93 research outputs found

    Morita cohomology

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    We consider two categorifications of the cohomology of a topological space X by taking coefficients in the category of differential graded categories. We consider both derived global sections of a constant presheaf and singular cohomology and find the resulting dg-categories are quasi-equivalent and moreover quasi-equivalent to representations in perfect complexes of chains on the loop space of X.Comment: 33 page

    Haavasidoksen vaihto kirurgiseen haavaan : Opetusvideo keskivaiheen sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoille

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    Tuotokseen painottuvan opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun kirurgisen hoitotyön keskivaiheen sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoille opetusvideo, aiheesta haavasidoksen vaihto kirurgiseen haavaan. Opinnäytetyön tehtävinä oli selvittää, millainen on kirurginen haava, millaista aseptiikkaa tarvitaan kirurgisen haavan hoidossa, miten haavasidos vaihdetaan kirurgisen haavaan ja millainen on hyvä opetusvideo. Työn tavoitteena oli tukea sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden oppimista liittyen alle 24 tuntia vanhan kirurgisen haavan hoitoon. Opetusvideolla havainnollistettiin haavan sidosvaihdon aseptiikkaa sekä valmistamaan opiskelijaa suunnittelemaan tulevaa haavanhoitoa. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin toiminnallisena opinnäytetyönä, jonka tuotoksena oli opetusvideo ja kirjallinen raportti. Kirurgisella haavalla tarkoitetaan iholle tehtyä leikkaushaavaa. Kirurginen haava kuuluu pitää peiteltynä 24 tuntia leikkauksesta ja sitä käsitellään mahdollisimman vähän. Yleensä puhdas kirurginen haava paranee ongelmitta, mutta komplikaatioihin kuten verenvuotoon on osattava varautua. Haavan vuotaessa ja sidosten kastuessa haavasidos on vaihdettava pohjia myöten, vaikka haavan sulkemisesta olisi alle 24 tuntia. Tällöin haavasidoksen vaihto tulee tehdä steriilisti. Haavan paranemisen kannalta sairaanhoitajan ammattiosaaminen korostuu, jolloin on osattava kirurgisen haavan peittelyn perusteet. Aseptinen työskentely, haavasidoksen valinta ja tietotaito siitä, milloin haavasidoksen vaihto on tarpeellinen ehkäisevät mahdollisia komplikaatioita, kuten haavainfektioita. Opinnäytetyön tuotoksena valmistui opetusvideo kirjallisen raportin teoriatiedon pohjalta. Video toimii sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoille opetuksen tukena ja havainnollistaa konkreettisesti eri työvaiheita alle 24 tuntia vanhan kirurgisen haavan sidoksen vaihdossa. Opinnäytetyön kirjallista tuotosta ja opetusvideota voidaan hyödyntää kirurgisen hoitotyön opetuksessa. Alle 24 tuntia vanhan kirurgisen haavan sidosvaihdosta ei löydy selkeää ohjeistusta siitä, kuinka toimia, joten opinnäytetyö on hyvä lisämateriaali sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoille. Jatkotutkimusehdotuksena esitetään kvantitatiivista tutkimusta siitä, kuinka työelämässä kirurgisen haavan sidoksen vaihto tapahtuu ja kuinka eri työvaiheet toteutuvat.The aim of this study was to define the concept of a surgical wound, the methods of protection against infections in wound care and how to change the wound dressing for a surgical wound. Moreover, the aim was to produce a suitable educational video in addition to the theoretical part of the study.  The study had a functional approach with the written report and an educational video as a tangible output of the process. The aim of the report and the video was to support the education of nursing students in the care of an under 24-hour-old surgical wound. The educational video presents protection against infections during the change of a wound dressing. It also prepares the student to plan the upcoming wound care.  The surgical wound should be covered up and left untouched for 24 hours after the operation. The wound dressing should be changed thoroughly if the wound bleeds and the dressings get wet even though the operation has been performed less than 24 hours ago. In that case, the change of the dressings should be performed in a sterile manner. Written instructions on changing the surgical wound dressings being somewhat limited, this thesis provides important information about surgical wound care in this particular respect. There is a need for a further quantitative study about the various stages in changing the surgical wound dressings in hospital settings

    Morita cohomology and homotopy locally constant sheaves

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    We identify Morita cohomology, which is a categorification of the cohmology of a topological space X, with the category of homotopy locally constant sheaves of perfect complexes on X

    Properness and simplicial resolutions for the model category dgCat

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    We provide proofs of two properties of the model category dgCat of dg-categories (with the Morita or Dwyer-Kan model structure): When working over a field the category dgCat is left proper. Natural simplicial resolutions in dgCat are given by dg-categories of Maurer-Cartan elements

    Tunable fullerene affinity of cages, bowls and rings assembled by Pd(II) coordination sphere engineering

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    For metal‐mediated host compounds, the development of strategies to reduce symmetry and introduce multiple functionalities in a non‐statistical way is a challenging task. We show that the introduction of steric stress around the coordination environment of square‐planar Pd(II) cations and bis‐monodentate nitrogen donor ligands allows to control the size and shape of the assembly product, from [Pd2L4] cages over [Pd2L3] bowl‐shaped structures to [Pd2L2] rings. Therefore, banana‐shaped ligand backbones were equipped with pyridines, two different quinoline isomers and acridine, the latter three introducing steric congestion through hydrogen substituents on annelated benzene rings. Differing behavior of the four resulting hosts towards the binding of C60 and C70 fullerenes was studied and related to structural differences by NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and single crystal X‐ray diffraction. The three cages based on pyridine, 6‐quinoline or 3‐quinoline donors were found to either bind C60, C70 or no fullerene at all

    Maurer-Cartan moduli and theorems of Riemann-Hilbert type

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    We study Maurer–Cartan moduli spaces of dg algebras and associated dg categories and show that, while not quasi-isomorphism invariants, they are invariants of strong homotopy type, a natural notion that has not been studied before. We prove, in several different contexts, Schlessinger–Stasheff type theorems comparing the notions of homotopy and gauge equivalence for Maurer–Cartan elements as well as their categorified versions. As an application, we re-prove and generalize Block–Smith’s higher Riemann–Hilbert correspondence, and develop its analogue for simplicial complexes and topological spaces

    Substrate and product binding inside a stimuli-responsive coordination cage acting as singlet oxygen photosensitizer

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    An acridone-based, interpenetrated double cage [3BF4Pd4L8] acts as a photosensitizer for generating singlet oxygen which adds to 1,3-cyclohexadiene in a [2+4] hetero-Diels-Alder reaction to form 2,3-dioxabicyclo[2.2.2]oct-5-ene. Photocatalytic activity was exclusively observed for the assembled cage, whereas the free organic ligand L decomposes upon irradiation. While cage [3BF4Pd4L8] does not accept any organic guests, NMR, MS and single crystal X-ray results reveal that both substrate and product are readily encapsulated in the central pocket of its chloride-activated form [2Cl@Pd4L8]. The system combines multiple functions (photosensitization, allosteric activation and guest uptake) within a structurally complex, mechanically-bound self-assembly built up from a simple and readily accessible ligand

    Backbone-bridging promotes diversity in heteroleptic cages

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    The combination of shape-complementary bis-monodentate ligands LA and LB with PdII cations yields heteroleptic cages cis-[Pd2LA2LB2] by self-sorting. Herein, we report how such assemblies can be diversified by introduction of covalent backbone bridges between two LA units. Together with solvent and guest effects, the flexibility of these linkers can modulate nuclearity, topology, and number of cavities in a family of four structurally diverse assemblies. Ligand LA1, with flexible linker, reacts in CH3CN with its LB counterpart to a tetranuclear dimer D1. In DMSO, however, a trinuclear pseudo-tetrahedron T1 is formed. The product of LA2, with rigid linker, looks similar to D1, but with a rotated ligand arrangement. In presence of an anionic guest, this dimer D2 transforms and a hexanuclear prismatic barrel P2 crystallizes. We demonstrate how controlling a ligand's coordination mode can trigger structural differentiation and increase complexity in metallo-supramolecular assembly