228 research outputs found

    Single-photon single ionization of W+^{+} ions: experiment and theory

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    Experimental and theoretical results are reported for photoionization of Ta-like (W+^{+}) tungsten ions. Absolute cross sections were measured in the energy range 16 to 245 eV employing the photon-ion merged-beam setup at the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley. Detailed photon-energy scans at 100 meV bandwidth were performed in the 16 to 108 eV range. In addition, the cross section was scanned at 50 meV resolution in regions where fine resonance structures could be observed. Theoretical results were obtained from a Dirac-Coulomb R-matrix approach. Photoionization cross section calculations were performed for singly ionized atomic tungsten ions in their 5s25p65d4(5D)6s  6DJ5s^2 5p^6 5d^4({^5}D)6s \; {^6}{\rm D}_{J}, JJ=1/2, ground level and the associated excited metastable levels with JJ=3/2, 5/2, 7/2 and 9/2. Since the ion beams used in the experiments must be expected to contain long-lived excited states also from excited configurations, additional cross-section calculations were performed for the second-lowest term, 5d^5 \; ^6{\rm S}_{J}, JJ=5/2, and for the 4^4F term, 5d^3 6s^2 \; ^4{\rm F}_{J}, with JJ = 3/2, 5/2, 7/2 and 9/2. Given the complexity of the electronic structure of W+^+ the calculations reproduce the main features of the experimental cross section quite well.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 1 table: Accepted for publication in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. & Opt. Phy

    Self-supervised contrastive learning of echocardiogram videos enables label-efficient cardiac disease diagnosis

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    Advances in self-supervised learning (SSL) have shown that self-supervised pretraining on medical imaging data can provide a strong initialization for downstream supervised classification and segmentation. Given the difficulty of obtaining expert labels for medical image recognition tasks, such an "in-domain" SSL initialization is often desirable due to its improved label efficiency over standard transfer learning. However, most efforts toward SSL of medical imaging data are not adapted to video-based medical imaging modalities. With this progress in mind, we developed a self-supervised contrastive learning approach, EchoCLR, catered to echocardiogram videos with the goal of learning strong representations for efficient fine-tuning on downstream cardiac disease diagnosis. EchoCLR leverages (i) distinct videos of the same patient as positive pairs for contrastive learning and (ii) a frame re-ordering pretext task to enforce temporal coherence. When fine-tuned on small portions of labeled data (as few as 51 exams), EchoCLR pretraining significantly improved classification performance for left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and aortic stenosis (AS) over other transfer learning and SSL approaches across internal and external test sets. For example, when fine-tuning on 10% of available training data (519 studies), an EchoCLR-pretrained model achieved 0.72 AUROC (95% CI: [0.69, 0.75]) on LVH classification, compared to 0.61 AUROC (95% CI: [0.57, 0.64]) with a standard transfer learning approach. Similarly, using 1% of available training data (53 studies), EchoCLR pretraining achieved 0.82 AUROC (95% CI: [0.79, 0.84]) on severe AS classification, compared to 0.61 AUROC (95% CI: [0.58, 0.65]) with transfer learning. EchoCLR is unique in its ability to learn representations of medical videos and demonstrates that SSL can enable label-efficient disease classification from small, labeled datasets

    Bauwissen im Italien der FrĂĽhen Neuzeit

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    Spectral Analysis of Guanine and Cytosine Fluctuations of Mouse Genomic DNA

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    We study global fluctuations of the guanine and cytosine base content (GC%) in mouse genomic DNA using spectral analyses. Power spectra S(f) of GC% fluctuations in all nineteen autosomal and two sex chromosomes are observed to have the universal functional form S(f) \sim 1/f^alpha (alpha \approx 1) over several orders of magnitude in the frequency range 10^-7< f < 10^-5 cycle/base, corresponding to long-ranging GC% correlations at distances between 100 kb and 10 Mb. S(f) for higher frequencies (f > 10^-5 cycle/base) shows a flattened power-law function with alpha < 1 across all twenty-one chromosomes. The substitution of about 38% interspersed repeats does not affect the functional form of S(f), indicating that these are not predominantly responsible for the long-ranged multi-scale GC% fluctuations in mammalian genomes. Several biological implications of the large-scale GC% fluctuation are discussed, including neutral evolutionary history by DNA duplication, chromosomal bands, spatial distribution of transcription units (genes), replication timing, and recombination hot spots.Comment: 15 pages (figures included), 2 figure

    Application of Lean Principles to Neurosurgical Procedures: The Case of Lumbar Spinal Fusion Surgery, a Literature Review and Pilot Series

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    BACKGROUND Delivery of higher value healthcare is an ultimate government and public goal. Improving efficiency by standardization of surgical steps can improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and lead to higher value healthcare. Lean principles and methodology have improved timeliness in perioperative medicine; however, process mapping of surgery itself has not been performed. OBJECTIVE To apply Plan/Do/Study/Act (PDSA) cycles methodology to lumbar posterior instrumented fusion (PIF) using lean principles to create a standard work flow, identify waste, remove intraoperative variability, and examine feasibility among pilot cases. METHODS Process maps for 5 PIF procedures were created by a PDSA cycle from 1 faculty neurosurgeon at 1 institution. Plan, modularize PIF into basic components; Do, map and time components; Study, analyze results; and Act, identify waste. Waste inventories, spaghetti diagrams, and chartings of time spent per step were created. Procedural steps were broadly defined in order to compare steps despite the variability in PIF and were analyzed with box and whisker plots to evaluate variability. RESULTS Temporal variabilities in duration of decompression vs closure and hardware vs closure were significantly different (P = .003). Variability in procedural step duration was smallest for closure and largest for exposure. Wastes including waiting and instrument defects accounted for 15% and 66% of all waste, respectively. CONCLUSION This pilot series demonstrates that lean principles can standardize surgical workflows and identify waste. Though time and labor intensive, lean principles and PDSA methodology can be applied to operative steps, not just the perioperative period

    War Manifestos

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    This Article is the first to examine “war manifestos,” documents that set out the legal reasons sovereigns provided for going to war from the late fifteenth through the mid-twentieth centuries. We have assembled the world’s largest collection of war manifestos—over 350—in languages as diverse as Classical Chinese, German, French, Latin, Serbo-Croatian, and Dutch. Prior Anglophone scholarship has almost entirely missed war manifestos. This gap in the literature has produced a correspondingly large gap in our understanding of the role of war during the period in which manifestos were commonly used. Examining these previously ignored manifestos reveals that states exercised the right to wage war in ways that would be inconceivable today. In short, the right to intervene militarily could be asserted in any situation in which a legal right had been violated and all peaceful channels had been explored and exhausted. This Article begins by describing war manifestos. It then explores their history and evolution over the course of five centuries, explains the purposes they served for sovereigns, shows the many “just causes” they cited for war, and, finally, considers the lessons they hold for modern legal dilemmas. The discovery of war manifestos as a set of legal documents not only offers lawyers and legal scholars a new window into the international legal universe of the past, but it also casts new light on several long-standing legal debates

    War Manifestos

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    This Article is the first to examine war manifestos, documents that set out the legal reasons sovereigns provided for going to war from the late fifteenth through the mid-twentieth centuries. We have assembled the world\u27s largest collection of war manifestos-over 350-in languages as diverse as Classical Chinese, German, French, Latin, Serbo-Croatian, and Dutch. Prior Anglophone scholarship has almost entirely missed war manifestos. This gap in the literature has produced a correspondingly large gap in our understanding of the role of war during the period in which manifestos were commonly used. Examining these previously ignored manifestos reveals that states exercised the right to wage war in ways that would be inconceivable today. In short, the right to intervene militarily could be asserted in any situation in which a legal right had been violated and all peaceful channels had been explored and exhausted. This Article begins by describing war manifestos. It then explores their history and evolution over the course of five centuries, explains the purposes they served for sovereigns, shows the many \u27just causes they cited for war, and, finally, considers the lessons they hold for modern legal dilemmas. The discovery of war manifestos as a set of legal documents not only offers lawyers and legal scholars a new window into the international legal universe of the past, but it also casts new light on several long-standing legal debates

    Dissolution of coccolithophorid calcite by microzooplankton and copepod grazing

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    International audienceIndependent of the ongoing acidification of surface seawater, the majority of the calcium carbonate produced in the pelagial is dissolved by natural processes above the lysocline. We investigate to what extent grazing and passage of coccolithophorids through the guts of copepods and the food vacuoles of microzooplankton contribute to calcite dissolution. In laboratory experiments where the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi was fed to the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis, the heterotrophic flagellate Oxyrrhis marina and the copepod Acartia tonsa, calcite dissolution rates of 45?55%, 37?53% and 5?22% of ingested calcite were found. We ascribe higher loss rates in microzooplankton food vacuoles as compared to copepod guts to the strongly acidic digestion and the individual packaging of algal cells. In further experiments, specific rates of calcification and calcite dissolution were also measured in natural populations during the PeECE III mesocosm study under differing ambient pCO2 concentrations. Microzooplankton grazing accounted for between 27 and 70% of the dynamic calcite stock being lost per day, with no measurable effect of CO2 treatment. These measured calcite dissolution rates indicate that dissolution of calcite in the guts of microzooplankton and copepods can account for the calcite losses calculated for the global ocean using budget and model estimates

    Stepwise contraction of the nf Rydberg shells in the 3d photoionization of multiply-charged xenon ions

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    Triple photoionization of Xe3+, Xe4+ and Xe5+ ions has been studied in the energy range 670–750 eV, including the 3d ionization threshold. The photon- ion merged-beam technique was used at a synchrotron light source to measure the absolute photoionization cross sections. These cross sections exhibit a progressively larger number of sharp resonances as the ion charge state is increased. This clearly visualizes the re-ordering of the ǫf continuum into a regular series of (bound) Rydberg orbitals as the ionic core becomes more attractive. The energies and strengths of the resonances are extracted from the experimental data and are further analyzed by relativistic atomic-structure calculations
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