389 research outputs found

    Dutch students’ understanding of the interpretative nature of textbooks when comparing two texts about a significant event in the development of democracy

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    In history education, the deconstruction of narratives is an important skill for students. The skill teaches them to look critically at the offered texts. In this study, we investigated the extent to which students are able to critically analyse the narratives in their history textbooks. To answer this question, we asked 106 students in pre-university education (16–17 years of age) to read and compare two texts – from two different textbooks – about a turning point in the development of the Dutch state and democracy: the introduction of universal suffrage for men and women in 1917–19. One group of students (N=10) worked on the assignment while thinking aloud. We found that most students recognized the author’s voice in the selection of persons and dates and in the attention paid to a particular topic, but that they hardly mentioned recognizing the voice in aspects such as the choice of words or headings. The students who analysed and compared the texts while thinking aloud all indicated after the assignment that they understood that these texts are different interpretations of the same historical development

    Biofunctional Nanodot Arrays in Living Cells Uncover Synergistic Co-Condensation of Wnt Signalodroplets

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    Qualitative and quantitative analysis of transient signaling platforms in the plasma membrane has remained a key experimental challenge. Here, biofunctional nanodot arrays (bNDAs) are developed to spatially control dimerization and clustering of cell surface receptors at the nanoscale. High-contrast bNDAs with spot diameters of ≈300 nm are obtained by capillary nanostamping of bovine serum albumin bioconjugates, which are subsequently biofunctionalized by reaction with tandem anti-green fluorescence protein (GFP) clamp fusions. Spatially controlled assembly of active Wnt signalosomes is achieved at the nanoscale in the plasma membrane of live cells by capturing the co-receptor Lrp6 into bNDAs via an extracellular GFP tag. Strikingly, co-recruitment is observed of co-receptor Frizzled-8 as well as the cytosolic scaffold proteins Axin-1 and Disheveled-2 into Lrp6 nanodots in the absence of ligand. Density variation and the high dynamics of effector proteins uncover highly cooperative liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS)-driven assembly of Wnt "signalodroplets" at the plasma membrane, pinpointing the synergistic effects of LLPS for Wnt signaling amplification. These insights highlight the potential of bNDAs for systematically interrogating nanoscale signaling platforms and condensation at the plasma membrane of live cells

    Larval stages of crustacean species of interest for conservation and fishing exploitation in the western Mediterranean

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    Decapod crustaceans are the main target species of deep water bottom trawl fisheries in the western Mediterranean. Despite their importance for fisheries and conservation, little is known about their larval development, especially in the case of deep water species. In this paper we present new information on the occurrence and morphology of larval stages for some species of commercial interest based on samples collected off the Balearic Islands. Mesozooplankton sampling was carried out using depth-stratified sampling devices at two stations located on the continental shelf break and middle slope, in the northwest and south of Mallorca in late autumn 2009 and summer 2010. We describe in detail the second mysis stage of the red shrimp Aristeus antennatus, not previously known, and the first larval stage of the slipper lobster Scyllarides latus, poorly described almost a hundred years ago. We also report the second finding of larvae of the spider crab Maja squinado and the first capture from the field of larval stages of the rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris and slipper lobster in the MediterraneanPublicado

    Osteoporosis and skeletal dysplasia caused by pathogenic variants in SGMS2

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    Mechanisms leading to osteoporosis are incompletely understood. Genetic disorders with skeletal fragility provide insight into metabolic pathways contributing to bone strength. We evaluated 6 families with rare skeletal phenotypes and osteoporosis by next-generation sequencing. In all the families, we identified a heterozygous variant in SGMS2, a gene prominently expressed in cortical bone and encoding the plasma membrane-resident sphingomyelin synthase SMS2. Four unrelated families shared the same nonsense variant, c.148C>T (p.Arg50*), whereas the other families had a missense variant, c.185T>G (p.IIe62Ser) or c.191T>G (p.Met64Arg). Subjects with p.Arg50* presented with childhood-onset osteoporosis with or without cranial sclerosis. Patients with p.IIe62Ser or p.Met64Arg had a more severe presentation, with neonatal fractures, severe short stature, and spondylometaphyseal dysplasial Several subjects had experienced peripheral facial nerve palsy or other neurological manifestations. Bone biopsies showed markedly altered bone material characteristics, including defective bone mineralization. Osteoclast formation and function in vitro was normal. While the p.Arg50* mutation yielded a catalytically inactive enzyme, p.IIe62Ser and p.Met64Arg each enhanced the rate of de novo sphingomyelin production by blocking export of a functional enzyme from the endoplasmic reticulum. SGMS2 pathogenic variants underlie a spectrum of skeletal conditions, ranging from isolated osteoporosis to complex skeletal dysplasia, suggesting a critical role for plasma membrane-bound sphingomyelin metabolism in skeletal homeostasis.Peer reviewe

    Climatic change drives dynamic source–sink relationships in marine species with high dispersal potential

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    While there is now strong evidence that many factors can shape dispersal, the mechanisms influencing connectivity patterns are species‐specific and remain largely unknown for many species with a high dispersal potential. The rock lobsters Jasus tristani and Jasus paulensis have a long pelagic larval duration (up to 20 months) and inhabit seamounts and islands in the southern Atlantic and Indian Oceans, respectively. We used a multidisciplinary approach to assess the genetic relationships between J. tristani and J. paulensis, investigate historic and contemporary gene flow, and inform fisheries management. Using 17,256 neutral single nucleotide polymorphisms we found low but significant genetic differentiation. We show that patterns of connectivity changed over time in accordance with climatic fluctuations. Historic migration estimates showed stronger connectivity from the Indian to the Atlantic Ocean (influenced by the Agulhas Leakage). In contrast, the individual‐based model coupled with contemporary migration estimates inferred from genetic data showed stronger inter‐ocean connectivity in the opposite direction from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean driven by the Subtropical Front. We suggest that the J. tristani and J. paulensis historical distribution might have extended further north (when water temperatures were lower) resulting in larval dispersal between the ocean basis being more influenced by the Agulhas Leakage than the Subtropical Front. As water temperatures in the region increase in accordance with anthropogenic climate change, a southern shift in the distribution range of J. tristani and J. paulensis could further reduce larval transport from the Indian to the Atlantic Ocean, adding complexity to fisheries management