583 research outputs found

    Patterns of change concentration of chemical elements in the engine oil of vehicles operating in non-stationary conditions when adding additives

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    Досліджено вплив присадок на концентрацію хімічних елементів у моторній оливі М10Г2к при роботі кар’єрних автосамоскидів. Виявлено закономірності зміни концентрації Fe, Cr, Al, Pb з напрацюванням та побудовано диференціальні функції їх розподілу. Показано, що при додаванні присадок середня концентрація хімічних елементів, у порівнянні з базовою моторною оливою, зменшується, що свідчить про зменшення зносу деталей двигунів і подовження ресурсу та терміну заміни моторної оливи.The influence of additives on the concentration of chemical elements in the engine oil at defined М10Г2к dump trucky is vestisated. The regularities of changes in the concentration of Fe, Cr, Al, Pb are operation of with opperation and there were built differential functions of there districultion. It is shown that the addition of additives average concentration of chemical elements in comparison with the base engine oil decreases, indicating a decrease of engine parts wear and service life extension as well as the motor oil change intervals

    Influence additives to motor oil on the characteristics of diesel engines, has worked in the non-stationary conditions oper

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    В статті розглянуто вплив присадок на зовнішньо-швидкісні характеристики дизелів, що працюють в нестаціонарних умовах. Виявлено збільшення рівня потужності та крутного моменту і зниження питомої витрати палива при додаванні присадок дисульфід молібдена, "НИОД-5", "Roil Gold, і "КГМТ-1" запропонованої авторами. Отримані результати обґрунтовуються впливом присадок на характеристики та властивості моторної оливи, її зношувальну здатність та припрацьованість основних спряжень дизелі. Визначено також відновлюваний характер властивостей оливи при додаванні присадок, що підтверджують експериментальні дослідження зміни моменту тертя з напрацюванням в різних режимах функціонування: безперервному і "пуск-зупинка". The article considers the influence of additives on the externally-speed characteristics of diesel engines operating under transient conditions. Investigations were carried out on the break-in-roller stand КС-276-032 to validate the running-in and testing of diesel engines in the cold no-load and hot load and no load. Testing procedures and evaluate the performance of the engine. In the basic engine oil added various functional additives in optimum concentrations. Speed range crankshaft commensurate with the operational range. Tests were carried out in a continuous mode, and the "start-stop". Revealed that the addition of molybdenum disulphide additives, "НИОД-5", "Roil Gold", and "КГМТ-1" suggested by the authors, increased levels of power and torque and reduced fuel consumption. The findings substantiate the influence of additives on the characteristics and properties of the engine oil, it wears capacity and runningmates main diesel. Restorative properties of the oil with the addition of additives, is supported by experimental studies of changes in the friction torque with operating in different modes of operation: continuous and "start-stop". In the used motor oil without making the test additives friction torque peaks recorded in a continuous mode and in the "start-stop". When making additive remained initial peak friction torque in continuous operation at the beginning of each period mode "start-stop". To some extent reduce the overall level of the friction torque value. The characteristic is that the moment of friction in the reduction of oil additives of magnitude lower than in the continuous mode

    Comparative Analysis of the Mechanisms of Fast Light Particle Formation in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at Low and Intermediate Energies

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    The dynamics and the mechanisms of preequilibrium-light-particle formation in nucleus-nucleus collisions at low and intermediate energies are studied on the basis of a classical four-body model. The angular and energy distributions of light particles from such processes are calculated. It is found that, at energies below 50 MeV per nucleon, the hardest section of the energy spectrum is formed owing to the acceleration of light particles from the target by the mean field of the projectile nucleus. Good agreement with available experimental data is obtained.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, LaTeX, published in Physics of Atomic Nuclei v.65, No. 8, 2002, pp. 1459 - 1473 translated from Yadernaya Fizika v. 65, No. 8, 2002, pp. 1494 - 150

    Hygienic assessment of nutrition organized children's collection

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    Збалансоване повноцінне харчування є основою для росту і розвитку дитячого організму, а також для зміцнення здоров’я. З їжею ми отримуємо енергію (енергетична цінність раціону повинна покривати енергозатрати організму), поживні речовини (білки, жири, вуглеводи, макро- та мікроелементи, вітаміни) необхідні для фізіологічної життєдіяльності організму, гарне самопочуття (через різноманітність їжі за рахунок широкого асортименту продуктів і різних прийомів їх кулінарної обробки)

    Influence of Mn dopants on InAs/GaAs quantum dot electronic states

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98664/1/ApplPhysLett_98_141907.pd

    Influence of Antipodally Coupled Iodine and Carbon Atoms on the Cage Structure of 9,12-I2-closo-1,2-C2B10H10 : An Electron Diffraction and Computational Study

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    Because of the comparable electron scattering abilities of carbon and boron, the electron diffraction structure of the C2v-symmetric molecule closo-1,2-C2B10H12 (1), one of the building blocks of boron cluster chemistry, is not as accurate as it could be. On that basis, we have prepared the known diiodo derivative of 1, 9,12-I2-closo-1,2-C2B10H10 (2), which has the same point-group symmetry as 1 but in which the presence of iodine atoms, with their much stronger ability to scatter electrons, ensures much better structural characterization of the C2B10 icosahedral core. Furthermore, the influence on the C2B10 geometry in 2 of the antipodally positioned iodine substituents with respect to both carbon atoms has been examined using the concerted application of gas electron diffraction and quantum chemical calculations at the MP2 and density functional theory (DFT) levels. The experimental and computed molecular geometries are in good overall agreement. Molecular dynamics simulations used to obtain vibrational parameters, which are needed for analyzing the electron diffraction data, have been performed for the first time for this class of compound. According to DFT calculations at the ZORA-SO/BP86 level, the 11B chemical shifts of the boron atoms to which the iodine substituents are bonded are dominated by spin-orbit coupling. Magnetically induced currents within 2 have been calculated and compared to those for [B12H12]2-, the latter adopting a regular icosahedral structure with Ih point-group symmetry. Similar total current strengths are found but with a certain anisotropy, suggesting that spherical aromaticity is present; electron delocalization in the plane of the hetero atoms in 2 is slightly hindered compared to that for [B12H12]2-, presumably because of the departure from ideal icosahedral symmetry

    Prompt dipole radiation in fusion reactions

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    The prompt gamma ray emission was investigated in the 16A MeV energy region by means of the 36,40Ar+96,92Zr fusion reactions leading to a compound nucleus in the vicinity of 132Ce. We show that the prompt radiation, which appears to be still effective at such a high beam energy, has an angular distribution pattern consistent with a dipole oscillation along the symmetry axis of the dinuclear system. The data are compared with calculations based on a collective bremsstrahlung analysis of the reaction dynamics