52 research outputs found

    Two Poems

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    Two Poems

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    Two Poems

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    MIROSLAV HOLUB, a former OR contributor, is a distinguished immunologist and poet who lives in Prague. His latest book, in English, is Notes From a Clay Pigeon

    Loneliness of the Minotaur

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    MIROSLAV HOLUB is the author of 11 books of poetry and 3 books of essays in Czech, and his translated works include a Penguin Selected Poems (1967) and Although (London: Jonathan Cape, 1971). His poetry has appeared in many magazines — including Mosaic, Transatlantic Review, The Times Literary Supplement, and London Magazine. Dr. Holub works as an immunologist in Czechoslovakia

    Use of mathematical methods in creating an investment portfolio

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřená na využití matematických metod při tvorbě investičního portfolia, které je určeno pro drobného investora. Teoretická část práce popisuje potřebné znalosti k pochopení Markowizova modelu, vybrané ukazatele finanční analýzy a metodu Value at Risk. Praktická část obsahuje výběr investičních instrumentů obchodovaných na americkém trhu podle stanovených kritérií, tvorbu reálného portfolia z těchto investičních instrumentů a finální zhodnocení výsledků.The bachelor thesis is focused on the use of mathematical methods in creating an investment portfolio, which is designed for small investor. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the necessary knowledge to understand Markowitz model, selected indicators of financial analysis and the Value at Risk method. The practical part contains a selection of investment instruments traded on the US market according to established criteria, the creation of a real portfolio of these investment instruments and the final evaluation of results.

    Technological Solution for Conversion of Access Network

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    Import 05/08/2014Obsahem bakalářské práce je popis stávající přístupové metalické sítě v Městě Albrechticích a konverze její části na síť optickou. Je zde popsána realizace, topologie, použitá technologie, využití a provoz obou přístupových sítí. V hlavní části je práce zaměřena na porovnání a zhodnocení možností stávající metalické přístupové sítě a nově vybudované optické sítě pro poskytování internetu koncovým uživatelům.This bachelor thesis contains description of the present metallic access network in Město Albrechtice and conversion of a part of this metallic network to optical network. It describes the realization, typology, technology that was used, as well as the usage and running of both the access networks. The main part of the thesis is concentrated on comparison and evaluation of the abilities of both the networks , i. e. the current metallic access network and the new developed optical network, to provide internet for ultimate customers .440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Poesía muy mala

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    En la práctica cotidiana, la poesía se divide en buena poesía, la escrita por nosotros, y la mala poesía, la escrita por otros, sobre todo por aquellos a quienes su filosofía y sus supersticiones o ilusiones conviertenen extraños a nosotros mismos, o bien por quienes pertenecen a otro grupo o generación

    Novel Cytokinin Derivatives Do Not Show Negative Effects on Root Growth and Proliferation in Submicromolar Range

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    BACKGROUND: When applied to a nutrition solution or agar media, the non-substituted aromatic cytokinins caused thickening and shortening of the primary root, had an inhibitory effect on lateral root branching, and even showed some negative effects on development of the aerial part at as low as a 10 nanomolar concentration. Novel analogues of aromatic cytokinins ranking among topolins substituted on N9-atom of adenine by tetrahydropyranyl or 4-chlorobutyl group have been prepared and tested in standardized cytokinin bioassays [1]. Those showing comparable activities with N(6)-benzylaminopurine were further tested in planta. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The main aim of the study was to explain molecular mechanism of function of novel cytokinin derivatives on plant development. Precise quantification of cytokinin content and profiling of genes involved in cytokinin metabolism and perception in treated plants revealed several aspects of different action of m-methoxytopolin base and its substituted derivative on plant development. In contrast to standard cytokinins, N9- tetrahydropyranyl derivative of m-topolin and its methoxy-counterpart showed the negative effects on root development only at three orders of magnitude higher concentrations. Moreover, the methoxy-derivative demonstrates a positive effect on lateral root branching and leaf emerging in a nanomolar range of concentrations, in comparison with untreated plants. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Tetrahydropyranyl substitution at N9-position of cytokinin purine ring significantly enhances acropetal transport of a given cytokinins. Together with the methoxy-substitution, impedes accumulation of non-active cytokinin glucoside forms in roots, allows gradual release of the active base, and has a significant effect on the distribution and amount of endogenous isoprenoid cytokinins in different plant tissues. The utilization of novel aromatic cytokinin derivatives can distinctively improve expected hormonal effects in plant propagation techniques in the future

    Geographical and temporal distribution of SARS-CoV-2 clades in the WHO European Region, January to June 2020

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    We show the distribution of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) genetic clades over time and between countries and outline potential genomic surveillance objectives. We applied three genomic nomenclature systems to all sequence data from the World Health Organization European Region available until 10 July 2020. We highlight the importance of real-time sequencing and data dissemination in a pandemic situation, compare the nomenclatures and lay a foundation for future European genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2