656 research outputs found

    Tolerance of four spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties to weed harrowing

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    We investigated the tolerance to weed harrowing of four spring barley varieties and examined the possible interactions between varietal weed suppressive ability and two nutrient levels. Tolerance was defined as the combined effect of crop resistance (ability to resist soil covering) and crop recovery (the ability to recover in terms of yield). The weed harrowing strategy was a combination of one pre- and one post-emergence weed harrowing. In terms of yield, the four varieties responded significantly differently to weed harrowing and the response depended on nutrient level. At the lower nutrient level, weed harrowing caused an increase in yield of 4.4 hkg ha-1 for a strong competitor (cv. Otira), while there was no effect on yield at the higher nutrient level. For a weaker competitor (cv. Brazil), weed harrowing caused no change in yield at the lower nutrient level, whereas yield decreased by 6.0 hkg ha-1 at the higher nutrient level. There were marked differences between the weed suppressive ability of the four varieties when not harrowed, with less pronounced but significant differences when harrowed. Weed harrowing did not change the weed suppressive ability of a variety. Varieties that are tall at post-emergence harrowing and have increased density after pre-emergence harrowing, are the ones that benefit most from weed harrowing

    Hindrer Nordhordlandsbroen smoltens utvandring?

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    Den dramatiske nedgangen av laksebestanden i Vosso har brakt flere institusjoner sammen for å undersøke betydningen av menneskeskapte forhold for denne utviklingen. De siste årene har søkelyset i hovedsak vært rettet mot lakselus og andre faktorer som kan påvirke smoltutvandringen. Havforskningsinstituttet har undersøkt hvilken betydning Norhordlandsbroen kan ha

    Report on completed/demonstrated rearing system - Farmergødning/Bånlev

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    Rapport omhandlende kompostering af gødning med fluelarver på prototype

    Larvae for layers

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    Companies and researchers are in close collaboration developing a container- based system for cultivating fly larvae at organic poultry farms. In a one week process, manure will be converted to compost and the live larvae will be harvested and used for feeding laying hens. The larvae are expected to have a beneficial effect on the growth performance, intestinal health and on animal behavior in flocks

    Numerical domination and herring migrations

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    There is accumulating evidence in favour of the hypothesis that herring migrations are influenced by social learning. The “adopted-migrant hypothesis” postulates that recruit spawning herring learn migration patterns by schooling with older individuals. However, this learning can be interrupted if the stock is unstable or if there are lack of overlap between recruits and the adult stock. There have been five reported changes in the location of the wintering area of Norwegian spring spawning (NSS) herring during the last 50 years. These changes co-occur with the recruitment of relatively strong year classes to the spawning stock. Simulations of schools containing naïve and experienced fish have shown that when abundant enough, naïve individuals repel guidance from a minority of experienced individuals. This process is referred to as numerical domination. We argue that numerical domination obstruct social learning from adults to recruits and plays a key role in establishing new wintering areas in NSS herring


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    During the summer of 2007 I was employed by Högestad Christinehofs Förvaltning AB. My main task was to make an inventory of giant trees at the estate. Högestad and Christinehof,which with their total possession of 13 000 ha of land is the biggest estate in Scania. A giant tree is a tree with a diameter in breast height more then 1 meter. Trees of these dimensions are registered by Swedish authorities. Landowners with a giant tree on their property can receive a subsidy for cutting trees that are in competition with the giant tree.(Levenskog, 2007) Giant trees are important for biodiversity in the landscape and there are important habitats for different insects, birds, bats, lichens and funguses. (Levenskog, 2007) The inventory was divided into three different parts. The first part of the work was to study aerial orto- photos. The second part was to make interviews with people who were working at the estate and might knew were to find giant trees. The last part was to make a field inventory, searching for giant trees. The inventory resulted in that 433 giant trees were located. Of these 204 were located on forestland. Oak (47 %) and beech (37 %) were the main dominating species. There were only a few very big trees, most of the trees had a diameter just over 1 meter. Around 30 % of the trees had a diameter over 120 cm and only 5 % of the trees had a diameter over 150 cm. The biggest tree was a beech with a diameter of 227 cm, it turned out to be the second biggest beech in Sweden. (Hultgren et al. 2007) It was suggested that a giant tree on average need 571 m² to develop well. In this area a protecting zone of 5 meter around the border of the crown was included. It is good to have a management plan for each and every giant tree. A management plan can booth help the landowner to know what actions that have to be taken to protect the tree and show to others what actions that are taken to protect the tree. The most important variable when a single tree shall be left for conservation is the trees net value.Sommaren 2007 var jag projektanställd vid Högestad Christinehofs Förvaltning AB. Min tjänst gick främst ut på inventering av jätteträd på Högestad Christinehofs fideikommiss. Högestad och Christinehofs fideikommiss med sina 13 000 ha utgör Skånes största enskilda egendom. Ett jätteträd är enligt länsstyrelsernas definition ett träd oavsett trädslag som uppnått en brösthöjdsdiameter av minst 1 meter. (Levenskog, 2007) Träd som uppfyller detta kriteriet registreras av länsstyrelsen. Det kan även utgå ett ekonomiskt bidrag för att friställa jätteträd. Jätteträd är viktiga för den biologiska mångfalden och utgör unika habitat för en del insekter, lavar mossor och svampar samtidigt som de fyller viktiga funktioner även för större djur såsom fåglar och fladdermöss. Som exempel så finns en rödlistad skalbagge på riktigt grova ekar, läderbaggen. Den förflyttar sig knappast mer än 400 meter (Levenskog 2007). Inventeringsarbetet delades upp i 3 delmoment. Det inledande momentet var flygbildsstudie, den andra momentet var intervjuer med människor som kunde tänkas veta var det står jätteträd på egendomen och det tredje momentet var inventeringen i fält. Inventeringen resulterade i att 433 jätteträd lokaliserades. Av dessa fanns 204 på skogsmark, 60 på betesmark, övriga träd återfanns främst i slottsparker och alléer. Ek (47 %) och bok (37 %) är de dominerande trädslagen bland jätteträden. De flesta av jätteträden var strax över 1 meter i brösthöjdsdiameter. Det fanns få grova träd jämförelsevis med de som precis håller kriteriet för jätteträd (Figur 5). Knappt 31 % av träden var grövre än 120 cm, medan endast 5 % var grövre än 150 cm. Det grövsta trädet var en bok med brösthöjdsdiametern 227 cm, denna bok är Sveriges 2:nd grövsta bok. Den enda sälgen som uppfyllde kriteriet för jätteträd i inventeringen är Sveriges 6:e grövsta sälg med sina 121 cm i diameter. Den grövsta hästkastanjen på egendomen är Sveriges 14:de grövsta med sina 130 cm i diameter (Hultgren et al 2007). Utifrån inventeringsresultaten tar varje jätteträd 571 m² i anspråk i genomsnitt, detta med skyddszonen om 5 meter runt trädets krona. Det är bra om man som markägare eller skogsförvaltare kan ha en skötselplan för varje jätteträd. Skötselplanen visar vad man ska göra och vilka åtgärder som utförts både för förvaltaren själv och för andra. Den viktigaste variabeln vid avsättning av ett träd är trädets netto värde vid tidpunkten för avsättningen

    Fluelarver kan bliver til hønsefoder

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    I projektet BIOCONVAL (biological conversion to value) udvikles og demonstreres et decentralt produktionssystem til kultivering af fluelarver i økologisk hønsegødning. Proteinsammensætning af fluelarverne har store ligheder med fiskemel, og projektet skal vise, om udfodring med larver kan blive et økologisk og rentabelt alternativ til fiskemel uden risiko for overførsel af patogene bakterier

    Dokumentation og datering af teglmurværk. Om iagttagelser og deres samspil i bygningsarkæologien

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    Brick masonry, its documentation and datingBy Jens Christian HolstBrick masonry is a specific category of architectural tradition Northern Germany and the Scandinavian countries have in common. It demands specific performances of documentation, dating and interpretation. The article deals with those contributions, a building archaeologist her- or himself might perform, and those better done by an expert. It is a rough sketch only, written from an empirical point of view, illustrated by a few examples. Steps of precision and accuracy in graphic resembling of a brick wall are named, what is achieved by them or not, and to which extent the competence of external surveying techniques is needed. Photographic and written documentation are merely quoted, the necessity of stratigraphic analysis is emphasized resulting from feature mapping and to be recorded by age mapping. The age layer model used, scaled into epochs, phases and stages, needs to be harmonized with the results of an archaeologist or a conservator dealing with the same building. Scientific methods to gain absolute datings out of the building material are shortly discussed. The architectural archaeologist´s own contribution is recognized in compiling chronologies of single and comprehensive material features, of brickmakers` as well as masons` techniques, to narrow down a possible date by comparison. Evaluation of written sources, to which precise dating is the key performance, cannot be discussed here. In the end possibilities occur to visualize historical stages of the architectural development, based on stratigraphic mapping. Clearing up the many stages of a building´s history until it became the one we know is seen as the main future field for our profession – not to be solved without help from many a friend

    Reducing Disease Activity of Inflammatory Bowel Disease by Consumption of Plant-Based Foods and Nutrients

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    Inflammatory bowel disease is a chronic and recurring inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract encompassing ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Although the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease remains to be fully elucidated, environmental factors such as diet are believed to play a pivotal role in the onset and management of inflammatory bowel disease. Diet is thought to play an essential role in intestinal inflammation due to its regulatory effects on the microbiota, gut immune system, and epithelial barrier function. Although the evidence remains insufficient to draw firm conclusions on the role of specific dietary components in gastrointestinal diseases, studies have suggested that a Western diet with high intakes of total fats, omega-6 fatty acids, and meat have been associated with intestinal inflammation and relapse of inflammatory bowel disease. In contrast to a Western diet, plant-based diets often result in a reduced intake of total fats and meats and an increased intake of plant fibers which may contribute to reduced intestinal inflammation. This review critically examines the influence of plant-based dietary components on the clinical disease course of inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, this review discusses the benefits and possible limitations of plant-derived dietary components in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease while addressing the principal type of disease and the anatomic site of inflammation within the gastrointestinal tract. Finally, this review points out important directions for future research on the role of diet in inflammatory bowel disease. A better understanding of the role of diet and intestinal inflammation may pave the way for novel dietary interventions and specific foods- or food supplements, which can support the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease