47 research outputs found

    On the importance of AI research beyond disciplines

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    As the impact of AI on various scientific fields is increasing, it is crucial to embrace interdisciplinary knowledge to understand the impact of technology on society. The goal is to foster a research environment beyond disciplines that values diversity and creates, critiques and develops new conceptual and theoretical frameworks. Even though research beyond disciplines is essential for understanding complex societal issues and creating positive impact it is notoriously difficult to evaluate and is often not recognized by current academic career progression. The motivation for this paper is to engage in broad discussion across disciplines and identify guiding principles fir AI research beyond disciplines in a structured and inclusive way, revealing new perspectives and contributing to societal and human wellbeing and sustainability

    Enceladus and Titan: Emerging Worlds of the Solar System (ESA Voyage 2050 White Paper)

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    Some of the major discoveries of the recent Cassini-Huygens mission have put Titan and Enceladus firmly on the Solar System map. The mission has revolutionised our view of Solar System satellites, arguably matching their scientific importance with that of their planet. While Cassini-Huygens has made big surprises in revealing Titan's organically rich environment and Enceladus' cryovolcanism, the mission's success naturally leads us to further probe these findings. We advocate the acknowledgement of Titan and Enceladus science as highly relevant to ESA's long-term roadmap, as logical follow-on to Cassini-Huygens. In this white paper, we will outline important science questions regarding these satellites and identify the pertinent science themes we recommend ESA cover during the Voyage 2050 planning cycle. Addressing these science themes would make major advancements to the present knowledge we have about the Solar System, its formation, evolution and likelihood that other habitable environments exist outside the Earth's biosphere

    An investigation in the correlation between Ayurvedic body-constitution and food-taste preference

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    Effekten av chunking och association vid inlÀrningen av kinesiska tecken

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    Learning Chinese characters is challenging for many people, especially for those who were not born in Chinese-speaking countries. Applying the theory of chunking, constructing stories containing compound characters as mnemonic techniques to form associations within the learners, this study examines if this method can facilitate immediate learning and retention of Chinese characters. A case study strategy is adopted and a native language teaching class of Chinese in Sweden with six pupils is chosen as the case. Six participants were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The participants in the experimental group learned Chinese characters with the method of chunking and association, while the control group learned characters with the stroke order. The tests results indicated that the experimental group received better results than the control group, especially in the character tests. The experimental group used chunking, radicals and associative interpretations as strategies in the character and meaning tests. The control group on the other hand passed the meaning tests very well. Surprisingly, the control group also used associative interpretation and only scored lower than the experimental group by a small margin in the meaning tests. The experimental group experienced that chunking a character into its corresponding chunks and radicals facilitates the memorization of characters. Consequently, this case study concludes that the method of chunking and association is beneficial for the understanding and learning of Chinese characters. This case study also concludes that the knowledge of the method of chunking and association can improve the learning of the meaning of characters

    “Hush! I think there’s someone over there, did you see?” : Drama Activities in Extended School

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    Studiens syfte Àr att beskriva och analysera hur lÀrare i fritidshem anvÀnder drama i fritidsverksamheten. Studien söker Àven svar pÄ vilka motiv lÀrare i fritidshem beskriver att drama har i verksamheten samt vad som pÄverkar lÀrares möjligheter att arrangera drama i fritidshem. Studien bygger pÄ intervjuer med fem lÀrare i fritidshem med olika erfarenhet av dramaaktiviteter. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades. Det transkriberade materialet lade sedan grunden för analys och tolkning. Resultatet visar att drama anvÀnds pÄ olika sÀtt i fritidshemmet, bÄde som rollspel och inspiration till lek. De intervjuade lÀrarna menar att det gÄr att integrera mÄnga olika Àmnen och arbetsÀtt nÀr de jobbar med drama. Arbete med drama kan pÄverkas av faktorer som tid, elevers nÀrvaro, utrymme, och material. Detta arbete riktar sig till de som arbetar inom fritidshem, och andra som Àr intresserade av hur drama anvÀnds i fritidshemmet

    Effekten av chunking och association vid inlÀrningen av kinesiska tecken

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    Learning Chinese characters is challenging for many people, especially for those who were not born in Chinese-speaking countries. Applying the theory of chunking, constructing stories containing compound characters as mnemonic techniques to form associations within the learners, this study examines if this method can facilitate immediate learning and retention of Chinese characters. A case study strategy is adopted and a native language teaching class of Chinese in Sweden with six pupils is chosen as the case. Six participants were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The participants in the experimental group learned Chinese characters with the method of chunking and association, while the control group learned characters with the stroke order. The tests results indicated that the experimental group received better results than the control group, especially in the character tests. The experimental group used chunking, radicals and associative interpretations as strategies in the character and meaning tests. The control group on the other hand passed the meaning tests very well. Surprisingly, the control group also used associative interpretation and only scored lower than the experimental group by a small margin in the meaning tests. The experimental group experienced that chunking a character into its corresponding chunks and radicals facilitates the memorization of characters. Consequently, this case study concludes that the method of chunking and association is beneficial for the understanding and learning of Chinese characters. This case study also concludes that the knowledge of the method of chunking and association can improve the learning of the meaning of characters

    Flickor och pojkar i förskoleklass : Barns bildskapande ur ett genusperspektiv

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    VÄr studie behandlar barns bildskapande ur ett genusperspektiv och Àr av kvalitativ art. Denna metod har lÀmpat sig bÀst dÄ vi Àmnat undersöka det unika och speciella, snarare Àn det generella som en kvantitativ undersökning skulle ha gett. Vi har undersökt likheter och olikheter i flickor och pojkars teckningar. Studien har bedrivits i tre olika förskoleklasser dÄ vi observerat barnen under en bildtimme, samt intervjuat pedagogerna i respektive klass, varav 5 pedagoger och 30 barn deltog. Genom anteckningar, intervjuer samt fotodokumentation har vi haft möjlighet att analysera barnens bilder. VÄrt resultat visar att pojkar och flickor skiljer sig Ät signifikant vad gÀller bildskapande, men att det Àven gÄr att finna vissa likheter. NÄgot som har varit genomgÄende i pojkarnas bildframstÀllning Àr att de ofta mÄlar action-figurer (Star Wars, Transformers) medan flickorna mÄlar blommor och relationer i form av mÀnniskor. Likheter, som har visat sig i alla tre förskoleklasser, Àr att de alla mÄlar djur av olika slag. En bidragande faktor till att barnen ritar olika kan bero pÄ vilken hemmiljö och kultur barnet kommer ifrÄn, samt medias inflytande. Det har Àven visat sig att leken i kombination med bildskapande Àr av relevans, dÄ barnen bearbetar sina intryck och upplevelser genom bildskapande aktiviteter