1,104 research outputs found

    Geochemical assessment of the degree of isolation of edge-of-aquifer groundwater along a fringe of the southern High Plains Aquifer, USA

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    © 2019, The Author(s). The edge of regional aquifers can be complex hydrodynamic systems with unique flow dynamics, water quality, and continuity relationships with the main aquifer system. A site near the southwestern margin of the High Plains Aquifer (USA) was investigated to characterize the local hydrogeology and its relationship with the regional aquifer system. Measurements of tritium, ion concentrations, oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, and hydraulic heads documented (1) a discontinuous saturated zone, (2) no inflow to the study area from the regional aquifer, (3) focused recharge beneath playas with limited local mixing between pockets of saturation, (4) outflow orthogonal to the regional aquifer flow direction, (5) localized multi-year reversals in flow direction following high precipitation events, and (6) a magnified influence of the paleo-erosional surface of the basement rock (Dockum Group) on groundwater isolation and flow direction. In isolated areas, groundwater can be trapped on decadal time scales by depressions in the Dockum, or by recharge events that periodically reverse groundwater gradients

    The Design and Operation of The Keck Observatory Archive

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    The Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) and the W. M. Keck Observatory (WMKO) operate an archive for the Keck Observatory. At the end of 2013, KOA completed the ingestion of data from all eight active observatory instruments. KOA will continue to ingest all newly obtained observations, at an anticipated volume of 4 TB per year. The data are transmitted electronically from WMKO to IPAC for storage and curation. Access to data is governed by a data use policy, and approximately two-thirds of the data in the archive are public.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figs, 4 tables. Presented at Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy III, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2014. June 2014, Montreal, Canad

    Deer reduce habitat quality for a woodland songbird: evidence from settlement patterns, demographic parameters, and body condition.

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    Understanding avian responses to ungulate-induced habitat modification is important because deer populations are increasing across much of temperate Europe and North America. Our experimental study examined whether habitat quality for Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) in young woodland in eastern England was affected by deer, by comparing Blackcap behavior, abundance, and condition between paired plots (half of each pair protected from deer). The vegetation in each pair of plots was the same age. The Blackcap is an ideal model species for testing effects of deer on avian habitat quality because it is dependent on dense understory vegetation and is abundant throughout much of Europe. We compared timing of settlement, abundance, age structure (second-year vs. after-second-year), and phenotypic quality (measured as a body condition index, body mass divided by tarsus length) between experimental and control plots. We used point counts to examine Blackcap distribution, and standardized mist netting to collect demographic and biometric data. Incidence of singing Blackcaps was higher in nonbrowsed than in browsed plots, and singing males were recorded in nonbrowsed plots earlier in the season, indicating earlier and preferential territory establishment. Most Blackcaps, both males and females, were captured in vegetation prior to canopy closure (2–4 years of regrowth). Body condition was superior for male Blackcaps captured in nonbrowsed plots; for second-year males this was most marked in vegetation prior to canopy closure. We conclude that deer browsing in young woodland can alter habitat quality for understory-dependent species, with potential consequences for individual fitness and population productivity beyond the more obvious effects on population density

    Comparison Between Dance-Based and Traditional Exercise on Health-Related Quality of Life: A Cross-Sectional Analysis

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    Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) includes physical health, cognitive well-being, and the presence of social support. Declines in HRQoL can result in physical impairment, social isolation, and impaired cognition. Regular exercise (EX) participation may lead to better HRQoL among older adults. Dance-oriented group fitness classes (DANCE) can provide participants with structured EX that involves high levels of coordination and social comradery. DANCE EX may be a viable alternative to traditional EX (TRAD) for the maintenance of HRQoL. PURPOSE: To determine whether participation in regular DANCE EX displays higher HRQoL in older adults when compared to those who participate in TRAD EX. METHODS: Twenty-nine older adults (age 69.8 ± 9.6 yrs; 28 females; 93.1% white) enrolled in a cross-sectional study examining those who either participated in DANCE EX or TRAD EX at the time of enrollment. All participants completed the following assessments: the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36 subscale for physical functioning (SF-36); the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ); the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE); the Duke Social Support Index (DSSI); and the Senior Fitness Test (SFT). RESULTS: A MANOVA test demonstrated a statistically significant difference in SFT scores between groups (F(2,29) = 3.11 p 0.05). Weekly MET-mins of moderate (DANCE: 2,487.7 ± 2,226.3, TRAD: 1,752.0 ± 1,734.5) and vigorous (DANCE: 2,870.8 ± 2,829.8, TRAD: 1,920.0 ± 3,301.5) physical activity did not differ between groups (p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: DANCE EX supported higher levels of physical health—and no effect on cognitive well-being and social support—when compared to TRAD EX. DANCE EX may be a viable form of EX to support HRQoL in older adults

    Targeted Assembly of Short Sequence Reads

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    As next-generation sequence (NGS) production continues to increase, analysis is becoming a significant bottleneck. However, in situations where information is required only for specific sequence variants, it is not necessary to assemble or align whole genome data sets in their entirety. Rather, NGS data sets can be mined for the presence of sequence variants of interest by localized assembly, which is a faster, easier, and more accurate approach. We present TASR, a streamlined assembler that interrogates very large NGS data sets for the presence of specific variants, by only considering reads within the sequence space of input target sequences provided by the user. The NGS data set is searched for reads with an exact match to all possible short words within the target sequence, and these reads are then assembled strin-gently to generate a consensus of the target and flanking sequence. Typically, variants of a particular locus are provided as different target sequences, and the presence of the variant in the data set being interrogated is revealed by a successful assembly outcome. However, TASR can also be used to find unknown sequences that flank a given target. We demonstrate that TASR has utility in finding or confirming ge-nomic mutations, polymorphism, fusion and integration events. Targeted assembly is a powerful method for interrogating large data sets for the presence of sequence variants of interest. TASR is a fast, flexible and easy to use tool for targeted assembly

    Surface characterization through shape oscillations of drops in microgravity and 1-g

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    The goal of these experiments is to determine the rheological properties of liquid drops of single or multiple components in the presence or absence of surface active materials by exciting drops into their quadrupole resonance and observing their free decay. The resulting data coupled with appropriate theory should give a better description of the physics of the underlying phenomena, providing a better foundation than earlier empirical results could. The space environment makes an idealized geometry available (spherical drops) so that theory and experiment can be properly compared, and allows a 'clean' environment, by which is meant an environment in which no solid surfaces come in contact with the drops during the test period. Moreover, by considering the oscillations of intentionally deformed drops in microgravity, a baseline is established for interpreting surface characterization experiments done on the ground by other groups and ours. Experiments performed on the United States Microgravity Laboratory Laboratory (USML-1) demonstrated that shape oscillation experiments could be performed over a wide parameter range, and with a variety of surfactant materials. Results, however, were compromised by an unexpected, slow drop tumbling, some problems with droplet injection, and the presence of bubbles in the drop samples. Nevertheless, initial data suggests that the space environment will be useful in providing baseline data that can serve to validate theory and permit quantitative materials characterization at 1-g

    ASCA Observations of the Supernova Remnant IC 443: Thermal Structure and Detection of Overionized Plasma

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    We present the results of X-ray spatial and spectral studies of the ``mixed-morphology'' supernova remnant IC 443 using ASCA. IC 443 has a center-filled image in X-ray band, contrasting with the shell-like appearance in radio and optical bands. The overall X-ray emission is thermal, not from a synchrotron nebula. ASCA observed IC 443 three times, covering the whole remnant. From the image analysis, we found that the softness-ratio map reveals a shell-like structure. At the same time, its spectra require two (1.0 keV and 0.2 keV) plasma components; the emission of the 0.2 keV plasma is stronger in the region near the shell than the center. These results can be explained by a simple model that IC 443 has a hot (1.0 keV) interior surrounded by a cool (0.2 keV) outer shell. From the emission measures, we infer that the 0.2 keV plasma is denser than the 1.0 keV plasma, suggesting pressure equilibrium between the two. In addition, we found that the ionization temperature of sulfur, obtained from H-like Kα\alpha to He-like Kα\alpha intensity ratio, is 1.5 keV, significantly higher than the gas temperature of 1.0 keV suggested from the continuum spectrum. The same can be concluded for silicon. Neither an additional, hotter plasma component nor a multi-temperature plasma successfully accounts for this ratio, and we conclude that the 1.0 keV plasma is overionized. This is the first time that overionized gas has been detected in a SNR. For the gas to become overionized in the absence of a photoionizing flux, it must cool faster than the ions recombine. Thermal conduction from the 1.0 keV plasma to the 0.2 keV one could cause the 1.0 keV plasma to become overionized, which is plausible within an old (3×104\times10^4 yr) SNR.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Constructing large DNA segments by iterative clone recombination

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    Methods for constructing large contiguous segments of DNA will be enabling for Synthetic Biology, where the assembly of genes encoding circuits, biosynthetic pathways or even whole microbial organisms is of interest. Currently, in vitro approaches to DNA synthesis are adequate for generating DNAs that are up to 10s of kbp in length, and in vivo recombination strategies are more suitable for building DNA constructs that are 100 kbp or larger. We have developed a vector system for efficient assembly of large DNA molecules by iterative in vivo recombination of fosmid clones. Two custom fosmid vectors have been built, pFOSAMP and pFOSKAN, that support antibiotic switching. Using this technique we rebuilt two non-contiguous regions of the Haemophilus influenzae genome as episomes in recombinogenic Escherichia coli host cells. These regions together comprise190 kbp, or 10.4% of the H. influenze genome

    The effect of Staphylococcus aureus carriage in late pregnancy on antibody levels to staphylococcal toxins in cord blood and breast milk.

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    We investigated the effect of carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in the later stages of pregnancy on levels of antibody specific to the S. aureus toxins, staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), staphylococcal enterotoxin C (SEC) and toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1), in cord blood and breast milk and also explored the relationship between levels of antibody in antenatal serum and cord blood. Nasopharyngeal swabs and stool samples were collected on two occasions, from 96 women, during the last 6 weeks of pregnancy. Samples were cultured and S. aureus isolates were identified. Antenatal and cord blood samples from the same women and their infants were analysed for IgG antibody to SEB, SEC and TSST-1 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Breast milk samples were analysed for IgA antibody to the same toxins. We found that S. aureus carriage in pregnancy is common and exposure to a toxin-producing isolate boosts immunity. Over 89% of women and infants have some protective antibody to the toxins, and antitoxin IgG levels are higher in cord blood samples compared with antenatal samples. Levels of cord blood IgG and breast milk IgA specific for the staphylococcal toxins vary. Some infants lack protection and could be at risk of toxin-induced disease

    Physician Gender Impact on Obesity Care in the Academic Ambulatory Setting

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    BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess a nationally representative sample of academic family physicians to determine whether personal physician characteristics are associated with attitudes towards and care of overweight and/or obese patients. METHODS: Questions pertaining to physician’s interactions with overweight and obese patients was administered as the 2012 Council of Academic Family Medicine Educational Research Alliance (CERA) survey to academic family physicians. We analyzed self-reported demographic responses physicians gave with the main outcome the association between self-reported likelihood of engaging in weight loss discussions with overweight or obese patients and physicians’ personal characteristics (gender and physician BMI). RESULTS: 36% of the 1099 physicians surveyed were overweight and 14% were obese (Table 1). We found no differences in the self-reported likelihood of discussing weight loss strategies with either their overweight patients or obese patients by physician BMI category. 77% female vs. 64% male physicians reported being very/extremely likely to discuss weight loss with their obese patients at their most recent visit (p=0.002). Female physicians reported discussing weight loss strategies often or at every visit more than males (females 79%, males 69%; p=0.02). Finally, female physicians self-reported more minutes spent counseling overweight and obese patients (p = 0.0001) (Table 3). CONCLUSION: Female family medicine physicians are more likely than male counterparts to discuss weight loss strategies with obese patients and they report spending more time discussing weight loss strategies with their patients. However, self-reported physician BMI was not associated with these behaviors