863 research outputs found

    Cosmological Higgs fields

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    We present a time-dependent solution to the coupled Einstein-Higgs equations for general Higgs-type potentials in the context of flat FRW cosmological models. Possible implications are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. Version to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett. Changes: references and citations added; introduction partly modified; expanded discussion of relations between parameters in the Higgs potentia

    Presence and fate of priority substances in domestic greywater treatment and reuse systems

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    A wide range of household sources may potentially contribute to contaminant loads in domestic greywater. The ability of greywater treatment systems to act as emission control barriers for household micropollutants, thereby providing environmental benefits in addition to potable water savings, have not been fully explored. This paper investigates the sources, presence and potential fate of a selection of xenobiotic micropollutants in on-site greywater treatment systems. All of the investigated compounds are listed under the European Water Framework Directive as either "Priority Substances" (PS) or "Priority Hazardous Substances" (PHS). Significant knowledge gaps are identified. A wide range of potential treatment trains are available for greywater treatment and reuse but treatment efficiency data for priority substances and other micropollutants is very limited. Geochemical modelling indicates that PS/PHS removal during treatment is likely to be predominantly due to sludge/solid phase adsorption, with only minor contributions to the water phase. Many PS/PHS are resistant to biodegradation and as the majority of automated greywater treatment plants periodically discharge sludge to the municipal sewerage system, greywater treatment is unlikely to act as a comprehensive PS/PHS emission barrier. Hence, it is important to ensure that other source control options (e.g. eco-labeling, substance substitution, and regulatory controls) for household items continue to be pursued, in order that PS/PHS emissions from these sources are effectively reduced and/or phased out as required under the demands of the European Water Framework Directive

    Considerations on Super Poincare Algebras and their Extensions to Simple Superalgebras

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    We consider simple superalgebras which are a supersymmetric extension of \fspin(s,t) in the cases where the number of odd generators does not exceed 64. All of them contain a super Poincar\'e algebra as a contraction and another as a subalgebra. Because of the contraction property, some of these algebras can be interpreted as de Sitter or anti de Sitter superalgebras. However, the number of odd generators present in the contraction is not always minimal due to the different splitting properties of the spinor representations under a subalgebra. We consider the general case, with arbitrary dimension and signature, and examine in detail particular examples with physical implications in dimensions d=10d=10 and d=4d=4.Comment: 16 pages, AMS-LaTeX. Version to appear in the Reviews in Mathematical Physic

    Korte reis naar Kopenhagen

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    Van 23 tot en met 27 januari was het weer zover: de korte reis der B.I.L. Dit keer ging de B.I.L. op bezoek in Kopenhagen. Hieronder vertelt Elmar van Holten, lid van de commissie Buitenland, wat de B.I.L. allemaal heeft beleefd in Kopenhagen

    Emission control strategies for short-chain chloroparaffins in two semi-hypothetical case cities

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    The short-chain chloroparaffins (SCCP), (C10-13 chloroalkanes) are identified in the European Water Framework Directive, as priority hazardous substances. Within the ScorePP project, the aim is to develop emission control strategies that can be employed to reduce emissions from urban areas into receiving waters. Six different scenarios for mitigating SCCP emissions in two different semi-hypothetical case cities representing eastern inland and northern coastal conditions have been evaluated. The analysis, associated with scenario uncertainty, indicates that the EU legislation, Best Available Technologies (BAT) and stormwater/CSO management were the most favorable in reducing emissions into the environment

    Inflaton field governed universe from NKK theory of gravity: stochastic approach

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    We study a nonperturbative single field (inflaton) governed cosmological model from a 5D Noncompact Kaluza-Klein (NKK) theory of gravity. The inflaton field fluctuations are estimated for different epochs of the evolution of the universe. We conclude that the inflaton field has been sliding down its (quadratic) potential hill along all the evolution of the universe and a mass of the order of the Hubble parameter. In the model here developed the only free parameter is the Hubble parameter, which could be reconstructed in future from Super Nova Acceleration Probe (SNAP) data.Comment: accepted in European Physical Journal

    Quantum Mechanics of Yano tensors: Dirac equation in curved spacetime

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    In spacetimes admitting Yano tensors the classical theory of the spinning particle possesses enhanced worldline supersymmetry. Quantum mechanically generators of extra supersymmetries correspond to operators that in the classical limit commute with the Dirac operator and generate conserved quantities. We show that the result is preserved in the full quantum theory, that is, Yano symmetries are not anomalous. This was known for Yano tensors of rank two, but our main result is to show that it extends to Yano tensors of arbitrary rank. We also describe the conformal Yano equation and show that is invariant under Hodge duality. There is a natural relationship between Yano tensors and supergravity theories. As the simplest possible example, we show that when the spacetime admits a Killing spinor then this generates Yano and conformal Yano tensors. As an application, we construct Yano tensors on maximally symmetric spaces: they are spanned by tensor products of Killing vectors.Comment: 1+32 pages, no figures. Accepted for publication on Classical and Quantum Gravity. New title and abstract. Some material has been moved to the Appendix. Concrete formulas for Yano tensors on some special holonomy manifolds have been provided. Some corrections included, bibliography enlarge

    Supersymmetry on AdS3 and AdS4

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    We consider a supersymmetric extension of the algebra associated with three and four dimensional Anti de Sitter space. A representation of the supersymmetry operators in superspace is given. Supersymmetry invariant models are constructed for the superspace associated with AdS3.Comment: 14 pages, no figures. Final published version. Now includes a discussion of the relation of our approach to previous work on supersymmetry in AdS space
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