要となった親に対し,子どもの健康状態への関心を高めるような働きかけを行うことや,適切に受診することについて啓発する必要性が示唆された。また,親が子どもの健康状態にどのように対応し受診しているのかについては更なる調査が必要である

    Dysregulation of IFN System Can Lead to Poor Response to Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin Therapy in Chronic Hepatitis C

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    Despite being expensive, the standard combination of pegylated interferon (Peg-IFN)- α and ribavirin used to treat chronic hepatitis C (CH) results in a moderate clearance rate and a plethora of side effects. This makes it necessary to predict patient outcome so as to improve the accuracy of treatment. Although the antiviral mechanism of genetically altered IL28B is unknown, IL28B polymorphism is considered a good predictor of IFN combination treatment outcome

    Ultra-High-Resolution Computed Tomography of the Lung: Image Quality of a Prototype Scanner

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    Purpose: The image noise and image quality of a prototype ultra-high-resolution computed tomography (U-HRCT) scanner was evaluated and compared with those of conventional high-resolution CT (C-HRCT) scanners. Materials and Methods: This study was approved by the institutional review board. A U-HRCT scanner prototype with 0.25 mm × 4 rows and operating at 120 mAs was used. The C-HRCT images were obtained using a 0.5 mm × 16 or 0.5 mm × 64 detector-row CT scanner operating at 150 mAs. Images from both scanners were reconstructed at 0.1-mm intervals; the slice thickness was 0.25 mm for the U-HRCT scanner and 0.5 mm for the C-HRCT scanners. For both scanners, the display field of view was 80 mm. The image noise of each scanner was evaluated using a phantom. U-HRCT and C-HRCT images of 53 images selected from 37 lung nodules were then observed and graded using a 5-point score by 10 board-certified thoracic radiologists. The images were presented to the observers randomly and in a blinded manner. Results: The image noise for U-HRCT (100.87 ± 0.51 Hounsfield units [HU]) was greater than that for C-HRCT (40.41 ± 0.52 HU; P <.0001). The image quality of U-HRCT was graded as superior to that of C-HRCT (P <.0001) for all of the following parameters that were examined: margins of subsolid and solid nodules, edges of solid components and pulmonary ves sels in subsolid nodules, air bronchograms, pleural indentations, margins of pulmonary vessels, edges of bronchi, and interlobar fissures. Conclusion: Despite a larger image noise, the prototype U-HRCT scanner had a significantly better image quality than the C-HRCT scanners

    Anxiety and its risk factors among non-Japanese residents living in Japan undergoing COVID-19 situation: A cross-sectional survey

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    Introduction In the context of collective efforts taken in Japan to control the spread of COVID-19, the state of emergency and social distancing have caused a negative impact on the mental health of all residents, including foreign communities in Japan. This study aimed to evaluate the level of anxiety and its associated factors among non-Japanese residents residing in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods A web-based survey in 13 languages was conducted among non-Japanese residents living in Japan during the COVID-19 situation. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory assessed the level of anxiety–State (STAI-S) scores prorated from its six-item version. The multivariable logistic regression using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) method was performed to identify the associated factors of anxiety among participants. Results From January to March 2021, we collected 392 responses. A total of 357 valid responses were analyzed. 54.6% of participants suffered from clinically significant anxiety (CSA). In multivariable logistic model analysis, the CSA status or the high level of anxiety was associated with three factors, including having troubles/difficulties in learning or working, decreased sleep duration, and decreased overall physical health (p<0.05). Conclusion Our study suggests several possible risk factors of anxiety among non-Japanese residents living in Japan undergoing the COVID-19 pandemic, including the troubles or difficulties in learning or working, the decrease in sleep duration, and the decrease in overall physical health.Revisión por pare

    Identification of mutagenic transformation products generated during oxidation of 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol solutions by orbitrap tandem mass spectrometry and quantitative structure activity relationship analyses

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    We used Ames assays to investigate the effects of ozonation (designated O-3), ozonation followed by chlorination (O-3/Cl), an advanced oxidation process (AOP, UV/H2O2), and AOP followed by chlorination (AOP/Cl) on the mutagenicity of solutions of 3-methy1-4-nitrophenol (3M4NP), a major environmental degradation product of the organopliosphorus insecticide fenitrothion. Whereas O-3 did not induce mutagenicity, O-3/Cl, AOP, and AOP/Cl converted 3M4NP into mutagenic transformation products (TPs). Using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, we detected a total of 138 peaks in the solutions subjected to O-3/Cl, AOP, and AOP/Cl. To elucidate the TPs responsible for the observed mutagenicity, we performed simple regression analyses of the relationship between the area of each peak and the observed mutagenicity of samples withdrawn periodically during each oxidation process. The area of each of 10 peaks was found to be positively correlated (r(2) >= 0.8) with the observed mutagenicity, suggesting that the TPs corresponding to these peaks contributed to the mutagenicity. After taking into account the consistency of mutagenicity induction by the oxidation processes and analyzing the peaks by tandem mass spectrometry, we identified 3 TPs, corresponding to 6 peaks, as candidate mutagens. These TPs were assessed by means of 4 quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) models, and all 3 were predicted to be mutagenic by at least one model. This result was consistent with our assumption that these TPs were mutagens. Ames assays of an authentic sample of one of the 3 TPs revealed that it did not contribute to the mutagenicity. This left 3-methoxy-4-nitrophenol and 2-[(E)-[(2,5-dihydroxyphenyl) methylidene]amino]-5-dihydroxybenzaldehyde on the list of mutagens suspected of contributing to the mutagenicity induced by AOP. No TPs were identified as candidate mutagens responsible for the mutagenicity induced by O-3/Cl and AOP/Cl

    High-resolution mapping and time-series measurements of 222Rn concentrations and biogeochemical properties related to submarine groundwater discharge along the coast of Obama Bay, a semi-enclosed sea in Japan

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    High-resolution mapping along the coast and time-series measurements of the radon-222 (222Rn) concentrations in the shallow zone in a semi-enclosed sea, Obama Bay, Japan, were undertaken in 2013. The temporal and spatial variations in the 222Rn concentrations were analyzed in parallel with meteorological conditions, physical–biogeochemical characteristics, and the submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) flux measured with a seepage meter. These data indicate that the groundwater influences the water properties of the bay and that the groundwater supply pathways are not limited to the local SGD. The concentrations of 222Rn flowing into the bay from rivers was known to be relatively high because groundwater seeps from the river bed. High-222Rn water was almost always present around the river mouth, and northward advection of the water affected the distribution of 222Rn concentrations in the bay. The southward wind suppressed the advection of the high-222Rn water and largely controlled the temporal variations in 222Rn concentrations at a station located on the north side of the river mouth, whereas the local SGD affected the short-term changes in the 222Rn concentrations. The concentrations of 222Rn and chlorophyll-a, an indicator of phytoplankton biomass, show a significant positive correlation in the surface layer along the coastline in seasons when the nutrient supply was the main factor limiting primary productivity

    The histological characteristics and clinical outcomes of lung cancer in patients with combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema

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    Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) is an important risk factor for lung cancer (LC), because most patients with CPFE are smokers. However, the histological characteristics of LC in patients with CPFE (LC-CPFE) remain unclear. We conducted this study to explore the clinicopathological characteristics of LC-CPFE. We retrospectively reviewed data from 985 patients who underwent resection for primary LC, and compared the clinicopathological characteristics of patients with LC-CPFE and non-CPFE LC. We identified 72 cases of LC-CPFE, which were significantly associated with squamous cell carcinoma (SqCC) histology (n = 46, P < 0.001) and higher tumor grade (n = 44, P < 0.001), compared to non-CPFE LC. Most LC-CPFE lesions were contiguous with fibrotic areas around the tumor (n = 59, 81.9%), and this association was independent of tumor location. Furthermore, dysplastic epithelium was identified in the fibrotic area for 31 (52.5%) LC-CPFE lesions. Moreover, compared to patients with pulmonary fibrosis alone in the non-CPFE group (n = 31), patients with CPFE were predominantly male (P = 0.008) and smokers (P < 0.001), with LC-CPFE predominantly exhibiting SqCC histology (P = 0.010) and being contiguous with the tumor-associated fibrotic areas (P < 0.001). Multivariate analysis revealed that CPFE was an independent predictor of overall survival (hazard ratio: 1.734; 95% confidence interval: 1.060–2.791; P = 0.028). Our results indicate that LC-CPFE has a distinct histological phenotype, can arise from the dysplastic epithelium in the fibrotic area around the tumor, and is associated with poor survival outcomes