18 research outputs found

    The effect of fast created inbreeding on litter size and body weights in mice

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    This study was designed to reveal any differences in effects of fast created versus total inbreeding on reproduction and body weights in mice. A line selected for large litter size for 124 generations (H) and a control line (K) maintained without selection for the same number of generations were crossed (HK) and used as a basis for the experiment. Within the HK cross, full sib, cousin or random mating were practised for two generations in order to create new inbreeding (IBF) at a fast rate. In the first generation of systematic mating, old inbreeding was regenerated in addition to creation of new inbreeding from the mating design giving total inbreeding (IBT). The number of pups born alive (NBA) and body weights of the animals were then analysed by a model including both IBT and IBF. The IBT of the dam was in the present study found to reduce the mean NBA with -0.48 (± 0.22) (p < 0.05) pups per 10% increase in the inbreeding coefficient, while the additional effect of IBF was -0.42 (± 0.27). For the trait NBA per female mated, the effect of IBT was estimated to be -0.45 (± 0.29) per 10% increase in the inbreeding coefficient and the effect of IBF was -0.90 (± 0.37) (p < 0.05) pups. In the present study, only small or non-significant effects of IBF of the dam could be found on sex-ratio and body weights at three and six weeks of age in a population already adjusted for IBT

    Tvungen endring. Evner de ansatte Ă„ omstille seg?

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    HĂžsten 2014 opplevde oljeindustrien et dramatisk prisfall pĂ„ rĂ„olje, som medfĂžrte store nedbemanninger og omstillingsprosesser for oljeselskaper og alle underleverandĂžrer. Oljeprisene er nĂ„ pĂ„ tur opp, men oljeindustrien lider enda. Vi Ăžnsket dermed Ă„ undersĂžke en bedrift og deres ansattes omstillingsevne etter det som benevnes som “oljekrisen”. Vi falt dermed pĂ„ fĂžlgende problemstilling: Hvordan pĂ„virker endringer omstillingsevnen til de som er igjen? I oppgaven har vi tatt utgangspunkt i en faktormodell, hvor vi valgte ut tre faktorer vi pĂ„ forhĂ„nd tror vil pĂ„virke omstillingsevnen positivt - kommunikasjon, ledelse og kultur. Teorien bygger derfor pĂ„ omstillingsevne og endring, samt vĂ„re tre faktorer. For Ă„ besvare problemstillingen har vi benyttet oss av kvalitativ metode, hvor vi har gjennomfĂžrt fem dybdeintervjuer. Dette for Ă„ fĂ„ innsikt i deres omstillingsevne, samt hvordan de oppfatter faktorene i avdelingen. Vi har kun tatt for oss Ă©n avdeling i bedriften. Studiens funn viser at avdelingen og deres ansatte har en ikke-eksisterende omstillingsevne. Alle vĂ„re informanter ga uttrykk for at de ville forlate bedriften, dersom det skulle oppstĂ„ en ny omstilling i lik skala. Gjennom studiet kom det ogsĂ„ tydelig frem at faktorene pĂ„virker hverandre, og at det har en sammenheng for hvorfor de ikke evner Ă„ omstille seg. Vi hevder dette ogsĂ„ kan oppstĂ„ i flere bedrifter og andre bransjer i lignende situasjoner

    Percorsi adriatici. Mobilit&#224; studentesca e dinamiche sociali tra le universitates della Puglia, Padova e Venezia (XV-XVI secolo)

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    Questa ricerca si concentra sulla mobilit\ue0 di studenti che, muovendo dai territori della Puglia storica tra il XV e il XVI secolo, scelsero lo Studio di Padova come sede privilegiata per la propria formazione accademica, facendo tappa anche presso quelli di Ferrara e Bologna. Tale fenomeno si inscrive nel quadro di secolari e costanti rapporti politici, commerciali e culturali lungo l\u2019area adriatica. L\u2019incrocio della variegata documentazione rintracciata - documentazione di carattere universitario, registri di notai, raccolte documentarie come i Codici Diplomatici e i Libri Rossi, Cronache locali - unita alla bibliografia sul tema, ha fatto emergere una vasta gamma di notizie, che sono state analizzate e sviluppate nel corso dei capitoli. La prima parte della ricerca costituisce una presentazione del caso di studio, delle questioni storiografiche che sono alla base, delle metodologie adottate. La seconda parte prende in esame i contesti sociali e culturali di provenienza degli studenti, i luoghi e le modalit\ue0 della formazione in patria e quelli della successiva formazione universitaria. La terza parte si concentra esclusivamente sugli attori di questa particolare forma di mobilit\ue0: si ricostruiscono le estrazioni sociali, i casi di tradizioni familiari di studi, le reti di relazioni costruite, le carriere intraprese con il titolo di dottore. La quarta ed ultima parte si concretizza in un catalogo di studenti e dottori pugliesi, dove sono raccolte tutte le notizie di carattere biografico rintracciate. La ricerca si conclude con una appendice documentaria e con l\u2019elenco delle fonti e la bibliografia.This research concentrate on student mobility from Apulian cities during the XV and the XVI century, in particular towards Padua\u2019s Studium, but also towards Ferrara and Bologna. This phenomenon belongs in the secular and political, economic, cultural relationships in the Adriatic area. Sources utilized \u2013 universitary documentation, notarial acts, Codici Diplomatici and Libri Rossi, local chronicles \u2013 and bibliography, are important for informations analised during the research. The first part is a presentation of the case-study, historiographical questions and methodologies. The second part analise social and cultural context of students and their local and universitary studies. The third part is concentrated on students: their social origin, family traditions of studies, social relationships, careers. The fourth part is a catalogue of Apulian students and doctors, with biographical informations. The last part contained documentation and the list of sources and the bibliography

    The effect of fast created inbreeding on litter size and body weights in mice

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    This study was designed to reveal any differences in effects of fast created versus total inbreeding on reproduction and body weights in mice. A line selected for large litter size for 124 generations (H) and a control line (K) maintained without selection for the same number of generations were crossed (HK) and used as a basis for the experiment. Within the HK cross, full sib, cousin or random mating were practised for two generations in order to create new inbreeding (IBF)_{\rm F}) at a fast rate. In the first generation of systematic mating, old inbreeding was regenerated in addition to creation of new inbreeding from the mating design giving total inbreeding (IBT)_{\rm T}). The number of pups born alive (NBA) and body weights of the animals were then analysed by a model including both IBT_{\rm T} and IBF_{\rm F}. The IBT_{\rm T} of the dam was in the present study found to reduce the mean NBA with –0.48 (±\pm 0.22) (p << 0.05) pups per 10% increase in the inbreeding coefficient, while the additional effect of IBF_{\rm F} was –0.42 (±\pm 0.27). For the trait NBA per female mated, the effect of IBT_{\rm T} was estimated to be –0.45 (±\pm 0.29) per 10% increase in the inbreeding coefficient and the effect of IBF_{\rm F} was –0.90 (±\pm 0.37) (p << 0.05) pups. In the present study, only small or non-significant effects of IBF_{\rm F} of the dam could be found on sex-ratio and body weights at three and six weeks of age in a population already adjusted for IBT_{\rm T}