621 research outputs found

    Modelling the economic efficiency of using different strategies to control Porcine Reproductive & Respiratory Syndrome at herd level

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    PRRS is among the diseases with the highest economic impact in pig production worldwide. Different strategies have been developed and applied to combat PRRS at farm level. The broad variety of available intervention strategies makes it difficult to decide on the most cost-efficient strategy for a given farm situation, as it depends on many farm-individual factors like disease severity, prices or farm structure. Aim of this study was to create a simulation tool to estimate the cost-efficiency of different control strategies at individual farm level. Baseline is a model that estimates the costs of PRRS, based on changes in health and productivity, in a specific farm setting (e.g. farm type, herd size, type of batch farrowing). The model evaluates different intervention scenarios: depopulation/repopulation (D/R), close & roll-over (C&R), mass vaccination of sows (MS), mass vaccination of sows and vaccination of piglets (MS + piglets), improvements in internal biosecurity (BSM), and combinations of vaccinations with BSM. Data on improvement in health and productivity parameters for each intervention were obtained through literature review and from expert opinions. The economic efficiency of the different strategies was assessed over 5 years through investment appraisals: the resulting expected value (EV) indicated the most cost-effective strategy. Calculations were performed for 5 example scenarios with varying farm type (farrow-to-finish – breeding herd), disease severity (slightly – moderately – severely affected) and PRRSV detection (yes – no). The assumed herd size was 1000 sows with farm and price structure as commonly found in Germany. In a moderately affected (moderate deviations in health and productivity parameters from what could be expected in an average negative herd), unstable farrow-to-finish herd, the most cost-efficient strategies according to their median EV were C&R (€1′126′807) and MS + piglets (€ 1′114′649). In a slightly affected farrow-to-finish herd, no virus detected, the highest median EV was for MS + piglets (€ 721′745) and MS (€ 664′111). Results indicate that the expected benefits of interventions and the most efficient strategy depend on the individual farm situation, e.g. disease severity. The model provides new insights regarding the cost-efficiency of various PRRSV intervention strategies at farm level. It is a valuable tool for farmers and veterinarians to estimate expected economic consequences of an intervention for a specific farm setting and thus enables a better informed decision

    Estimation of corrosion resistance of curing mixtures based on coal-bearing rocks from Western Donbass

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    Purpose. Substantiation of possible use of coal-bearing rocks as a replacement for a part of the filler in the preparation of shotcrete for lining of mine workings in the conditions of mineralized mine water. Methods. The research is based on carrying out corrosion testing of concrete specimens by dipping them into mine water. Chemical analysis of mine waters composition has been completed. A scanning microscope was used to study the state of concrete specimens microstructure. Findings. A comparative analysis was conducted to evaluate of the cement rock resistance to mineralized water, depending on the composition of the starting components for the grouting and shotcrete mixtures is carried out. The change in the chemical composition of mine water after soaking concrete specimens in it is defined. Photographs of concrete specimens microstructure after soaking in ordinary and mineralized water for 6 and 8 months are shown. Originality. Curing mixtures based on coal-bearing rocks from Western Donbass are mineralized water resistant and can act as a quality protection from aggressive water filtrationdue to the properties of rocks used as a filler. Practical implications. The results can be used for the rational choice of the composition of the concrete mixture with the replacement of filler part with mine rock. That will enhance the long-term stability of the mine working lined by these compositions.Мета. Обґрунтування можливості використання вуглевміщуючих порід у якості заміни частини заповнювача в процесі приготування бетону для кріплення гірничих виробок в умовах мінералізованих шахтних вод. Методика. Робота базується на проведенні корозійних випробувань бетонних зразків шляхом занурення їх у шахтну воду. Виконано хімічний аналіз складу шахтних вод. Використаний растровий мікроскоп для дослідження стану мікроструктури бетонних зразків. Результати. Виконано порівняльний аналіз оцінки стійкості цементного каменю до впливу мінералізованої води залежно від складу вихідних компонентів для тампонажних, торкрет-бетонних і набризкбетонних сумішей. Визначено зміну хімічного складу шахтної води після витримки у ній бетонних зразків. Наведено фотографії мікроструктури бетонних зразків після витримки у нормальних умовах та мінералізованої води протягом 6 і 8 місяців. Наукова новизна. Твердіючі суміші на основі вуглевміщуючих порід Західного Донбасу достатньо стійкі до впливу мінералізованих вод та є якісною протифільтраційною завісою завдяки властивостям порід, використаних у якості заповнювача. Практична значимість. Отримані результати можуть бути використані для раціонального підбору складу бетонної суміші із заміною частини заповнювача шахтної породою, що дозволить підвищити тривалу стійкість гірничої виробки, закріпленої з використанням даних складів.Цель. Обоснование возможности использование углевмещающих пород в качестве замены части заполнителя в процессе приготовления бетона для крепления горных выработок в условиях минерализованных шахтных вод. Методика. Работа базируется на проведении коррозионных испытаний бетонных образцов путем погружения их в шахтную воду. Выполнен химический анализ состава шахтных вод. Использован растровый микроскоп для исследования состояния микроструктуры бетонных образцов. Результаты. Выполнен сравнительный анализ оценки устойчивости цементного камня к воздействию минерализованной воды в зависимости от состава исходных компонентов для тампонажных, торкрет-бетонных и набрызгбетонных смесей. Определено изменение химического состава шахтной воды после выдержки в ней бетонных образцов. Представлены фотографии микроструктуры бетонных образцов после выдержки в нормальных условиях и минерализованной воде в течение 6 и 8 месяцев. Научная новизна. Твердеющие смеси на основе углевмещающих пород Западного Донбасса устойчивы к влиянию минерализованных вод и являются качественной противофильтрационной завесой благодаря свойствам пород, использованных в качестве заполнителя. Практическая значимость. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы для рационального подбора состава бетонной смеси с заменой части заполнителя шахтной породой, что позволит повысить длительную устойчивость горной выработки, закрепленной с использованием данных составов.The authors express their gratitude to the administration of the Department of Construction, Geotechnics and Geomechanics of the National Mining University (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine), represented by O. Shashenko and A. Solodiankin, as well as to all those who helped in carrying out works related to preparation of this paper

    Swine Veterinary Internship Program: Enhancing the Value of the Veterinary Internship

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    The Swine Veterinary Internship Program (SVIP) at Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine (ISU CVM) was developed and implemented to provide students an opportunity to obtain swine specific skills and knowledge that complements the veterinary curriculum early in their veterinary education, to learn how to conduct field research, and communicate the results in written and oral forms. The expertise obtained from the program makes students more attractive to future employers and more likely to exceed in their careers

    Cost of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus at individual farm level – An economic disease model

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    Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is reported to be among the diseases with the highest economic impact in modern pig production worldwide. Yet, the economic impact of the disease at farm level is not well understood as, especially in endemically infected pig herds, losses are often not obvious. It is therefore difficult for farmers and veterinarians to appraise whether control measures such as virus elimination or vaccination will be economically beneficial for their farm. Thus, aim of this study was to develop an epidemiological and economic model to determine the costs of PRRS for an individual pig farm. In a production model that simulates farm outputs, depending on farm type, farrowing rhythm or length of suckling period, an epidemiological model was integrated. In this, the impact of PRRS infection on health and productivity was estimated. Financial losses were calculated in a gross margin analysis and a partial budget analysis based on the changes in health and production parameters assumed for different PRRS disease severities. Data on the effects of endemic infection on reproductive performance, morbidity and mortality, daily weight gain, feed efficiency and treatment costs were obtained from literature and expert opinion. Nine different disease scenarios were calculated, in which a farrow-to-finish farm (1000 sows) was slightly, moderately or severely affected by PRRS, based on changes in health and production parameters, and either in breeding, in nursery and fattening or in all three stages together. Annual losses ranged from a median of € 75′724 (90% confidence interval (C.I.): € 78′885–€ 122′946), if the farm was slightly affected in nursery and fattening, to a median of € 650′090 (90% C.I. € 603′585–€ 698′379), if the farm was severely affected in all stages. Overall losses were slightly higher if breeding was affected than if nursery and fattening were affected. In a herd moderately affected in all stages, median losses in breeding were € 46′021 and € 422′387 in fattening, whereas costs were € 25′435 lower in nursery, compared with a PRRSV-negative farm. The model is a valuable decision-support tool for farmers and veterinarians if a farm is proven to be affected by PRRS (confirmed by laboratory diagnosis). The output can help to understand the need for interventions in case of significant impact on the profitability of their enterprise. The model can support veterinarians in their communication to farmers in cases where costly disease control measures are justified

    Predict the distribution of nanoparticles in molten metal

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    In the present study the results of mathematical modeling of the process of introducing particles into an aluminum melt using the mixing device. A pattern of the distribution of these particles in the melt is obtained

    Limits of open innovation during the organizational change : a case study of a Partner Campus

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    The literature on open innovation (OI) has mainly been focused on the ‘bright side’ of OI, thus neglecting the limits of OI implementation influencing innovation processes during organizational change. It requires to develop a better understanding about the limits of OI. Therefore, this study explores the limits of OI during organizational change and provides approaches that drive firms to offset these limits. The empirical analysis is based on an in-depth single case study and data was collected through semi-structured interviews with the representatives engaged with Partner Campus – an OI initiative developed by a multinational manufacturing company. We have found that during the change process of adapting collaborative and absorptive capabilities, and developing organizational readiness, several internal and external challenges limit the company's drive to open up. Internal challenges arise when organizations start the change process in unfreezing stage. The traditional organizational culture and structure challenge incumbent firms to break the existing silos and utilize knowledge and resources effectively for OI implementation, hindering intra-organizational collaboration. While external challenges arise when organizations transform their endeavors across organizational boundaries and collaborate with external stakeholders. When firms lack knowledge integration and technological capabilities, OI creates collaborative complexity given the magnitude of involved diverse actors and activities at different levels, which challenges the organizations to maintain the longevity of OI practices, resulting in several risks that limit firms to open up. However, we have identified the capabilities and actions that firms can take to strengthen a collaborative environment by counterbalancing these challenges. We contribute to the literature on OI by identifying and assessing the limits of OI, embedded in the organizational change process, that hinder organizational drive for OI. We also contribute to organizational change literature by identifying specific changes related to organizational processes, structure, and culture, and outlining approaches that can support a smooth transition.© 2024 The Authors. R&D Management published by RADMA and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.1This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Free Rota-Baxter algebras and rooted trees

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    A Rota-Baxter algebra, also known as a Baxter algebra, is an algebra with a linear operator satisfying a relation, called the Rota-Baxter relation, that generalizes the integration by parts formula. Most of the studies on Rota-Baxter algebras have been for commutative algebras. Two constructions of free commutative Rota-Baxter algebras were obtained by Rota and Cartier in the 1970s and a third one by Keigher and one of the authors in the 1990s in terms of mixable shuffles. Recently, noncommutative Rota-Baxter algebras have appeared both in physics in connection with the work of Connes and Kreimer on renormalization in perturbative quantum field theory, and in mathematics related to the work of Loday and Ronco on dendriform dialgebras and trialgebras. This paper uses rooted trees and forests to give explicit constructions of free noncommutative Rota--Baxter algebras on modules and sets. This highlights the combinatorial nature of Rota--Baxter algebras and facilitates their further study. As an application, we obtain the unitarization of Rota-Baxter algebras.Comment: 23 page

    Shock and Release Temperatures in Molybdenum

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    Shock and release temperatures in Mo were calculated, taking account of heating from plastic flow predicted using the Steinberg-Guinan model. Plastic flow was calculated self-consistently with the shock jump conditions: this is necessary for a rigorous estimate of the locus of shock states accessible. The temperatures obtained were significantly higher than predicted assuming ideal hydrodynamic loading. The temperatures were compared with surface emission spectrometry measurements for Mo shocked to around 60GPa and then released into vacuum or into a LiF window. Shock loading was induced by the impact of a planar projectile, accelerated by high explosive or in a gas gun. Surface velocimetry showed an elastic wave at the start of release from the shocked state; the amplitude of the elastic wave matched the prediction to around 10%, indicating that the predicted flow stress in the shocked state was reasonable. The measured temperatures were consistent with the simulations, indicating that the fraction of plastic work converted to heat was in the range 70-100% for these loading conditions